MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #2

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This website and how everyone works together to fit the pieces to the puzzle amazes me! Good work guys!

I just wanted to share my opinion on this case. I'm from Mississippi and was in the town of Batesville 2 months ago - it is a very small town that is predominantly African American. One of the things that I have noticed about Mississippi cases ( murder/missing persons) is that honestly I don't think enough effort, time, and fundings are put into them sadly. I don't know if the reason is due to lack of experience or maybe we aren't as equipped as most states when it comes to examining evidence. I say that because I know multiple people who have forensic degrees and can not find jobs in my state. I also say it because if you look into missing person cases in MS, there are many that could be solved in my opinion. Anyway, I'm not here to bash the investigators, but has anyone thought this could be drug related? It's rather interesting they interviewed a 31 year old black male acquaintance. Why is a 19 year old girl talking to a 31 year old man? He stated in his interview that he was only around her a few times. I don't know I just think it is more to her story than meets the eye. I'm from a small town in MS myself, and drugs are a real issue. Possibly she owed someone money for drugs, and they decided to set an example since she couldn't come up with the money. I don't see this being a sexual encounter due to the graphic details of the crime. I don't see someone trying to sleep with her, she doesn't allow it, then they decide to light her on fire? Maybe do some other heinous act to cause harm to her or kill her, but NOT pour a flammable liquid on her and set her on fire. Someone was really angry with her to do something this horrible. I just hope this isn't like your typical MS case that doesn't get solved. I will continue to check with you sleuthers, continue the good work!
Does anyone off hand know what the requirements are in order to bring state police, atf or fbi in?
This case is so exasperating. I have a very sad feeling no one will be charged. I am beginning to not trust anyone who has spoken out in that town except her parents. I am not sure I even trust the supposed Fire Chief and what he said Jessica uttered to him. And the gas station manager gives me the willies. I saw a Google shot of this service station taken in April2014. It showed two men iirc standing there and cars were passing by them, stopping, and then going on. Imo, it looked like drugs were being exchanged and this was in broad daylight. JMO though.

I can understand tough love though. Maybe Jessica did get involved with people that only brought her down which may have involved a relationship that was toxic and dangerous for Jessica and even to her family. Maybe as long as she was around a dangerous and bad group of people her mom was afraid for her to move back home. Her mom could have been fearful of these people too and as long as Jessica hung around them she may have feared for her own safety if Jessica lived there. I thought I also read that her ex-boyfriend moved away. That may have made the fear subside some. I take it that her mom and dad were divorced. So her mom would be a single parent unless she has remarried and I could have missed that article.

I don't even trust the one who said she saw her at a party. It seems if she was truly at a party more people would have said they saw her instead of just one person saying so. Something is fishy about that too, imo.

I don't think anyone in Jessica's family harmed her and they all seem to love her immensely. But someone did and I think they are right in that town. I wouldn't be surprised if LE already has a good idea who it is but unfortunately I am not sure they will ever be arrested. If the people who run that town are corrupt they may not want other things known if they arrest the suspect. The suspect may know a lot of s*** on everyone of them and may start singing like a canary.

I think that is why the PD has not called in the FBI or the DOJ to investigate this case. Imo, they don't want any outsiders investigating. Imo, this town and a whole lot of people in it have secrets.........secrets they want to keep.
Then again after making the previous post, there is also a possibility of it being a hate crime. I'm a 25 year old white female, and my bf is black. In MS, many people don't like seeing interracial couples. It has went so far as to an older white male shouting outloud at a gas station that I should "stick with my own race." I'm sure there were many people who didn't agree with her dating African American men. Anything is a possibility, but drug/gang relation sounds more like the issue. This party information is also interesting, I know it has been said that it didn't look like she would have been going to a party based on what she was wearing and what she told her mom. However, she doesn't really look like the type of girl that wear pounds of makeup and heels. I've been to numerous house parties where people didn't really dress up and kept on casual attire. Also their idea of a party could be just having a few people over to drink and play cards, not anything fancy. Possibly she could have made a stop at a a small get together or "party." Also I'm sure everyone here was a teenager once, I know there were times you didn't tell your parents your exact plans. Just thinking outside the box.
. Anyway, I'm not here to bash the investigators, but has anyone thought this could be drug related? It's rather interesting they interviewed a 31 year old black male acquaintance. Why is a 19 year old girl talking to a 31 year old man? He stated in his interview that he was only around her a few times. I don't know I just think it is more to her story than meets the eye. I'm from a small town in MS myself, and drugs are a real issue. Possibly she owed someone money for drugs, and they decided to set an example since she couldn't come up with the money.

