MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #4

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The longer this case goes, the clearer some aspects pop out to me. JMO

1. Cha Cha is Jessica's across the street neighbor and is the only person she has visited since getting out of rehab/safety home. This is according to JC's mom and quoted some pages back. Did Jessica not smoke when she visited Cha Cha? Why would Cha Cha ask JC for a cigarette at the M&M then turn it down because it wasn't her type (menthol or non-menthol)? This story sounds very fishy to me now! IMO.

Also, why did Jessica's body language in the video show hesitation before she walked out of camera view if she was visiting Cha Cha as her neighbor? Something is not right here. . .

2. In this small town, and probably neighboring towns, these people we are reading about are probably well known to LE. IMO. So how and why do they use alias'? Are the local cops really that out of it or just ignoring the arrest of the same person? Recognition of a face is pretty important regardless of the name given!

3. Remember our discussion in the beginning about Jessica's car seat being up close to the steering wheel while the passenger seat was further back and almost reclining? This is just an observation, not pointing any fingers. Red hooded gal is small like JC and would need the seat up close while Mister would need the seat pushed back and reclined due to his size. IMO.
Whoa.....just had a thought. If JC was intercepted on her way into the store by Shasha, who wanted a cigg but didn't smoke the brand. Then JC proceeds to go into the store and buy ciggs.....does she buy ShaSha's brand because she is going to go meet up with her????? Or thinks she is meeting up with her? Like 'grab me some ciggs and meet me at the party/church/spot etc' Hmmmm
I have seen no pics of JC with gang signs nor with other gang members besides the ones with her boyfriend. So why does people think she was truly partying with them.

I feel it was gang related so I will answer from my perspective. I posted the other day but here goes. We know JC dated gang member BR and lived with him and his mom for 2 yrs reportedly. It appears most of his family is in the gang. I personally know how 17-year-olds who think they are in love and their man is their world act. I think the gang was heavily influenced on JC while she was in this dating/living arrangement as a means of financial support that pulled her into the gang. I do think she was a member of the gang but kept it on the low down to many of her friends and family outside the gang. In her profile pic on SM she is throwing up a hand signal, not verified to be a gang signal as you can only see part of it. I don't know how to attach a picture. This is also evidenced IMO by the fact she had *something/big story* most likely to want to write a book about and tell her story, i.e. surviving the gangster life maybe? As we know she was trying to clean her life up, I think she wanted out of the gang. I think this was all planned and set up arrangements for her getting out of the gang but meant to be a scare and threat to keep quiet about gang life and activities. Perhaps they heard about her wanting to write the book. I think it was the opposite of an initiation and was the leaving punishment and someone went too far or "something went wrong" per Auntie Sha-Sha. I don't think it started out as a murder plan or plot. No one is talking because it was multiple people/gang members involved and they know they will be murdered next if they talk so they are all scared crapless. I think Auntie Sha-Sha was the communicator between JC and the *gang*. I think JC probably wasn't really asleep all day but scared about what was coming up knowing this punishment was going to go down. She got the phone call most likely from Auntie Sha-Sha with instructions to go to store and gas up, which JC did. She was hesitant and scared thus her demeanor and extra gas. She got her second phone call while she was at the store with further instructions. I think the *party* was the gang gathering only for Jessica's punishment but Sha-Sha hadn't prepared to talk to media yet and thought everyone would say that. I think the crime scene and party was at the church parking lot or they followed JC from the store. I think they beat her, thought she was dead (which wasn't planned), and then the coverup moved to scene 2 and burned evidence. I'm torn on raped or not because she talked to mom at 6:48 for about 20 minutes and call came in to 911 at 8:14 so that isn't a huge amount of time to pull this off but I guess rape doesn't take long. I think the phone fell out of someone's pocket unintentionally and I think the 911 caller was a gang member and I think it's possible someone else, i.e. a gang member, got her out of the car. I think it is possible that LE said she named the attacker(s) as a scare tactic. I can't phantom her being in a condition to talk especially if she did have gas or whatever poured down her throat.
These are all great post. I think schools should make Websleuth a curriculum for young students. I feel it will help open their eyes to the importance of life while using their brain to opionate different possibilities. Anyway; I hope you all a Merry Merry and I hope JC's killer realizes that it was a senseless killing and its time to man-up. Sorry Ben.
Awesome post RoadRunnerMT!! I was torn on the gang involvement myself, but your scenario sounds spot on. We would assume that several females had to beat her out supervised by a male? I'm not sure of gang hierarchy (but I can tell you about hierarchy in wolf packs! haha) but ShaSha would be an easy link between JC and the gang. Interesting idea about her phone falling out of someone elses pocket. They would have been getting away by foot in that case.

