Found Deceased MS - Brittany Crenshaw, 19, McLaurin, 16 Aug 2012 *Arrest*

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Are you sure? Because I can think of 4 from the last few months just off the top of my head. They were even back to back, if I remember correctly.

Mississippi is definitely a dp state!

You may be correct. I probably looked at an site that was not updated.
Here's a link directly from miss.
There are two women on death row. From my addition, there has been 17 since 02.
Interestingly, that picture has been there every.single.time I've looked at her page. Now that you mention is here, it is gone.

How sad.I just noticed the picture was gone. WHY? It was such a sweet picture.

This said they were engaged "according to him" and that her family members only knew his first name.

Well, someone is a bit of a story teller there, because her FB has had her listed as engaged to BD and a link to his FB from the beginning. Several of her family members were and still are friends on BD's FB. Her mother made earlier comments about her getting married.

Could be inaccurate reporting, I guess.

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If this is the spot where she was dumped and burned, wouldn't the neighbors have noticed something burning? The houses don't look that far away from the burn pile. Why was the burn pile there to begin with? We burn leaves and sticks and such here in rural Virginia, but we don't have "burn piles". Wouldn't he have had to have known it was there? And how would he know it was there if they hadn't lived in the area for very long? I never dreamed Brittany would be found like this! My heart goes out to her family!

I'm somewhat familiar with the area and the houses are pretty spaced out. The Sun Herald said the location was 1/2 a mile west of County Farm Road on an unpaved access road to power lines off Gulf Haven in a heavily wooded area. I suspect it's this road (where the dot is) but I'm not 100% sure.
I hope he goes straight to prison and doesnt get the benifit of the state killing him. I hope "those" guys (if he did it, which I am betting he did) will take care of business. What a poor excuse for a human being. Makes me just sick..! MOO
They are still talking about "homicide" vs. "murder", apparently not understanding that the end result is the same :( and won't let anyone post otherwise.

ETA: Not to say they shouldn't be allowed their thread of hope, but not sure where they are finding it. LE does not charge with murder (or homicide) unless someone is dead. I do hope she is found and identified very soon so that they can begin the horrible process ahead. Clearly, to me anyway, she is not alive, and he murdered her.

I may not be clear on what you're talking about, but I've observed many cases, and find that during an investigation, LE almost always refers to it as a homicide. But once charges are brought, they refer to it as murder or manslaughter. I've never seen a case brought to trial with the word homicide in the charges... it's always murder of some degree. You're right, the end result is the same.
I agree with you, that they don't normally file murder charges on someone unless they've got pretty solid proof that a person is dead. What that proof is, is sometimes not real clear until later on, but they need some strong evidence to back it up. And I wouldn't think the guy's words about getting rid of her would be sufficient, but that's JMO.

ETA: Sorry, I read back a little and it dawned on me what you were referring to. It wasn't LE who was mixed up with the different words, it was people on FB, right?
I'm sorry to hear the news of her murder officially, but we all knew.

My heartfelt condolences to her family and daughter.

Your young life was taken to soon dear young beautiful Brittany.
May you feel peace now......and Justice be served

I may not be clear on what you're talking about, but I've observed many cases, and find that during an investigation, LE almost always refers to it as a homicide. But once charges are brought, they refer to it as murder or manslaughter. I've never seen a case brought to trial with the word homicide in the charges... it's always murder of some degree. You're right, the end result is the same.
I agree with you, that they don't normally file murder charges on someone unless they've got pretty solid proof that a person is dead. What that proof is, is sometimes not real clear until later on, but they need some strong evidence to back it up. And I wouldn't think the guy's words about getting rid of her would be sufficient, but that's JMO.

ETA: Sorry, I read back a little and it dawned on me what you were referring to. It wasn't LE who was mixed up with the different words, it was people on FB, right?

Yes...posters were indicating that "homicide" somehow left room for her to be alive, vs. "murder"...:(
I haven't followed this case from the beginning, but have just read up on Brittany. This is so incredibly sad. RIP Brittany. I'm glad she was found, but wish she'd been found under much happier circuumstances.
I didn't want to lump this post together with my previous one because it felt disrespectful to Brittany. I hope her killer (presumably the man LE charged) is convicted quickly, and gets the maximum penalty.

I was looking at his interview and transcript (thank you T4Tide!) and one other thing jumped out at me in addition to his seeming obsession with the laundry basket. Why so obsessed with the cup? I don't know that it means anything but it was weird. I'm pretty glad this guy seems like he'll make it very easy for LE and prosecutors.

