Murder Charges

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Some places choose not to have the payphone ring back. It's due to loitering & drug dealing calls, usually. I was going to post about it yesterday but got busy. I've tried to call a phone when there was an emergency call from dh due to a wreck years ago, it didn't work. High traffic area. It didn't ring back to him as he waited. That was in the
'90's. It was a Circle K though.

Here's a link to the rules per the Payphone Industry. I almost feel asleep reading it but it does give a possibility if SM was there waiting for Heather to call him back, it might not ring. I don't know if he would be there or not.

You know what? You're right! Thanks for this! I can't believe none of us considered this before!

Could somebody here that lives in that area go to that payphone and call their own cellphone, then use their cellphone to call back to that payphone? Their caller id would show the number.

If Sidney played it up that he really was leaving his wife and was making Heather worry about him, it would certainly prompt her call back that number, and when not answered she'd be worried enough to contact him in his cellphone thinking he really left the house...

It was bothering me all this time why she'd even call his cellphone an hour later but now I understand it a bit better - bc maybe she was worried about him and truly believed he left his wife. That makes me think he was either telling the truth about wanting to leave Tammy but she found out about the payphone call bc she followed was all a set up. I'm leaning toward set up bc if there's any truth to the indecent exposure charges then how would he have been honest n saying he's leaving his wife? Why would Sidney & Tammy have been marking their territory all over town like dogs in heat?
2 important snippets from the press conference informing when the Moorer's were being charged with murder... (I typed exactly how the chief talked, I think she may have been nervous with all those cameras in her face.)

2/24 Press Conference video at link:

CHIEF: Um yes. We have had additional evidence that we have located during the search to the giving us probable cause for the murder charge.

REPORTER: Chief, that evidence was found inside the Moorer's home?

CHIEF: Um on the Moorer's property, inside the home and on their property. Yes.

REPORTER: So chief, what leads you to murder charges as opposed to Heather Elvis just missing? I'm assuming there was something in that house that indicated a murder had taken place?

CHIEF: Um I, Obviously the investigation is still ongoing. Um we will say that the evidence that we located there um led to the murder to the uh charge of the murder inves of murder. Sorry.

They have Ms on camera going to and from Ptl and their home. 1. Was a residence 2nd camera was a business. If you put the information into a mathmatical formula: d=rt so, t=d/r. Anyhoo it ended up being they drove like 26mph there (probably talking out plan of attack) 70 mph towards home. This only left like 3-4 actual minutes at Ptl. I don't think she's in the river or drowned by them. But this case is 10 kinds of crazy. We may find out tm was the lochness M and came outta the lagoon. Sorry no answers only guesses here. :)
BBM: Or the Loch Waccamaw Monster. :facepalm:

(I know it's a river, but I couldn't resist.)
I know that Horry County--the Myrtle Beach area in particular--can feel a lot like a small town to many people... especially those who grew up here or have lived here a long time and those who are involved in the community. And the social media following of this case has been huge. But the majority of people who live in Myrtle Beach didn't grow up here (it's actually rare to meet someone who did) and don't know the Elvis family or the Moorer family. I've lived in Myrtle Beach for almost 10 years now and before Heather went missing, I had never even heard of any of them in my life. My boyfriend actually did grow up here and he didn't know them either.

Plus, Horry County is HUGE. It spans roughly sixty miles and has a population close to 300,000. To put this into perspective... if someone who lives in Green Sea drove to Murrells Inlet, they would drive 44 miles and it would take them an hour and 15 minutes... and they would never leave Horry County.

With that said, I don't think getting a fair trial should be that big of an issue.

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Agreed. I'm one of those elusive Grand Strand natives. When I tell people I'm from here, you would think I just told them I was hatched from a dinosaur egg. Shocking! Like your bf, I didn't know Heather's immediate family or the Ms. I did, however, attend high school with a cousin of Heather's...that's as close as I get. TM graduated from my HS, but I was in 8th grade, so we JUST missed each other. Phew.

MOST people I know are aware of the case, but know very little detail about it. They would be fine on a jury, IMO.
There is a whole forum for HE now???? Someone just call CPS and a divorce lawyer for me now please.
Isn't that good news? I imagine it would at least indicate that the grand jury felt the state's evidence is strong enough to proceed in court? Right?

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I think so. But I have to wonder what in the hell they had at their home/property that would lead to all of this? Someone screwed up big time.
Ok so I went to the Kangaroo on 10th/joe white ave and the pay phone there doesn't even work... there was no dial tone. So I went looking for other pay phones on that road and I found one at the Circle K gas station on the corner of Kings Hwy/17 Business.

