Mystery: Who removed the memorials? UPDATE The A's and the Milsteads that's who

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bold by me: so, what ????? Just another lie to add to the others from the A's IF the A's did contribute or direct the removal of the items.

My point is that this is just being used as another opportunity to slam the A's without any solid proof of them lying. It has absolutely nothing to to with Caylees murder, and solving the case.

Since we can only speculate, and both parties are denying the removal, what is the point of trying to figure it out? How will figuring this out bring justice for Caylee?

I'm happy that its been removed. A bunch of decomposing stuffed toys and trinkets is not the best way to memorialise a little girl who decomposed in that same spot, even though they were put there with the best intentions.
I think it is sad that all the items were taken from the site and IMO it was someone that wants that area to be forgotten since the trial is around the corner. I agree that some of the items did need to be removed due to the condition they were in from what has been said. But there were other items like the wooden cross that could of stayed. From what I hear it will be put up again. Someone from that area is making wooden crosses to put back at the sight with a rosary and Caylee's name. She purchased extra wood to make extra crosses in case it gets taken down she will put up another one. How long that will last who knows, but if the owner of the property does not mind I feel it should be left alone if it a clean memorial in honor of Caylee.
Someone here also mention the timing and made a very good point. The same way someone was able to take all the items out of there without being seen, well the same way Casey or whom ever put Caylee's body there did without being seen. I was watching coverage on another case where they have a camera in the subdivision where the POI lives. I wish there was a camera in that subdivision as well, maybe Caylee would of been found much sooner.

Good post MAGICLAW: :clap:
IMO The people that would benefit the most from the memorial being removed are the Anthony's/Casey.
Someone from that camp would be the culprit IMO.
The constant reminder of Caylee is not helping their cause.
The public opinion is not working in their favor.
And just as she was dropped of secretly, her memorial was removed secretly.
Seems to have the same signature to me.

A real Estate Broker would not have to hide his plan, to clean up the space.

NOT sure the trial is around the corner...I feared that all along especially since that LA woman got off
because it took too long to get the case heard. I did say I fear a bunch of delays. we are - she said no trial in October, she needs to prepare.
My point is that this is just being used as another opportunity to slam the A's without any solid proof of them lying. It has absolutely nothing to to with Caylees murder, and solving the case.

Since we can only speculate, and both parties are denying the removal, what is the point of trying to figure it out? How will figuring this out bring justice for Caylee?

I'm happy that its been removed. A bunch of decomposing stuffed toys and trinkets is not the best way to memorialise a little girl who decomposed in that same spot, even though they were put there with the best intentions.

No one is slamming the A's, they do very well on their own. They may be speculating as to whether they contributed or were actually involved.

And that speculation is well justified. They have slim to none of creditability at this point in time.

So yes, if it turns out the A's were involved, they lied once again. The A's have lied continually and consistently. They have been vocal about not wanting any part of it and wanting to do a memorial in their fashion - translated send money.

I don't disagree the memorial should have been removed. The person(s) responsible should come forward and admit they did it rather than lurk in the darkness of night. What is there to hide? Is the property owner going to press charges for trespassing? The people who left these items are no longer the owners of the items left.

And yes, it does have something to do with Caylee's murder if the person(s) are connected to the A's.
I'm new here and admire this forum for its intellect and insight - you guys are awesome!

A while back, it was mentioned that Caylee may be memorialized by having a playground or playground equipment erected at some point. Does anyone know if this is still the plan? When I read about it (I'll try to find the link), I thought it would be such a positive way to remember her, for old and young alike. Would be nice if the public could donate to the equipment at a local park or a chosen location, then no one could remove the donations (as with the stuffed animals). JMHO.
IMO GA, CA or LA did not personally remove the memorial, but they are behind its removal. We have to remember that the A's don't get their hands dirty (literally at least) as can be witnessed by their never physically participating in a search for Caylee. The A's are only interested in money making schemes -which further desecrate the memory of Caylee. I think that the Milstead is the one who either removed it or made arrangements for its removal.
I was thinking the same thing or else they hired someone unknown to us to remove the memorial.

Not defending anyone here, but if the Anthonys hired someone or if someone in the family removed the cross, it would seem they have as much right to remove it as the person who put it up. The memorial site was cleaned up, meaning the owner did not want memorial items placed there. Additionally, a cross may very well lead to another build-up of memorial items: stuffed animals to again get wet, dried-up flowers, etc.

