My thoughts on guilt after visiting Caylee's memorial site.

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Thank You, Dragonlady, for starting this thread.

Thanks to Luv for finding the photobucket pic. IMO, in ICA's mind you just slap a heart or love on something to make everything alright again. It will never be alright again. Never.
Thank you for sharing this, it brings this whole tragedy alittle closer to home for most of us who can't be there, but are in spirit. Maybe the jurors need to be taken there and told to be silent and they would feel what you did. And this girl ICA can find it in her cold heart to even laugh at her trial?
God bless
You know. Thinking about a field trip for the jury to visit this place - well, in all cases whenever the jury is transported somewhere - well the defendant has to go as well. I would love for ICA to be taken back there - her actions would be more than telling, dontcha think?
Dragonlady thank you so very much for taking the time to visit Caylee's memorial site and for posting the pictures for all of us here at WS. I've been to Orlando every summer since this happened and haven't summoned the courage to visit the site, it would just rip me to shreds. The pictures are beautiful and really does help me get a better grip on just where Caylee was dumped by ICA. I agree with the PP's, the Jury & ICA definitely need a field trip!
The jurors should be brought out to the site where Caylee was finally found - right down the street from the Anthony house. They should be able to see for themselves how the land dips down and flooding occurred. The jurors would see this dump site where a beautiful little girl was not even buried.

ICA had that photobucket pic of a site that looked similar with the word Love over it to romanticize the spot which was actually a place people dump trash and garbage.

Remember all that stuff about everyday it gets stronger. I can feel she's close. Wow, ICA must be psychic!


Sorry that I say this time and time again. I understand that Caylee's death brings out people's emotions but what your suggesting the jury sees and the emotions your suggest that they be made to feel are not at all relevant to Casey's guilt or innocence.

This is exactly the sort of thing the Jury should not be brought to see because it is irrelevant to any matter of controversy. Indeed the rules of evidence are intentionally designed to avoid this type of scenario, especially in the light you paint, because any probative value it has is outweighed by its unfairly prejudicial effect.
Yesterday I drove up to Orlando for Father's Day and stopped by Caylee's memorial and remains site so that my 7 year old son could leave a teddy bear for Caylee, while I was there I took a few pictures and I wanted to share them with my fellow WS's.

I also wanted to share some of my thoughts and feelings after having visited the site where little Caylee's remain were found, my initial reaction was "wow this is really close to the Anthony home" and even though I have heard this explained on the news several times it just did not sink in until I saw it for myself, this was a surreal experience for me to be standing under the canopy of trees in eerie silence surrounded by thick vegetation, trash and stuffed animals left for Caylee, I could not control my emotions and burst into tears, but not because I was sad at where I standing but rather I was enraged that ICA had dumped Caylee's remains so unceremoniously in this dark dank place littered with trash and crawling with bugs and wildlife. :furious: I just have no words to express how callous ICA's action were, GA would never left Caylee out like roadkill here.
For those of you on the fence as to whether this was an accidental death or not, let me just say that no innocent person would dump the body of their own flesh and blood in a nasty overgrown dump site unless they were the person responsible for the death and just wanted to get rid of the evidence quickly and without thought.
The site was littered with black garbage bags full god knows what, beer bottles, carpet remnants, used floor tiles etc... so it's plausible to understand at least to me how none one would have thought twice about picking up or opening garbage bags in this area off Suburban Drive, for this reason I think that RK must have been actively picking through a lot of trash looking for Caylee, when he found her remains that fateful day 12-11-08, this also makes the DT theory that RK moved Caylee's remains all the more ridiculous since this is not a place that a person could easily walk around in and scatter around for 1/4 acre little pieces of bones.

In the pictures you will see how the area slopes down from the road to the remains site, this area seems to have very poor drainage and would be flooded easily with some rain and when I was out there the ground was slightly damp underfoot even though we have drought conditions in Florida right now.
I took some pictures from the edge of the road to illustrate how far down it is and it's proximity to the street.
I did not take any pictures of the garbage bags lying around because it was to upsetting to me given how Caylee was found.

The area where the remains were found on Suburban ends at a dead end, on one side is the school and across is the remains site.

I also drove by the Anthony's home and wondered what really happened here?

The home is situated in a small middle class subdivision, the homes are well kept and this is not the type of background that you would expect to see a thief and killer coming from, this is quiet neighborhood filled with hardworking families.

I'm new here so hopefully I posted this in accordance with the sites rules, if not please correct it and thanks for letting me post my thoughts here.

The photos below were taken by me Dragonlady 6-19-11
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Walking along the roadside of the remains site.

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Dense vegetation.

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View on the remains site from the top of the roadway.

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View of the street from the top of the slope.
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Another view from the top of the road showing how close the remains were to the street.

