MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #10

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The longer this rocks on without an arrest, the less I think it involves gangs or multiple people. But, then I can't imagine how CW's statement that "it" happened after Jessica left a party... it went to far... fits.

A poster above mentioned two sets of Jessica's keys. Were two sets found? I haven't seen that reported, but am interested to know if that's true. I have worked with domestic violence victims for over twenty years. Yes, a safety plan often includes having two sets of keys and being aware of how a cell phone can be used to monitor your whereabouts.
I think the "car wash" is at 204 Pearson and we all know who is associated with that address. IMO, LE should also consider who just sold their car (practically giving it away) and moved recently. I also heard that Hentz gets his tats for free.

Yes,I found the 'car wash' not surprisingly in the local May 2009 newspaper The Panolian.

Interestingly spotted item of interest under May 7,2009 in the Panolian County Arrest Log Book at the David M. Bryan Justice Complex

If the Major Media Link above doesn't work here is another link to the Log Book

I am not drawing any conclusions. Rather I am thinking out loud. I do that a lot on Websleuths::):


Just thinking:
Maybe Cole, when he says he recognized Jessica could ID her based on personal knowledge it could be perhaps be a tattoo that had survived the fire?

Just thinking here.
Maybe Cole even knew and could ID her based on personal knowledge?

Then I thought of another post in an earlier thread.It alluded to a 'tattoo' as permanent & about the only way to get rid of it was burning it off.

Just found an interesting post from anonone,from an earlier thread:
I am tired.

Therese Apel to Cole: Who befriended you on Facebook days after the
Therese Apel to Anyone Who Would Know: Did Jessica have a tattoo?
Therese Apel to Anyone Who Would Know:
Has a pc warrant been-issued to shut down Facebook accounts?

I believe LD.

Snitching also means flirting with persons committed in a relationship.

All planned.

In conclusion,thinking hard-in the very beginning- I remember in a long ago thread where there was chatter of perhaps the 1st fire being in a field in front of DB & AB house. Now,I believe he was interviewed once but 'where' has long since disappeared (as is often the case of murders that no longer garner attention).Back to my point,in the interview he was ID as also a volunteer FF & I remember him because he had a fondness for lots of tattoos. Not that having lots of tattoos is significant in & of itself but it had a remote tie end as to a 'field' -to reports of the 1st report.​

Does anyone else remember all of this or am I losing it? :)

All of this is just my thinking out loud. No real agenda just trying to put pieces together. Why burn Jessica but to destroy evidence of a 'memento'that an obviously psychotic person wanted destroyed.
No link for DT being picked up 1st thing Monday morning due to a phone call made to JC. My apologies for I felt that I made it clear that it was my opinion, my own determination, based on the fact that RDT was questioned about a text message that she sent JC. Furthermore, AuntieChaCha was taken in for questioning because her ph number showed up in Jessica's phone. It just makes sense to me that is also how LEO was led to DT.

Ben Ch*mbers said his unrecognizable daughter was burned so badly "on the inside" after they poured lighter fluid down the throat and into her nose. I've already posted the results of swallowing gas. Tissues immediately begin to swell. Then, they burn when set on fire. I am one who holds the belief that JC did not and could not speak after the immolation.

The video in this news clip is BC explaining what he was told about her injuries:

This video has the single glove at the CS. Starts at 01:33


JMHO and all that jazz

I also do not believe Jessica would have been able to speak if she had the damage they described. jmoo, imo, etc. They may have heard wheezing? I too wonder if they said she spoke a name to try to make the perp come forward. But if this person is indeed involved with drugs and gangs, they wouldn't care if LE knew who they are. I also feel that the people that did this, knew she couldn't speak after she was burned so badly from the inside out. There is a lot

I've been following this post from day 1 and have tried to keep up with all the postings and news. A lot of things with this case makes no sense at all.
Small town Mississippi can keep secrets very well.......and that is coming from someone who grew up in one of those small towns. Everyone knows everyone and can generally tell you what you are doing, before you even do it. But I still love my home state and will defend her to anyone.
The longer this rocks on without an arrest, the less I think it involves gangs or multiple people. But, then I can't imagine how CW's statement that "it" happened after Jessica left a party... it went to far... fits.

