MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #4

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I think maybe the statement that she was burned over 98% of her body is confusing. She may have been burned over 98% of her body, but maybe it wasn't all 3rd degree burns and to the degree that it sounds. Her flesh could have been black in some places, like where she was wearing clothing and her flesh burned as the clothing did, but other places of her body may have just been red. Blistering in 2nd degree burns does not happen right away either in some cases. Most likely she missing most or all of her hair, eyebrows gone as well. She would have been covered in soot. My dad was a volunteer fire chief for 19 years, I remember him coming home from fires with soot all over his face, made him hard to recognize. Reading on this site it says that "Involvement of 50% of the body surface will prove fatal even if it's just 1st degree burns". I guess I think that our minds are over estimating what she might have looked like because of the 98%.
Really? That is very interesting. Names we know?

3 of them were interviwed by MSM. There are a couple others that were not. I can't view todays Panolian b/c I don't have a subscription.
Your welcome to look yourself at the then click on archives (on the left), then click on each paper from JCs death until now.
In the paper look at the arrest log section (note that the arrest log is not in every single paper but rather every other one).
I tried to look at some FB accounts of others that were held but some of which had since deleted their account. Weird.
ben chambers also states he was told by police, and the gas station attendant says he was told immediately after by the police.
Yes, that's what is so confusing. I guess I'm believing it to be true. LE dispelled some of the other rumors, but did not refute that to my knowledge other than to deflect the question and say they were waiting for autopsy results.
i dont think there is any way to know until the autopsy results are released, but...

two people have claimed this.
both saying they heard it in the immediate aftermath of her being found.
both saying they heard it from police, and one saying he also was told it by doctors.

i find it hard to understand how anyone at the scene could have clearly discerned that as accelerant was poured into her mouth and/or nose.
i find it hard to understand how if this were true, and she was so burned, that she could have spoken at all.

i suppose this could have happened and miraculously her mouth and throat were not burned and told the fire rescue person herself what had happened.
its possible...

i dont think we can possibly understand this issue any better until we get more information from authorities including the full autopsy results.

Warning: The following link is a forensic pathologist report of what you might find on autopsy. It is graphic.
I have seen no pics of JC with gang signs nor with other gang members besides the ones with her boyfriend. So why does people think she was truly partying with them.
I have seen no pics of JC with gang signs nor with other gang members besides the ones with her boyfriend. So why does people think she was truly partying with them.

Excellent point. We definitely do not have any proof of that.
Be safe! We are experiencing unusually warm weather for this time of year. 60 degrees in PA tomorrow...then snow tomorrow night! Lol

So no skiing in the Poconos this week. Lol. We use to goto the outlets in Redding around this time. 60degrees; the world is comming to a end. Lol. It should be-60 right now. Lol
Ben Chambers states in one of his early interviews that it was the doctor (in the hospital) who told him they thought accelerant had been poured down Jessica's throat and up her nose because she was "so badly burned on the inside". It is the same interview/video where Mr. Chambers says Jessica was "unrecognizable".
Sorry I don't have the link right now.

Please know that the burns interiorly are caustic/chemical type burns, and don't look necessarily like external burns. They would have known immediately when they intubated Jessica whether kerosene or gas or turpentine etc was poured down her throat. :(
So no skiing in the Poconos this week. Lol. We use to goto the outlets in Redding around this time. 60degrees; the world is comming to a end. Lol. It should be-60 right now. Lol
No skiing for me ever. I would kill myself on skis. But I love the Poconos and Seven Springs :) 60 degrees is a heatwave this close to Christmas!
So no skiing in the Poconos this week. Lol. We use to goto the outlets in Redding around this time. 60degrees; the world is comming to a end. Lol. It should be-60 right now. Lol

I remember one Christmas in either the late '70s or early '80s, the temperature was nearly 70 degrees. My grandmother was dead serious in telling us it was a sign of the end of the world, and we should be prepared for Armageddon! :panic:
Just an aside: The Batesville Casket Company donated the caskets for all those little children and adults killed in Newtown, CT. Those are some gracious, kind, caring folks. Just sayin.
The U.S Marshals may also be there to catch POI who try to flee. Now I truly thhink that the feds only give Full Service Witness Protection when the defendants have money and long reach. But I do agree that they can help a witness relocate but it will probablu be via bus ticket for you only while your family deals with the aftermath.

Very likely, I know some state agencies offer similar programs, but I don't see where that would be remotely useful, unless you're in Alaska. With as full and thorough as gang infiltration appears in that state, I'd be hard pressed to place any confidence in any locally administered program.
I'm thinking Jessica may have lied to Auntie Sha Sha about going to a party. It appears Jessica had recently completed what I would call a faith based recovery program. The program could have been Leah's Restoration House or something similar. If at Leah's House, Jessica would have been in the program for 12 mos. I do not think she was in a "battered women's shelter" as Ben Chambers stated - I think he was a bit confused with the terminology, although Jessica may have previously been in an abusive relationship.
Jessica met Linda Oliver at a women's conference at Liberty Baptist Church on Saturday 10/25/14. Linda has a Christian ministry.
Jessica also attended church at Liberty Baptist the next morning. This is per Linda speaking at Jessica's funeral. You can find a video capture of the live stream of the funeral on YouTube - it is ~45 minutes long, I only watched part of it.
The first pastor at the funeral stated that he would not glorify Jessica's life or expose her in death. But she had gone to him to discuss some difficulties or problems (I don't remember the exact wording).
Linda stated that per Jessica's "teachers" Jessica had accepted Christ as her Savior. To me this means that Jessica was starting a new life (or trying to start one).
Linda also stated that Jessica wanted help with writing a book about her life as she wanted her story told. Linda and Jessica started a Facebook relationship. That relationship is why Linda spoke at the funeral.

When Jessica returned to live at her mother's house she should not have been in contact with her old friends, other than to say hello when running errands, etc. So it makes sense that per her mother, Jessica "didn't do much".

Auntie Sha Sha may have been an old friend that was an exception. She might have really been an "auntie" when Jessica was young.

There is a piece of Jessica's history that is missing. We don't know what happened in her life just before she started in her faith based program, ie the "battered women's shelter". The family says Jessica didn't have a recent boyfriend. But if the program was 12 mos long she could have had a boyfriend over a year ago which isn't "recent".
Was she involved with someone else's "man"? Was she abused by him? Or did she get into fights with his wife/girlfriend/or just the competition? Was there a divorce or other breakup that resulted from Jessica's involvement?
We know she "made bad choices" regarding men/boyfriends, but we don't know the specifics.

I think maybe the unknown boyfriend or a very jealous female set Jessica up. Perhaps this person contacted her and said they wanted to talk? They would have maybe had a year to think about what they might do to her when she got out of her program. Jessica might not have wanted her mother or even Auntie Sha Sha to know where she was going.

Alternatively, the gangsters may have found out that Jessica was working on writing a book about her story. I don't think Jessica intended to snitch on anyone. But maybe a higher up found out and ordered an attack to make sure? And maybe they were only supposed to injure her as a warning but "went too far"? It might explain some of the early reactions outside of the MSM.

Just my thoughts. Whatever happened I don't think the gangsters will tell anything because if seen as snitches their own lives will be in danger.
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