MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #2

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Just catching up with (so many!) posts from the last day - wow...

A couple particular unanswered questions (this case has no shortage of those, but here goes):
- Timing of the tow. If Jessica's car was towed as early as 10:30-11:00pm, wouldn't the car still be really, dangerously hot? If not, ok... And if so - that's something that is typically safe or common practice to do?
- The whole notion of Jessica going to a car wash - there are only so many such places in the area. Is it confirmed that she never actually went to any? (i.e., their CCTV footage for 5:30pm - 8:30pm that evening could be checked + ruled out, correct?)

With regard to times that CAN be fact-checked (even if not by us, but certainly by investigators with access):
- Any + all call times (including duration - a 20-minute call? Really?) between Jessica + her mother (and anyone else, for that matter) that evening. I don't think we should trouble ourselves too much here except to be sure we understand any confirmed specifics as they would fit into the timeline.
- Text times - same as above
- Tow truck time, 911 call time, firefighter arrival time, M&M Station CCTV footage (whether it truly was an hour off or not should be very easy for investigators to determine for multiple reasons)
Piggybacking off my previous post and then looking at Google maps, she needed more gas because she was not going in the direction of Batesville. She was going the opposite direction, and if you look on the map, there's nothing that direction but country. She was going to someone's home...

Originally I thought that there wasn't much down Herron Dr. heading S. A moment ago though, I took a Google street view drive from 2352 Herron Dr. (aka the street view of the gate opposite the crime scene; 2355 is the crime scene) to a stop sign where Herron (aka Main St.) ends in a Y-intersection. Along that drive, there are plenty of houses.,+Courtland,+MS+38620,+USA/@34.2366789,-89.9541601,3a,52.5y,266h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sTo8O22ORN0BVRB79ecC7yA!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x88801e8469b0818b:0x3cc835af9b60dcf5!6m1!1e1

When you click this link^^^^ it will open on a street view of the gate opposite the crime scene, and you will be looking N. Rotate the view and the crime scene gate will appear and you will be able to drive S by clicking the center of the road for x-amount until you come to the stop sign. It is a pretty drive. *smile*
You guys amaze me with your maps and stuff. I can barely find my way off of my own street :blushing:
I know there was discussion earlier in this thread about women's shelters v rehabs v homeless shelters. Found this place 20 minutes from Batesville/Courtland... Leah's House. Might be a possibility.
The store clerk in the pink shirt and apron caught my eye toward the end of the video. What is she doing? Is there any video out there showing the area where she goes? Lots of activity going on outside this store. JMo

My opinion was that she was delivering food. I can't speak for this particular store but many of these type stores in our area and especially rural areas with no restaurants specialize in cooking chicken, burgers, bbq, and lunch specials.
My opinion was that she was delivering food. I can't speak for this particular store but many of these type stores in our area and especially rural areas with no restaurants specialize in cooking chicken, burgers, bbq, and lunch specials.

Oh, my goodness. Hahaha! That is entirely possible. I mean, sure, it could still be an illicit transaction. But I laughed out loud considering so many of us were just like YUPDRUGSTOTALLY that we kinda of ignored the obvious + harmless possibility as well.
I just finished Google street view driving from the M&M Gas station down US Hwy 51 to the intersection at Main St. (aka Herron Dr). I took a right onto Main and drove to the crime scene (aka 2352...2355...2364; I give you three different addresses but all three will eventually produce the area of the two gates, one on either side of the road.) I continued driving Main (Herron) until I came to a stop sign at a Y-intersection.

Along my drive to the crime scene, I drove by the Courtland Volunteer Fire Dept., a small car wash, a railroad crossing, and farther out... "into the country". As I drove I began to wonder WHY would Jessica be driving south on this road, and why farther into the country?

The houses had disappeared by the time I got to the crime scene. However as I left the crime scene I eventually began to see a few houses until I got to the Y-intersection. I mention all this only because the drive is easy to perform, and I think that everyone should try it.

