GUILTY MS - Linda Reed for embezzlement, Copiah County, 2012

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I am so sorry for what your family is going through. I cannot imagine a family member missing. I think the state police sounds like a good idea, but I have no idea how LE works really. So she is just missing. No new info, leads, ect. I too would be frustrated. Hopefully you will have answers soon.
We were told by the FBI that FBI can not come in and take over the case since we can not prove she was taken across state lines. At this point they can only do what local LE requests them to do. We do not wish do bad mouth or blame local LE because we think they are doing what they can but it is a small county with little budgets for cases like these. Of course we want everything processed and everyone given polygraghs. I understand these thing are time consuing and expensive but feel it necessary. Texas Equui Search offered to fly in a certified polygraphist (spg?) and cover all expenses to polygraph the all family and all co-workersbut LE would not allow it. I do have to say thank you to our community. They have shown tremendous love and support to our family during all of this. They have prayed for us, hugged us, cried with us and basically took care of us during our searches and still check on us regularly despite the untrue news report from last month.

So the state of Mississippi doesn't have a State Law Enforcement Agency, as in similar to the Texas Rangers or the Arkansas State Police, etc.? I can't believe they wouldn't, which is the entity who would have jurisdiction over all local LE. Such as concerning investigations into corruption, negligence, etc. within all local LE's within the state. As far as I know, this is who you can contact with serious concerns or problems w/ local LE. The fact is the local Sheriff's dept. may have done all they know to do, but may not have the man power or may be not experienced enough. If not, they should have already called in State Police for assistance if it is out of FBI jurisdiction, imo.
BTW, I am only advising according to my experience as a lay person, and am not a professional. Have you considered getting legal advise? I have to say that this case really upsets me because it seems that LE has completely dropped the ball. I just wish I could help you more. I just don't know how.
HelpfindLinda - thanks for sharing with us. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I just don't know what to say, how you all are being treated is just awful.

I hope Linda comes home safely, soon.
We were told by FBI that MBI(Mississippi Bureau of Investigations) fingerprinted the outside of the vehicle. That's it. None seem interested in pointing fingers. I have PAGES of notes of things we felt should have been done that weren't, things that we did that we felt LE should have done. The list goes on. We begged from dayteo to get the FBI involved. Took over a month to even get to speak to FBI and that was only after a very heated loud phone conversation with LE. We were told that you can't sue LE for stupidity ( for lack of a better word). We would have to prove they had deliberately covered up something. We were also told the media including news could report/print anything. Freedom of speech, also can't sue for defamation of Linda's character since she s missing, she would have to sue herself unless we find her body then we as her power of attorney could sue on her behalf.

As far as speculation, I can not comment ( we fear the worst) as we have been threatened already of lawsuit, when we haven't said anything. We know what we think may have happened and have shared that with LE but they don't seem to care what we think. As of today we still have not even been interviewed by LE. I have even pointed that out to them and asked why we haven't...
We were told by FBI that MBI(Mississippi Bureau of Investigations) fingerprinted the outside of the vehicle. That's it. None seem interested in pointing fingers. I have PAGES of notes of things we felt should have been done that weren't, things that we did that we felt LE should have done. The list goes on. We begged from dayteo to get the FBI involved. Took over a month to even get to speak to FBI and that was only after a very heated loud phone conversation with LE. We were told that you can't sue LE for stupidity ( for lack of a better word). We would have to prove they had deliberately covered up something. We were also told the media including news could report/print anything. Freedom of speech, also can't sue for defamation of Linda's character since she s missing, she would have to sue herself unless we find her body then we as her power of attorney could sue on her behalf.

As far as speculation, I can not comment ( we fear the worst) as we have been threatened already of lawsuit, when we haven't said anything. We know what we think may have happened and have shared that with LE but they don't seem to care what we think. As of today we still have not even been interviewed by LE. I have even pointed that out to them and asked why we haven't...