(Respectfully, snipped for space and BBM)

BD: &#8220;The last time I really for sure seen her was Thursday morning when I went to work. I gave her a hug and a kiss. She woke me up, told me it was time for work. Filled the baby&#8217;s cup up. I got dressed. I gave her a hug and kiss again. I told her I loved her, and she told me she would see me when I got home. I gave her Brooklyn&#8217;s cup and went to work. And when I come in that evening, I come in and&#8230; <clears throat> Brooklyn&#8217;s cup, I checked her cup. Her cup was cold.
<snipped for space>
BD: Probably 9, 9:30, 10&#8230; I&#8217;m not totally for sure. I come in around 8-8:30 and I took a shower and I got in the bed and I was gonna wait up for her, I don&#8217;t know for sure what time I went to sleep. I had the TV on, and I was gonna wait up for her and I just fell asleep. And when I woke up, I woke up to Brooklyn, wanting a cup. <snip>
One more quick note. I found Brittany's FB page and am even more sad for her family, especially Brooklyn. What a beautiful and sweet looking little girl. And from the glimpse into their lives you can get from Facebook, it looks like she had a very loving Mommy in Brittany. I hope she is raised by people who love her and can help keep Brittany's memory alive for her.
gosh, how many red flags are in that interview? wow. thank goodness the baby is safe.
I just would like to know why he took her life? Was he controlling? I think he didn't want her to have a cell phone.What young woman wouldn't want one? That right there tells me he was controlling of her.He is so full of it.Makes me sick.

i think your right, and imo she really should have had one for safety - staying in an rv camp alone with a baby no car or family or friends.... grrrrr...
Can't figure out why he left her there...if his next job was in Picayune, as he said in the interview, wouldn't they have taken 59 to get to Picayune? He said they had been looking at property, trying to get a house together. If this is true, maybe he had been out near Gulfhaven looking at property/houses before. Maybe they were trying to find a place that was not far from Hattiesburg, not far from Picayune? It's about an hour from each. I just don't get why she was put there. How did he know about this area? Or did he just drive until? Weird. I wonder where his construction company was based out of.
i think your right, and imo she really should have had one for safety - staying in an rv camp alone with a baby no car or family or friends.... grrrrr...

And in the interview, he almost sounds irritated when he talks about it. When he talks about her wanting baby pictures, family pictures, instead of a phone. He sounds like he was irritated by the pictures. It seemed to me like he said it in an almost condescending way, like he humored her. (approx 4:42 into the video)

Just my opinion, though.
Also, the fact that he said that the only thing that bothered her is "She wanted help with the clothes, and I said I would" yet he says he gets home, assumes she was doing laundry, took a shower and went to bed. If he's trying to be the good fiance that he says he is, and he gives her everything she wants, as he says, wouldn't he walk down there and help her with the clothes, if that was the only thing wrong with their relationship, and he promised he would? He just makes no sense. Tries to build himself up, throw suspicion off himself. I'm willing to bet he did not want to marry her, and couldn't think of another way out, but he was "stuck" with her, in his mind. Shame. I just don't get it:(
after hearing about the info of telling the other woman that "I did it, I got rid of her" it kind of reminded me of chris coleman and his shenanigans with his other woman... makes me wonder if this rumor is true, that he was under pressure to leave brittney and she prolly didnt have the slightest idea that that was what his problem was, kwim?
after hearing about the info of telling the other woman that "I did it, I got rid of her" it kind of reminded me of chris coleman and his shenanigans with his other woman... makes me wonder if this rumor is true, that he was under pressure to leave brittney and she prolly didnt have the slightest idea that that was what his problem was, kwim?

Do you mean Brittany didn't have the slightest idea? Or the other woman? There were rumors that fighting was heard from the trailer on a regular basis, I believe.

The other woman probably did not know he meant to kill her, just assumed they would break up. At least I hope she didn't know.

What did all of these women see in this , that is what I always wonder...
Can't figure out why he left her there...if his next job was in Picayune, as he said in the interview, wouldn't they have taken 59 to get to Picayune? He said they had been looking at property, trying to get a house together. If this is true, maybe he had been out near Gulfhaven looking at property/houses before. Maybe they were trying to find a place that was not far from Hattiesburg, not far from Picayune? It's about an hour from each. I just don't get why she was put there. How did he know about this area? Or did he just drive until? Weird. I wonder where his construction company was based out of.

He had to know the area well enough to be comfortable to burn her body to the point of being unrecognizable. imo. Of course, if he is a true psychopath, they will take the risk just from having no fear and wanting to just follow their plan in getting rid of body.....finding a place of seclusion and trying to destroy all evidence of his connection to her with fire. (which is incorrect) But agree, I want to know which one it is.

I "drove" down GHR on google and there is a discreet lane entrance on the north side. I believe she was found in the wooded triangle area between GHR and Love Ln. The article also said it was 150 to 200 ft north from GHR.


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