Thank's for posting this. I had seen one or two pictures before but I must admit I feel a bit eerie every time I look at this.

I am glad to see (from the number of momentos left) that people have not forgotten Caylee, even so long after her death.
Yesterday I drove up to Orlando for Father's Day and stopped by Caylee's memorial and remains site so that my 7 year old son could leave a teddy bear for Caylee, while I was there I took a few pictures and I wanted to share them with my fellow WS's.

I also wanted to share some of my thoughts and feelings after having visited the site where little Caylee's remain were found, my initial reaction was "wow this is really close to the Anthony home" and even though I have heard this explained on the news several times it just did not sink in until I saw it for myself, this was a surreal experience for me to be standing under the canopy of trees in eerie silence surrounded by thick vegetation, trash and stuffed animals left for Caylee, I could not control my emotions and burst into tears, but not because I was sad at where I standing but rather I was enraged that ICA had dumped Caylee's remains so unceremoniously in this dark dank place littered with trash and crawling with bugs and wildlife. :furious: I just have no words to express how callous ICA's action were, GA would never left Caylee out like roadkill here.
For those of you on the fence as to whether this was an accidental death or not, let me just say that no innocent person would dump the body of their own flesh and blood in a nasty overgrown dump site unless they were the person responsible for the death and just wanted to get rid of the evidence quickly and without thought.


Thank you so much for posting pictures. There was a deputy on the corner when I went down, so I felt uncomfortable getting out and did not get photos-Last year around this time, the vegetation where LE searched was still sparce, even after 1.5 years...was is still in the early stages of growth?
Also, the crooked tree that Marinade Dave described in his video was so noticeable and it was just bizarre. It is no wonder it made you feel so horrible. It seems abrupt, when you turn the corner onto Suburban, how quickly the brown fence ends and the remains site begins-because it all appears so much larger in photos and on TV. It's like, "wow, so there it is."
You know. Thinking about a field trip for the jury to visit this place - well, in all cases whenever the jury is transported somewhere - well the defendant has to go as well. I would love for ICA to be taken back there - her actions would be more than telling, dontcha think?

I thought the same thing, she would definitely give herself away.
This post has really touched my heart, thank you Dragonlady. It helps me to understand why I can't wrap my head around ICA and the despicable things she has done. How could someone do this to their child? How could someone walk away and leave their precious daughter in a garbage sack in the woods surrounded by garbage.

Although it would be difficult to go to this area, I think your photographs show that in the midst of such a tragedy there is love. I live on the west coast but I wish I could go there and place a stuffed animal from my two girls.

Thank you again for sharing your thoughts and photographs.
If my daughter died, I would have a hard enough time burying her in a cemetery... so far away from me, let alone leaving her in the nasty woods where people dump garbage and animals could tear her apart. No place would ever be good enough to be my little girl's final resting place. I would want a 24ct gold casket, the best pink poofy dress & tiffany's jewelry to wear on her. I would want her buried with her favorite things, pictures, flowers etc.
Poor Caylee wasn't even afforded to be dressed in clothing that was the proper size. Garbage bags, laundry bag, duct tape... The utter disrespect this child was shown is unthinkable. This was not done by someone who was mourning the loss of their princess. This was done by someone who is heartless and thought of her baby as trash.

Just trying to put myself in that situation... and think what I would do if there was an accident like Casey is alleging. I would have died the day my daughter did. I wouldn't be out partying and sleeping around. I'd spend the rest of my life in my bed, unshowered & shaved... until I starved to death.

Sorry that I say this time and time again. I understand that Caylee's death brings out people's emotions but what your suggesting the jury sees and the emotions your suggest that they be made to feel are not at all relevant to Casey's guilt or innocence.

This is exactly the sort of thing the Jury should not be brought to see because it is irrelevant to any matter of controversy. Indeed the rules of evidence are intentionally designed to avoid this type of scenario, especially in the light you paint, because any probative value it has is outweighed by its unfairly prejudicial effect.

Everyone has their own opinion. I've been on this case since the start, so of course I've formed an opinion.

Defense is saying ICA knew her daughter was dead for all those 31 days while she was out dancing. She never actually reported Caylee missing. If she knew, and allowed her daughter to not be buried properly, then I think that will cause jurors to wonder why it doesn't seem like a drowning or that GA knew. Why did she have to hide the body? Who put Caylee out there? Why didn't Casey call 911? I don't buy the reason being her Dad abused her. I don't buy RK hiding the body. I think Casey herself did something to Caylee she had to hide, and wait for decomp.

So far, it looks like ICA did this all by herself possibly as a premeditated plan, maybe with chloroform and tape. Maybe you think the decision of guilt or innocence relies on only evidence, and I think there's plenty. Some of this is circumstantial, too.

