MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #4

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I remember one Christmas in either the late '70s or early '80s, the temperature was nearly 70 degrees. My grandmother was dead serious in telling us it was a sign of the end of the world, and we should be prepared for Armageddon! :panic:

I agree. Being superticous was like a religion in those days. Lol. Somtimes I try to look at the bible and decipher reason from superticous teachings. Now I believe in God; but I still. Ponder on some practices that were taught in earlier days. Idk.
Just reading between the lines of your posts, FFJ. Guess you are thinking there may be a connection to Lehman-Roberts ;)

With the nature of the work they do, and the fact that certain chemical compounds are found in abundance for that type of work, it would prove to be an interesting connection. I'm not saying that it's a Lehman-Roberts employee who committed the crime, but an employee of that company could have access to a less common accelerant in gross quantities, free of charge, free of paper trail.

I remember one Christmas in either the late '70s or early '80s, the temperature was nearly 70 degrees. My grandmother was dead serious in telling us it was a sign of the end of the world, and we should be prepared for Armageddon! :panic:

My grandmother would swear by the fact that every time they launched a lunar rocket we'd have rain for days... :)
Very thought-provoking post. You are right. We don't know much about JC other than conclusions we can make from what friends and famiky members have said. She had some problems, but she showed real maturity in facing her problems head on. Her circle of friends was a rough crowd. They may not have appreciated her breaking away.

I remember one Christmas in either the late '70s or early '80s, the temperature was nearly 70 degrees. My grandmother was dead serious in telling us it was a sign of the end of the world, and we should be prepared for Armageddon! :panic:

That was supposed to happen two years ago, right? 2012? The Mayan calendar! But we're still here. :)

Bessie, I am in New Orleans too! ..and it is beyond warm + humid here today but it's a peaceful night.
(I'm bouncing between here + trying to win a few things on eBay, guys - catching up still)
I'm thinking Jessica may have lied to Auntie Sha Sha about going to a party. It appears Jessica had recently completed what I would call a faith based recovery program. The program could have been Leah's Restoration House or something similar. If at Leah's House, Jessica would have been in the program for 12 mos. I do not think she was in a "battered women's shelter" as Ben Chambers stated - I think he was a bit confused with the terminology, although Jessica may have previously been in an abusive relationship.
Jessica met Linda Oliver at a women's conference at Liberty Baptist Church on Saturday 10/25/14. Linda has a Christian ministry.
Jessica also attended church at Liberty Baptist the next morning. This is per Linda speaking at Jessica's funeral. You can find a video capture of the live stream of the funeral on YouTube - it is ~45 minutes long, I only watched part of it.
The first pastor at the funeral stated that he would not glorify Jessica's life or expose her in death. But she had gone to him to discuss some difficulties or problems (I don't remember the exact wording).
Linda stated that per Jessica's "teachers" Jessica had accepted Christ as her Savior. To me this means that Jessica was starting a new life (or trying to start one).
Linda also stated that Jessica wanted help with writing a book about her life as she wanted her story told. Linda and Jessica started a Facebook relationship. That relationship is why Linda spoke at the funeral.

When Jessica returned to live at her mother's house she should not have been in contact with her old friends, other than to say hello when running errands, etc. So it makes sense that per her mother, Jessica "didn't do much".

Auntie Sha Sha may have been an old friend that was an exception. She might have really been an "auntie" when Jessica was young.

There is a piece of Jessica's history that is missing. We don't know what happened in her life just before she started in her faith based program, ie the "battered women's shelter". The family says Jessica didn't have a recent boyfriend. But if the program was 12 mos long she could have had a boyfriend over a year ago which isn't "recent".
Was she involved with someone else's "man"? Was she abused by him? Or did she get into fights with his wife/girlfriend/or just the competition? Was there a divorce or other breakup that resulted from Jessica's involvement?
We know she "made bad choices" regarding men/boyfriends, but we don't know the specifics.

I think maybe the unknown boyfriend or a very jealous female set Jessica up. Perhaps this person contacted her and said they wanted to talk? They would have maybe had a year to think about what they might do to her when she got out of her program. Jessica might not have wanted her mother or even Auntie Sha Sha to know where she was going.

Alternatively, the gangsters may have found out that Jessica was working on writing a book about her story. I don't think Jessica intended to snitch on anyone. But maybe a higher up found out and ordered an attack to make sure? And maybe they were only supposed to injure her as a warning but "went too far"? It might explain some of the early reactions outside of the MSM.

Just my thoughts. Whatever happened I don't think the gangsters will tell anything because if seen as snitches their own lives will be in danger.

True. The only exception to that I will make is that we do not know that the perp(s) knew JC was alive when they set her on fire. If she had been knocked out for a period, they may have thought she was dead. We just don't know yet.
True. The only exception to that I will make is that we do not know that the perp(s) knew JC was alive when they set her on fire. If she had been knocked out for a period, they may have thought she was dead. We just don't know yet.