Have you contacted the Mississippi Bureau of Investigations yourself and asked to speak to the investigator over this district? You should be able to do that.Be forthright, be specific, and most importantly, be very persistant. Insist on an appointment to meet with them to discuss the case and explain your concerns. I know that if they are anything like the Texas Rangers, they will be very professional and very conscientious, with high ethical standards and very high standards as far as training and qualifications.
I know Linda's daughter has spoken to MBI but I am not sure specifically what was discussed. We have spoken to a senator who told us to get a lawyer regarding WLBT. In the mean time we have children, jobs and have had to go back to a somewhat day to day routine. I think this was also for our sanity's sak. We call who we can and do what ever we can think of to try to keep her case open and active. We will not give up.
I know Linda's daughter has spoken to MBI but I am not sure specifically what was discussed. We have spoken to a senator who told us to get a lawyer regarding WLBT. In the mean time we have children, jobs and have had to go back to a somewhat day to day routine. I think this was also for our sanity's sak. We call who we can and do what ever we can think of to try to keep her case open and active. We will not give up.

I guess I'm getting tired, lol. What is WLBT?
God Bless You, I know this is very hard for you and your family.
I have some questions and some advice, etc. Take it for what it's worth. I am very sorry to hear that you have such concerns about Linda. I am among those who haven't forgotten that she is missing, but it has seemed to us that the local LE hasn't been very diligent about investigating this case. I figured that limited resources were partly to blame.

1. Has the FBI said that no money was missing? This has not been reported.

2. I have been a newspaper journalist for 12 years. Newspaper journalists rarely make as many mistakes as TV journalists. I would recommend contacting a reporter at a newspaper in the nearest metropolis.

3. I highly recommend that the family appoint a spokesperson to relay information to the media. You likely can find someone with PR experience who will make sure that the media gets its stories correct.

4. Unfortunately, suing someone for making a false statement probably isn't going to help. Rather, it's going to hurt. Establishing a good rapport with reporters is going to be the best way to keep LE working. If a reporter makes a mistake, all you can do is demand a retraction and speak to the editor of the publication. Unfortunately, media jobs don't pay much these days, and they don't always get the best and brightest. But there are dedicated, capable journalists out there.

5. Remember that you hold the cards. If you feel that the investigation has been mishandled, press LE. Demand that they take appropriate steps. Let them know that you are going to the media if they don't take proper steps. Go to your city's council meeting and voice your opinion about how LE has handled the case. I know someone else has told you to keep a good relationship with the local LE. But here's the thing. They're clearly not willing and not capable of handling this case. They're not helping at all right now. How much less could they possibly do?

Trust me. Get the media rolling again. Get the story covered in larger cities. It will get picked up nationally if you can make enough ruckus, but it would help to have a PR person as a spokesman for the family. They can do a lot of the legwork. If you get real journalists asking tough questions of local LE and people close to the case, you'll be much more likely to get somewhere.

Sometimes, you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet.
We were told by FBI that MBI(Mississippi Bureau of Investigations) fingerprinted the outside of the vehicle. That's it. None seem interested in pointing fingers. I have PAGES of notes of things we felt should have been done that weren't, things that we did that we felt LE should have done. The list goes on. We begged from dayteo to get the FBI involved. Took over a month to even get to speak to FBI and that was only after a very heated loud phone conversation with LE. We were told that you can't sue LE for stupidity ( for lack of a better word). We would have to prove they had deliberately covered up something. We were also told the media including news could report/print anything. Freedom of speech, also can't sue for defamation of Linda's character since she s missing, she would have to sue herself unless we find her body then we as her power of attorney could sue on her behalf.

As far as speculation, I can not comment ( we fear the worst) as we have been threatened already of lawsuit, when we haven't said anything. We know what we think may have happened and have shared that with LE but they don't seem to care what we think. As of today we still have not even been interviewed by LE. I have even pointed that out to them and asked why we haven't...