I believe emotions play some part in our decision making process. We're not machines. Of course, she has not been convicted yet. JMOO, if she chose to have her daughter be torn apart by animals out there in that dump site, it will have some weight in my decision. Thankfully, I'm not on the jury.
thanks dragonlady for your post, pictures, and most of all, leaving a little token for caylee. your description, and the proximity of the A house,...well done. i live SEVERAL states away, i would want to leave something for her, but obviously due to the miles, i cant :(
ps- i also like your "birds of a feather" photo collection..very eerie and TOO similiar. ica and ted are birds like a feather! too bad jury cant see that!
You know. Thinking about a field trip for the jury to visit this place - well, in all cases whenever the jury is transported somewhere - well the defendant has to go as well. I would love for ICA to be taken back there - her actions would be more than telling, dontcha think?
I did not know that ICA would have to be present if they allowed the jury to visit the remains site.
I think that if ICA had a heart or conscience we might see a reaction but with her, I just don't know, all I have to go on is the 31 days after Caylee went missing and her demeanor in the court and so far it's not encouraging.
I think that is why it would have been good to see her jailhouse reaction at being told that Caylee's remains had been found, here is what the nurse had to say:
Report: Casey Anthony Visibly Upset When Caylee's Remains Found

On the day Caylee's remains were found, Casey Anthony asked for sedatives, a shift supervisor at the jail where she is being held, told investigators, according to a recording of her interview.

Orange County Corrections Lt. Tammy Unser told detectives that Casey Anthony hyperventilated and developed red splotches on her skin after watching a news report about the remains.

Unser said she was surprised by the reaction because Casey Anthony normally showed very little emotion.

"She was weird to talk to," Unser said. "I don't exactly know how to explain it. Nonemotional would probably be the best way to say it."

Shortly after learning her daughter's remains had been found, after asking for a sedative, Casey Anthony started talking about football, Unser said.

Weeks earlier, during an interview with police on the day she was indicted for her daughter's death, Casey Anthony told investigators that she believed Caylee was alive, according to another recording released by prosecutors.
I wonder if this is how she would behave at having to see the site?
The red splotches described above by the nurse could be hives, they can occur from stress.
Thanks for posting pics for us. When I see where Caylee was disposed of I am both angry and sad for her. You would have to be cold, dark, and soulless to dump your own child like that.
I truly believe that casey not only has a lot of marbles missing, but I believe she completely lacks a soul. Something is indeed wrong with this girl, as her defense has admitted.

I didn't want to say it either, but I agree with uklaw. As much as I would like for the jury to be able to visit the remains site, the Judge would not allow it. Especially due to the beautiful memorial that's been there since a little after Dec 11, 2008. It's just too prejudicial for the child murderer and would be a huge appellate issue if His Honor allowed a jury to go there.

Also, I'm wondering if that type of request (jury field trip ) could only be asked by the prosecution during their case in chief? I still want the jury to see/smell the car, but don't know if that's also prejudicial and if its too late. Any lawyers know the answer to that?

Again, thanks for the photos.
Thank you for the photo;s and your thoughts. I have always thought that she was in a hurry to get rid of her and di so after GA wanted to get his gas can from the trunk of her car. She went off on him about it and I think it was because he would see what she had in the trunk - her baby girl. No other reason for her to not allow her dad to open the trunk IMO. I think she thought of that place as soon as she left her parents house and dumped her there. The thing is the stench was still in her car and that is why she had to get rid of it as well. Of course this is all IMO only, but I think she dumped her that day. Just sad and still breaks my heart when I think about it.
That's pretty unbelievable that the remains site was so close to the roadway, in fact it was visible from the roadway. Why didn't ICA venture further in to the woods to dump the body? Was she afraid of getting lost in the woods?
That's pretty unbelievable that the remains site was so close to the roadway, in fact it was visible from the roadway. Why didn't ICA venture further in to the woods to dump the body? Was she afraid of getting lost in the woods?

photo (15).jpg <--- Just envision yourself taking out a heavy smelly garbage bag and trying to do quickly without getting dirty or falling over while carrying it down this root filled embankment.
Not an easy thing to do imo so I can see how this would have been physically draining and gross for ICA, she just wanted to be done with it.
I thought the same thing, she would definitely give herself away.

Hard to say if she is that good at acting. I see her standing there looking off in the distance thinking, "waste huge waste" of time....she is a heartless monster.
Hard to say if she is that good at acting. I see her standing there looking off in the distance thinking, "waste huge waste" of time....she is a heartless monster.

Or, trying to tear up and cover her face. The only reason she hyperventilated and broke out in hives when Caylee was found is because she never wanted Caylee found - not because she was upset at the possibility that Caylee was dead.

She admits now to knowing Caylee was dead already so what does that tell us about her reaction on the day the remains were discovered?

I'd love for the jury to see that footage, knowing what we know now.

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