MSM coverage of Baby Lisa 10/28/11

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Peter Alexander reported the family stated they are "exhausted and all need a rest". This really concerns me. Hard to grasp how a mother and father could possibly rest, or even be concerned about themselves resting, while their baby daughter is in the hands of a kidnapper in who knows what kind of circumstances? But then, everyone is different. Some people are more fragile and don't hold up under pressure and stress as well as others. In this case, not only their baby missing (allegedly kidnapped) , but there is also the unending media spotlight they have been under all these weeks. Plus, there is possibly tremendous guilt. So, though it is really difficult, :sigh:, I'm going to try my best to remind myself to be objective.
Bill Abeyta described Jeremy's and Deborah's situation with words such as "They don`t know what to do. They don`t -- what`s going to happen, if the pressure continues, they`re going to beat up so bad, someone is going to commit suicide."

They slammed the door in Mr.A's face to- and I was pizzed off at their rudeness to him and I got a lot of heat on the thread for saying so..but this family is just down right rude and they do not care one bit about finding their beautiful daughter..a gift from the good lord and they don't move mountains to help her-something is very very wrong here!!! Please this is MO
I would also like to add-I hope Mr.A does not get his heartbroken and if they accept TP's the same goes for her- What a shame that would be!!!!
We always said in the Casey Anthony case that Casey wouldn't call 911 for Caylee, but she sure did pick up that phone fast when protesters were in front of her house. It is so disheartening how expendable children have become and how selfish the parents are as well.
There is no comparison to the two cases on this. this family called 911 when they noticed there was no baby.
DB and JI are not helpless. They are lapping up their 15 minutes of being media darlings....that ends when they do the perp walk. Can't wait for that to happen. How they can possibly play this from the media into the night DRAMA....while their baby is rotting somewhere, probably, is beyond creepy. Just like Casey...
There is no comparison to the two cases on this. this family called 911 when they noticed there was no baby.

Well, presumably when they first noticed. We'll have to wait and see, I guess, to be sure how quickly they called. JMO
I haven't gone yet, so I will start by saying that if you tell the police 3 or 4 stories about the last time you saw your baby, that is a lie to me. If you tell the police that the "stolen" phones were restricted and you couldn't call on them and then we find out that one made a call at 2:30, that's a lie to me. If you don't tell LE that you even were drinking at all, and then they find out from a receipt that you had bought wine and you admitted that you had bought wine and then finally admitted that you were so drunk that you could have blacked me that is a lie by omission. If you tell police that you had one child in bed with you and then we find out there were two, that's a lie. Then, by her own admission, she failed the lie detector test "miserably." Cadaver dog hit on a spot in HER bedroom. They have not been seen on TV for 2 weeks at least asking for the return of their baby. They would not talk to local media, only national media who paid for the interviews. They won't let the boys be re-interviewed, even though it's been over 3 weeks since they have and there has been a lot that has changed in this case.

I could go on but I truly do need to go. As I said before...these are just a few of the things that made me go from a big supporter to now knowing in my heart that she did something to that little girl. I couldn't possibly support even someone who had 1/2 the things going against her that DB has. My support is for that baby and NOT the people who obviously caused her to disappear.


I respect your opinion it just so happens I don't see it the same way. Thanks.
DB and JI are not helpless. They are lapping up their 15 minutes of being media darlings....that ends when they do the perp walk. Can't wait for that to happen. How they can possibly play this from the media into the night DRAMA....while their baby is rotting somewhere, probably, is beyond creepy. Just like Casey...

This whole post is pretty harsh. And you are right beyond creepy. jmo
I think at this point it would be better for all concerned if they media just stopped reporting this story. It's not going to help anything. The real players in this case (LE) will just quietly continue to do their jobs behind the scenes (as they should) and they will either find Lisa and/or they will work their way to serving justice to whomever requires it be served.

The parents will either get their act together, or they won't. They are superfluous at this stage anyway, by their own choice, so why not just leave them to it? You can't help people who clearly do not want your help. At this point, I'm not even interested in them anymore.

Having said that, I would love to know what LE is up to.
DB and JI are not helpless. They are lapping up their 15 minutes of being media darlings....that ends when they do the perp walk. Can't wait for that to happen. How they can possibly play this from the media into the night DRAMA....while their baby is rotting somewhere, probably, is beyond creepy. Just like Casey...
They may not be helpless, but they may be without hope which could make this situation end with more deaths. The children need to be in a safe place away from Jeremy and Deborah.
why havent they called Tim Miller? who would not call him if they had a child missing? I cannot think of 1 reason not to call him and im 100% positive if they didnt know about him soneone on Fb has advised why havent they called him?
Did I miss something tonight? How do we know what DB told LE? Did they (LE) release a statement?

True. She could very well be lying to the media when she says she was drunk. This would not make me feel better.
I think they know exactly where Lisa opinion....
OK everyone needs to calm down....... state your opinion but stop personalizing your posts. This was an unfortunate event tonight. Let's everyone take 5 minutes to calm down and then treat opposing points of view with respect when disagreeing.
Any further MSM coverage of this case on 10/28/11?

If not, please get fingers out of the door so as not to get pinched. Closing in 3... 2... 1...
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