I'm thinking that the State can step in and take over the investigation, but only under certain circumstances: that is, if local LE requests their assistance, or, if there are claims that local LE is not satisfactorily doing there job and a formal complaint is filed. Thus requesting that the State Police get involved which will then authorize / require them to start their own investigation. This process would be initiated by the family or their representative such as an attorney; again, I think.
This is just from what little experience I have had, though not in the state of Mississippi. I wish I were there, I would be happy to donate my time to help your family out. Something has obviously happened to your loved one, Linda, and we have to find out what happened and where she is. There has to be a light at the end of the tunnel though, I just know there is.
I am a member of this family. And I can yell you this family has and continually go through he'll everyday not knowing what happened to Linda. We do contact the FBI and local law enforcement every week. We no longer speak to media because of the lies they tell and their plug and play reporting. We are at a loss of knowing where to look. After searching none stop for well over four weeks and we the lies the media have spread we are physically and emotionally drained. While many of these comments are hurtfull, some have been right on target with our questions. Many of the rumors I have seen on here are absolutely false. I will just name a few.
-The place she worked had no security camera. All security footage was from other businesses and the family are the ones who made LE come and look at the footage hoping LE could enhance it. The only thing on the footage showed her returning from walmart at 7:58 Pam Sunday night.
-Linda had no land our property to sale. The property she and her husbands home sits on is the only land they have and none of which was sold.
- Lindas ex husband of over twenty plus years made dentures, not her husband now.
- There was a broken tooth from a bridge found in the vehicle along with a house blanket a few yards away. This is why family fears the worst.
-family has begged for LE to process the inside of her vehicle, the blanket, her mobile Home at work.
-glasses were going by the blanket. LE still say they are Linda's. They are not her glasses nor has she had black wire framed glasses ever. LE will not process glasses for fingerprints or snap.
-family has begged LE to process inside of vehicle, mobile home, blanket and the questionable glasses but they will not.
-Linda loved her husband, children, grandchildren and mother. She was was a very family oriented person and family was everything to her. Therefore we do not believe she would ever run off and leave us to look for her body fearing the worse.
- we do not want to bash LE. Our intentions have been and will always very to find Linda.
- We have cooperated, offerred our phone and email accounts and offered to take polygraphs to prove that we don't know where Linda is and that we do fear the worst.

I apologize for the rant but I have sat back quietly for far too long. Of course we want the truth whatever it may be. Alive under any circumstance is still alive! Unfortunately we don't think that's the case and unroll we have been given proof otherwise, we will stand firm in the person we know her to be.

Also, thank you for clearing some of these questions up that have been weighing on all of our minds.
That is unbelievable and inexcusable for LE not to completely and thoroughly process the car or any part of the crime scene.
And you don't need to apologize for the 'rant'. It is completely acceptable in this situation. And whatever has happened, and I would love if Linda is found alive somewhere, anywhere, but regardless your family needs and deserves to have answers.
I know Linda's daughter has spoken to MBI but I am not sure specifically what was discussed. We have spoken to a senator who told us to get a lawyer regarding WLBT. In the mean time we have children, jobs and have had to go back to a somewhat day to day routine. I think this was also for our sanity's sak. We call who we can and do what ever we can think of to try to keep her case open and active. We will not give up.

Welcome though I wish for your family that it was under different circumstances that you came to WS's.

I like Coldpizza's suggestion about the PI.

We are pulling for Linda and praying with you for answers.
I am a member of this family. And I can yell you this family has and continually go through he'll everyday not knowing what happened to Linda. We do contact the FBI and local law enforcement every week. We no longer speak to media because of the lies they tell and their plug and play reporting. We are at a loss of knowing where to look. After searching none stop for well over four weeks and we the lies the media have spread we are physically and emotionally drained. While many of these comments are hurtfull, some have been right on target with our questions. Many of the rumors I have seen on here are absolutely false. I will just name a few.
-The place she worked had no security camera. All security footage was from other businesses and the family are the ones who made LE come and look at the footage hoping LE could enhance it. The only thing on the footage showed her returning from walmart at 7:58 Pam Sunday night.
-Linda had no land our property to sale. The property she and her husbands home sits on is the only land they have and none of which was sold.
- Lindas ex husband of over twenty plus years made dentures, not her husband now.
- There was a broken tooth from a bridge found in the vehicle along with a house blanket a few yards away. This is why family fears the worst.
-family has begged for LE to process the inside of her vehicle, the blanket, her mobile Home at work.
-glasses were going by the blanket. LE still say they are Linda's. They are not her glasses nor has she had black wire framed glasses ever. LE will not process glasses for fingerprints or snap.
-family has begged LE to process inside of vehicle, mobile home, blanket and the questionable glasses but they will not.
-Linda loved her husband, children, grandchildren and mother. She was was a very family oriented person and family was everything to her. Therefore we do not believe she would ever run off and leave us to look for her body fearing the worse.
- we do not want to bash LE. Our intentions have been and will always very to find Linda.
- We have cooperated, offerred our phone and email accounts and offered to take polygraphs to prove that we don't know where Linda is and that we do fear the worst.

