MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #5

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IMHOO, this wasn't suicide. It's my understanding suicidal people want a quick almost painless end to their life. Burning isn't painless and def not quick.

imoo Jessica's death was likely a revenge killing.....someone wanted her to suffer. again moo.
Jessica Chambers wanted to write a book about her life. Her pastor said she was onto better decisions. Her dad gave her a car. Her mom described a rather sedate routine. Her co-workers, neighbors, friends, acquaintances all describe a happy, kind and loving person. She seems resilient given her circumstances. By all accounts, she was onto a new chapter in her life. She was however in the same place which may have not changed. Whomever brought harm to her before may have done so again because they hadn't changed, the perp/s. Except, Jessica had changed and may have reacted differently. Is it possible her burning was placed there to cast blame on the party scene (thus the rumors) and away from the obvious perp/s who may have harmed her in the past?
IS ws screwy for yall or just me?

BIG time scwewy :( Some pages in this thread take me to a full page ad and won't let me leave. It started yesterday afternoon and continues today when I try again just for kicks. I thought I did something wrong and was being punished. Then I remembered I hadn't posted yet, lol! Give me time...
BIG time scwewy :( Some pages in this thread take me to a full page ad and won't let me leave. It started yesterday afternoon and continues today when I try again just for kicks. I thought I did something wrong and was being punished. Then I remembered I hadn't posted yet, lol! Give me time...

oh gosh! sorry about the problems and WELCOME!!!!!!
BIG time scwewy :( Some pages in this thread take me to a full page ad and won't let me leave. It started yesterday afternoon and continues today when I try again just for kicks. I thought I did something wrong and was being punished. Then I remembered I hadn't posted yet, lol! Give me time...

Welcome! They are having issues with WS and think it's one of the ads. Here is the link to the thread. They are asking for help for peeps who are having issues. I have been here for years and this is the first time with the ad-direct. Don't let it run you off. ;-)
oh gosh! sorry about the problems and WELCOME!!!!!!

:D Thank you CHERIE.T!! My second big worry was that WS was hacked and the conspiracy theories from other sites on the subject briefly percolated in my mind about someone not liking what the brains here were coming up with. I can't begin to say how much I lovelovelove this site! Absolutely fascinating, occasionally frustrating *wanting to knock sense (what I think of as sense, anyway)* into a couple of very rare posters...all in all, fantastic reading here. I appreciate the exchange of ideas and have been enlightened several times. Awesome!
Thank you AngelWings444!! There's no button below your post for me to thank you :/ I'm still getting the hang of navigating the site. :D

And thank you for the link to that thread - I'll be sure and add my particulars.

I'm still playing catch-up reading and am back on page 34.
The reason I even brought it up was because I knew a woman who did commit suicide by fire. It was a lesson I didn't want to learn.

The parking brake was on and the car was not crashed indicating she parked there on purpose. She purchased more gasoline than normal which could be she thought the vehicle would burn faster. The blunt force trauma to her head could have come from the concussion of the explosive force of lighting the liquid accelerant. The phone could have been in her hand and blown out the window when she lit the fire. It could have broken apart when it landed or she could have thrown it prior to starting the fire. She could have gotten out of the car in an attempt to save herself or because the pain was so overwhelming.

Her past and wanting to memorialize her life by writing a book is another thing I looked at when going over this case. No matter how much she changed, she had to live with everything in her past and the reminders were everywhere, imo. If even a small part of what her ex-bf had to say in his radio interview was true, she had lived through some of the most horrific things imaginable. We will never know the extent of what this young girl had to endure in her life and we cannot know her deepest thoughts right before this happened.

Let's add the 20 minute phone call to her mother to this list. It was unusual because she was only to be gone a short while.

I also want to add she could have been with someone in her car prior to the fire. Who knows if the person was adding to her agony and only made her more determined to end it?

This is a thought provoking post for sure! It's almost unfathomable to me. However, like you, I know someone who committed suicide by fire. He set his small RV on fire while he was in it. Shudder.

