MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #11

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I apologize if this story has already been linked and commented on but I can't get over the similarities between Jessica's murder and the details of this horrible crime that took place in Memphis. A colleague of mine who grew up just north of Panola County has said all along that many from her hometown believe there is a Memphis link to Jessica's crime. She said it is well known that much of the illegal drugs and gang acitvity in this part of MS comes from Memphis. And JMO- but this punks name comes close to the one that was possibly mumbled by Jessica.

"According to the arrest affidavit, Terrignon Brown was threatening a woman because she was unable to pay a $500 drug debt. Witnesses said he poured lighter fluid on the woman's head, then tried to set her on fire with a lighter.

When the first lighter didn’t work, the suspect got another lighter from another person to finish the job. Police have not said if they’re searching for a second suspect.

When police arrived, the victim's scalp was red, her hair was burned, and she had ashes on her white tank top."
I have no problem with the lead detective getting a DUI on his own time. He messed up and is going to pay for it just like everyone else. Do I believe it was a problem with this case? Not in the least. I do, however, think this case could have caused a man to drink trying to figure it out when obviously the FBI hasn't been able to catch a break on it either.

Hiya, SeriouslySearching.

I agree with everything you've stated except for the first sentence. I do have a problem with people who DUI whether it is a teenager, a rock star, a stranger, or the sheriff. DUI does not mix well while operating vehicles. Innocent people could be killed. That is why it is against the law to DUI.

It must be something sinister about that dang Hwy 35 where so many one-car fatalities occur in Panola Co. Major Barry Thompson should be thanking his lucky stars that he's alive and well and not another statistic of Hwy 35 fatalities.

If his arrest was a set-up, surely he is aware of who set him up. Wonder where he left, and who was there, before he was pulled over by MHP on Thursday, Nov. 19, 2015? Thursday is a week day. Had he just left a dinner after having a few cocktails? Perhaps. It is fact that he resides south of Herron Rd on Hwy 35S so he must have been very close to his palatial home with iron gated swimming pool.
I like to read everyone's opinions. I do understand your point of view.

The thrust of my post was the quote by Ben Chambers that Lead Detective Thompson was 'falsely' arrested. I took Bens meaning to be Lead Investigator Thompson was targeted and even perhaps framed by the Mississippi State Patrol. I immediately thought perhaps he felt Barry Thompson was being persecuted by that agency for nefarious reasons.

Ben Chambers and Lisa Daughtery throughout the investigation have both expressed their utmost faith in the skill of Lead Investigator Barry Thompsonto to solve Jessica's murder.

If I have a criticism of the alleged violation it is in his title 'Lead'. This implies to me modeling and mentoring those who report to you exactly what excellence represents in public service.

At the least I hope Sheriff Darby briefs us as to the quote from his employee that Mississippi State Patrol falsely accused Lead Investigator Barry Thompson. That is a very serious charge by Ben Chambers and needs explanation.


A few comments about this incredible development, happening so close to the one-year anniversary of Jessica’s murder:

(1) I would certainly have my own doubts if I were in Ben Chamber’s shoes, Jessica were my daughter, and this DUI arrest could impugn any progress the Major might have been making solving her murder:
“Chamber’s father said he feels the allegations against Thompson are false and feels this will not affect his daughter’s case.”
– WDAM Channel 7 in Hattiesburg, MS

(2) Sheriff Darby should be able to find out more details about this incident involving his lead investigator, assuming he still has some connections at the MHP:
“Dennis … was a Mississippi Highway Patrolman for thirty years. He was MHP trooper of the year two times. He was also MHP Commander of the Drug Interdiction and K-9 Units statewide for the last five years with MHP.”
– Panola County Sheriff’s Office website biographical info on Sheriff Dennis L. Darby

(3) Seems as though the unofficial rule known as “Professional Courtesy” is not being observed by LE in Panola County. Was the Major sloppy drunk, or just barely over the legal blood alcohol limit? If the latter, it makes one wonder why he wasn’t sent on his way by the State Trooper with a stiff warning. But if there had been previous such stops, that would be another matter entirely:

“An officer who fails to arrest a fellow officer for driving while intoxicated and lets the officer go, can find himself in hot water, if that officer should later get behind the wheel of another car and kill someone.”

Just a thought, is it reasonable to question whether this "DUI" was something other than alcohol?
He was arrested at night. I am picturing a MHP shining a flashlight in his face and noticing that something was "off" with the lead detective.
I may be WAY OFF!
It does make me wonder coupled with BC comments about the situation.
Perhaps the man has other health issues? Perhaps another medical professional can chime in.
Hopefully this won't affect the case in any way, but if it ever gets to court- wow! It will be an interesting trial to say the least!

