MS MS - Myra Lewis, 2, Camden, 1 March 2014 - #2

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Anyone remember Susan Smith.....the ^><}.{ who killed her children?
She closed her eyes when she spoke during a news presser.
This is very close to my neck of the woods as well..:( Every day I wake up hoping that Myra has been found, and I like everyone else believe that the family knows something. They have been too darn quiet! If this was one of my kids you wouldn't be able to keep me away from a news camera pleading! I am really proud of Sheriff Randy Tucker in the way that his office has handled this case, and his pain and frustration is more apparent than her own family has shown. I had hope, I really did..but it is fading.:banghead:
Bumping this baby back to page 1...Where is Myra???
Wait a minute. First, thank you for sharing that there are such sites as I just discovered them. However, useful that may be I am reading some stuff that is WAY missing the mark.

I need to see the video of the dad again, specifically the one where a woman in a head scarf speaks. (I need help finding it.)

There is a vast cultural void apparently between some of the people who are doing the analysis and the people they are analyzing.

In rural Mississippi, a woman in a head scarf does not indicate they are Muslim. I need to see this scarf. Some women just like the look of tribal apparel, while my child's school handbook specifically specifies "No do-rags." But suddenly in the discussion of their language analysis the mom becomes Muslim and therefore is too oppressed to speak in public. Missing the mark badly.

Cultural differences are also in my opinion causing gross misanalysis of some of the the words that were spoken. I don't know where these people are from who are discussing it but it's my opinion most of them have never set foot in the south.

Does anyone have the link to the dad's video? Thank you in advance.

Way back in the old days many, many women wore scarves on their head while working and in rural Mississippi, there is a very old mentality still ( i can say this, I was born there ) My female family members there were wearing scarves the last time I was there, mid 80s. It's about keeping their hair nice underneath it from wind and dirt and about keeping their hair from getting into other things, food, etc. It has nothing to do with any religion. It's a necessity. It's moo and it's true! I personally like it. It reminds me of yesteryear. If you look back at old hollywood stars, they always had on scarves to protect their hair do!
Sometimes, a head scarf is merely an indicator of a bad hair day. We ALL have them KWIM?
Hi guys, no one has been named a POI, so no discussion of family members as such in Myra's disappearance.

Also, the children are off limits.

Hi guys, no one has been named a POI, so no discussion of family members as such in Myra's disappearance.

Also, the children are off limits.


Sadly , no one has been named anything, except Myra who is missing :(
While it does anger us that someone would commit food stamp fraud, I do not believe that person should stay in jail for that offense. Home arrest would be so much better...and less expensive for the taxpayers. Just think....we now have to keep mom in jail and all the kids in foster care~all because mom took too much in food stamps. Sure, punish her. Make her repay some way...but keeping her in jail for that offense is not realistic in my book.
We have child molesters who are on house arrest. Heck, we have murderers that get out in no time. And now we are filling the jails with people who fraud the government. Dang, half the government should be in their own jails because they fraud us everyday. But that's another story.
If keeping mom in jail doesn't work, they should let her out and watch her closely. Maybe that will lead us to Myra.
One thing that still bugs me in this case is the time. And I'm not sleuthing the parents, just stating facts. Mom was gone, dad noticed at noon that Myra was not there, the other kids tell him that she went with mom. That was at noon. Four hours passed before LE was called. That is a LOT of crucial time in which something, anything, could have happened. Why did the dad take the kids at their word instead of just calling his wife to be sure?? It would have only been an hour or two by then that had gone by. It could have made a huge difference!

As a parent if my husband took one of our children with him and did not tell ME personally I would call him to be sure. Hubby took the dog with him to the store once without telling me. I noticed she wasn't on the back of the couch where she goes when someone leaves, called her and got no answer. I called him right away thinking she slipped out or something! And that's just the dog, not one of my kids.

I know people in rural areas think "things like that don't happen around here" because I'm very rural myself and I will admit that we are pretty comfortable with our safety. We leave our doors unlocked, a lot, even overnight, never lock our cars unless we go out shopping to the closest city with a mall. I've even left my purse and cell phone on the counter in the tack room where we board our horse and left it unattended while we walked down to the pasture or gone into the arena. Just dumb things we take for granted thinking "we're a lot safer here than we would be in the city". But here we have our dangers too. We have the occasional bear on the loose, coyotes, snakes, and other various critters, there's the road where the speed limit is anywhere from 45-60, and the hunters/target practice enthusiasts. I was frantic with worry about my dog because as a mom I know anything could happen. I would have been a lot more frantic over my toddler!!
While it does anger us that someone would commit food stamp fraud, I do not believe that person should stay in jail for that offense. Home arrest would be so much better...and less expensive for the taxpayers. Just think....we now have to keep mom in jail and all the kids in foster care~all because mom took too much in food stamps. Sure, punish her. Make her repay some way...but keeping her in jail for that offense is not realistic in my book.
We have child molesters who are on house arrest. Heck, we have murderers that get out in no time. And now we are filling the jails with people who fraud the government. Dang, half the government should be in their own jails because they fraud us everyday. But that's another story.
If keeping mom in jail doesn't work, they should let her out and watch her closely. Maybe that will lead us to Myra.