Thank you + welcome, SherryDelane! You brought up excellent points and the one I'm quoting here struck me as particularly salient. Not because I think what happened to Jessica was meant as a punishment for money owed (it seems way too violent + personal), but because of the drug element.

There's a place in town here (I live in New Orleans) that is essentially a women's shelter where a friend of mine has worked for years. She initially went there as a needing help herself + has totally turned her life around over the last decade. But she was NOT a battered woman - she entered as a habitual drug user wanting to get help + get clean, and put herself in a place where she couldn't give up quite so easily as she could if she were living at home with family or friends.

We don't know precisely what the situation was that led to Jessica spending time in a women's shelter of late, but the commonality of anyone going to such a place is to remove oneself from a living situation or access to something that is dangerous or causing them harm, because the danger or harm has been recognized.
(reply to OneLove)
From what I'm reading here, it seems Jessica was living at her parents home when she was killed. So, why was it now safe for her to be there if she had to be in a shelter before?
The father's quote bothers me, and other posters have thought it strange as well.

I'm thinking Dad didn't approve of her "bad relationships" and she wasn't able to move back home until "she had learned her lessons".

Everyone is speculating on gangs and drugs, but sometimes the problem is closer to home. Which is the first place the police investigate, by the way. We'll just have to wait until they're ready to release more information about the investigation.

Is the Dad's statement to MSM about the shelter the only thing we have to go on as evidence of her being in a shelter? Maybe he used that term to protect her reputation or some other aspect of the case. Maybe she was away from home for some other reason - JMO, speculation....
Does anyone off hand know what the requirements are in order to bring state police, atf or fbi in?

Apparently, since Jessica's father worked for the police department as a mechanic, the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is involved . . .

So, that's ATF and MBI involved currently. I would assume the evidence is majorly hush-hush.
I hope.
I really hope.
I pray and I hope, and hope and pray.
Apparently, since Jessica's father worked for the police department as a mechanic, the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is involved . . .

So, that's ATF and MBI involved currently. I would assume the evidence is majorly hush-hush.
I hope.
I really hope.
I pray and I hope, and hope and pray.

I definitely think there is corruption in this town, and it likely contributed to Jessica's murder, but I doubt the state or national govt is going to care about "protecting" the people in it, so that gives me hope.
Some are querying about the party... I think this as already been posted previously.

"There was a party going on and she was there," said Chambers' acquaintance Charlotte Wilkerson. "When she left the party, that's when it happened to her."

"She's 19 years old," said Wilkerson. "I've known her forever."

At the time of this writing, no one in LE or the media can confirm Charlotte Wilkerson's statement. I am currently waiting for a moderator to permit me to post material backing my statement.
I can't get the video to play, probably because I need to update whatever player WBTV is using. Does Charlotte Wilkerson say she was at the party and actually saw Jessica or just that she knows Jessica was there? TIA

deoneta, try turning off your Safety/Turn off tracking protection, then refresh the website, and see if that then permits you to view the video. Note: unfortunately you will be hammered by third-party scripting interference and the website download will take forever, and you will probably need to be patient....
Thank you + welcome, SherryDelane! You brought up excellent points and the one I'm quoting here struck me as particularly salient. Not because I think what happened to Jessica was meant as a punishment for money owed (it seems way too violent + personal), but because of the drug element.

There's a place in town here (I live in New Orleans) that is essentially a women's shelter where a friend of mine has worked for years. She initially went there as a needing help herself + has totally turned her life around over the last decade. But she was NOT a battered woman - she entered as a habitual drug user wanting to get help + get clean, and put herself in a place where she couldn't give up quite so easily as she could if she were living at home with family or friends.

We don't know precisely what the situation was that led to Jessica spending time in a women's shelter of late, but the commonality of anyone going to such a place is to remove oneself from a living situation or access to something that is dangerous or causing them harm, because the danger or harm has been recognized.

I'm glad that you brought up the fact that shelters serve a variety of purposes. And I'm also glad that your friend was able to turn her life around.
Some go in with the best of intentions, but for whatever reasons can't successfully make the transition.
Drugs keep whispering in their ears, perpetually. That does not diminish their value or cause anyone to pass judgements.

It's all so very sad.

