GUILTY MS - Linda Reed for embezzlement, Copiah County, 2012

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Wowza. Ms. Linda has a lot of explaining to do.
I am as shocked as everyone else! I was always iffy about this case, until helpfindlinda came on board. She shed a lot of light on this case for us. At the same time, I always said that WE don't know everything the law knows about this. They can't tell the public all the info they have. My husband said the whole time she was alive. I am thinking she had help leaving or maybe had a rental car. Maybe she parked her vehicle in the wooded area and had the rental parked down the the road and walked to it and left; or someone was waiting to pick her up. I hope there is more to come on this case.
What is up with this other car she owned? Did no one know she owned another car and that it was conveniently missing as well?
amazing she was still using her same name and her same ssn! (from link posted upstream)
Well... well... well.... I'll be an aunty's cat!

I'm another one who has followed this thread from the word go and have a subscription to it so I don't miss out on any posts.

I'm surprised and I must admit, to some degree, somewhat shocked. Almost speechless. On the other hand, I also know that people are not always, nor do they always do, what you think they would. Still, it can be quite a surprise as in this case. Yet at the same time, it all makes sense now.

The only thing that made it iffy for me was this talk of possible money embezzlement. However, having said that, $20,000 to me seems like a small amount to make a run for it... but then, it's a large amount if you have no possible way to pay it back and face criminal charges. And I imagine, embarrassing and feeling trapped knowing that if you don't have that type of money, you can't just put it back and get on with things where noone is any the wiser at what you had done.

About 15 years ago, a woman I knew rather well, would, here and there, tell me and another friend her woes and griefs about her two adult children and we had some good in depths talks. They were both bipolar, unpredicable, took advantage of her too often and at times, quite nasty towards her and seemed to take her for granted. Her son was also a drug addict and would rob her home and so on for money... she seemed to take it all in her stride... but...

One day she walked into the small studio we three worked in and said something to the effect of.. 'I'm changing my name and going far away forever and you will never see me again. Besides you two, there's only one other person I'm telling this to before I disappear, only because you are who you are and I know that you don't know my family and children. I'm not telling you anything else just in case by the off chance, if someone asks you about me, you can honestly say, 'I don't know' and you won't have to lie, cover up for me nor be in a position to slip up.'

With that she turned her back on the two of us and walked out without looking back. I've never seen her since, but I still sometimes wonder how her family and other friends must feel never knowing the little bit I and my other friend knew.... an unsettling eerie feeling.

I can imagine, that in Linda's case, her family would be and will go through, a whole gamut of emotions and feelings to resolve this in their own minds. It's a hard one to get my head around.
The article posted above indicates that the amount may well be much more than $20K.

Jones said since the time Reed went missing, authorities felt she was alive.

“From day one, pretty much from the crime scene, we didn’t think she had been abducted, but we can’t tell you everything we know at the time,” he said. “It’s a long tedious process like you can see.”

Reed is charged with felony embezzlement, but Jones said she will be charged as authorities deem necessary as the investigation unfolds.

Officials have isolated more money that is missing from Moore Fabrications in Gallman, where Reed worked as a bookkeeper when she went missing. Jones said numbers won’t be released until later, but that it is “absolutely” more than the initial $20,000.
The article posted above indicates that the amount may well be much more than $20K.
Yes. Seems that way now. I guess all will be eventually revealed. She certainly got herself in quite a trap with all this.

Often the case, police know much more right from the start, than what is ever revealed publically.
I quit posting due to some health circumstances, then there was nothing new to post. Last week when they changed LGR's status to wanted, I came back to post that and read the comments that had been posted over the last several months. I decided not to post then since I still couldn't post sources, however, as you see she has been found, they only report the petty cash number from 2010 (not other accounts, other years or other businesses) and LE is now hinting that the number will be substantially larger. The storage unit was empty and it is believed her other vehicle was there. I believe she did have an accomplice, they will be found and that video I told you guys about so many months ago, will be made public as well. Maybe the video doesn't exist and this was someone's claim to fame, but I don't think so.

I did not need the Hardy Boys, nor did the Sheriff pull me in....I just listened and chose to believe certain people and discounted others' beliefs. I was firmly in the foul play camp for several weeks, but when the details of her disappearance leaked out, it was very hard to stay in that camp. I was an unbiased opinion that was able to differentiate between fact and fiction. When the investigation is complete and the number embezzled is made public, I do not believe it will be a paltry sum of $20K. I still stand by the video and do believe that you will read about it very soon.
Wowza. Ms. Linda has a lot of explaining to do.

If she was not interested in letting them know that she was leaving, I imagine that she is not really bothered about telling them why now.
Funny how Linda Reed is getting so much local coverage now, on all the TV and radio stations, but yet coverage was scant at best when she was just considered a missing person. Doesn't seem quite right to me. Prayers for Linda's family as they try to process all this. I'm sure they are bewildered!
He said deputies had Reed’s home on Timberline Drive under surveillance, and Gregg County deputies made the arrest on the Mississippi warrant when she left the house — presumably driving to her job.

Reed was driving a Ford Taurus with a Mississippi license plate when she was stopped, Jones said.
How the fugitive was able to buy the car is something Jones said he intends to find out.
“If we learn she had help, whoever helped her will be prosecuted,” he said.
I have so many questions! Like how did she get another job without references (obviously no one heard from her right?)

Was she living alone?

Did she have help?

Heck if she was renting somewhere a lot of times you need references for that as well! (we own a home in Kansas and rent it out and we always check references and credit)
I have so many questions! Like how did she get another job without references (obviously no one heard from her right?)

Was she living alone?

Did she have help?

Heck if she was renting somewhere a lot of times you need references for that as well! (we own a home in Kansas and rent it out and we always check references and credit)

She had help from someone, imo. Why go only 250 miles away? There was only a county wide search per the sheriff before she was "wanted". Will be interesting to see who the car is registered to....since we never heard a thing about it previously. Yep, and no background checks for her residence or job? Wonder if she any frequent week-end visitors...doesn't take but a few hours to drive that distance.
Wlbt ran a story from a sister station in TX where her new employer was interviewed. Supposedly, she claimed she was running from an abusive ex-husband and that's why they couldn't run a background check. Her story didn't add up with her co-workers because she wasn't telling the same story to everyone. One of her co-workers was curious enough to google her last week and found the whole story. She called the sheriff and reported her.

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