Mystery couple murdered in South Carolina, 1976 - #6

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Back to the jewelry, it would be nice if the investigators could give us close ups of any marking on all of the jewelry. I'm not certain at this point if the jpf is a maker's mark or initials - but you would be able to tell if you could see it.
A while ago there was talk of posting ads to French-Canadian ad sites, like Has this been done yet?

I found this website (link above) tonight. It is in French, but there was a prominent physician and senator named Marcel Fortier. He was born in 1920 and died in 1995. This guy came to political power in the 1970s and was on the budget committee. There is a picture of him on the website. I'd love to find the obit or bio on this guy.

DId anyone contact LE about this. Looking at the UID and Ms. Berry side by side (i would do it and post it here, but i am at work, my laptop at home is dead, and I have no other access to the web right now) there is a very strong resemblense IMO.
(especially pics 2, 3, and 4)
(comparing to pic 1)
DId anyone contact LE about this. Looking at the UID and Ms. Berry side by side (i would do it and post it here, but i am at work, my laptop at home is dead, and I have no other access to the web right now) there is a very strong resemblense IMO.
(especially pics 2, 3, and 4)
(comparing to pic 1)

The faces look similar enough but the description of the teeth differ too much between the two, in my opinion, to be a match.
DId anyone contact LE about this. Looking at the UID and Ms. Berry side by side (i would do it and post it here, but i am at work, my laptop at home is dead, and I have no other access to the web right now) there is a very strong resemblense IMO.
(especially pics 2, 3, and 4)
(comparing to pic 1)

just my opinion, but the teeth are different & the noses are too.

I'm still leaning towards notmykids' Interpol contact's opinion. I think they were mules or something like that & definitely not American, if they are in fact, the same couple the KOA guy met. I wish they would do an isotope analysis or something. And I wonder if the DNA samples have ever come back?
One of many things I have often wondered in this mysterious case is:

Why hasn't any childhood friends, school mates, neighbors or relatives ever reconized Jane or Jock, or listed them missing?

This alone leads me to suspect they were not from the U.S....
Hey Mystery, good to find you here. I could almost agree with your statement except no one has recognized Benjaman Kyle either. They could be from outside the US or from the US. I can't discout either possibility. Wish they would be featured on America's Most Wanted.

Here's something that should interest you. On another case here at WS, someone was speaking with someone in Arkansas LE who was considering sending something for dna matching to the lab at NTSU. This LE person's statement was he didn't want to have to wait a year and a half to get his answer because that's how far they were backed up.

Soooo why has there been no answer for 3 years on this case?:waitasec: It sure is a puzzle isn't it?
Hey Mystery, good to find you here. I could almost agree with your statement except no one has recognized Benjaman Kyle either. They could be from outside the US or from the US. I can't discout either possibility. Wish they would be featured on America's Most Wanted.

Here's something that should interest you. On another case here at WS, someone was speaking with someone in Arkansas LE who was considering sending something for dna matching to the lab at NTSU. This LE person's statement was he didn't want to have to wait a year and a half to get his answer because that's how far they were backed up.

Soooo why has there been no answer for 3 years on this case?:waitasec: It sure is a puzzle isn't it?

Justthinkin, Good question. I think a year and a half is a long time, I've read where it came back in 6 weeks.

Three years leads me to question IF DNA was ever sent to the lab.

Is there anyway someone could check with this Lab and see when the DNA was logged in or if it was ever received?
Justthinkin, Correct me if I read the following wrong.
Just read the State of California has a 2 month backlog for processing DNA samples, in which they talk like that's a long time.

Why is it taking more than 3 years to process this couples DNA, (I think I read it was sent to Texas) and no one is complaining??

DNA can tell a lot about where a person was born, raised and nationally.

On second thought, maybe that's why no one has pushed to have it quickly processed in all these years!