When you do, I think you'll ask the same question: Why would Jessica have driven south, across the railroad crossing on her way to the Y-intersection?,-89.9371921,3a,90y,319.82h,87.49t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1soKV4_i5oCsxC2mqUMPYOlg!2e0

To begin the drive you need to zoom-out from the M&M in the street view link^^^, and reverse the street direction to south. (You're looking north first.) The quickest drive can be performed by holding your cursor on the small, lower box (called "Back to map"), and slowly clicking sections of US Hwy 51 until you come to Main St. intersection. Then take a right and follow the views until you come to the crime scene. After you get there, continue on to the stop sign and the Y-intersection.
I wonder if she bought extra gas, not because she was going to be driving a longer distance than usual, but because it was cold and she intended to be in her car, parked and with the heater running, for a long period of time.
I wonder if she bought extra gas, not because she was going to be driving a longer distance than usual, but because it was cold and she intended to be in her car, parked and with the heater running, for a long period of time.
Yes, maybe to pull over and talk to people on the phone?
My opinion was that she was delivering food. I can't speak for this particular store but many of these type stores in our area and especially rural areas with no restaurants specialize in cooking chicken, burgers, bbq, and lunch specials.

That is entirely possible. I think many of us were very quick to assume it was a drug deal taking place when we saw that video, and while it could be, it does seem far more likely that she was delivering a sandwich or burger to someone. The store does apparently have a grill or deli type counter, as the sign out front, as seen in this video, advertises Krunchy Chicken, and the clerk was wearing an apron. Good call, MagnoliaMom. JMO
I've been waiting to see if anyone local addressed this. Since not, I guess I should tell my story:

I am NOT from that area and have never lived there. But I do have relatives there. Passing through once on my way further south, I arranged to meet a group of relatives for dinner at a popular restaurant that also has a bar with music and dance.

We had a great dinner, wonderful visit, and even danced a bit. A good time was had by all, you could say. But I was woefully behind in a project that required me to briefly interview 100 people. I'm being intentionally vague about the details for the protection of my privacy.

Looking around, I saw every table in ghe restaurant and every seat at the bar full, some people standing around the small dance floor, and people lingering outside, presumably to smoke. I thought "what a great opportunity to interview a sizable number of people in a short period of time".

I spent the next 30 minutes "mixing" with the crowd, speaking with about everyone in the building. I wasn't invasive at all and everyone, without exception, was open and friendly. As I finished interviewing at one table or group, another group would beacon me to come talk to them. I quickly had more than half my project done and was thrilled. On top of that, I had the pleasure of meeting a truly amazing community of the nicest folks I'd seen in one place at one time.

Once finished, I stepped outside to rejoin several members of my own group as they took in some fresh air. What happened next took me completely by surprise.


Mind you, I was in my late 50s, accompanied the whole time by my husband, and had not engaged in anything remotely 'flirtatious'. I had explained my professional 'project' to each person I interviewed. I was befuddled and confused by the considerable anger coming from this local fella.

As I blinked in the headlights, clueless, he continued to say things like "YOU MUST BE CRAZY TO HAVE A DEATH WISH LIKE THAT". Then it hit me with a sickening thud. I felt like I fell down a rabbit hole and landed squarely in a KKK meeting in the 50s. He was referring to the fact that there was a mix of ethnicities in that restaurant and I had dared speak with ALL of them alike.
Somehow, my speaking with, shaking hands, laughing with, and sitting at tables with people who were not WHITE endangered my LIFE in the eyes of this long term generational local. He seemed to imply that I should get out of town fast before the sun came back up.

I know this sounds unreal, especially for those who did not grow up in the south. It was unreal to me also and sickening.

All I can say is if what I did that night in a very public venue in the presence of my husband and many extended family members meant my very LIFE was then at risk (from whites, not from people of color) then I can't begin to imagine what risk Jessica Chambers ran. And the 'risk factors' are embedded throughout all rungs. Believe it!

