GUILTY MT - Sherry Arnold, 43, Sidney, 7 Jan 2012 - #2

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That's just his rap sheet from Florida, right? It looks like those are pretty recent offenses. I wonder how far back his crimes go and how many states they might involve.

And then there's the other kidnapper too... least from the names, it doesn't seem like we are looking at illegal immigrants, which is a relief to me, in a way, as I feel as though that could be really ugly...JMO
Seems like Waters has a history of drugs and traffic offenses and I do believe several "leaving the scene of injury accidents"....JMO, does not look like the rap sheet of a sexual predator. My non-educated guess is that he and his buddy, maybe high, hit her with car as she was running. While still alive, they transported her somewhere else and dumped body, or buried body. There has to be some sort of information/evidence that she was still alive when they took her..hence the kidnapping charge. Otherwise, if she was killed at the scene by them hitting her with car, it would be what? Abuse of a corpse, maybe?? I don't think you can get agg kidnapping of a dead body. You can't "restrain or hinder someone from leaving" if they are dead. I wonder if one rolled on the other and said she was still alive and then died in their car or some such thing, and then they covered it up. Waters resisting arrest numerous times was always listed without violence, so its a stretch to me that he would kidnap and murder, but you never know I guess. Whole thing is one big, damn tragedy. I am glad that if they have NOT found her, they most likely will, and can bring her home and give her a proper burial.
Records in Brevard County FL too -- one for Jr. one for exact name above. Can't see information or DOB to confirm.

1996 and 1997

Link to records

I didn't link to the documents since I cannot confirm this LVW is the same as above ... you'll have to enter his name. The records are not viewable online due to changes in statutes or classifications.
My guess is these two guys have spent the week-end falling all over each other and the FBI to say the other guy was driving.

As to the record of LVW ... now I am mad. He has had numerous arrests and convictions for drinking and driving, drugs, leaving the scene of accidents, resisting arrest. He should have never even been allowed inside of a motor vehicle, let alone any kind of driver's license from any state.
I wonder if either of these men have family in or around Sidney.
Where is Sherry and why aren't they saying where she is? If it was an accident, why hide her body?

I don't care what his past records show, there is a reason he hid her!!! I hope and pray they find her so they can charge him for murder and get him off the roads forever!

**Sorry still catching up if this post happens to land in the middle of other discussions**

Well.. Now I'm even more certain of ONLY ONE THING, period!!!.. And that only thing I'm certain of is that I'm awaiting a LE official to publicly make their statement of what, when,who, and how Sherry Arnold passed away before I can even have an opinion about what has occurred!?!!.. Why oh why does our news agencies take absolutely zero pride in their reporting to the masses?? It's all about who can be the first to scoop all the rest, regardless of whether information and details they are publicly reporting are even remotely accurate or true!!! That seems to be the lowest on their list of priorities!! :steam rolls outta ears: .. Seemingly only thing important is to have the newest detail of an unfolding case FIRST TO HIT be it in print, television/radio, or online.. As long as their news agency has "something" to type up and throw out here to the public FIRST
is all that matters IMO!! Who cares that there is a very real human being VICTIM at the heart of what they are reporting!! With a family, friends, and community that are in an extremely vulnerable state of shock, disbelief, pain and anguish.. And they are reading, seeing, and hearing these inaccurate loads of crap that are being reported as fact!!..:much more steam rolls outta ears:
It's not only sad it's angering!! Where the hell is the integrity and pride taken in reporting the accurate truth and not a sordid rumor mill?!?!

IMO whoever made the crappy report that the school is who received the anonymous tip about the two males involved in Sherry's death and the call came into the school Friday, the 13th in the 9o'clock morning hour really should be ashamed!!
Obviously this cannot be accurate and true no matter how they attempt to "spin it" as true!! The family was notified prior to 9am that same morning and told Sherry was deceased and atleast 1 man was in custody, immediately followed by that same info being delivered via a phone call to the school.. Obviously it is not accurate about the time, the date, nor the context of report.. None can be accurate and true when we know that the family and school were relayed this info of Sherry's death with atleast 1 man in custody.. that makes it impossible that in that same 9o'clock morning hour of Friday that the school received an anonymous tip "MARKING THE BEGINNING" of leading to these two men which held and hold the answers about Sherry Arnold..

