MS MS - Shondra May, 17, Forest, 4 Feb 1986

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
There were rumors of a van but nothing was ever proven about a van. Her body was found in a creek in Bolton MS (between Vicksburg and Jackson) about 80 miles from her house. She was found in the creek close to a bridge on Champion Hill Road by a single man not a couple of hunters because we paid him a $5000.00 reward for finding Shondra. See, I have a special connection to this case, Shondra is my sister.

I don't know if you have been verified, because i have not looked.

But when i read you stating Shondra is your sister, i wanted to post now, and will go back and continue to read the postings here.

Just a couple of questions based on speculation from what i have read so far, especially from the link in post #27

1. Is it assumed, though i am only speculating of course, she was killed by a African American, or a black man from Africa?
Though i speculate a female may had had an involvement in this case in one avenue or the other?

2. And it is my speculation that the car was driving back to the home by the killer, or someone involved in the killing. I speculate only one killer, but not certain, but they drove the car back to the house, and parked it the 75 yards or so away and left it there. It was not Shondra that parked the car there, because she was not in it? Perhaps, there were two involved. One drove the car back and left it on the street close to where she lived, and the other followed. When parked, the one got out of Shondras car and got into the other that was following. I speculate only of course, they did this to distort what had actually happened, and planned to make it look like she was abducted as she was getting closer to her house.

The killer/killers did know her, knew of her etc. And this was not some random abduction by a stranger or serial killer.
This was something personal.

These are the only two questions i have for you now. I will try to add others perhaps after reading more on this thread, before the time to edit my posting is over. If to late to do so, i will quote this to continue or just post a new postings with this posting listed if need be.

I just felt it was important to post this now, and not wait until i have read everything.

Can you tell me, if any POI owned/ borrowed a 4 door vehicle, such as a sedan devile/seville
late 70s model. General motors i believe?

MrTT – 1. I never heard an assumption that Shondra was killed by an African American, or a black man from Africa. The law enforcement profile of the killer puts him white and somewhere in his late 20’s at the time of the murder if I remember right but of course a profile doesn’t necessarily prove anything.

2. The speculation that the car was brought back by the killer has been addressed in the past but as we have ran into many times there was no way to prove it or not. Two killers has been thought of in the past but it is generally accepted that there was only one killer because it is thought that with two killers maybe something would have broke or information leaked out because of two people. Also, there is only DNA evidence from one person. We lived out in the country and it was a dirt road that we lived on. It had rained the day of her disappearance and there were three small footprints in the mud by her car. They appeared to be approximately her size but this was never substantiated. There was only three prints and they seemed to just disappear into thin air after the last one.

I firmly believe that Shondra’s killer of killers knew her and knew where she lived and I don’t think that this was a random abduction. This was cold and calculated.

As an answer to your afterthought; I do not know of any POI that owned had or borrowed any 4 door GM sedan or deville/seville. The only thing about a vehicle that I remember hearing was the rumors about a van but as I’ve stated before these rumors were never proven.

I’m sorry that it took me so long to respond to your post but with the holidays, my work schedule and other family problems I’m just now getting you questions answered.
MrTT – 1. I never heard an assumption that Shondra was killed by an African American, or a black man from Africa. The law enforcement profile of the killer puts him white and somewhere in his late 20’s at the time of the murder if I remember right but of course a profile doesn’t necessarily prove anything.

2. The speculation that the car was brought back by the killer has been addressed in the past but as we have ran into many times there was no way to prove it or not. Two killers has been thought of in the past but it is generally accepted that there was only one killer because it is thought that with two killers maybe something would have broke or information leaked out because of two people. Also, there is only DNA evidence from one person. We lived out in the country and it was a dirt road that we lived on. It had rained the day of her disappearance and there were three small footprints in the mud by her car. They appeared to be approximately her size but this was never substantiated. There was only three prints and they seemed to just disappear into thin air after the last one.

I firmly believe that Shondra’s killer of killers knew her and knew where she lived and I don’t think that this was a random abduction. This was cold and calculated.

As an answer to your afterthought; I do not know of any POI that owned had or borrowed any 4 door GM sedan or deville/seville. The only thing about a vehicle that I remember hearing was the rumors about a van but as I’ve stated before these rumors were never proven.

I’m sorry that it took me so long to respond to your post but with the holidays, my work schedule and other family problems I’m just now getting you questions answered.

For replying back.
And please, no apology necessary.

Theirs no pressure here on web-sleuths. You take your time and reply back if and when you decide to.

at the time of Shondras case.I offered my services for free because the case really bothered me.The judge put a gag order on this case.To this day I dont know why.Ive written to Unsolved mysteries and Americas Most Wanted many times over the years about MS May.But have never received a response.

Was you able to do any investigation on the case?
And do you know if the gag order is still in place to this day?
MrTT - wpp asked about the gag order on 9/10/10 and I responded:
As to the gag order, I can't remember which judge issued the order but if memory serves correctly the MHP asked for the gag order. There was so many rumors and speculations flying around at the time and the investigators had some evidence that they didn't want leaked at the time. So, a gag order was placed on the case to supposedly slow down the press and the rumors (not that it worked very well). Hind sight is always 20/20 and now I'm not sure that this was the best action at the time. I'm also not sure if the gag order is still in effect or not. I do not know if there is a time frame on such things or not.