Could also be something other than alcohol -or- drugs, Nurse gngr~snap. Something as simple as too little sugar in the blood:

The common thread in each of the following articles is a driver going into diabetic shock, then being mistaken by police for a drunk driver:





New Jersay

Could also be something other than alcohol -or- drugs, Nurse gngr~snap. Something as simple as too little sugar in the blood:

The common thread in each of the following articles is a driver going into diabetic shock, then being mistaken by police for a drunk driver:





New Jersay

You are correct! They smell like alcohol a little too.
I like to read everyone's opinions. I do understand your point of view.

The thrust of my post was the quote by Ben Chambers that Lead Detective Thompson was 'falsely' arrested. I took Bens meaning to be Lead Investigator Thompson was targeted and even perhaps framed by the Mississippi State Patrol. I immediately thought perhaps he felt Barry Thompson was being persecuted by that agency for nefarious reasons.

Ben Chambers and Lisa Daughtery throughout the investigation have both expressed their utmost faith in the skill of Lead Investigator Barry Thompsonto to solve Jessica's murder.

If I have a criticism of the alleged violation it is in his title 'Lead'. This implies to me modeling and mentoring those who report to you exactly what excellence represents in public service.

At the least I hope Sheriff Darby briefs us as to the quote from his employee that Mississippi State Patrol falsely accused Lead Investigator Barry Thompson. That is a very serious charge by Ben Chambers and needs explanation.

Many of Ben's statements should come with explanations. Don't hold your breath.
Hiya, SeriouslySearching.

I agree with everything you've stated except for the first sentence. I do have a problem with people who DUI whether it is a teenager, a rock star, a stranger, or the sheriff. DUI does not mix well while operating vehicles. Innocent people could be killed. That is why it is against the law to DUI.

It must be something sinister about that dang Hwy 35 where so many one-car fatalities occur in Panola Co. Major Barry Thompson should be thanking his lucky stars that he's alive and well and not another statistic of Hwy 35 fatalities.

If his arrest was a set-up, surely he is aware of who set him up. Wonder where he left, and who was there, before he was pulled over by MHP on Thursday, Nov. 19, 2015? Thursday is a week day. Had he just left a dinner after having a few cocktails? Perhaps. It is fact that he resides south of Herron Rd on Hwy 35S so he must have been very close to his palatial home with iron gated swimming pool.
Yes. I see what you mean and I didn't phrase it right. I didn't mean I thought it was okay for someone to get a DUI. I only meant I don't see it as an error worthy of removing him from the case or from the Sheriff's Office as I don't believe it affected his judgment while on the case.
Have a Happy Turkey Day, Sleuthers. Heading down to NOLA for a short visit with my wife's kinfolk. Avoiding Panola County at all costs.

I suspect there will be some of this on the huge Thanksgiving Day spread at her brother's:
I had never even heard of a Mirliton before I ate this dish for the first time. But like most Nawlins' dishes, it is de-licious.

Best regards,
I've been on this thread since last year. I post very little, I read a lot (guess that makes me a lurker)...just saying hello to the regs and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one still hoping and looking for #JusticeforJessica
I've been on this thread since last year. I post very little, I read a lot (guess that makes me a lurker)...just saying hello to the regs and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one still hoping and looking for #JusticeforJessica

It's nice to have you come out of "lurk-dom".
Thanks for the links, guys. That video of Darby is priceless. "Possibly more than one association...". Ummmmmm, huh? I'm going to go out on a limb here and ASSume that he is referring to suspects, as in it's possibly more than one suspect whom are in association with one another. Even (almost) a year later, this case ceases to amaze me. These jackasses called it from day 1 that they were not going to make any arrests, and proceeded make fools out of themselves, expose their corrupt little town, and talk in circles when (albeit rarely) interviewed by the media regarding this case. I used to be hopeful that in time the people of PC would recognize that their judicial leaders and enforcers are not upholding their ethical, professional, or judicial standards in regards to their positions. I hoped that once they slid Darby and/or Champion out of there, the people of PC would have an actual chance of security in their community and for making arrests in the myriad unsolved deaths in and around PC. As I sat and watched the people of PC demonstrate that they did not care (by simply not voting), but those who did vote chose to maintain their judicial administration as is. This is how they want things to be, as I see it. Until you or I or someone completely non-related to this case is able to get to PC and conduct an actual investigation, I am less than optimistic about any of this. If they ever do arrest anyone, I wouldn't trust the quality of the investigation nor the validity of the arrest, and any defense attorney should be able to make this all go away fairly easily. If I was able to leave my family and job for a month and finance the investigation solo, I would leave tomorrow and try my best to uncover this mystery. The odd thing is, I no longer think that it is a mystery for those who live in the area. I think that a majority of PC knew right off the bat who was behind JC's murder, and and they aren't talking. My 2 cents.