Could Maria Florence Anjiras be the female half of the Mystery Couple as the author of the article alleges? Did she abandon her bike and get on the back of someone's motorcycle? Was it Jock Doe's cycle?
Seems Anjiras was seen in Connecticut in August of 1976, but that doesn't mean she couldn't have wound up dead in Sumter Co., SC. Perhaps she and her companion were killed by a serial killing long haul trucker or perhaps Franklin Floyd. Interesting astrological analysis. What are your thoughts? I really think Anjiras could be the one!
NCIC Number: M-412552011
This is making a lot of sense. I found out that Charter Oaks Motorcycle Club is in Riverside, CN., and guess what highway runs through there? I-95. Now to me, Charter Oaks Motorcycle Club sounds like some upscale bikers, and not the H*ll's Angels variety. Was John/Jock Doe the biker she was seen with? This bicycle club was featured in a movie back in 1964 in "Horror at the Beach Party," starring no one you've ever heard of. LOL.

I did see mention that COMC was also in Greenwich. I'm not sure which is correct or if both are, and one is an offshoot of the other.
There's the question of the moles. The UID has moles on her face. I don't see moles on Maria Anjiras.

Other than that, I think she very much resembles the UID.
Me too. It was said the moles were small so I wonder if Maria had on makeup might that cover them up? I think someone in Sumter, played up the moles, and made a noticeable beauty mark out of one of them. One was definitely not small after the funeral home got done with it.

Then too, I'd wondered if a small spot of decomp could be mistaken for a mole? I have no experience with decomp on humans so I haven't the foggiest idea about that.

I gather the person who wrote the article has submitted her find to both Sumter and Norwalk, CN.

First time poster on this thread. I have been reading this closely, but I stopped because my mind is racing with possible information.. I hope that I am not bringing up stuff that was already discussed but if I do sorry. I plan on finishing reading tonight.

1) I honestly do not believe Jon and Jane were sibling. As much as I love my little brother I wouldn't want to go travel with him. I am 26 and he is 25, it just doesnt sound fun. It is more appealing to be traveling with a bf or gf than a family member.

2) I find it amazing that in a small town no one really remembers these individuals. They were not average "joes," they were good looking and good looking people get noticed.

3) I wonder if Jon was a pool hustler. I know it could be a far fetch, but its a fast and easy way to get money - if you needed it. He played pool with the KOA manager. Could it be possible that they entered a local bar (stuck out like a sore thumb) decided to make some quick cash and pissed-off the wrong people? To me this murder is not a robbery it was I want you dead, I will make sure you are dead, very aggressive killing. To rob someone I would think that you would shoot to kill and take all valuables. Honestly, how hard would it be to slip off the ring and watch? Not very. The fact they had multiple gun shot wounds, the murderer was mad, maybe embarresed. The murderer wanted the last say and he got it.

I just know being 26 and going out and having fun, you get liquid courage involved, possibly embarresment.. Its not a pretty site.

4) Do we know if the potential suspect (the one they pulled over for DUI) did he have any family in LE. Was his wife related to anyone in LE? Possibly his family name has been in that community for generations. Trust me I am from a small town and its amazing what can be covered-up.

5) I honestly think that they were traveling via some sort of vechicle, it does not sound like hitchhikers.
This case has interested me for a bit but im just joining the forum now.
ive looked around a bit - has there been much speculation as to why these 2 were going comando?
and any results on the DNA? i really dont belive thier related - DNA would tell us that much though but i cant find results anywhere
Hi, I've been reading this board for a couple of months now. I heard of this story long ago. I was born and raised in Sumter, SC. When this actually happened, I was only 2 years old. I no longer reside in Sumter, but I do still work there. My father was a deputy sheriff when I was a little girl and I'm going to ask him if he recalls anything about this case. I'm not sure exactly the years he worked, but maybe he will have some knowledge of it, if only for the fact that he has resided in Sumter his entire life also. I read the local paper almost every day hoping they will write an article to generate some interest or at least keep this case in the residents' memories. This is a small town (and even smaller back then) and it's hard to believe noone has come forward with any information. My fear is that a witness or someone involved has passed away since it has been so long.
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