True. All the contradictory info really comes into play here. I have some trouble with the idea of the perps knocking her out, setting her and the car on fire but leaving before JC regains consciousness. She wakes up and still has time to walk down the street, sit down or lie down depending on who is telling the story. Possibly talk to a firefighter. It doesn't seem like there would be enough time for this to happen. Throw in, the 911 caller seeing the car on fire but not JC, assuming this person was not in on it.
Huh, board seems to be eating posts. I don't want to keep reposting in case the missing ones show back up.
It feels like the Gong Show. I keep waiting for Bessie to hit the watchamacallit; Right before she close this thread. We are pushing 40 pages folks and I don't get off from work for another 3hrs. Iam on my cell.
Family of Jessica Chambers visits roadside memorial Updated: Dec 23, '14 6:42 pm est ~ Michael Clark reports
"I can't really even describe the gut-wrenching feeling it was to step out of that vehicle and just stand there knowing that was the last place she was normal," said Jessica's sister, Amanda Prince.

They say they are blown away by all of the love and support.

"We're going to still go spend Christmas Eve with her, so we got her a tree and we're going to go decorate it and take it to her and just spend time with her," said Jessica's sister, Amanda Prince.
It feels like the Gong Show. I keep waiting for Bessie to hit the watchamacallit; Right before she close this thread. We are pushing 40 pages folks and I don't get off from work for another 3hrs. Iam on my cell.

I think she may have gone to bed like a sane + rational person.

Dexter, I don't know how you handle this site on your cell. I have the attention span of a gnat + the patience of ...I can't even finish that sentence. :) What do you do/where do you work??

ON TOPIC: I feel like today's article in the Clarion Ledger was more promising in tone than other recent pieces. I think we get so vested in this (which is good! We give a damn!) that we often lose patience ourselves, and we get discouraged if we don't hear anything quite yet. Think about how big this process really is to make an airtight case, and the coordination among agencies, and it makes sense that things are where they are right now.

"We've got all these agencies combined together, and we're coordinating everything and getting everyone to look over our work and we're looking over theirs," Darby said on Tuesday. "Some of these people don't give you good information sometimes, and we compare the stories and when we find discrepancies, and those people are the ones we need to recall."

If any of y'all remember or followed Mickey Shunick's case (Lafayette, LA - Summer 2012) - things were rather quiet for at least a month before there was an arrest announcement. They got it right. It was worth it.
This case has so many suspicious players that I finally had to write everybody and everything down for my own reference -- not as small of a task as I thought it would be! As a result of writing everybody's names and relations to JC out, I am now more confused than ever about who might have done what to JC and why.

Enough for today. I'm off to bed. Wishing everybody at Websleuths a Very Merry Christmas tomorrow! (Yes, it's now December 24 where I am!)

I'm thinking Jessica may have lied to Auntie Sha Sha about going to a party. It appears Jessica had recently completed what I would call a faith based recovery program. The program could have been Leah's Restoration House or something similar. If at Leah's House, Jessica would have been in the program for 12 mos. I do not think she was in a "battered women's shelter" as Ben Chambers stated - I think he was a bit confused with the terminology, although Jessica may have previously been in an abusive relationship.
Jessica met Linda Oliver at a women's conference at Liberty Baptist Church on Saturday 10/25/14. Linda has a Christian ministry.
Jessica also attended church at Liberty Baptist the next morning. This is per Linda speaking at Jessica's funeral. You can find a video capture of the live stream of the funeral on YouTube - it is ~45 minutes long, I only watched part of it.
The first pastor at the funeral stated that he would not glorify Jessica's life or expose her in death. But she had gone to him to discuss some difficulties or problems (I don't remember the exact wording).
Linda stated that per Jessica's "teachers" Jessica had accepted Christ as her Savior. To me this means that Jessica was starting a new life (or trying to start one).
Linda also stated that Jessica wanted help with writing a book about her life as she wanted her story told. Linda and Jessica started a Facebook relationship. That relationship is why Linda spoke at the funeral.

When Jessica returned to live at her mother's house she should not have been in contact with her old friends, other than to say hello when running errands, etc. So it makes sense that per her mother, Jessica "didn't do much".

Auntie Sha Sha may have been an old friend that was an exception. She might have really been an "auntie" when Jessica was young.

There is a piece of Jessica's history that is missing. We don't know what happened in her life just before she started in her faith based program, ie the "battered women's shelter". The family says Jessica didn't have a recent boyfriend. But if the program was 12 mos long she could have had a boyfriend over a year ago which isn't "recent".
Was she involved with someone else's "man"? Was she abused by him? Or did she get into fights with his wife/girlfriend/or just the competition? Was there a divorce or other breakup that resulted from Jessica's involvement?
We know she "made bad choices" regarding men/boyfriends, but we don't know the specifics.

I think maybe the unknown boyfriend or a very jealous female set Jessica up. Perhaps this person contacted her and said they wanted to talk? They would have maybe had a year to think about what they might do to her when she got out of her program. Jessica might not have wanted her mother or even Auntie Sha Sha to know where she was going.

Alternatively, the gangsters may have found out that Jessica was working on writing a book about her story. I don't think Jessica intended to snitch on anyone. But maybe a higher up found out and ordered an attack to make sure? And maybe they were only supposed to injure her as a warning but "went too far"? It might explain some of the early reactions outside of the MSM.

Just my thoughts. Whatever happened I don't think the gangsters will tell anything because if seen as snitches their own lives will be in danger.

Thank you for thinking all this through. Your thoughts make sense to me and seem reasonable as any about what may have occurred.
I wish we could tell if there were tire tracks from another car. If not, the perp either didn't go off the road or they arrived at the scene with JC and fled on foot.
The scene was so contaminated by other first responder vehicles, I wonder if it is possible to find car tracks from the murder.
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