MSM Coverage 11/3/11

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You know, I find this so bizarre. Why wouldn't she question the boys? It just seems logical that one would explore all avenues in trying to find out what happened that night/morning. Why wouldn't they allow the boys to be reinterviewed?


I think the boys are traumatized, and more so when they were already interviewed. I think the family is having a very hard time dealing with it and how and what to say to the boys. How to make them feel comfortable and safe.
You know, I find this so bizarre. Why wouldn't she question the boys? It just seems logical that one would explore all avenues in trying to find out what happened that night/morning. Why wouldn't they allow the boys to be reinterviewed?

Bad advice from a self-serving lawyer?
Or even basement area. garage doors left open? or basement slider door left unlocked?

There was talk of DB and JI telling LE about a neighbor teen who had the code for the garage. So, perhaps this could suggest another point of entry was entertained?
If the boys know anything they might eventually be traumatized by keeping the secrets and not being able to help bring their sister home. I hope they slept through it all.
As time passes, whatever the boys may say someday, if it ever happens, will be given less weight anyway, due to memories fading, possibly things they have overheard or been told over the past month, is always very difficult to determine when children are telling the truth or just repeating what they have heard or imagined, even by so-called experts. JMO
I don't think the boys are keeping secrets, they have been interviewed. If it could happen, a therapist would be good, and if there is any knowledge it would come to the surface.
Damn, there's that hour again:

Brando's husband told CNN that he spent the night of Oct. 3 with a friend. He showed CNN texts between him and his wife on Oct. 3. At 10:33 p.m., the neighbor wrote to Brando that he loved her and their daughter and to kiss her goodnight. Brando responded at 10:54 p.m. that she and their daughter loved him too.
Wow, and 22:30 would be 10:30 in LE time.
I think the boys are traumatized, and more so when they were already interviewed. I think the family is having a very hard time dealing with it and how and what to say to the boys. How to make them feel comfortable and safe.

It's also possible that the Irwin's don't want either of the boys to be re-interviewed because they are protecting the boys for reasons besides just emotional trauma.

(I'll leave it there.)
Samantha Brando's husband says he passed a polygraph.

Interesting. This is such a bizarre case. I don't think I've ever seen a case where SO MANY people appear so guilty, some who don't know the Irwins, some who do, all have a story that makes you take a second and third look at them. It's like the story in one of those "Murder Mystery" dinner parties, so many twists and turns.

I really thought there would have been an arrest yesterday.
Truthfully, it's always bothered me more that DB stated she hadn't questioned the boys than allowing LE to. Theoretically she knows her sons better than anyone else - their fears, worries, concerns and how to address them.

Yet she has avoided speaking to them about what they heard? :waitasec: I understand and actually commend 'sparing the boys' to a degree but there is a helpless baby missing and what they heard may be pertinent.

Personally I can't understand how she can't want to know what they heard.

Did the LE say he passed also?

From story: Representatives for the Kansas City Police Department did not immediately respond to requests from KCTV for comment on Thursday.
I think the boys are traumatized, and more so when they were already interviewed. I think the family is having a very hard time dealing with it and how and what to say to the boys. How to make them feel comfortable and safe.

I could see this.

However, to then take your traumatized boys, who you're supposed to be having a difficult time dealing with, who need to feel safe and comfortable, and let in the national media? And subject them to lights and cameras glaring, at a time when you are supposed to be taking them on what should have been at least a short period time for them to have some normalcy??
Did the LE say he passed also?

Reporter Jim Spellman said a spokesman for the Kansas City Police Department confirmed that the neighbor has been cleared of any involvement in the disappearance of baby Lisa. The spokesperson said the department "has moved on from him," according to CNN.

I doubt LE would have "moved on from him" if he had failed the poly. JMO
I am not going to comment on every post here about the boys, but it coming out today that there is no re-scheduling of questioning for them makes me at this point in time say. I hope LE gets a court order and I want to see mommy and daddy's face when they come take the kids away for questioning without them or their lawyer being able to do a damn thing. The DA can do this and its time they do. I myself will be making phone calls to the DA's office there to see why this isnt being done. I am disgusted. I think its time for mommy and daddy to see that they dont hold all the cards.. Lets give part of that deck to Lisa now..
I think the boys are traumatized, and more so when they were already interviewed. I think the family is having a very hard time dealing with it and how and what to say to the boys. How to make them feel comfortable and safe.

Traumatized... The family let these boys get filmed going trick or treating. I think that says a lot about the mom and dad right there. They all forgot who this was about... Lisa.
I don't believe the boys' memories will fade as much as some might. In the case of Dennis Jurgens, there was a book written about his death. His adoptive mother, Lois Jurgens, was convicted of the toddler's death many years later. Part of the evidence that convicted her was the testimony of the older adopted son.

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DB has made a choice between her children. Her remaining child's (and JI's son) emotional health and psychological well-being is much more important to DB than the actual life of one of the others (Baby Lisa's). Mom knows Baby Lisa is no longer alive, and likely a re-interview of the oldest boy could have ended much of this weeks ago.

When there is a re-interview of the boys, the defense will say it cannot be given much weight due to the passage of time.
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