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It's not about whether people know the Elvis family personally, or whether they are prominent in town. It's more about, if they call a jury pool, what % are they going to have to dismiss immediately b/c they have joined a FB page, followed the case online, or have made up their minds?

I realize that. But South Carolina is very small & Horry County is the largest county in the state... & due to the nature of this case, I believe the % of those dismissed in Horry County would roughly be the same as those dismissed in any other county in the state.
But that's just my opinion.

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I'm fairly sure that following a case online doesn't take you out of the jury pool unless you have stated that you believe a party in the case is guilty or not guilty. JMO based on what I have read and experienced with jury duty.

I think it would be hard to be impartial if you are following the case online. I believe they look for jurors who are not that familiar with the case. I do not think saying that you have 500 posts on an online forum about a case, or read every article you can about it, or post everyday on support FB groups about the case, are going to get someone on the jury. How many people here on are on the fence?
I realize that. But South Carolina is very small & Horry County is the largest county in the state... & due to the nature of this case, I believe the % of those dismissed in Horry County would roughly be the same as those dismissed in any other county in the state.
But that's just my opinion.

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I don't really see what their geographic area has to do with it? It's still 2+ hours from MB to other metro areas in the state. Anyway, I don't think the same % would be dismissed in any county, because I do not believe there has been as much media coverage in other TV markets. I do not think the Columbia or Charleston media has been at the bail hearings, for instance. Plus, whenever I look on the FB pages, it seems like a very % of those commenting are from HC. So perhaps someone who lives in other areas of the state can weigh in, but I do not think there is the same level of interest/investment in the case evenly spreadout throughout the state.
I'm fairly sure that following a case online doesn't take you out of the jury pool unless you have stated that you believe a party in the case is guilty or not guilty. JMO based on what I have read and experienced with jury duty.

Like everything it depends. For instance, I doubt anyone who follows a case closely on WS would ever be selected to sit on the jury for that particular case. And probably if one followed the case closely on any social media platform. I mean why risk it if you're the state or the defense? You don't want any errors or problems if you can prevent them.
If you start at the top level of the sub-forum and then "subscribe" to that, you will then be able to easily find and see all the threads within that sub-forum.

Imagine going into a library and none of the books are on the shelf and they're all piled into the middle of the room and you want to find a certain book... Wading through thread after thread where it's a mosh pit of topics all together with no differentiation makes it difficult to have meaningful discussions around one particular subject area.

Sub-forums are fantastic inventions. I of course am a huge fan of them.

ETA: To subscribe to a forum, go to the top level of the forum for Heather Elvis. Then click on "Thread Tools" which is found right underneath the page count (page 1 of x) on the right hand side towards the top. Then select "Subscribe to This Forum" and then press the submit button on the next page. You are then subscribed to the H.E. sub-forum and will be able to see all the threads and find them easily.

Actually it says Forum Tools.
I know that Horry County--the Myrtle Beach area in particular--can feel a lot like a small town to many people... especially those who grew up here or have lived here a long time and those who are involved in the community. And the social media following of this case has been huge. But the majority of people who live in Myrtle Beach didn't grow up here (it's actually rare to meet someone who did) and don't know the Elvis family or the Moorer family. I've lived in Myrtle Beach for almost 10 years now and before Heather went missing, I had never even heard of any of them in my life. My boyfriend actually did grow up here and he didn't know them either.

Plus, Horry County is HUGE. It spans roughly sixty miles and has a population close to 300,000. To put this into perspective... if someone who lives in Green Sea drove to Murrells Inlet, they would drive 44 miles and it would take them an hour and 15 minutes... and they would never leave Horry County.

With that said, I don't think getting a fair trial should be that big of an issue.

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The Zimmerman trial got national attention (and WAY more than this case will ever get) and they did not do a gag order or move the trial.

I think it is a bunch of BS
The Zimmerman trial got national attention (and WAY more than this case will ever get) and they did not do a gag order or move the trial.

I think it is a bunch of BS

A lot of nationally high-profile cases do not move, while other less publicized cases do. A lot of cases that get a change of venue are not well-known outside of the local area.
A lot of nationally high-profile cases do not move, while other less publicized cases do. A lot of cases that get a change of venue are not well-known outside of the local area.

I am aware of that and I think it is BS
Most criminals dispose of the body within a 20-30 mi radius and somewhere familiar to them. I think this was a rage killing and I think they disposed of her as quickly as they could. Probably not far from their home. They may have threw her in a ditch or field on the way home.
Tammy is an extreme planner and had been raging over Heather for months. I bet Heather is carefully hidden.
I don't really see what their geographic area has to do with it? It's still 2+ hours from MB to other metro areas in the state. Anyway, I don't think the same % would be dismissed in any county, because I do not believe there has been as much media coverage in other TV markets. I do not think the Columbia or Charleston media has been at the bail hearings, for instance. Plus, whenever I look on the FB pages, it seems like a very % of those commenting are from HC. So perhaps someone who lives in other areas of the state can weigh in, but I do not think there is the same level of interest/investment in the case evenly spreadout throughout the state.