Poor Jessica, if this was the case I can't imagine the anxiety she must have had all Sat day, no wonder she stayed in bed :(
I apologize that I didn't read all of the posts in these threads so I don't know what was mentioned and what not but I wanted to give my take on this.IMO it's obvious JC was connected with the gangs because of her ex boyfriend and definitely because of drugs.It's also obvious that she was trying to get out of that lifestyle and she was open about wanting to write a book !!! The code of silence is taken extremely serious in these circles and IMO that's why she had to die ....that's why red hooded girl chuckles when Mister calls her a good friend.IMO A LOT of the players know what went down.Another thing that stands out to me is "Teapooh"'s and Gas-mans over the top devotion to each other as manifested on their SM.That seems like such a dangerous obsession to me,I think those 2 are probably involved and I don't care if MM is saying he is cleared.AF IMO is not involved other than selling drugs out of his station and I also think he knows more than he's saying JMO
Well due to the Feds and Rico statues; Nobody is cleared. We have heard plenty about the gangs inner workings in this town that makes me believe that the Feds are going to do a big round up on this town and shut down the whole thing from LE to thugs. A lot of people will be force to implicate others. Now people think that once JC's killers are caught that the Feds will go on their merry way. I truly doubt that will happen though. Too many good people in this town are fed up and now have a way to let the Feds know who's who. JC death will help shut down ththe corruptness in this town. But Iam sorry it took her death for LE to say we need help. But I really do think that LE doesn't want the Feds there. Because Iam sure some of them turned a blind eye for the fringe benefits of drugs and sex with addicted teens. Jmo.
Well...I still want to know who the 911 caller was.

Long gone are the days when we could sleuth the surrounding friends and family. However, it has been reported in MSM about a man who called in to police to report everything he knew, and to report the vehicle with the loud pipes.

There is a reason people say that social media is the single greatest information gathering invention since the dawn of man.
Well...I still want to know who the 911 caller was.

Long gone are the days when we could sleuth the surrounding friends and family. However, it has been reported in MSM about a man who called in to police to report everything he knew, and to report the vehicle with the loud pipes.

There is a reason people say that social media is the single greatest information gathering invention since the dawn of man.

It seems like you have been on board here for awhile. Good job. Sometimes when I post a comment; I picture Bessie with a chainsaw ripping my Page-Size comment down to one sentence; Followed by 'modsnip' That's not allowed here. LOL. Bless her heart. But I still respect the site, Bessie, and her Modsnip Chainsaw. Lol But I totally agree with your post IBsleuthin. Happy Holidays.
Please know that the burns interiorly are caustic/chemical type burns, and don't look necessarily like external burns. They would have known immediately when they intubated Jessica whether kerosene or gas or turpentine etc was poured down her throat. :(
Thank you for this! This is a good example of how information in this case may not be fully communicated or understood properly.
I feel it was gang related so I will answer from my perspective. I posted the other day but here goes. We know JC dated gang member BR and lived with him and his mom for 2 yrs reportedly. It appears most of his family is in the gang. I personally know how 17-year-olds who think they are in love and their man is their world act. I think the gang was heavily influenced on JC while she was in this dating/living arrangement as a means of financial support that pulled her into the gang. I do think she was a member of the gang but kept it on the low down to many of her friends and family outside the gang. In her profile pic on SM she is throwing up a hand signal, not verified to be a gang signal as you can only see part of it. I don't know how to attach a picture. This is also evidenced IMO by the fact she had *something/big story* most likely to want to write a book about and tell her story, i.e. surviving the gangster life maybe? As we know she was trying to clean her life up, I think she wanted out of the gang. I think this was all planned and set up arrangements for her getting out of the gang but meant to be a scare and threat to keep quiet about gang life and activities. Perhaps they heard about her wanting to write the book. I think it was the opposite of an initiation and was the leaving punishment and someone went too far or "something went wrong" per Auntie Sha-Sha. I don't think it started out as a murder plan or plot. No one is talking because it was multiple people/gang members involved and they know they will be murdered next if they talk so they are all scared crapless. I think Auntie Sha-Sha was the communicator between JC and the *gang*. I think JC probably wasn't really asleep all day but scared about what was coming up knowing this punishment was going to go down. She got the phone call most likely from Auntie Sha-Sha with instructions to go to store and gas up, which JC did. She was hesitant and scared thus her demeanor and extra gas. She got her second phone call while she was at the store with further instructions. I think the *party* was the gang gathering only for Jessica's punishment but Sha-Sha hadn't prepared to talk to media yet and thought everyone would say that. I think the crime scene and party was at the church parking lot or they followed JC from the store. I think they beat her, thought she was dead (which wasn't planned), and then the coverup moved to scene 2 and burned evidence. I'm torn on raped or not because she talked to mom at 6:48 for about 20 minutes and call came in to 911 at 8:14 so that isn't a huge amount of time to pull this off but I guess rape doesn't take long. I think the phone fell out of someone's pocket unintentionally and I think the 911 caller was a gang member and I think it's possible someone else, i.e. a gang member, got her out of the car. I think it is possible that LE said she named the attacker(s) as a scare tactic. I can't phantom her being in a condition to talk especially if she did have gas or whatever poured down her throat.