IMO as a rembrance, it's better to donate something in a child's name to a hospital, etc.
I think we may get an article coming out soon about who took the cross. I can understand both sides. What I don't understand is when someone is killed the family will put up a cross or flowers in the area in memory of. I see them on the side of road where I live.
How would the A's benefit from taking this down? No, I think the owner who is selling the land will benefit. From this day forward, until that land is developed it will be a "scary" place for school children who walk by there. They will forever be scared of the boogie man who lurks in the forest.

I do understand the need for people to put flowers or some type of rememberance of Caylee there initially, but it should have come down long ago.

Why would anyone want to memorialize a place where a small child decomposed? It seems macabre to me.

We have many street corners in Houston adorned with crosses and flowers and I have to wonder why anyone would want to remember their loved one's last horrific moments that way.
I may get slammed for this, but, I would not feel comfortable putting anything back on the lot on Suburban after it has been cleaned up, because that is not my property. I would not keep trespassing and insisting on putting a cross or bear or flowers on that property. If I needed a site to place mementos at, I would purchase one for my yard and place anything I wanted there. Having that reminder there where other small children have to see it is wrong in my opinion. I wouldn't want to have to keep explaining to a small child what it meant. So, if you need the comfort of a memorial place, make one on your own property, or just make one in your heart.

I agree with you, once the owner takes the time to clean it up, it is pretty disrepectful to go back on his/her property and leave items again-Even in honor of precious Caylee.
No one is slamming the A's, they do very well on their own. They may be speculating as to whether they contributed or were actually involved.

And that speculation is well justified. They have slim to none of creditability at this point in time.

So yes, if it turns out the A's were involved, they lied once again. The A's have lied continually and consistently. They have been vocal about not wanting any part of it and wanting to do a memorial in their fashion - translated send money.

I don't disagree the memorial should have been removed. The person(s) responsible should come forward and admit they did it rather than lurk in the darkness of night. What is there to hide? Is the property owner going to press charges for trespassing? The people who left these items are no longer the owners of the items left.

And yes, it does have something to do with Caylee's murder if the person(s) are connected to the A's.

Furthermore, I think it goes back to that indignance in the A family, like LA's body language when he removed the items in front of their house....A land owner cleaning up his land is just fine (I hate when people leave trash on my land), but if the A's walked down or sent someone down there, it makes me think that once again they are coveting Caylee's death.
While the events last year do "belong" to the Anthony's family legacy, we have to remember that KC (ug, alledgedly) wronged the people of Orlando as well. When LA took down the items at their house (technically on a county easement, not on their lawn), it just felt like his body language was telling everyone "mind your business, why do you care? stay out of it, go away".....I would be glad to mind my business, if this were a case of an accidental death or an illness-But it clearly was not, it was a violation to all citizens of Orlando, and it touched the rest of the nation enough that even we here seem to be working exponentially harder to fnid justice for Caylee than the A's ever did. Don't want acknowledgement from the A's, just would like some semblance of maturity.
If it was them that moved the items from Suburban, they sure went out of their way to do so-They don't drive by there on their way out of the neighborhood, hence they don't have to see it everyday, so why bother? Ignore it and focus on your daughter's trial.
At memorial site someone took picture of GA and CA taking down newly erected cross in the middle of the night. They report they were chased out of the neighborhood at high rate of speed by GA and CA. They are filing police report about incident.

Likely will be repeated and may show up on website after 5pm repeat. Reported by WESH:
Why on earth would you take down a cross put up in memorial of your grandchild?

Why on earth would you take down a cross put up in memorial of your grandchild?


For the same reason you would protect and support the murderer of your grandchild.
They are a defense attorney's nightmare!! They make it harder and harder for me to find sympathy. Why would they do this?? I wonder if they put away pictures and reminders of Caylee in their home as well? So so sad!
At memorial site someone took picture of GA and CA taking down newly erected cross in the middle of the night. They report they were chased out of the neighborhood at high rate of speed by GA and CA. They are filing police report about incident.

Likely will be repeated and may show up on website after 5pm repeat. Reported by WESH:

They are so sick!
This doesn't surprise me in the least. Those A's are apt to do just anything. Hope they get slapped. Hard! :chicken:
You know what? I finally got it ... the A's are just "mis-grieving" or perhaps "mis-coping."
Was this at the Official Memorial Site which was recently removed? If so, then I think THAT mystery may be solved-The Anthony family obviously are responsible for the memorial having been removed (perhaps with the help of some sleezy compadres-like Kid Finders for instance?). Why else would they be there in the middle of the night making sure that the memorial REMAINS removed unless they were the ones originally responsible for having it taken down? The lunacy knows no bounds does it?
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