MSM coverage of Baby Lisa, 11/18/11

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Lisa's parents and older half brothers primarily had been staying with Bradley's younger brother Phil Netz until Tuesday when they moved back to their home on North Lister Avenue.

"They are doing remarkably well," Picerno said.

He added that he spoke with Irwin Friday morning and that Irwin said "everyday has gotten better." He said Irwin plans to return to his job as an electrician next week and they are working to get "back 100 percent to their normal life."

As far as Lisa's room, the family has made few changes, Picerno said.

"Baby Lisa's room is pretty much as it was before she was taken. Police did not really take that much out of the home," he said.

WOW. Contrast that to Robert and Charlene Spierer (parents of Lauren, missing since 6/3/11):

Do not ask Charlene how long it has been since she's seen her daughter Lauren, it feels like yesterday.

"It feels like June 3," said Spierer. "As far as we're concerned, it's like the first day we heard that she was missing. We're just as passionate and intently searching to find Lauren."

The Spierers said when it comes to finding Lauren they will stop at nothing to find her.
For those not following Lauren's case, her parents (from NY) have been staying in IN (where Lauren disappeared) since Lauren disappeared, except for quick trips back home occasionally.

The Spierers are headed back to New York to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, the first one without Lauren.

"It can't be harder than it already is," said Charlene.

"Every day is hard, it's not marked by a holiday," said Robert. "It is not really a meaningful difference to us.",0,7484683.column

How can DB/JI get back to 100% of their normal life when 20% of their family is missing? :waitasec: And they refuse to meet separately with LE (since 10/4 or 10/8), and haven't apparently been doing anything to help find Lisa since around then either? :waitasec:

I honestly don't wish them to be miserable, but I just don't understand these parents at all. Constant foot in mouth syndrome to the max, JMO. :(
Thank you for that addition. But earlier in the transcripts JP states:

"The allegations came to us from the mother of an individual who said that her daughter had knowledge that she was with somebody who claims that Jersey made that statement earlier. It happened the night after the vigil."

IMO he is stating what led them to girl. He then interviewed said girl. What difference does it make? We all agree (I think we all agree) it is heresay... LE/FBI is apparently aware of girl and I'm sure have interviewed or will interview her to find out if it is credible. I don't understand the drama over this.:twocents:
msm articles... that is what this thread is about.. let us not cloud it with other topic discussion.: this is why we have a forum to spread out and have information pertaining to topics. This lands randomly... but if you have a comment on an article find the appropriate thread it addresses. If you think a new thread needs started on a topic please start one.
If the lawyers are getting "tips", they should be sharing these tips with LE, not the media. Me has a feeling, this puzzle you speak of, is intentional by the defense team. :seeya:

MK: Do you know whether she has alerted, or have you alerted the police to that alleged conversation?

JP: Yes. We have. We've been in constant contact, almost on a daily basis, particularly with the FBI on all of the new leads that we get, via texts, via emails and sometimes phone calls. So the FBI specifically we have been working closely with.
MK: Do you know whether she has alerted, or have you alerted the police to that alleged conversation?

JP: Yes. We have. We've been in constant contact, almost on a daily basis, particularly with the FBI on all of the new leads that we get, via texts, via emails and sometimes phone calls. So the FBI specifically we have been working closely with.
Exactly! They should have shared it with LE and never said one word to the media! What IF this person did kidnap Lisa and was involved? The defense team put out information that could cause great danger to Lisa IF she were kidnapped. Now, why would they do that? Never mind..

Getting back to the other threads, as requested by Mods. :)
IMO he is stating what led them to girl. He then interviewed said girl. What difference does it make? We all agree (I think we all agree) it is heresay... LE/FBI is apparently aware of girl and I'm sure have interviewed or will interview her to find out if it is credible. I don't understand the drama over this.:twocents:

Hi JustAMommy!

I just mentioned it earlier because the mom was just one more person along the chain of people linked to the lawyer's statement today.

I added it to try to bring some sort of levity to a frustrating situation.

I am truly sorry if I have offended anyone. That is not my intention at all.


msm articles... that is what this thread is about.. let us not cloud it with other topic discussion.: this is why we have a forum to spread out and have information pertaining to topics. This lands randomly... but if you have a comment on an article find the appropriate thread it addresses. If you think a new thread needs started on a topic please start one.

one member thanked this previous post and others have went off topic so this thread is closed for a bit...
Thank you! I think everyone should watch this video. It was more than triple hearsay. I don't believe a word of it. According to JP, it was the mother of a 17 year old, who told him, her daughter had knowledge of a man (who is unidentified, homeless) who allegedly heard this from Jersey the night of Lisa's vigil. Hmmm...gotcha. :innocent::innocent::innocent: Isn't that quadruple hearsay? :waitasec:

In watching the beginning of the video, I think JP is doing this interview solely to promote his firm. Down the right side, at the beginning of the video, he has all his information, credits, even stating he replaced Short after she was "relieved of her duties." I find that "odd." Betcha CS is not pleased with the negative publicity for her firm.

JP: The allegation came to us from the mother of an individual who said that her daughter had knowledge that she was with somebody who claims that Jersey made that statement earlier. It happened the night after the vigil.
Good morning!


This thread is for today's MSM links about Baby Lisa. Please keep discussion to a minimum. If a topic needs discussion, please find or create an appropriate thread. If you have time, a link to that thread would be appreciated. :)

May today be the day Baby Lisa is found! :heartbeat: :hug:


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Hi JustAMommy!

I just mentioned it earlier because the mom was just one more person along the chain of people linked to the lawyer's statement today.

I added it to try to bring some sort of levity to a frustrating situation.

I am truly sorry if I have offended anyone. That is not my intention at all.



You didn't offend me. I hope I didn't offend you. I basically just jumped off your post. I just saw so many talking about it and didn't really understand what the big deal was. To me, it is new info even if it is spun as we received it. I trust LE/FBI knew about this days/weeks ago.

No problems, here. I agree we needed some levity. I should have tried that instead. :innocent:
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