A poster above mentioned two sets of Jessica's keys. Were two sets found? I haven't seen that reported, but am interested to know if that's true. I have worked with domestic violence victims for over twenty years. Yes, a safety plan often includes having two sets of keys and being aware of how a cell phone can be used to monitor your whereabouts.

~ Oddly I have a different take on this length of time. I have felt that the complicated nature of drug trafficking, the varied agencies involved like DEA, interstate investigations, etc., make it less likely that it is purely local and could result in an arrest soon. The local gang is merely a minor player in the entire drug trafficking structure IMO but the fact that JC made it known she was in touch with a publisher about "her story" made her a risk and may have caused her to become an unwanted focus in a larger operation.

~ I too must have missed the report on 2 sets of keys. I know that I do miss a lot but this detail is significant? Was it conjecture at some point? Where was the 2nd set?

Also do we know where the "party" was? Jessica left, or was Jessica the only one who didn't leave? I wondered for a while that maybe her parking up that bank with the parking brake on was because there were multiple cars there to begin with and that was simply where she parked.

I think that agencies are presupposing drug gang involvement and not looking at jealousy. One thing that comforts me is that we have not heard ANYTHING from her co-workers, nor from housemates at Leah's....this makes me think that they have given LE pertinent information which is being kept close to the vest. These were the more contemporaneous acquaintances that she had at the time of her murder. Remember, she was basically on the straight and narrow after Leah's, and while there were undoubtedly grudges out there about her previous activities, there is no evidence that she had gone back to behaving badly...her Mom said that she was either at work or home and visited CW and her grandmother who live across the street from her. Something happened AFTER she left Leah's house. JMO
Greetings, Fellow Sleuthers!

This is a difficult case for many various and obvious reasons. I happen to hold the position that snitchin, in this instance, means flirting. [See link below.]Jessica was being accused of flirting. Recall RDT's text warning for Jess to stay away from her man, Boone.

One cannot see CW's home while at Jessica's unless one is nearly at the edge of LDs lawn near the street due to the large hedge growing on the north side of LD's home. Lisa could not know who else was visiting CW unless she walked outdoors and close to the street. CWs home has lots of untamed vines and bushes in the front that obscure most of the exterior. Google Earth is our friend.

We watched CCTV of Jessica's behavior while lots of young men and a few females were around. I never saw her nod nor speak to any of them. I think the lady who claims she asked for a cigarette was lying, umm, or misleading about their discussion. The DA told us that a lot of those who were interviewed were not telling the truth.

One more thing I'll add is that DA Champion is an administrator. He is not an investigator. That could be the reason he defensively claimed LEO had M&M's CCTV hard drive when we know they did not. It could also be the reason he said the 1st call out was for an innocuous "grass fire". Again, he is not an investigator. He is an administrator who simply was unaware of accurate information when asked by reporters.

Further, why would the VFF go to the station to begin cleaning their truck and supplies if they had not been used in a previous fire. I believe FCCH was leaving the 1st call, driving his own vehicle, when the tone dropped for the car fire. C'land is a mere 1.1 square miles. Therefore, it takes very little time to arrive anywhere in C'land.

JMHO and all that jazz. I have no idea who killed Jessica or why.
One of the Courtland FF responds to questions he was being asked on twitter...

Questions answered:

*the fire call they were at prior to JC's was not at DB was not a false alarm...he would not go into specifics of the first fire call not because of secrets but due to privacy of the victims..He did say not all calls are for fires...
*He was not at JC fire but call came in as just a car fire..

Some good honest answers that will clear up some questions and bring about more..

Some musings 167 days on....

The more involved in its keeping, the less likely a secret's kept.

The majority of murders are straightforward acts involving little or no subterfuge.

The notion Jessica Chambers might be able to write and then to publish an expose of criminal activity, one naming names of persons involved, is very slim.

That she was murdered for public reasons -- as, say, a warning to others -- rather than private ones -- in the case of a failed relationship -- is unlikely.

Car fire suicides are few in number; car fire murders are fewer still.

If a cash reward is likely to work anywhere, it is likely to work in an area of low income.

It is easier to keep official secrets than unofficial ones.
I never saw her nod nor speak to any of them. I think the lady who claims she asked for a cigarette was lying, umm, or misleading about their discussion. The DA told us that a lot of those who were interviewed were not telling the truth.

