MS - Jessica Chambers, Panola County, Dec 2014 #2

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State: One of "most telling things in state" was when Tellis told FBI he had gas can in shed in front of house #JessicaChambers


State says agents didn't even ask Tellis about gas. He just fessed up to this out of nowhere #JessicaChambers


Correction: This should say one of most telling things in "case" #JessicaChambers

Now defense will begin their closing arguments. State is taking break for 30 mins. -- never seen it done this way before #JessicaChambers


Defense starts by saying, "It's been a long week, but a good week" #JessicaChambers


Defense says there has been a failure to find out exactly what happened to #JessicaChambers

Defense says there are "details you can not ignore." Says state would like it that way #JessicaChambers


Defense is drilling down on reports from firefighters and responders. Says they cannot be ignored #JessicaChambers


Defense: "It's the state's job, not our job, to prove that Quinton Tellis committed this crime beyond a reasonable doubt" #JessicaChambers

Defense says #JessicaChambers friend Kesha Myers testified that Chambers knew him as Quinton Tellis-- not Eric.


Defense pointing out that Tellis told investigators he passed area where #JessicaChambers was killed bc he knew the area.


Defense: "Myers admitted that #JessicaChambers was selling drugs"

Defense: don't want to "diminish" what responders wrote in reports. But says they were written days later, after they had time to think.


Defense says responders were not brought back in to be questioned about the reports they wrote #JessicaChambers


Asks jurors to really look at reports once in deliberation. They have been admitted as evidence #JessicaChambers
directed verdict
n. a verdict by a jury based on the specific direction by a trial judge that they must bring in that verdict because one of the parties has not proved his/her/its case as a matter of law (failed to present credible testimony on some key element of the claim or of the defense). A judge in a criminal case may direct a verdict of acquittal on the basis the prosecution has not proved its case, but the judge may not direct a verdict of guilty, since that would deprive the accused of the constitutional right to a jury trial. (See: judgment, verdict, element, acquittal, jury trial)
Thank you Buf

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Defense reading through testimony/reports from responders who testified that #JessicaChambers said her name out loud, said Eric, Derrick.


Defense: "Then she says a name that is not the name of the man sitting here on trial today" #JessicaChambers
I am wrong, there are not alot of trials where they have no defense at all?

It's not too uncommon. The defense always gets its case in through cross examination of the state's witnesses. Also, trying to put on a case may make the defendant look even guiltier.
good week? For realz!!!

That may be the single most ridiculous statement I have heard from this entire trial..."a long week, but a good week"....a good week for who??? NO ONE, that's who!! I doubt Jessica's family has had a good week since Dec 6, 2014.

This is the bulk of the defense's case. She continues to read through reports from responders on the #JessicaChambers scene.


Reminder: At least a dozen of them testified to having heard #JessicaChambers say "Eric" set her on fire.
Quote Originally Posted by monster View Post
Would anyone be so kind as to tell me what a "Direct verdict" is

directed verdict
n. a verdict by a jury based on the specific direction by a trial judge that they must bring in that verdict because one of the parties has not proved his/her/its case as a matter of law (failed to present credible testimony on some key element of the claim or of the defense). A judge in a criminal case may direct a verdict of acquittal on the basis the prosecution has not proved its case, but the judge may not direct a verdict of guilty, since that would deprive the accused of the constitutional right to a jury trial. (See: judgment, verdict, element, acquittal, jury trial)

Monster, this is part of the criminal (maybe civil too not sure as haven't followed many of those) but part of procedure. Securing the record. I have heard of a few where was granted. But not as often.

Defense will always say that the State did not prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt.

Defense points out that 2 firefighters on scene-- Brandie Davis and Will Turner-- noticed a "strange man" on scene #JessicaChambers


Reminder: Those two responders put in report that this man was suspicious. They also took his tag numbers #JessicaChambers


Defense reminds jurors that those responders gave that info to law enforcement #JessicaChambers

Defense: "I'd imagine that tag information is gone." – “See. That’s a detail. Details were ignored in this case.” #JessicaChambers


Defense says medical expert admitted to "not being there" night of #JessicaChambers fire. Couldn't say how well she could be understood.
It's not too uncommon. The defense always gets its case in through cross examination of the state's witnesses. Also, trying to put on a case may make the defendant look even guiltier.

And the Defense do not have to prove anything. The judge explains this to the jury. In this case I think the Defense is doing smart by doing what she is doing. I not as big a fan of her as I am the gentleman. But maybe they had her do because of being a female. Everything has purpose what said and did. I curious as to why so much was decided to not be used by State. (they stated that early on)

Defense is now on to testimony from Rowlett-- cell phone expert #JessicaChambers


Defense: Cell phone records show "she knew him. She knew him well and talked to him a lot" about Tellis' relationship with #JessicaChambers


Defense points out that it's difficult to rely on cell phone data in Courtland because of towers #JessicaChambers

Defense: "If calls aren't made, if texts aren't made, it's hard to tell where a person was" #JessicaChambers


Defense: "Video from M&M show nothing except for cars coming out of a driveway"... "these are assumptions" #JessicaChambers


She says this in regards to not seeing who was in cars, getting out, etc. #JessicaChambers
Defense Atty just told jurors that circumstantial evidence = not guilty then went on to say it is in a jury instruction. I hope the jurors remember that closing is not evidence!
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