Anyway, back to JC.
This case doesn't seem be too difficult to solve. What's taking so long??

Cherokee thanks for those arrest record links. They are really tiny on my phone but I think I could make out Jessica's info. Will try on a computer tomorrow, but...
A- Is there anyone else listed as Arrested in the Panolian that is a familiar name here?
B-was anyone arrested for simple assault on the same day(s) as Jessica?
C- does the name of anyone arrested appear on both days of Jessica's arrests, maybe for a different charge?

Sometimes in a DV or public fight situation, both parties get arrested and then they sort the whole he said/she said thing out in court.

I did some searching within the same county (using the Panolian archives) and haven't found anything, but I didn't check nearby counties' records.
This website and how everyone works together to fit the pieces to the puzzle amazes me! Good work guys!

I just wanted to share my opinion on this case. I'm from Mississippi and was in the town of Batesville 2 months ago - it is a very small town that is predominantly African American. One of the things that I have noticed about Mississippi cases ( murder/missing persons) is that honestly I don't think enough effort, time, and fundings are put into them sadly. I don't know if the reason is due to lack of experience or maybe we aren't as equipped as most states when it comes to examining evidence. I say that because I know multiple people who have forensic degrees and can not find jobs in my state. I also say it because if you look into missing person cases in MS, there are many that could be solved in my opinion. Anyway, I'm not here to bash the investigators, but has anyone thought this could be drug related? It's rather interesting they interviewed a 31 year old black male acquaintance. Why is a 19 year old girl talking to a 31 year old man? He stated in his interview that he was only around her a few times. I don't know I just think it is more to her story than meets the eye. I'm from a small town in MS myself, and drugs are a real issue. Possibly she owed someone money for drugs, and they decided to set an example since she couldn't come up with the money. I don't see this being a sexual encounter due to the graphic details of the crime. I don't see someone trying to sleep with her, she doesn't allow it, then they decide to light her on fire? Maybe do some other heinous act to cause harm to her or kill her, but NOT pour a flammable liquid on her and set her on fire. Someone was really angry with her to do something this horrible. I just hope this isn't like your typical MS case that doesn't get solved. I will continue to check with you sleuthers, continue the good work!

Do you have a link for this interview with the 31 year old? I've probably seen it, but I don't remember it. TIA!!
As I see it, there is no information to be gleaned from the family facebook entries. What is apparent is that they believe Jesus will resolve this, and in the meantime, do appreciate donations......JMO
Screenshot (69).jpg


The right side footage mark on this screen capture (from the WMC Action 5 copy) is 06:26:00. We know that Striped-jacket left the counter and exited the doorway at 06:26:02 (as I recall). From that point on we can account for JC's actions until appx. 06:32:00.

Prior to 06:26:00, we have outside footage which covers the period from 06:24:39 leading up to 06:32:00 however sketchy it may be.

Using some of that sketchy material, I believe that we can show when both the Yellow-pants and the Blue-jacket men entered the convenience store, as well as some of the other customers/employees.

Do you believe it is worthwhile to perform this? Personally I do not believe so at this time...neither party is a POI.
I'm glad that you brought up the fact that shelters serve a variety of purposes. And I'm also glad that your friend was able to turn her life around.
Some go in with the best of intentions, but for whatever reasons can't successfully make the transition.
Drugs keep whispering in their ears, perpetually. That does not diminish their value or cause anyone to pass judgements.

It's all so very sad.

Anyway, back to JC.
This case doesn't seem be too difficult to solve. What's taking so long??


Thanks! As an aside, it helped maybe that my friend was about 30 when she willingly entered. Recovery is lifelong - I've numerous friends who swear by AA + attend meetings regularly. It's encouraging!

Sorry to be a bit off-topic there! Back to Jessica:

I think even if LE has a fairly good idea of who did this, if they have any good help + know what they're doing, they're going to be very, very careful in their approach. And they would be wise to. If even a fraction of any of the rampant rumors are true, who knows what other criminal activity could be uncovered in the process of this investigation.

From ABC News:
"Police are still digging through her phone records and witness statements, Panola County Assistant District Attorney Jay Hale told WAPT.

"We're still looking into certain individuals," Hale told the station. "We've talked to numerous individuals who could potentially become suspects."


Remember Skylar Neese's case? If not - a simple search will show you details, but LE had their eyes on some of her friends for considerable time before they set things up just so to have an airtight case.

If the point is Justice for Jessica, better to have a bit more time + get it right.
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