MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #3

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I've been following and reading along with you guys. This crime has just really tugged at my heart since I have daughters myself. I just can't imagine what her parents must be going through. I also can't imagine Jessica's last moments. I just can not understand how someone could do something so horrible to a fellow person.

IMO, I think the store holds the link to her killer. If it's a store she frequently a lot..I am willing to bet she has struck up some familiar relationships (Whether just friendly shooting the breeze or such). This just reminds me so much a case we had, somewhat, locally. The victim worked at a store and it was in a small town, so the store was a hang out spot. She knew of a guy that hung around the store, but they did not know each other outside that realm. He asked for a ride and she was being polite.....they ended up finding her car miles away, she was deceased, and it was on fire. The link was the store.

Is it possible she gave someone a ride outside the camera view? Someone she was familiar with at the store and assumed was harmless? Then I just can't get over someone having accelerate on hand. Which makes me think it was planned. Unless, the victim had it in their trunk for some reason (Did she grill? Know others that grill?..When I was 19 I had my own place and grilled some alone. Carry extra gas in a can for emergencies?) I find all kinds of things in the back of my SUV that should be put away in our shed and either I let someone borrow it or something I picked up to use and forgot about.

Also, I agree with another poster....there is some interesting chatter going on over at twitter. Search #jessicachambers or #justiceforjessica. There's screen shots of a FB account that def. raises some eyebrows.
In regards to your post about giving this person or persons a ride. If this was a planned attack could it be possible that the site itself was set up for this. Could the accelerant already been there? Maybe purchased ahead of time? The person or persons responsible maybe being familiar with the area had the spot all picked out and set up ahead of time? Does accelerant remain flammable if set out ahead of time. I realize there would be the chance she declines the ride. If it was a ride I would think she'd have to know the person or persons enough to feel comfortable giving a ride.
I think the 911 caller referred to it as a car fire , not an per Fire Chief ,he thought it was a routine call for a car fire and was surprised when he saw someone walk out of the woods. How soon did LE arrive on scene after the 911 call?

But we do not truly know what the 911 caller said. The transcript has not been released. Nor has the recording of the call.
The whole generation is like that, My FB is locked up so tight, I can't see half the stuff on it. Not that I use it anymore.

What are you implying? That there has been some control outside of yourself on your own FB?
But we do not truly know what the 911 caller said. The transcript has not been released. Nor has the recording of the call.

Ms.P,I am just jumping off your post here. I know this is probably a dumb question,but if her car was still burning and she was burned over 98%-how did the FC know it was JC?
Is it easily recognizable by scent? JMO

It has a very distinguishable odor, save the more modern odorless types. It does have one VERY interesting artifact though, it's spectrum signature is nearly identical pre and post ignition. Amazingly so.
Typically in other "Social Justice" cases, roadside shrines are erected immediately. Some people have a not so hidden agenda. Some of us just want to be certain Jessica is remembered too. If I were that property owner, I'd turn that small plot over to the state. It doesn't inhibit his private road or passage.

I agree she should be remembered and flowers would be a great way to do so, I just thought people would be more open to waiting since the general consensus is the LE could have done a better job and may have missed something there. It might just be optimism in me wishing there is one big overlooked clue we can still find that will be the missing piece for all of this! :)
Oh my! How eerie if this scenario is true. Essentially, Jessica would solve her on murder and especially if she was really able to talk when responders made it to the scene. I will have to say that she sounds like a brave young lady. Whatever it was that she knew from old relationships...she knew it wasn't for her and she should start anew. I can see that as being scary and dangerous....she did it anyways to better herself.
It has a very distinguishable odor, save the more modern odorless types. It does have one VERY interesting artifact though, it's spectrum signature is nearly identical pre and post ignition. Amazingly so.

Ok, so what you are saying is that a fire investigation would determine fairly quickly that it was the accelerant used? If so, how quickly would that be learned?
Is it possible JC called 911 before her phone was snatched from her? Which is why the 911 call is being kept close to the vest?

I know that they said it was a car driving by...but maybe it really wasn't.


Wow what an interesting thought! Her father said she was a fighter, I wouldn't be surprised if she attempted something like this before the Killer(s) over powered her.
KWYM, a man was arrested here this week for shooting nine times @ his girlfriend then running over her in the Best Buy parking lot.

I have heard so much horrible stories of domestic violence lately. Is it increasing or are the media just reporting it more?
But we do not truly know what the 911 caller said. The transcript has not been released. Nor has the recording of the call.
I should have wrote that the FD received a call to a car fire by the 911 operator.
I said, and someone else pointed out that chicken has never been used as slang for cocaine .
A kilogram of cocain. Dealers started calling kilos "birds" which then evolved into "chicken."
Person 1) How much you got left?

Person 2) A quarter chicken. chicken

cocaine chicken
When two or more people partake in the act of breaking down equal lines of cocaine and racing eachother to the end of the line....everyones a winner!
"Remember that game of cocaine chicken????" "I cant feel my face."
What is CHICKEN?
CHICKEN is "Kilogram of cocaine"

CHICKEN Definition / CHICKEN Means
The definition of CHICKEN is "Kilogram of cocaine"

The Meaning of CHICKEN
CHICKEN means "Kilogram of cocaine"

So now you know - CHICKEN means "Kilogram of cocaine"
I have been in lockstep agreement with you until now, ffj, but this departure is one that startles me. I am contrary enough to still believe that right is right and wrong is wrong.
I do not believe anything positive will be accomplished by anyone dumbing down to any perception (especially a principled one) that is below what is moral and legal. In my mind, if you are not hard, or a criminal, or malicious, or a gang banger, or a kingpin, or a high roller, or rich ~ then you are actually lesser than all those characteristics for pretending you are.
I don't know whether AA is just without good judgement and morals or is actually fearful of telling, but, imo, he is blameworthy in withholding information.
But I still look forward to all your comments and opinions, ffj! Love the way your brain works!!!

I don't think Ali is an angel. I even believe there are probably some shenanigans afoot around him. I do not however believe that he's accessory or complicit in murder. Courtland/Batesville is where he's made his home, at least for now. He tries to coexist peacefully there with everyone, white, black, brown or yellow. He has an air of innocence about him that you typically don't find in a hardened criminal.

Stealing a donut, doesn't make you a car thief, smoking pot doesn't make you an assassin. I understand the premise of in for a penny in for a pound. It doesn't apply universally or to everyone you encounter.

If I were in his shoes, I'd have to think long and hard before I talked, I'd make the decision on an airplane.
"lover's quarrel" generally means DV assault.

Right. I know that. I should have made myself clearer. Was wondering if the reporter bothered to ask "lover's quarrel between who and who or what the text message contained?"
Ok, I'm leaning towards her making that 911 call, though I can't say why. :gaah:
Oh my! How eerie if this scenario is true. Essentially, Jessica would solve her on murder and especially if she was really able to talk when responders made it to the scene. I will have to say that she sounds like a brave young lady. Whatever it was that she knew from old relationships...she knew it wasn't for her and she should start anew. I can see that as being scary and dangerous....she did it anyways to better herself.

she already has solved her own murder - they're just collecting enough evidence to convict.
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