There. I've said it. It seems no one else that is local is willing to speak up. I can understand: It doesn't take seeing many burned alive to silence people.

This is NOT to say Jessica wasn't killed by an ex, by a jealous woman, by a rejected man, etc. I'm just sayin' that the racist stuff is still seriously pathological in that part of the country and pretty high up the ranks, too.[emoji15]

I've missed this whole thread and am getting caught up. After reading about Leann Horn's case, I agree that your assessment that the cultural attitudes in that area could in fact result in someone being harmed for reaching beyond the cultural norms. This may have been discussed. I'm 35 pages behind. I'll start reading.
Has it been discussed that many shady characters (lacking a better term) have "burner" phones which are hard to trace. I wonder if trying to research ownership of one of those required FBI assistance.
She may not have had a boyfriend that her family knew about, but she may have been involved with someone they didn't know about. Or she may have been involved in a casual affair with someone. Who knows? This case just seems to get more and more confusing every day. ��

she may have snubbed a good ole white boy and had interest in someone else. she may not have even been involved with anyone, but even turning down a racist white guy who knows she has dated a black man in the past could trigger him if he's a psychopath. and whoever did this is clearly a psychopath. that's the one obvious thing we can all assume.
Another question, pls.................does anyone else find it a bit strange that JC's car was towed from the burn site so quickly? Wouldn't it have made more sense to have left it there until the next day, tape it off as a crime scene, have officers guard it until the daylight that next day where they could properly assess the scene for evidence, foot prints, etc.............versus having a tow truck driver in there in the dark? Maybe they do things differently in tiny towns but where I'm from, they'd have never moved it at night in the dark. They would have done what I described above.....and then gone back the next day (or once daylight) and really done a good thorough assessment of the overall scene.........position of vehicle in relation to tire tracks, footprints, look for any evidence (shoes, cig butts, booze bottles, rags, etc etc) around the scene, maybe tossed into the brush, etc? Was there any LE guarding that site overnight to ensure that nobody came onsight to remove any possible evidence?

so true. it should have been left and examined as a crime scene. they even leave bodies at crime scenes for gruesomely long periods of time nowadays to process evidence. the car for sure should have been kept there for days at least.
Along my drive to the crime scene, I drove by the Courtland Volunteer Fire Dept., a small car wash, a railroad crossing, and farther out... "into the country". As I drove I began to wonder WHY would Jessica be driving south on this road, and why farther into the country?

The houses had disappeared by the time I got to the crime scene. However as I left the crime scene I eventually began to see a few houses until I got to the Y-intersection. I mention all this only because the drive is easy to perform, and I think that everyone should try it.

When you do, I think you'll ask the same question: Why would Jessica have driven south, across the railroad crossing on her way to the Y-intersection?

Then maybe that's just it.

Jessica probably wouldn't want to be driving south on that road farther into the country. But someone who wanted to do her harm + get away with it sure might.
Zool, Thanks for the google maps. I took the drive, wow that was fun. So I got to the crime scene luckily, and now I have a question. It looks to me that the car was left on the south side of the road. As the road looks to be going in the direction of northeast to southwest. (At least for this section of the road) So according to pictures (correct me if I'm wrong) it looks as if she was coming from the southwest. (the more country area.) So I'm wondering, is it possible she was actually coming from the other direction(the gas station), but made a sharp left turn to throw off LE? (This is assuming she wasn't driving or possibly being forced to turn there.)
Mississippi Police Still Seeking Clues in Case of Teenager Burned to Death

12/10/2014 AT 05:10 PM
This article is from People Mag. The following paragraph is from Ms. Pelisek's article;this is a quote from Jessica's father.
"There was some kind of struggle there," he (Jessica's father)says. "I think someone pulled up beside her. My thought is that the person knocked her out and thought they killed her and poured gas on her and she woke up and got out of the car."

Thanks for posting this article. In it, it says that JC was a clothing store sales clerk and wanted to go to school to become an accountant. I had been wondering earlier if she had a job. She did. Bless her heart. What a shame.
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