I was referencing the geographical area because, with a county population of nearly 300,000 people, I don't think it would be too hard to find 12 impartial people.

It's probably a moot point anyway due to the fact that there isn't going to be a preliminary hearing and the judge has issued a gag order.

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Kind of OT...but this whole thing with the missing plane makes me even more surprised when crime victims are actually found...taking up so little space in the world. A real needle/haystack, for the most part.
I'm fairly sure that following a case online doesn't take you out of the jury pool unless you have stated that you believe a party in the case is guilty or not guilty. JMO based on what I have read and experienced with jury duty.

Don't know if this is done in all states but a close friend of mine was called to jury duty and WAS asked about previous knowledge of a crime.
Don't know if this is done in all states but a close friend of mine was called to jury duty and WAS asked about previous knowledge of a crime.

I think they probably ask that question, but I don't think you're automatically dismissed if you have. (You would only be automatically dismissed if you have followed the case CLOSELY... because if you have, you probably already have a personal opinion about it.)

In situations like the Casey Anthony trial, I think it would have been extremely difficult (if not impossible) to find someone who didn't know anything at all about the case. (They would need to live under a rock for that to be true.) They just want to make sure you're unbiased.

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Ok so I went to the Kangaroo on 10th/joe white ave and the pay phone there doesn't even work... there was no dial tone. So I went looking for other pay phones on that road and I found one at the Circle K gas station on the corner of Kings Hwy/17 Business.

I called my cell phone and the number that showed up was 843-916-4534. I called it back and the pay phone did not ring. On my cell phone, it rang once and then emitted a loud screeching beep... kind of like a fax machine. I looked for cameras outside but I didn't see any. They may have them but if they do, they are hidden.

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Ok so I went to the Kangaroo on 10th/joe white ave and the pay phone there doesn't even work... there was no dial tone. So I went looking for other pay phones on that road and I found one at the Circle K gas station on the corner of Kings Hwy/17 Business.

I called my cell phone and the number that showed up was 843-916-4534. I called it back and the pay phone did not ring. On my cell phone, it rang once and then emitted a loud screeching beep... kind of like a fax machine. I looked for cameras outside but I didn't see any. They may have them but if they do, they are hidden.

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What a trooper, thank you for checking that out. So now we have more questions that need answers. :banghead:
Ok so I went to the Kangaroo on 10th/joe white ave and the pay phone there doesn't even work... there was no dial tone. So I went looking for other pay phones on that road and I found one at the Circle K gas station on the corner of Kings Hwy/17 Business.

I called my cell phone and the number that showed up was 843-916-4534. I called it back and the pay phone did not ring. On my cell phone, it rang once and then emitted a loud screeching beep... kind of like a fax machine. I looked for cameras outside but I didn't see any. They may have them but if they do, they are hidden.

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Thank you so much for doing that! Did you mean to post that here though? Just asking because I was just on the early morning phone calls thread and that is where we were discussing and you mentioned going to check it out.
Oops you're right I'll post it there too!

ETA: I'm still trying to get used to all these separate threads... Obviously! I'm posting stuff in the media threads & errrrythang! LOL

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Some places choose not to have the payphone ring back. It's due to loitering & drug dealing calls, usually. I was going to post about it yesterday but got busy. I've tried to call a phone when there was an emergency call from dh due to a wreck years ago, it didn't work. High traffic area. It didn't ring back to him as he waited. That was in the
'90's. It was a Circle K though.

Here's a link to the rules per the Payphone Industry. I almost feel asleep reading it but it does give a possibility if SM was there waiting for Heather to call him back, it might not ring. I don't know if he would be there or not.
The indictment stated the husband and wife kidnapped 20 year old Elvis and ‘willingly, feloniously, and intentionally’ murdered her on December 18, 2013.

That about says it to me that I underlined. I had a feeling one was not the only one willingly matter how much the wife comes across as controlling. But if they could make them roll more..Heather might be found. That's all there is to care about these two anymore. Wasted lives, trashed themselves & ruined a steady life for their families. smh

Some places choose not to have the payphone ring back. It's due to loitering & drug dealing calls, usually. I was going to post about it yesterday but got busy. I've tried to call a phone when there was an emergency call from dh due to a wreck years ago, it didn't work. High traffic area. It didn't ring back to him as he waited. That was in the
'90's. It was a Circle K though.

Here's a link to the rules per the Payphone Industry. I almost feel asleep reading it but it does give a possibility if SM was there waiting for Heather to call him back, it might not ring. I don't know if he would be there or not.

Good theory. It would be interesting to know how long the M's hung out at the payphone after the call. Hopefully the video shows that.

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