It plainly showed on the store video that Jessica was interrupted by someone while heading to the store from the gas pumps. I have no reason to believe the female that interrupted her was lying about asking JC for a cig ..... the main point is that JC was interrupted heading into the store.

Originally Posted by RANCH
The fire makes the timeline pretty tight for anyone to try and make up an alibi.

Over 100 people have been interviewed per DA Champion & Sheriff Darby. I believe the perp(s) are local. I believe there is a hole in someone's alibi. I believe that investigators can solve this by interviewing those in the critical timeframe over&over.. That is: If investigators are honestly committed to solving Jessica's murder. :cow:

Originally Posted by MizStery
Those people........especially between 6:31 until the report of car fire need to be questioned vigorously~again& again.Shake up a few people. Even if they are lawyered up just keep up the pressure -eventually the truth will emerge.

I think any one who protects the psychopath who murdered Jessica by providing them an alibi;anyone~ even if there is loyalty & ties in a fraternal organization,1st responder ,LE or family........will buckle & CYA in retelling Dec6th tight timeline if questioned by seasoned veterans.

Just remember,if two people are complicit in a cover up-then both of them are forever bound in deceit & when discovered will be judged accordingly.I hope knowing this-that indeed the perp(s) never get a good night's sleep again in their earthly life.:

I have a few thoughts on who could be providing an alibi to whom & why. But,it is against TOS rules to talk about suspicions. I worry that this case will never be solved unless investigators are more aggressive in verifying everyone's alibi for the critical 6:30 timeframe until the fire. :cow:​
Some musings 167 days on....

Car fire suicides are few in number; car fire murders are fewer still.

If a cash reward is likely to work anywhere, it is likely to work in an area of low income.

It is easier to keep official secrets than unofficial ones.

If any small town ever needed a full time Fire Chief & top down accountability on emergency calls it is this one. Accidents are epidemic in this small town. I am not questioning anyone's motive's but it is certainly good to have a fresh set of eyes look at a crime scene this disturbing.

FLY I understand there are hundreds of small communities that are blessed by volunteers who are committed to ensuring their families have the best emergency response they are capable of giving them. I want to acknowledge and thank them.

Perhaps,it is just me but there is a vagueness & resignation by the officials on Jessica's case I find very troubling. I hope detailed incident reports & understanding of who is responding/or choosing not to respond to emergency calls exists-as should be mandated by every city hall no matter the population. Excellence does not just happen it is achieved by constantly improving not because we have to but because it is the right thing to do.

Perhaps it is just me- but I might suggest a debriefing by management of personal soon after a call so details are fresh in everyone's memory. City management needs to ensure protocol is followed by all department's and hold all personnel to a high standard of public safety. My apologies if the department already has these suggestions at work.

I am a stickler on top down management. No where is it more important than when you are responsible or maintaining and implimenting procedure's that are to protect public safty.

I hope local authorities who perhaps are set in a certain way of doing things will allow outsiders who have no vested interest in their town to question people in the critical time of Jessicca's sadistic almost ritualistic immolation. But,I work in private sector & am not a politician or in the government so I may be out of my depth.

I have been reading the old threads on Jessica's murder & feeling frustrated by the lack of progress.:sigh:

If any small town ever needed a full time Fire Chief & top down accountability on emergency calls it is this one.

Most rural communities can't afford a full time fire chief and a full time fire crew .... it's the volunteers that save those communities and I commend them .... we have several volunteer fire fighters in the county in the different communities where I live and where I lived before moving here.
Perhaps,it is just me but there is a vagueness & resignation by the officials on Jessica's case I find very troubling.

Perhaps it is just me- but I might suggest a debriefing by management of personal soon after a call so details are fresh in everyone's memory.

I am a stickler on top down management. No where is it more important than when you are responsible or maintaining and implimenting procedure's that are to protect public safty.

This is not a fictional story on TV that's solved in 30-60 minutes .... all of the agencies that first joined are still on the case. In my opinion I think this case involves a far more outreaching than that small community .... the billboards on interstates prove that .... I honestly believe that drug trade is involved which includes many people in many areas.

Also, the perp(s) have to be psychopaths to have committed such a heinous crime and they have no conscience whatsoever and they feel zero remorse .... they feel she deserved it for whatever reason.
If any small town ever needed a full time Fire Chief & top down accountability on emergency calls it is this one. Accidents are epidemic in this small town. I am not questioning anyone's motive's but it is certainly good to have a fresh set of eyes look at a crime scene this disturbing.