Well, not quite a, w/video:

Murder Of Jessica Chambers Remains Unsolved One Year Later
I understand and concur with your feelings, MSCJgrad.

When I read Darby had won the (re)election, I wanted to go to the courthouse and read the voting polls to see if who I thought voted in the race was, in fact, the ones I suspected. Corruption votes for corruption. It's a sorry way to live but that is what the PC citizens get in return for allowing gangs to control their towns.

December 6th is marked on my calendar and a special candle will be lit for Jessica. She may never have the justice deserved but many of us worked tirelessly in an effort to leave no stone alone. We searched every nook and cranny. What we found were the saddest and scariest things that no young girl should have to endure in a civilized society.

I want to weep for the countless hours that myself and so many others spent vetting the community as the time seems wasted now. Even her own mother could not tell the truth as she was caught in numerous lies and belittled her daughter on that social media page by revealing things that a loving mother would not dare to discuss with strangers about her female child.

If I had the time now to go back to check on the "leads" such as RH's bad drug deal and the "book" or "journal", I truly believe all of those (false) leads came straight from her mother. One asks themselves why? Many may not understand why I have no respect for a victim's own mother but just remember LD is the one who sent her tiny, young, daughter, Jessica, the text telling her that she was out past her curfew and the doors were locked so not to bother coming home. Jessica slept on BRs porch that cold night. Even the DA could not verify the twenty minute phone call LD claimed she had with Jessica just prior to her death. It did not get past me that Sheriff Darby did not clear LD even after she asked for him to do so.

It's best that I stop here before I am sent to Siberia by our capable leader with the swift light saber. I wish to thank all of you, and so many others, for your efforts in helping to find the killers of Jessica Lane Chambers. May God bless her with Peace without Pain.
OT Don't get me started on politics or we'll both be off here..
I just want to go back to Thread 1, Page 1 and read through all 11 threads, all 726 pages (at least) and see if we missed something. I just don't understand how a crime so horrific can go unsolved for so long, in a town so small, and with such a reward being these people can keep their mouths shut. I don't get it and it makes me angry. I just want to read through everything and see what was missed, if anything. I want to do that because it doesn't seem that the officials are doing anything...whether by choice or circumstance. A girl was set on fire and burned alive. Then the world just went on. Everyone went on with their lives. She existed, and then she didn't...and not a damn thing anyone can (or will) do about it. I'm so sorry Jessica.
I just want to go back to Thread 1, Page 1 and read through all 11 threads, all 726 pages (at least) and see if we missed something. I just don't understand how a crime so horrific can go unsolved for so long, in a town so small, and with such a reward being these people can keep their mouths shut. I don't get it and it makes me angry. I just want to read through everything and see what was missed, if anything. I want to do that because it doesn't seem that the officials are doing anything...whether by choice or circumstance. A girl was set on fire and burned alive. Then the world just went on. Everyone went on with their lives. She existed, and then she didn't...and not a damn thing anyone can (or will) do about it. I'm so sorry Jessica.

I do think the key may be in here, somewhere, Breezyflavor. But it would be like trying to find somebody in a NYC phone directory, one that wasn't assembled in alphabetical order. Let's hope LE has a lot of evidence that has not yet seen the light of day, at least as far as the general public is concerned, but which will be revealed clearly one day soon, under the bright lights of a Mississippi courtroom. Soon we'll all know what Jessica already knows:

"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."


Investigators uncover 'promising leads' 1 year after Jessica Chambers' murder with video
Posted: Dec 04, 2015 6:13 PM EST
Updated: Dec 04, 2015 7:47 PM EST
By Rose Eiklor

Sunday marks one year since 19-year-old Jessica Chambers was burned alive.

Click here to see the first stories, latest headlines, and updates on the Jessica Chambers' murder investigation.

"It just tore me to pieces, at first when they called I thought she was just burnt a little," Jessica's father Ben Chambers said.

Chambers said hope keeps him going. Hope that his daughter's killer will be identified, found, and punished.

"That's my whole question 'Why?' What could a 19-year-old do to make you burn her alive? What kind of person would do that and why?," Chambers said.

Chambers was burned alive along a rural road in Courtland, Mississippi on December 6, 2014. Surveillance cameras at a nearby gas station recorded Chambers moments before her death.

After 365 days, investigators still don't know who killed Jessica Chambers.


Panola County Sheriff Dennis Darby said his department does have some new leads which they feel are promising, but Ben Chambers said that doesn't make this any easier.
Anonone knew, but she is a "former member". I believe that I have known, since last January. Of course, I just believe that....but I was not a witness, so either I was snookered, or told the facts. JMO.. add.........All of that information was provided to "authorities"...the question is, what did "authorities" do with it? JMO
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