I called my cell phone and the number that showed up was 843-916-4534. I called it back and the pay phone did not ring. On my cell phone, it rang once and then emitted a loud screeching beep... kind of like a fax machine. I looked for cameras outside but I didn't see any. They may have them but if they do, they are hidden.

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Thank you!!!
2 important snippets from the press conference informing when the Moorer's were being charged with murder...


Very interesting choice of words. My theory has been that TM was in back seat and HE was strangled from behind. Only takes seconds. They must have found rope or a bag or a gun or something linking the M's to the murder at the property but not necessarily in the house.

Wording of statement does make you think

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Is it possible that LE found a spent shell casing at PTL and it matched the gun that TM is holding in the picture that was featured at the bond hearing? That they needed the gun to match ballistics before they could prove anything and they got the gun with the warrant and then matched it to the casing? That would make sense as to why they believe that she was killed at PTL, they find blood and gun power residue in the truck and there are the kidnapping charges. They would need a locksmith to open a gun safe. I live in a small town and we hear gun shot all of the time and never think much of it. If TM shot HE at PTL it is possible that no one paid attention to it. JMO
If LE found blood and gun powder in the truck, even if there were no bullet casing found, they could still get probable cause for a murder and still opine that the murder happened at PTL because they have proof that truck was headed right to that spot in the minutes before HE's disappearance.
Goodness, if you take a day off, you get lost around here! Glad to see Heather has her own community around here. Good to see the grand jury indictment come though today.

y'all relocated the same day I had surgery... you can't imagine the panic I felt... all groggy & sliced up, I couldn't find Heather and nearly cried.... gosh after typing that... ugh. we still haven't found her. :(

I'm still trying to catch up...

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BBM... Or possible new charges they don't want discussed at all?

are charges public record? so, even if they are charged with something additional, LE can't talk about it but we'd know... right?

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I wonder what they used as their alibis? Each other?

her alibi has been tossed around on SM. his, not so much, to my knowledge anyway.

I think LE has their own ideas, thank God :)

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y'all relocated the same day I had surgery... you can't imagine the panic I felt... all groggy & sliced up, I couldn't find Heather and nearly cried.... gosh after typing that... ugh. we still haven't found her. :(

I'm still trying to catch up...

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Aww, how's that for crazy timing? Glad you found your WS family again. I missed your posts! Feel better real soon, Mamma
her alibi has been tossed around on SM. his, not so much, to my knowledge anyway.

I think LE has their own ideas, thank God :)

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Can you point me to this? I haven't seen that on SM (but I haven't been able to stay on top of every thread). TIA.
Very interesting choice of words. My theory has been that TM was in back seat and HE was strangled from behind. Only takes seconds. They must have found rope or a bag or a gun or something linking the M's to the murder at the property but not necessarily in the house.

Wording of statement does make you think

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I agree with your theory. I think she may have been strangled with SM's belt; possibly the one in the tat picture based on how sadistic TM appears to be.

Someone posted a list of evidence that can be used to prove a person is dead without a body. IIRC one of the options was a cadaver dog hit plus a 'stain'. I think this is the most likely evidence that was found that HE is dead - a 'stain' that tested for Heather's DNA plus the cadaver dog hit at that location.
I don't know where to put this so here it is. The M's love guns,they also seem to be into bondage...or at least TM is hence the cuffs and that whip that TM posted a pic of. I wouldn't doubt that they had other types of weapons as well. I think the M's could roll up to PTL, pull out a taser and then...

1. Tase Heather

2. Take Heather's phone and cuff her

3. Throw a bag over her head and suffocate and/or strangle her in 3 minutes

Heather may or may not have been dead when they left the landing...but she would be very close to it and unable to move. She's then put into the truck's tool box or on the floor board of the truck. Keep in mind...Heather's death may not have been planned for 12/18 but you can believe that TM had already killed Heather 500 times in her mind. TM is a faithful fan of Nancy Grace and TM would know exactly how to pull this off quickly. I think TM planned this to happen in the future if SM tried to continue seeing Heather. TM found out about the affair in October...strike one. SM saw Heather on 11/5 and TM starts texting threats to Heather that same day,strike two. Heather calls SM's cell phone on 12/18,strike three. I think TM already decided that it was going happen...she was just waiting for the "when". :twocents:

P.S. 3 minutes....It won't let me add an "e" to the title. Need coffee.

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