FLY I understand there are hundreds of small communities that are blessed by volunteers who are committed to ensuring their families have the best emergency response they are capable of giving them. I want to acknowledge and thank them.

I have been reading the old threads on Jessica's murder & feeling frustrated by the lack of progress.:sigh:


Most rural communities can't afford a full time fire chief and a full time fire crew .... it's the volunteers that save those communities and I commend them .... we have several volunteer fire fighters in the county in the different communities where I live and where I lived before moving here.

My first paragraph is in response to wfgodot post:

Some musings 167 days on....
Car fire suicides are few in number; car fire murders are fewer still.


I grant you my post was clumsy and lacking in clarity.

I appreciate your taking time to read my post and taking time to comment. Your points are well taken.
Some musings 167 days on....

The more involved in its keeping, the less likely a secret's kept.

The majority of murders are straightforward acts involving little or no subterfuge.

The notion Jessica Chambers might be able to write and then to publish an expose of criminal activity, one naming names of persons involved, is very slim.

That she was murdered for public reasons -- as, say, a warning to others -- rather than private ones -- in the case of a failed relationship -- is unlikely.

Car fire suicides are few in number; car fire murders are fewer still.

If a cash reward is likely to work anywhere, it is likely to work in an area of low income.

It is easier to keep official secrets than unofficial ones.

I am assuming that these are your opinions otherwise you will need to back the statements up. Additionally, while I appreciate you linking cases of suicide by fire, there are a good number (and very recent cases) of murder by immolation, please provide statistics/cases of both if you are trying to imply JC committed suicide. I am not sure why you distinguish (murder by car fire) versus murder by fire in general. As this was discussed in past threads, I believe the statistic for suicides by fire was about 1% of all suicides with males committing it most and this would mean less than .5% of suicides by fire committed by females.

The "musings" that you suggest some of us WS engage in, is because we want justice for a young lady who from where I sit was brutally murdered by psychopaths and whether or not it's ever solved, the poor girl suffered a painful and untimely death to sick and vile persons. Maybe I am reading into your dismissive tone, but please back-up the generalizations (about more likely less likely with "in my opinion" or statistics if you're trying to suggest statistically how Jessica died). Jmo/
I'm willing to bet that the perpetrators are people she has known most of her short life. And that most if not all Courtland townies have known them for most of their lives, as well. JMO
Yes; Oxford defines "[a] musing" as "a period of thinking carefully about something or telling people your thoughts about it."

Okay, so can you expound <modsnip> on how you came to the conclusion that, "Car fire suicides are few in number; car fire murders are fewer still." <modsnip> Please provide more of how you came to that. <modsnip> Just my opinion, but I think statistically that is incorrect murder by fire and suicide by fire. But if you need me to, I will pull some case and stats on those. Jmo and TIA
Okay, so can you expound <modsnip> on how you came to the conclusion that, "Car fire suicides are few in number; car fire murders are fewer still." <modsnip> Please provide more of how you came to that. <modsnip> Just my opinion, but I think statistically that is incorrect murder by fire and suicide by fire. But if you need me to, I will pull some case(s) and stats on those. Jmo and TIA

Here are some more cases involving murder and suicide by fire (2015 +attachment contains various dates) Note- lists not exhaustive and from quick google search: (date of case)

Some cases of murder/crime by arson/fire: (2015) (2015) (2015) (2015) (2015) (2015) (2015) (2015) (2015) (2015) (survived) (2015) (2015) (2015) (2015) (2015)
View attachment Murder by immolation_cases-Websleuths.pdf (2015) (car fire-victim survived/no injuries 2015) (2015) (2015 UK) (2015 - Guatemala)

Some cases of suicide by self-immolation/fire in the U.S.
: (2015) (2015) (2015) (2014) (2014)

Accidental: (2015)

Some themes for murder with/by arson: covering up other crimes, drug dealing, domestic/relationship disputes.
Some themes for suicide by self-immolation: social protest/w/suicide note, covering up immediate/recent crime.

Hope that helps and will try to pull stats at some point. View attachment Murder by immolation_cases-Websleuths.pdf
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