I think if memory serves me correctly LE actually asked for the gag order but I don’t know if it is still in effect.
Dreamweaver, you are fabulous! Yes, if you tell me how to post what I have, I will be glad to do it. It might take me awhile as I have recently moved and it will require going through some boxes.
Thanks for all you have already done to explore this case.

I've just found this thread. Welcome to WS Jokie7348. To answer your question, newspaper articles can be scanned to an image hosting site such as photobucket or imageshack. (I prefer image shack as I sometimes see photobucket drops member accounts after 90 days or so of inactivity). You can then link the off site image hosting site here, or you can upload them to your computer and then add them here as attachments. The paperclip icon at the top of the posting area is for attachments.

Hope this helps and welcome to WS!

While late, I too would like to welcome you to WS.
I'm terribly sorry it is under these circumstances and hope we are able to help provide some resolution to solving your sisters unsolved case.

I came here to bump the thread and was glad to see there have been recent comments.

Trmay626, thank you for taking the the time to share information with us. I am so sorry for all your family has endured.

Jokie, if you need help uploading documents or images, plese send me a PM. I'll be more than happy to assist you if I can.
Thanks Cubby and Bessie for offering your help to post the documents I have. Unfortunately, I have just moved and they are still packed up somewhere. Maybe I'll find them soon. Additionally, I had been living in Florida for four years, but recently moved back to Jackson, MS. I am hoping to visit the newspaper archives and possibly LE when I get settled. I am excited to be back in the area where I will have more freedom to sleuth.
Cubby, I have emailed my verification to Tricia. I hope this is all I need to do.
Thanks to all who have expressed an interest in Shondra's case. I have thought about her every day since this tragedy happened.
I will never forget this case. It was close to the beginning of my law enforcement career and we had the same last name. I have watched for years to see if anything ever turned up or if anyone was arrested. I hope the LEO's that are assigned now will be able to solve it. My condolences to you Mr. May and to your family.
Just bumping for Shondra. It was 25 years ago today that she came up missing. I so dislike the month of February.
Just bumping for Shondra. It was 25 years ago today that she came up missing. I so dislike the month of February.

I was thinking about Shondra yesterday. It is still so real to me, and I know it must be hell for you. Still hoping that somehow her killer will be found. Love to you, T, and the whole family.
Just bumping for Shondra. It was 25 years ago today that she came up missing. I so dislike the month of February.

Hey T. You may not remember but we had a study hall together one year and sat at the same table. Mrs. JS was the teacher. She also taught senior math. You were 2 or 3 years ahead of me. I remember we discussed why you decided not to play varsity ball and we were in the chess club together too. About a week ago I just got curious and searched for Shondra. I have always thought her killer was found. I did not know that he/she/they were still out there. I remember when this happened. Everyone at LA didn't hardly speak for a week. After she was found the mood got worse. I remember seeing some of her classmates weeping openly and my heart sank even further. I never got to know Shondra personally but I will never forget how this tragedy changed the thoughts of several counties citizens and brought a new awareness to our small little central MS communities. I must apologize as my prayers have not been toward you and your family because I thought the case had been solved but my prayers will again go toward heaven that your sister may be avenged. I don't know how but if there is any thing I can help with let me know. I am new here and don't know how to send PMs but I can figure it out if you so choose to contact me. God be with you my old friend.
SO wish there would be something new on this case!!!!
There was one person I suspected in 1986 and was interviewed by the MBI. Wonder if he was cleared. TRMay, he is the father of one of Shondra's classmates. Is that hint enough for you to reply?
There was one person I suspected in 1986 and was interviewed by the MBI. Wonder if he was cleared. TRMay, he is the father of one of Shondra's classmates. Is that hint enough for you to reply?

Hey Jokie!
Always glad to see your posts on this site. Do you mind me asking what made you suspect this particular person back in '86?
Since I think I remember that you were a counselor at Shondra's high school, I would imagine that you would have unique access to both adult and youth perspective, rumor and suspicious behavior that occurred following this horrible event.
Hope you don't mind my question.
It's good to see people posting for Shondra. I don't understand why this case has never been solved. Jokie, that's quite a provocative statement. Is there more you can share with us?

Just yesterday or the day before, a man was arrested for the murder of a little girl 54 years ago. So, it's never too late for justice. Nola, you seem to know a lot about this case. I'll be pretty busy this weekend, but over the next few days, I'm going to review the facts again. If we put our heads together, we just might come up with something that will help Shondra and her family.
There was one person I suspected in 1986 and was interviewed by the MBI. Wonder if he was cleared. TRMay, he is the father of one of Shondra's classmates. Is that hint enough for you to reply?

Jokie - Not sure if I know who you are taking about. Maybe with a little more description?? Not sure, PM me with more info or email me, check your PMs for my email address.
I think I made a bad move by posting my previous information. I really can't say any more. Everything I learned was confidential information given to me by a student. As far as I am concerned, it remains confidential. Sorry to pique your interest folks. I just reconsidered when I seriously thought about my code of ethics.

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