MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #11

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I don't think the fact that she bought more gas than usual played a large role in this tragedy .... after all she had a job and therefore had more money than usual .... the store attendant was the one that made that incident such a big deal.

I don't think it's that much more money for gas and it wouldn't indicate suicidal, but may be she planned to make various stops that day/for work etc. Anything is theoretically plausible, including suicide until evidence public/goes to GJ/trial and suppose this will go round and round until facts known, perp(s) caught. With that said however, LE/FBI classified this as homicide and suicide is certainly more convenient and less costly, so not sure why LE/FBI would determine homicide if it wasn't. And it's a small county, so the chances that LE may know the perp(s) as an acquaintance, friend, relative or co-worker is higher, and may make it slightly difficult to make that arrest, even though it's necessary; or if high level gang member or dangerous criminal is perp, the potential danger involved in arresting them.

I honestly don't get the sense that Jessica was suicidal, but more likely experimenting with drugs, possibly heavy drugs (assuming JC used illegal substances). If Jessica started doing drugs again after Leah's, she wouldn't be at some desperate point to end her life, she would be looking to escape/her "out" and she had job to cover costs of any drug use and plenty of suppliers from the looks of SM. I don't see her feeling guilty or suicidal if she stumbled back into bad habits after Leah's. If anything, she probably caught up with some of her old drug using friends. Who was JC hanging out with after she left Leah's? But just my speculation and jmo.

Additionally, according to most recent article, BC has insurance policies that won't pay out. Most likely because he has not been cleared yet and/or perp(s) haven't been caught...or is it something else, Idk?
After all of the pain that her family went through losing her brother, I don't want to believe that she would kill herself. She didn't even leave a not of any kind of explanation. I don't think she would have done that. But of course, I could very well be wrong because I know that plenty of people do not leave notes behind. I just don't feel this is a suicide. But I really don't know.
I think the suicide theory is being met with resistance because it's been declared with certainty to be a murder.

LE says it was murder. LE says there was someone else with her.
I imagine that an autopsy was performed? If it was suicide, would it not be reported as such by LE?
If it was suicide, why on earth is LE wasting resources looking for her killer?
It would be so much easier for LE if it was a suicide, but she was murdered.
If it was unknown how she died, I might entertain the idea of suicide by fire, but it's been very clearly reported that she was murdered by someone else.

I can't speak for anyone else, but these are the reasons why I believe it wasn't a suicide.

Respectfully submitted by moi, a nosy girl with strong opinions which may or may not be correct. I can be flexible. Sometimes. :)
I cannot, in my wildest imagination, imagine that JC knocked herself in the head (the gash), poured gasoline all over herself, including in her mouth and up her nose, and set herself on fire. So, I am not now, never was, and never will, consider this as a possible suicide. That's JMO.
Didn't she tell the fire fighter who did it? Are you guys saying she sucked the extra gas out of her gas tank and lit herself on fire and then lied to the medics.

Okay. I rather regurgitate the idea of others involvement.

What am i missing here.
I don't see how leo verified that the person who bought gas in put it in a gas tank actually used all of the gas for the mentioned purpose.

I need a link for that statement, please. I've never read that Jess' phone was broken.

In what way does it indicate a suicide because her phone was not burned? If she was meeting someone at what became the CS, she could have been attempting to place a call on her phone, while standing in the gravel driveway, when she was clobbered on the head; thereby, dropping her phone. Her body could have then been placed inside her vehicle and driven up the embankment for the immolation.

LEO stated gasoline was the accelerant used. Are you opining that Jess somehow got the gas from her car's gas tank and poured it into her own mouth after she gashed her own head?

I am certainly not one who can explain the facts, as we know them to be, as a 100% irrefutable homicide. We simply do not know. Why did Ali want us to know that she bought $14 in gasoline purchase(s). Did she pump all of it into her own car's gas tank? Were the beginnings of "her story" locked away in the trunk of her car?

As always, JMHO
Chambers, a mechanic with the Panola County Sheriff's Department, says Jessica's cell phone was found outside her car and the battery was missing.

Broken as in they found it in pieces or not intact. Not broken as it wouldn't work anymore (but it wouldn't work without the battery).

The mother indicated a discrepancy of the gash on the head in her description of Jessica in the hospital where she saw her. She never mentioned a gash and talked about her hair etc. The father said she had one, but he didn't see her as he stayed in the waiting room.
Didn't she tell the fire fighter who did it? Are you guys saying she sucked the extra gas out of her gas tank and lit herself on fire and then lied to the medics.

Okay. I rather regurgitate the idea of others involvement.

What am i missing here.
There are questions about having the fluid down her throat. One account came from the father, but not from LE to my knowledge. It is entirely possible she could have breathed in the fumes and when lit...the fire ignited into the mouth. This could have been done in either a homicide or a suicide.