Good to reading through how you see it. Thank you for taking the time to figure it all in, I appreciate the time you took.
I apologize that I didn't read all of the posts in these threads so I don't know what was mentioned and what not but I wanted to give my take on this.IMO it's obvious JC was connected with the gangs because of her ex boyfriend and definitely because of drugs.It's also obvious that she was trying to get out of that lifestyle and she was open about wanting to write a book !!! The code of silence is taken extremely serious in these circles and IMO that's why she had to die ....that's why red hooded girl chuckles when Mister calls her a good friend.IMO A LOT of the players know what went down.Another thing that stands out to me is "Teapooh"'s and Gas-mans over the top devotion to each other as manifested on their SM.That seems like such a dangerous obsession to me,I think those 2 are probably involved and I don't care if MM is saying he is cleared.AF IMO is not involved other than selling drugs out of his station and I also think he knows more than he's saying JMO

I don't know if it's by will or circumstance or both but he's an unreliable if "cleared" witness in trying to figure out who did this.
I was wondering if you guys know which player "Roscoe" is?He was mentioned in SM but I can't figure out who he is.Also do you guys know who JC was currently dating?
Whoa.....just had a thought. If JC was intercepted on her way into the store by Shasha, who wanted a cigg but didn't smoke the brand. Then JC proceeds to go into the store and buy ciggs.....does she buy ShaSha's brand because she is going to go meet up with her????? Or thinks she is meeting up with her? Like 'grab me some ciggs and meet me at the party/church/spot etc' Hmmmm
ShaSha was not the one who asked JC for a cigarette at the store. That person was Cassandra Market, aka Sandy Rudd (aunt of Bryan Rudd).
I think if it was known that JC wanted to write a book, I'm not sure how seriously these folks would have taken it. BUT if they knew she had an author willing to help her, thAt might change the ballgame and make her more of a threat. What did they know? How did they know? Was JC vocal about her desires to write? Did she mention it on FB? Confide in a friend (SHA sha) who mentioned it?
Another thought provoking question - how well did JC's parents really know WHAT was going on in her life?
She had lived with prior boyfriend BR for 2 years? That means she was about 16 when she moved in? Why did parents approve of this? Leaving home to move in with a boyfriend at such a young age and also it had to be known this was a gang related family in this small town.

Then she lived in the rehab/safe house for a year and had only been out several months. There is no way either of her parents had any idea what their daughters real life was like! IMO

Teens are good at keeping secrets and telling only what they want. The style life poor Jessica was living was so gang influenced, IMO, she told her parents little. IMO

We have to wonder what her home life was like that she wanted to move out?
My parents and I had a very difficult period when I turned 18. Legally, you are an adult, but emotionally, you still need your parents. I desperately wanted to make my own decisions with no interference from them and I made some poor choices. I finally figured out that being an adult came with responsibilities and turning my back on the people who loved you was not a good idea. I got into a bad relationship, got pregnant and had to admit I didn't know everything. I got my life back on track by 21. JC seemed to have her own set of issues I know nothing about. But she appeared to be working through them. Very tragic circumstances.
just to be clear - you think that it would be obvious to an EMT arriving on scene with a victim so badly burned that it kills them, it would be obvious whether or not they had some type of accelerant poured into their mouth and nose?

could be...

If the EMT tried to intubate her, yes it would be obvious that the tissues in her mouth were burned.

I remember one Christmas in either the late '70s or early '80s, the temperature was nearly 70 degrees. My grandmother was dead serious in telling us it was a sign of the end of the world, and we should be prepared for Armageddon! :panic:

My long gone grandmother would say "a green Christmas, a full cemetery". I guess she meant here in Ontario. Yikes! We have no snow now and it's raining here....also quite mild. Stay safe you southern Sleuthers!
I think if it was known that JC wanted to write a book, I'm not sure how seriously these folks would have taken it. BUT if they knew she had an author willing to help her, thAt might change the ballgame and make her more of a threat. What did they know? How did they know? Was JC vocal about her desires to write? Did she mention it on FB? Confide in a friend (SHA sha) who mentioned it?

Jessica' so relationship with author Linda Oliver was Facebook based.
Another thing to consider is that Jessica was involved with 2 very different groups of people, the cheerleader/football crowd and the gangsters. Usually they wouldn't mix.
We don't know anything about the cheerleaders or the football players. Did someone suffer directly or indirectly because of Jessica' so involvement in both worlds?
Maybe you wonderful sleuths can look into this.
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