I have no opinion on the who, the how, the when, or the where until we have an official statement that even gives us the basic info necessary to even begin to theorize on what may have happened and why..

That news site should be ashamed and embarrassed IMO!

ITA...I remember learning in my school career about Hearst's Yellow Press, and I was appalled at how unethical reporting was during that time.
However, I don't think there is much difference in the reporting in current times than the Yellow Press!
Wow, Kelly, that's a heck of a rap sheet. I'm seeing:

3 leaving the scene of an accident (one w/o personal injury and two with personal injury)
1 DUI w/injury to person or property
1 assault (DV)

Plus the felon in possession of weapons charges, plus the repeated drug charges, plus the driving on a suspended license, or w/o ID, or giving a false name to an officer...

Well, we won't know until LE tells us, but IMO these items sure do paint a picture of someone who might try to "disappear" someone he hit while driving.

(ETA: n/t, I am really hoping that it was nothing more nefarious than a road accident gone bad, and that he just didn't want to get caught. Which is nefarious enough, of course.)
Wow, Kelly, that's a heck of a rap sheet. I'm seeing:

3 leaving the scene of an accident (one w/o personal injury and two with personal injury)
1 DUI w/injury to person or property
1 assault (DV)

Plus the felon in possession of weapons charges, plus the repeated drug charges, plus the driving on a suspended license, or w/o ID, or giving a false name to an officer...

Well, we won't know until LE tells us, but IMO these items sure do paint a picture of someone who might try to "disappear" someone he hit while driving.

(ETA: n/t, I am really hoping that it was nothing more nefarious than a road accident gone bad, and that he just didn't want to get caught. Which is nefarious enough, of course.)

But now he's caught so why won't he say where she is? He's already been charged with aggravated kidnapping. If it was an accident and trying not get caught why move her body? Why didn't he just leave her there to be found so she can get a proper burial?

I have a sick feeling there is more going on here.....
Can anyone find a criminal record for the 22 year old--Michael Keith Spell?

Wonder how these two know each other.
Holy hell, that is a very long rap sheet....and it's only from one state!! Thanks for posting that, Kelly.
I just don't get why they announced she's dead without knowing what happened.

Couldn't they have held them until they had definite evidence that she's dead?


I believe they would not say she was dead based solely on confessions; I think they must have forensic evidence that links her to them, probably in or on the vehicle.

If LE is convinced she's dead, then the right thing to do is notify the family, even if they don't have her remains yet. It would be incredibly cruel to leave the family on the emotional rollercoaster of suspecting the worst and hoping for the best. Better to let them know that there is no hope so that they can begin grieving for her.

Once the family has been notified, then they almost have to notify the public. Again, it would be intolerably cruel to tell the family "your loved one is dead but don't tell anyone else." The family needs support from the community, support that is based in reality.

While it is mystifying not to know all the details at this point, I can put up with some confusion. I'm not suffering the way her family and friends are. It sure sounds like the town has rallied around the family, the details can wait.
Link to Google map of Parachute, CO.

It looks like a very small town. Last census info I found said population about 1,000. The city website is here, but hasn't been updated in many months. Perusing the old police blotter reports there now.

(ETA: Police blotter is posted from Jan. 2010 up to Feb. 2011, but nothing about either of the suspects here. Lots of DUI incidents. The Grand View Pub is referenced several times.)
I wonder if the younger one dumped the older one in ND then was heading back to Parachute to act innocent? Who knows with all the drugs in LVWs past he could have been on a run selling or picking up ... just out on a limb guessing here...
Well, I guess its safe to say this guy isnt a trucker, with that many driving violations.
I wonder if Michael Keith Spell (the 22 yr old arrested) has a criminal background? My guess is these two guys worked together in Williston and perhaps they did hit her while she ran alongside the road and due to Mr. Waters long line history of criminal activity they tried to hide her body. For Sherry to be declared dead, I'm guessing the LE have proof of some kind that she is dead but unable to get to her body. This has got to be so painful for this family to not KNOW if she was dead when they took her away to who knows where.
Looks like Waters got out of jail in FL on 3/26/09.
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