That is not why she is back in jail. She is back in jail because she was on probation for a felony and was carrying a gun and had guns in her home and was arrested. As a felon she can't be carrying a gun. When people are sentenced and given probation, they are very lucky and fortunate. IMO when a convicted felon is given a second chance and they blow it they should be in jail, especially when they have guns, and when they are lying around their house with small children.

The details I have stated are all in MSM articles posted on this thread.
That is not why she is back in jail. She is back in jail because she was on probation for a felony and was carrying a gun and had guns in her home and was arrested. As a felon she can't be carrying a gun. When people are sentenced and given probation, they are very lucky and fortunate. IMO when a convicted felon is given a second chance and they blow it they should be in jail, especially when they have guns, and when they are lying around their house with small children.

The details I have stated are all in MSM articles posted on this thread.

Oh geez.... Sorry. Thats what I get for following too many threads at one time. I agree with you on that then. She should definitely stay in jail.
I was back tracking rereading the last few pages when something new jumped out! In a quoted article where Myra first went missing, it said she had bronchitis and was on breathing treatments!

What?? Why have the parents/family not mentioned/stressed this?! RED FLAG!! Assuming she was taking breathing treatments at home, one does not just stop them. An inhaler is easy to use, but getting a two year old to sit for treatment with the little home breathing machine (do not know proper name) can be a battle! Been there done that with a cooperative toddler MOST times. My point - why not stress she needs her medicine?

Hmmmmm. . . Not good! JMO! And yes, going now to bring that over here.
I was back tracking rereading the last few pages when something new jumped out! In a quoted article where Myra first went missing, it said she had bronchitis and was on breathing treatments!

What?? Why have the parents/family not mentioned/stressed this?! RED FLAG!! Assuming she was taking breathing treatments at home, one does not just stop them. An inhaler is easy to use, but getting a two year old to sit for treatment with the little home breathing machine (do not know proper name) can be a battle! Been there done that with a cooperative toddler MOST times. My point - why not stress she needs her medicine?

Hmmmmm. . . Not good! JMO! And yes, going now to bring that over here.

The breathing treatment machine is called a Nebulizer. When one of my kids was little she had asthma and used it several times a day. Now a grandbaby uses one. IF this little one was using one for bronchitis treatment she had acute bronchitis imo. Makes this all the sadder....
The day Myra vanished off the face of the earth she was seen outside with her sibling(s).
It was reported mom was going 'shopping'. At approx. 12pm dad notices Myra isn't in the house.
Parents believe missing girl was abducted

JACKSON, Mississippi -- The massive search for a missing toddler in Madison County is now going nationwide. Deputies were back out at the house searching for clues and looking for missing 2-year-old Myra Lewis on Monday. Family members say Myra has bronchitis and was receiving breathing treatments. They are asking the community to pay attention to social media and to keep an eye out for the baby.

Snipped by me.

Adding this to show where I read that Myra had bronchitis and was receiving breathing treatments.
That is not why she is back in jail. She is back in jail because she was on probation for a felony and was carrying a gun and had guns in her home and was arrested. As a felon she can't be carrying a gun. When people are sentenced and given probation, they are very lucky and fortunate. IMO when a convicted felon is given a second chance and they blow it they should be in jail, especially when they have guns, and when they are lying around their house with small children.

The details I have stated are all in MSM articles posted on this thread.

In one of the Pressers after Mom was arrested Sheriff Tucker said that she was not carrying a gun. He stated that "There are numerous guns in the house because her Husband is a hunter". Now I have never been a convicted felon, never even been arrested..but when one is convicted of a felony I would think that their lawyer would make it pretty darn clear that there are to be NO guns in your home. If it were me I would have ordered Hublet to make them disappear.
Why did the dad take the kids at their word instead of just calling his wife to be sure?? It would have only been an hour or two by then that had gone by. It could have made a huge difference!

It never ceases to amaze me that people don't realize not everyone can afford a $50-80 a month cell phone bill. We know the poster photo of Myra was not made with an activated cell phone.

Same with internet. Not everybody owns a computer or can afford an internet bill.

Not every child has a cell phone: note to TEACHERS who send assignments and test dates via text, then on test day say "I sent the text!" Please! (This makes me really mad.)

I guess the media proves differently but it would not have surprised me if there was no cell service where they live. Lot of dead spots in rural areas.
I was not, by the way, excusing the lack of supervision of a 2 year old. Inexcusable.

But why everybody thinks everybody else has a phone, computer, internet, car, etc. just because they have one is beyond me.
It never ceases to amaze me that people don't realize not everyone can afford a $50-80 a month cell phone bill. We know the poster photo of Myra was not made with an activated cell phone.

Same with internet. Not everybody owns a computer or can afford an internet bill.

Not every child has a cell phone: note to TEACHERS who send assignments and test dates via text, then on test day say "I sent the text!" Please! (This makes me really mad.)

I guess the media proves differently but it would not have surprised me if there was no cell service where they live. Lot of dead spots in rural areas.

Speaking of which, I have never read a newspaper column that mentions dad tried to use a cell maybe they didn't have them. Of perhaps they only have one and he had it but mom did not.
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