MSM coverage of Baby Lisa 10/28/11

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Judy3113 Judy
Bill Stanton had been helping the family load pillows and blankets into the #LisaIrwin family van before the caravan took off #BabyLisa
1 minute ago

woodsiecam Woodsie
National network news also wondering where family is, Today Show stopped by looking for help in finding #LisaIrwin family #BabyLisa
2 minutes ago

trmndsblndtte Katie Leas
@KrisColvin may as well get Stephanie Plum on it. #LisaIrwin
4 minutes ago
I am on my way to bed because my husband and I are running in the morning in the Kohmen run very early tomorrow, or else I would be happy to tell you the numerous things that DB has done. When this first happened, I was a big supporter of hers. As she began to change her stories every couple of days, I began to go onto the fence. When we heard she was so drunk that she passed out, I went off the fence. And, she has told so many lies now and acted in such a guilty way that if it wasn't such a serious case, it would be laughable.

So, although I won't be here later to expound on DB's obvious guilt, I am sure that there are many here who will.

Always remember and believe this - "The TRUTH never changes."

P.S. If you truly have read everything here on all of the threads about Lisa (as I and many others have) and still can't believe she is guilty, then there is nothing anyone can say to change your mind.

thanks for your response. I really would like to know the 'lies' she has told. And I don't think being drunk is a reason to believe she killed her daughter. But, you have a good run tomorrow. I also have an opinion about Susan Komen. I don't depend upon what I read here. There are many opinions that are construed as facts. I watch the news and have seen all the interviews. Just because I am not posting all the time does not mean I am not reading the posts and noting the facts and the fiction. I am not out to find someone guilty, but to find this baby.

It seems somewhere along the line this forum becomes divided into determining guilt or innocence of the individuals involved and it shouldn't be about that. jmo
Where is the video on this discussion? I see an article no video???? Thanks
Ok, so I'm still here. This latest thing about them getting escorted out of the area is just another obvious ploy to stall them from having to answer any questions. If they can't be located, no one can ask them anything.

Nice try DB and JI, but you can't hide forever.
I'm not taking up for the family in any way, and I have all kinds of problems with the fact that they are not cooperating with the police.

BUT, I don't like it when people go to somebody's house where a child is missing so they can start a throw-down with them.

I don't see what it helps to say "I accuse you of something" and then expect someone to open their door. Or say "If you don't talk to important me right this minute on a Friday night I will trash you from here to Sunday because it PROVES something."

We also saw the "mob in front of the house" thing going on with the Anthony Case, the Hailey Dunn Case, and the Kyron Horman case, and what good did any of that ever do? It never made anyone admit something, and it never brought any children home.

To be honest, I've been on Websleuths for years and I've never heard of Tina Porter - or maybe my old brain is just slipping. I'm sorry for whatever happened to her own children, but if she really wanted to help she could have gone about this differently. A media mob scene is never a good thing, and there's just no credibility in trashing people you say you are trying to help. :twocents:

I don't think it was like that at all. She didn't threaten them with anything. She wasn't violent or even confrontative from the way it sounded. Whoever was posting said they had been trying to contact them. I don't think this was the first contact. I think some people here are overblowing what happened. Sheesh. They are the ones refusing to talk to anyone! Go through our lawyer for everything! Tina was just trying to reach out and help them, and she got a door shut in her face. That is just rude, I'm sorry, but it is. These people have lost children just like this family, but somehow no one but lawyers and fame mongers are good enough to talk to them. Forget relating to people that have gone through the same thing before they did! No, bring on the fame and fortune instead! CYA and run for cover!

Who do DB and JI think they are? I understand they might be scared, but come on, use some common sense. This wasn't a slimy car salesman, an axe murderer, or some creepy lawyer trying to take advantage of them. It was some who lost two kids and just wanted to help. My God, if they can't distinguish between the good guys and bad guys here, there is something seriously wrong with them, or they are being brainwashed by all of the wrong people.

Why not talk to people who know exactly what it is like to lose a child? The only reason I can think of is because DB and JI KNOW they are not like these people and don't want to feel guilty about hearing about real abductions and the pain of a mother losing her children to murder. They can't take it because they know they hurt that baby themselves and are now cyaing so hard it's ridiculous. I wonder if the A's knocked at their door, would they let them in? I think the Anthony's are more their kind anyway...