I apologize for the rant but I have sat back quietly for far too long. Of course we want the truth whatever it may be. Alive under any circumstance is still alive! Unfortunately we don't think that's the case and unroll we have been given proof otherwise, we will stand firm in the person we know her to be.

BBM Were the glasses they found reading glasses or prescription glasses? I remember it was reported that they were Linda's reading glasses and I know LE likes to keep things close to the vest but to me that is an important factor in this case that the public needs to know. That might have been just the info that somebody needed to call in a tip that their spouse or coworker had lost black wire rim glasses on the date Linda went missing. They may have purchased a new pair or had a spare pair of glasses but someone close to them likely would have noticed this. I think that needs to be put on her missing poster.

The 2nd BBM just touched my heart.
We have given LE the name and number of Linda's optometrist thinking they could compare them to her script. They appeared to be reading classes. Linda wore bil or tri focals not reading glasses.

What is MMB?
It is my understanding that the Copiah County Sheriffs Department isn't "all that". A few years ago, a man was found dead in his home in Georgetown. A couple days before, the man bought a new chainsaw. When he was discovered dead, the sheriffs dept. showed up. One of the officers stole his new chainsaw. Family members noticed it missing, and mentioned it to the sheriff. The sheriff then said something to the officers about it, and the one who took it spoke up. Instead of him getting fired, they let the officer resign. This is not a rumor.
One would think that when it comes to someone missing, there would be funds available to help LE stay on top of things. This is really scary, that LE isn't doing their job. What if a small child comes up missing? Would they treat that case the way they are treating the Linda Reed case? Adult or child, it doesn't matter. Linda has friends and family who want her home. If it were my mother....well, I just don't know what I would do. I would probably be in jail for harassing LE until they got off their a$$es and done something.
Sorry. Whatis BBM?

BBM is bolded by me. When someone uses that term, they have put part of your post in bold and they are responding to that part of what you have said.

I must say my heart breaks for Linda and your family. I have been following Linda's case from the beginning....and the frustration in not knowing more is so great. I can only imagine what you guys are feeling.

My prayers are with you as you seek more information. I hope another agency will pursue Linda's case in a more professional manner.
Maybe we could organize as a group, and flood the Copiah County Sheriff's office and maybe the local news station, with either phone calls or emails, or both. Get as many people as we can to participate and inquire about what is being done for Linda's case, and ask that LE come forth with a public statement. I don't know, there may be a better way, but this apparent lackadaisical non-investigation is unacceptable and should not be allowed to continue, so it's just something.
We were told by the FBI that FBI can not come in and take over the case since we can not prove she was taken across state lines. At this point they can only do what local LE requests them to do. We do not wish do bad mouth or blame local LE because we think they are doing what they can but it is a small county with little budgets for cases like these. Of course we want everything processed and everyone given polygraghs. I understand these thing are time consuing and expensive but feel it necessary. Texas Equui Search offered to fly in a certified polygraphist (spg?) and cover all expenses to polygraph the all family and all co-workersbut LE would not allow it. I do have to say thank you to our community. They have shown tremendous love and support to our family during all of this. They have prayed for us, hugged us, cried with us and basically took care of us during our searches and still check on us regularly despite the untrue news report from last month.
Why wouldn't LE give their blessing for the help that was offered? This is beyond craziness. Even though I don't know Linda or her family they all deserve answers and for what has happened with her to be found out.
Praying for your family, helpfindlinda

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