If she did try to speak to the first responder, who knows if she was even coherent at that point? She had just been burned over 98% of her body. She may have tried to say something, but it didn't necessarily mean it was the name of her suspected killer. How can they judge her state of mind in her condition? It could have been jibberish from going into shock.

It wouldn't be the first time LE made something up to try and generate some fear among possible suspects either. ;) That could do it. "Jessica gave us your name." Yup. That could do it.
I suppose so many of the arson fire suicides seem to happen in or by the person's vehicle as it i) is a means of securing privacy and thus finality, and ii) said privacy protects loved ones and homes from the flames.

Wow, wfgodot, your suicide-by-fire posts sure woke up this sleepy thread. I can't imagine a more painful way to die. Why would someone weary of life want to do something to make their last moments even more miserable than whatever events brought them to such a point? But obviously, from your examples, some do. The last moments, days, and weeks of Jessica's life just don't point to such a person IMO -- making a cigarette run for someone else, getting a new job, talking with an author not once but twice about writing her own story, going to a treatment center for some personal issues... I just can't buy it in Jessica's case.
Yes, in spite of the several times I've linked the relative abundance of documented car fire suicides listed online, including this one ruled as such earlier in June, there is still an irrational unwillingness on the part of posters even to consider such a thing as possible.

Then there was absolutely no way anyone else did, either. And yet they did.

And citing LE as inviolable authority as to what exactly took place in this particular investigation?

Good reason exists to suspect Chambers might have been depressed; I don't think her "I could write a book" statement earlier that winter alluded to some grand forthcoming expose of gang life in rural Mississippi; far likelier that she could fill pages with her version of what Faulkner called the sorrow of "the human heart at conflict with itself."

The young woman who'd, possibly humiliated at the prospect of doing so, had to return home to the eternal "clean your room" argument with her mother and hold down a staid, steady job which probably was distressingly tame in comparison with the lifestyle of previous years, might have had every reason to feel trapped and depressed when she pulled into the convenience store gas station, purchased cigarettes, and bought $14 worth of gas, more than the $5 or so she usually purchased, as Ali Fadhel said.

I have actually wondered more about an accident than suicide necessarily. But I haven't followed enough to know I guess. I was here very early on but not since. But I know how many people making little meth batches in the car catch fire and have left that open as a possibility. It just seems unlikely to have no leads at this point of a perp and seemingly little evidence of a perp. :( very sad case
I have actually wondered more about an accident than suicide necessarily. But I haven't followed enough to know I guess. I was here very early on but not since. But I know how many people making little meth batches in the car catch fire and have left that open as a possibility. It just seems unlikely to have no leads at this point of a perp and seemingly little evidence of a perp. :( very sad case

Not to mention the ripple effects of failure to prove a homicide instead of an accident or suicide, Smokes -- public loss of confidence in LE (not just local, but state and federal, too). Some LE have been working this case since day one, to the neglect of their own families. And somewhere out there, the guilty party or parties are living their lives in freedom while Jessica's family mourns.
I honestly don't get the sense that Jessica was suicidal, but more likely experimenting with drugs, possibly heavy drugs (assuming JC used illegal substances). If Jessica started doing drugs again after Leah's...snip.... If anything, she probably caught up with some of her old drug using friends. Who was JC hanging out with after she left Leah's? But just my speculation and jmo.

According to LD, when Jess came home after six weeks her attitude was changed in positive ways. "...stayed at home after returning from Leah's."~LD~ Jess spent her time going to work at Goodys, walking across the street to visit at CWs house when she returned to her C'land home from Leah's House. I propose that is where JC met RH. RH & CW. He left his wife this past Spring. RH is currently w/CW in Grenad*. In fact, CW and RH were arrested together in MS for malicious mischief. Que Anne**e H*ntz for suing to have her criminal record expunged.

BC has insurance policies that won't pay out. Most likely because he has not been cleared yet and/or perp(s) haven't been caught...or is it something else, Idk?

Interesting. IIRC, BCs youngest daughter who is 5yo & born in 2010. JC would have been 14yo when the baby girl was born in 2010. I wonder if BC carries a life insurance policy on her? With the ACA, parents can keep their children on their life insurance policies up to age 26yo.

Jessica was an above average athlete. IIRC, she won ribbons and awards in cheerleading competitions in her brief and traumatic life. She jumped on her childhood trampoline on her daddy's property and taught herself flips, stunts and such. Jess was elected cheerleader for SPHS her freshman year. What happened after that season that she no longer cheered on the prestigious squad? It was something big whatever happened. She was between 14-15yo. She was a freshman in 2010. It was a watershed moment. It changed the course of her life.

I do not detect hard drug usage but would not be shocked nor surprised. Was she aware of her dad's meth lab when she was 7 & 8yo? Wouldn't that deter the child from wanting to be part of that culture? There's more.