I'm sorry. I stayed on the fence for a long time, but whoever said it is right. The truth doesn't change, and if you're innocent, you don't keep turning down real help and sympathy for lawyers and decoy cars and fame for God's sakes! This is not about THEM, it's about poor LISA!

The more they shut themselves away and keep listening to the wrong people, the worse this is going to keep getting for them. They need to put on their adult panties and deal with this instead of hiding like scared children! Enough is enough! Make LISA your priority, not your own hides anymore!
thanks for your response. I really would like to know the 'lies' she has told. And I don't think being drunk is a reason to believe she killed her daughter. But, you have a good run tomorrow. I also have an opinion about Susan Komen. I don't depend upon what I read here. There are many opinions that are construed as facts. I watch the news and have seen all the interviews. Just because I am not posting all the time does not mean I am not reading the posts and noting the facts and the fiction. I am not out to find someone guilty, but to find this baby.

It seems somewhere along the line this forum becomes divided into determining guilt or innocence of the individuals involved and it shouldn't be about that. jmo
Some believe she is guilty because of the changing time line. I admit I find that hinky - not enough to base gullt on, but it's strange. Perhaps her time line is screwed up because she was so plastered. But even JI's story keeps changing, and he was sober that night.

Please tell me all the things that point toward their guilt. I really need to know so that I can make that leap. I just can't with what I have seen and read. When I see this woman on the news I weep for her. Please tell me what I am missing. tia

I'm with you, just haven't seen enough to damn her to eternity. Not a very popular crowd for sure.
It's always fascinating to me when people who are afraid of the big bad meanie police pick up the phone and call them for help at the drop of a hat. Irony at its best.
It's always fascinating to me when people who are afraid of the big bad meanie police pick up the phone and call them for help at the drop of a hat. Irony at its best.

We always said in the Casey Anthony case that Casey wouldn't call 911 for Caylee, but she sure did pick up that phone fast when protesters were in front of her house. It is so disheartening how expendable children have become and how selfish the parents are as well.
I'm with you, just haven't seen enough to damn her to eternity. Not a very popular crowd for sure.

You got that right. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? It seems to me that opinions are formed on looks, social standing, and any other dirt people can dream up. I haven't seen anything about the parents so powerful it would convince me that one or either of them would kill their baby and throw it away. That is pretty powerful and I just don't see it. Pretty heavy accusations with nothing to prove that or even point to it. jmo
thanks for your response. I really would like to know the 'lies' she has told. And I don't think being drunk is a reason to believe she killed her daughter. But, you have a good run tomorrow. I also have an opinion about Susan Komen. I don't depend upon what I read here. There are many opinions that are construed as facts. I watch the news and have seen all the interviews. Just because I am not posting all the time does not mean I am not reading the posts and noting the facts and the fiction. I am not out to find someone guilty, but to find this baby.

It seems somewhere along the line this forum becomes divided into determining guilt or innocence of the individuals involved and it shouldn't be about that. jmo

I haven't gone yet, so I will start by saying that if you tell the police 3 or 4 stories about the last time you saw your baby, that is a lie to me. If you tell the police that the "stolen" phones were restricted and you couldn't call on them and then we find out that one made a call at 2:30, that's a lie to me. If you don't tell LE that you even were drinking at all, and then they find out from a receipt that you had bought wine and you admitted that you had bought wine and then finally admitted that you were so drunk that you could have blacked me that is a lie by omission. If you tell police that you had one child in bed with you and then we find out there were two, that's a lie. Then, by her own admission, she failed the lie detector test "miserably." Cadaver dog hit on a spot in HER bedroom. They have not been seen on TV for 2 weeks at least asking for the return of their baby. They would not talk to local media, only national media who paid for the interviews. They won't let the boys be re-interviewed, even though it's been over 3 weeks since they have and there has been a lot that has changed in this case.

I could go on but I truly do need to go. As I said before...these are just a few of the things that made me go from a big supporter to now knowing in my heart that she did something to that little girl. I couldn't possibly support even someone who had 1/2 the things going against her that DB has. My support is for that baby and NOT the people who obviously caused her to disappear.

I don't think it was like that at all. She didn't threaten them with anything. She wasn't violent or even confrontative from the way it sounded. Whoever was posting said they had been trying to contact them. I don't think this was the first contact. I think some people here are overblowing what happened. Sheesh. They are the ones refusing to talk to anyone! Go through our lawyer for everything! Tina was just trying to reach out and help them, and she got a door shut in her face. That is just rude, I'm sorry, but it is. These people have lost children just like this family, but somehow no one but lawyers and fame mongers are good enough to talk to them. Forget relating to people that have gone through the same thing before they did! No, bring on the fame and fortune instead! CYA and run for cover!