Can anyone provide a link to the interview with her ex? I will try to search for it.
IMHOO, this wasn't suicide. It's my understanding suicidal people want a quick almost painless end to their life. Burning isn't painless and def not quick.

imoo Jessica's death was likely a revenge killing.....someone wanted her to suffer. again moo.
Painless? Gunshots are not painless yet it is one of the most used ways to commit suicide. Hanging is for certain not painless and it takes time to asphyxiate yourself. Overdose is one of the most painless, but people don't choose this exclusively. Suicide by fire may not be high in stats, but it only takes a few to make that slight percentage and she could certainly be one of those.

It can be a way to "cleanse". Fire can represent purification, sacrifice, and punishment. She had been seeking some spiritual guidance and perhaps she was conflicted with her past. There sure could be many things confusing to a girl in her situation when it comes to religion, imo.

When a person feels like they have done everything expected of them yet they are still in pain and unfulfilled, it doesn't mean they will reveal it to others. She could possibly feel she was letting people down if she did. Many had faith in her future, but maybe she didn't because her past had been so damning.
Catching up on all of the posts as I was away for a few days. I really was hoping to return to see this case was solved. Many interesting theories brought up here. I can't really fathom this as a suicide. Rolling meth lab was an interesting possibility, but it probably would have been discovered early on. The odor would have given it away.
I'm not saying that it couldn't be a suicide, but....I've been in contact with very depressed, suicidal women ... Most of them want an end to their pain. Not an escalation (fire) of the heartache they feel.. Statistically, most suicidal women tend to look at neater, cleaner solutions to their problems (pills, poison, gasses, hanging). Few (albeit some) resort to gunshots, fire...anything messy or bloody).
I think the guy I knew may have wanted the purity thing.
Understand here -- we're not talking about a woman considering suicide and discussing the method she might choose; we're thinking about someone who burned to death in a car fire, and how that car fire came to be. Big difference.
Suicide doesn't ring true to me for many, many reasons. Why bother stopping to get gas? I really don't believe a 19 year old girl would go buy $14 worth of gas thinking it will make her car burn faster with more gas in it. Just doesn't seem likely. Guns would probably be plentiful, as I'm sure would be any number of drugs. It's certainly not impossible, but not very probable. I think if suicide was still on the table with LE, they would definitely have been pushing that theory in their pressers. They are looking for a killer or killers. DA called this one of the most horrific crimes he had ever seen.
CHERIE.T said:
IMHOO, this wasn't suicide. It's my understanding suicidal people want a quick almost painless end to their life. Burning isn't painless and def not quick.

Actually - once a burn damages your nerve endings (I think third degree burns +), you really don't feel much. I know this is horrible to contemplate. :-( But in another way it's sort of a blessing if someone is that injured. But I concur - it's not a pleasant method. Gunshots are fast; overdosing can be painless. Hanging oneself also strikes me as pretty awful but the truth is that depending on the ligature + the length, the actual cause of death (and the time it takes) can differ.

SeriouslySearching said:
When a person feels like they have done everything expected of them yet they are still in pain and unfulfilled, it doesn't mean they will reveal it to others. She could possibly feel she was letting people down if she did. Many had faith in her future, but maybe she didn't because her past had been so damning.

This is a great point - especially at age 19, things that can feel overwhelming at any age can feel insurmountable. If that was actually the case for Jessica, there would probably be SOME evidence or signs that she was feeling really down, at least, at some point. I don't think most people who do it commit suicide on a whim, and not in that fashion.
Another interesting thought...DA Champion said they know exactly what happened to JC that night. Tells me some of those test results are back.
Actually - once a burn damages your nerve endings (I think third degree burns +), you really don't feel much. I know this is horrible to contemplate. :-( But in another way it's sort of a blessing if someone is that injured. But I concur - it's not a pleasant method. Gunshots are fast; overdosing can be painless. Hanging oneself also strikes me as pretty awful but the truth is that depending on the ligature + the length, the actual cause of death (and the time it takes) can differ.

This is a great point - especially at age 19, things that can feel overwhelming at any age can feel insurmountable. If that was actually the case for Jessica, there would probably be SOME evidence or signs that she was feeling really down, at least, at some point. I don't think most people who do it commit suicide on a whim, and not in that fashion.

thanks for the info about burns.
The same arguments made against suicide by this particular method -- that it's rare and difficult -- might also be made against homicide by this method.
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