Is it possible that Jess suffered domestic abuse: verbal, emotional, and possibly physical violence or sexual abuse not only from boyfriends? Could that be the reason she frequently sought solace at Theresa Fleming's home? I believe the pic of JC kissing BR in FB pic, is like, ah, is like a big fk you to someone. Whoever it is, knows who they are.

If anyone were fearful of the notes she may have been accumulating for "her story", that might be significant motive if she knew tales that others preferred to be kept quiet. A Secret. Jessica's Story. InAshesNow. It's possible. What was the secret Jess wanted to tell? Who wanted to stop her from speaking? FC Cole Haley said in his TV interview: "We spoke, but I can't go into what was said." He didn't say she muttered a name. "We spoke."

What did she do from graduation in May 2013 until accepting then embracing the Leah's House assignment in August 2014 - October 2014? JC had a job at Sonic at one point. As a patron, LF called her a Sonic Baby and said she flitted with her eyelashes. LF drove past the CS twice in as many days. What's the status for perps who are likely to return to the CS echoes in my CSI ear.

Someone capable of hatred, who held an intense hate and fear, for this young lady; was capable of using the accelerant and igniting this petite, 85 pounds white female while she was still alive. She knew and trusted her killer? We don't know. Did her vehicle reveal a clue other than it was burned at extremely high temperatures leaving much of the vehicle an empty shell? We've seen the car's pics. Obliterated. Jess, when found, on fire, at the CS, sadly, she was more dead than alive. LDs description regarding JCs hair was that they [nurses] tried to make it look like she had some. I envision her entire head wrapped in white gauze. She was blinded. Her mom mentioned the covering on her eye area. Unrecognizable.

The charred Pine tree, @ the CS, suffered blazing hot fire with flames reaching 10' - 12' high. Above that is scorching of the bark and branches for another 4-6' in height. An accelerant may have been poured onto JC as she is strapped in some fashion to the pine tree. It's a theory I've leaned toward since the beginning. JC had to be conked out, the gash?, or otherwise restrained, so that she wouldn't protest too much.

I believe BCs accounting regarding the gash. He demonstrates where on his head that her gash would be located. JC was knocked on her pretty little blonde head to give the perp an opp to figuratively drown her in gas.

Jess was lured by someone she trusted. She fell into a fatal trap. That's premed right there coupled with the gasoline; it doubles the premed. So there is no doubt. Yes or No. In some way, she may have helped plan her own death by agreeing to do something or be somewhere. Jess was near the Sonic and Skyline in Batesville in LEOs TL. Jess is in that area, for appx fifteen minutes before returning to C'land. We do not know if she got some food or met folly. She goes back into C'land and shows up at her CS almost an hour later at 7:31pm.

A windshield wiper was pictured as being left behind at the CS. Perhaps during an altercation on the hood of her car, could she have broken one wiper blade off in an effort to protect against an assault? I've always felt JC was tied to the pine tree just as LeAnne Horn was tied to a tree and set afire in Lee Co. A white couple will soon be tried for atrocities endured by LeAnn from a very similar attack as Jessica's. And with very different outcomes.

Was this a hate crime? Rage, anger, hate, revenge, jealousy, were present that evening on Herron Rd. Let this be a warning to us all. Don't go that way.

JMHO Justice for Jessica needs the killer(s) to be discovered and sentenced appropriately.
Jess was lured by someone she trusted. She fell into a fatal trap. [/SIZE]

That's exactly why I posted that the phone call made to her before she left the house has to be the big key in this investigation as that was the lure .... and the person that made that phone call has to be known by LE, but I believe there were others involved in that heinous tragedy and that's why it's taking so long to make arrests.
[Snipped by me]Interesting. IIRC, BCs youngest daughter who is 5yo & born in 2010. JC would have been 14yo when the baby girl was born in 2010. I wonder if BC carries a life insurance policy on her? With the ACA, parents can keep their children on their life insurance policies up to age 26yo.

Just a point of clarification: ACA applies to health insurance, not life insurance. You can carry a life insurance policy on anyone at any age.
According to LD, when Jess came home after six weeks her attitude was changed in positive ways. "...stayed at home after returning from Leah's."~LD~ Jess spent her time going to work at Goodys, walking across the street to visit at CWs house when she returned to her C'land home from Leah's House. I propose that is where JC met RH. RH & CW. He left his wife this past Spring. RH is currently w/CW in Grenad*. In fact, CW and RH were arrested together in MS for malicious mischief. Que Anne**e H*ntz for suing to have her criminal record expunged.