Who do DB and JI think they are? I understand they might be scared, but come on, use some common sense. This wasn't a slimy car salesman, an axe murderer, or some creepy lawyer trying to take advantage of them. It was some who lost two kids and just wanted to help. My God, if they can't distinguish between the good guys and bad guys here, there is something seriously wrong with them, or they are being brainwashed by all of the wrong people.

Why not talk to people who know exactly what it is like to lose a child? The only reason I can think of is because DB and JI KNOW they are not like these people and don't want to feel guilty about hearing about real abductions and the pain of a mother losing her children to murder. They can't take it because they know they hurt that baby themselves and are now cyaing so hard it's ridiculous. I wonder if the A's knocked at their door, would they let them in? I think the Anthony's are more their kind anyway...

I'm sorry. I stayed on the fence for a long time, but whoever said it is right. The truth doesn't change, and if you're innocent, you don't keep turning down real help and sympathy for lawyers and decoy cars and fame for God's sakes! This is not about THEM, it's about poor LISA!

The more they shut themselves away and keep listening to the wrong people, the worse this is going to keep getting for them. They need to put on their adult panties and deal with this instead of hiding like scared children! Enough is enough! Make LISA your priority, not your own hides anymore!

Thanks was not enough..excellent post!!!!
We always said in the Casey Anthony case that Casey wouldn't call 911 for Caylee, but she sure did pick up that phone fast when protesters were in front of her house. It is so disheartening how expendable children have become and how selfish the parents are well.

I know. I'm really sorry that it turned out this way for Lisa. It really sucks that no one in her family has the interest or energy to lift a finger for her.

I was thinking earlier today that if by some extreme miracle that baby is still out there alive somewhere, she will read all about this someday and see everything her family did not do for her. Can you imagine?
To be fair, it very well might not be DB or JI who called police. Whomever did may very well be encouraging them to talk to police. Again, not proclaiming it as fact. Just hate seeing assumptions based on perceptions and all.
It's always fascinating to me when people who are afraid of the big bad meanie police pick up the phone and call them for help at the drop of a hat. Irony at its best.

I shouldn't call 911 because I don't believe all cops are angels?
I haven't gone yet, so I will start by saying that if you tell the police 3 or 4 stories about the last time you saw your baby, that is a lie to me. If you tell the police that the "stolen" phones were restricted and you couldn't call on them and then we find out that one made a call at 2:30, that's a lie to me. If you don't tell LE that you even were drinking at all, and then they find out from a receipt that you had bought wine and you admitted that you had bought wine and then finally admitted that you were so drunk that you could have blacked me that is a lie by omission. If you tell police that you had one child in bed with you and then we find out there were two, that's a lie. Then, by her own admission, she failed the lie detector test "miserably." Cadaver dog hit on a spot in HER bedroom. They have not been seen on TV for 2 weeks at least asking for the return of their baby. They would not talk to local media, only national media who paid for the interviews. They won't let the boys be re-interviewed, even though it's been over 3 weeks since they have and there has been a lot that has changed in this case.

I could go on but I truly do need to go. As I said before...these are just a few of the things that made me go from a big supporter to now knowing in my heart that she did something to that little girl. I couldn't possibly support even someone who had 1/2 the things going against her that DB has. My support is for that baby and NOT the people who obviously caused her to disappear.


Did I miss something tonight? How do we know what DB told LE? Did they (LE) release a statement?
Two decoy cars? That is a bit a much. It's not like paparazzo are actively chasing these people. Lord. Next thing you know there'll be the Secret Service or a Swat team escorting them. Last I checked, people don't want to hurt them, they just want to know where baby Lisa is.

These people just keeping making one wrong move after another...
Yes they very much are. Like I said before the media here has shown daily almost that they know no boundaries.
I am really suprised at the fear of police, one would think this was WWII Germany or this case, LE wants to talk with some people for a very good reason, perhaps the best reason in try to find their MISSING INFANT. My mind is so boggled, it is becoming useless. Yes we all know about Kevin Fox...good grief. Can the fear of something as unlikely as a wrongful conviction possibly occurring years down the road if a dozen other thinks also happen (a grand jury, charges sticking, a conviction, appeals lost, etc...) really be enough to make you not try to help LE find your MISSING INFANT?
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