Interesting. IIRC, BCs youngest daughter who is 5yo & born in 2010. JC would have been 14yo when the baby girl was born in 2010. I wonder if BC carries a life insurance policy on her? With the ACA, parents can keep their children on their life insurance policies up to age 26yo. ...Was this a hate crime? Rage, anger, hate, revenge, jealousy, were present that evening on Herron Rd. Let this be a warning to us all. Don't go that way. JMHO Justice for Jessica needs the killer(s) to be discovered and sentenced appropriately.
(snipped by me for space)

DeDee, my apologies, I do not think Jessica was a hardcore drug user and was just trying to covey that at 19yrs old, simple peer pressure can cause teenagers to "escape", and if Jessica wanted to "escape" any pain and had "friends" that were users that she may have been using experimentally/recreationally. People like CW/RH, I don't know their history with Jessica but if they or any one else hypothetically were acquaintances that JC may have used or bought drugs from, they would be at the top of my list. I have not heard much about CW, did LE/FBI question her or RH?

I also don't think there is anything suspicion for parents to have life insurance policies or parent making claims necessarily. I'm mindful that many people come from different incomes/backgrounds and some people live by week to week paychecks, so won't judge and don't know JC's parents. If there were other facts that raise suspicion about BC, Idk, but he isn't suspect to me, but Idk all LE knows. I think Jessica being petite and pretty probably made other girls jealous in high school and she may have been bullied/picked on. Domestic, emotional, mental violence is not pleasant either. If you ever have been a victim of school bullies, it can ruin your whole school year or high school experience. But I think you make excellent and thoughtful points. Jmo/
Just a point of clarification: ACA applies to health insurance, not life insurance. You can carry a life insurance policy on anyone at any age.

SMH ~ what was I thinking? Thank you, Cheezy!

"The Affordable Care Act requires plans and issuers that offer coverage to children on their parents' plan to make the coverage available until the adult child reaches the age of 26."
(snipped by me for space)

DeDee, my apologies, I do not think Jessica was a hardcore drug user and was just trying to covey that at 19yrs old, simple peer pressure can cause teenagers to "escape", and if Jessica wanted to "escape" any pain and had "friends" that were users that she may have been using experimentally/recreationally. People like CW/RH, I don't know their history with Jessica but if they or any one else hypothetically were acquaintances that JC may have used or bought drugs from, they would be at the top of my list. I have not heard much about CW, did LE/FBI question her or RH?

I also don't think there is anything suspicion for parents to have life insurance policies or parent making claims necessarily. I'm mindful that many people come from different incomes/backgrounds and some people live by week to week paychecks, so won't judge and don't know JC's parents. If there were other facts that raise suspicion about BC, Idk, but he isn't suspect to me, but Idk all LE knows. I think Jessica being petite and pretty probably made other girls jealous in high school and she may have been bullied/picked on. Domestic, emotional, mental violence is not pleasant either. If you ever have been a victim of school bullies, it can ruin your whole school year or high school experience. But I think you make excellent and thoughtful points. Jmo/

Heavens to Betsy, Birdy! There's no need for apologies. I don't believe that she was a big time user either nor was she interested in turning tricks for dope. JMO

CW gave a TV interview. "She was at a party. It's when they left, she left, that it happened. Things went too far." After which, I feel, CW took a significant physical pounding that we notice in her Dec 2014 jailhouse mug shot. LEO could prove their incompetency to me if they have not intensely interviewed CW. CW has conviction for shoplifting and malicious mischief arrests, that I'm aware of ATT. RHs rap sheet is more extensive. The Hs family being mean folks in Panola Co. going back generations.

In relation to the Eric Cates reference, the first 2 maps so how close Walker Co., AL is to Panola Co., MS. The last link is to Lee Co. where LeAnn was tied to a tree and burned. She escaped. Perps trial should be soon. I'm not good at highlighting images but someone could place MS & AL next to one another and highlight those 3 counties. I believe we would see they are in similar latitudes.
Bumping the list

snipped by me for space, bbm I agree.

Here are a few fairly recent cases of murder by car immolation/fire (some cases from previous thread): There is actually a case where a woman intentionally lit pump/person pumping gas on fire. (2015) (CA).

I noticed cases seem to happen in midwest/west coast (wonder if there's organized drug running connection w/method used), perps dangerous offenders (rape, etc). ie How far is AL where Eric Cates murdered, was perp caught/motive? It would be interesting to see how close some of these cases (location) are to Courtland, MS and if same organized drug trafficking groups/criminal enterprises in same areas/if individuals tied to illegal drugs somehow. See below. Jmo/ (2015) (KY) (2015) (MO) (2015) (AL) (2015 UK) (11/14 case MO) (9/2014 case) (MO) (2014) (MO same case 9/14) (11/2014 PA) (2014 AL) (2013 NC) (2012 GA) (2012 CA) (2011 TX) (2011 CA) (2006 AZ) (2012 AL case, but suspect apprehended in 2015).
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