Names of Jurors just Released

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You may discuss this topic here; however, you may NOT sleuth the jurors and post your findings on this website. Please keep the topic of discussion limited to the makeup of the jury, gender, occupation, etc., and how that may have affected the outcome of the trial.

Any sleuthing of the juror's personal lives, addresses or public records will not be tolerated.

Thank you in advance for posting responsibly.
I wonder how they feel about the delay of the release, this morning? Personally, I don't care fore recurring nightmares, I would have wanted it all over and done with (given their quickness with the verdict itself, I sort of get that "over and done with" vibe from them). I suppose we'll be hearing from a few.

I wonder how they feel about the delay of the release, this morning? Personally, I don't care fore recurring nightmares, I would have wanted it all over and done with (given their quickness with the verdict itself, I sort of get that "over and done with" vibe from them). I suppose we'll be hearing from a few.


You may be right there. They have created a bit of a nightmare. In a way, they'd have been better off getting this whole part of it over and done with.
attn off OCA and her pathetic disguise and back on the <modsnips> who caused this travesty. I like.
I loathe them almost as much as I loathe Casey Anthony! How could 12 educated people get it do wrong. :doh:
Yes, it is going to be interesting to see if anyone at all chases them for an interview. Looking at the occupations of the jurors, and that some are parents and grandparents - it is inconceivable to me that they voted the way the did.

I'm not sure I'm ready for the excuses and the whining that we didn't know or hear what everyone else knew - didn't know Baez's statements throughout the whole trial are now just called theories/lies, or that they felt heavily pressured by one or two people on the jury as they came to their decision.

There just isn't any excuse, any explanation - there isn't anything they can say that will have me "resting easy" with their decision. And I do think they themselves brought on all the derision that's come their way since they waltzed out from the jury room with their decision. Not for me.....:furious:
I totally agree with what HHBP said about the media in this article.
He condemned the media saying the broadcast of Anthony trial, "devolved into cheap, soap-opera like entertainment." Also saying Florida Public record laws have, "become simply a tool to sell a story."

As for the jurors names being released, I am hoping the cooling down period was long enough for the kooks (as SC a jury consultant in this article called them) to have found something else to be kooky about. For the majority of people who have followed the case, and have been unhappy with the verdict, I doubt there is anything that can be said by these jurors that will appease the majority.

I think most, if not all the jurors will talk, at least briefly to the media, since their names are now out there. They have had three months to figure out how they will defend the verdict, and I think they will defend the verdict. I think they will all claim the prosecution did not present the evidence necessary to come to a verdict of guilty. They will claim there was a lot of circumstantial evidence, however, the prosecution failed to tie this evidence together in a way that eliminated reasonable doubt.

Regardless of what they say, the majority will always believe that KC is guilty, and that these 12 arrived at the wrong verdict. The media used the Sunshine Law as a tool to sell the public a story, and the story they sold to the public was that KC is guilty. It will be interesting to see what type of picture the media will try to paint about these jurors.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.
I totally agree with what HHBP said about the media in this article.
He condemned the media saying the broadcast of Anthony trial, "devolved into cheap, soap-opera like entertainment." Also saying Florida Public record laws have, "become simply a tool to sell a story."

As for the jurors names being released, I am hoping the cooling down period was long enough for the kooks (as SC a jury consultant in this article called them) to have found something else to be kooky about. For the majority of people who have followed the case, and have been unhappy with the verdict, I doubt there is anything that can be said by these jurors that will appease the majority.

I think most, if not all the jurors will talk, at least briefly to the media, since their names are now out there. They have had three months to figure out how they will defend the verdict, and I think they will defend the verdict. I think they will all claim the prosecution did not present the evidence necessary to come to a verdict of guilty. They will claim there was a lot of circumstantial evidence, however, the prosecution failed to tie this evidence together in a way that eliminated reasonable doubt.

Regardless of what they say, the majority will always believe that KC is guilty, and that these 12 arrived at the wrong verdict. The media used the Sunshine Law as a tool to sell the public a story, and the story they sold to the public was that KC is guilty. It will be interesting to see what type of picture the media will try to paint about these jurors.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.

With all due respect, I don't really think the media is to blame. The facts were there and in the court of public opinion, CA killed her daughter. Media or no media, it wasn't just a story, it was the truth.
Just curious why they can not be sleuthed..It no different than anyone elses personel info gets sleuthed and put on here.. I wanna know more about them and their personel lives it might make it clearer why they came to their decision. I mean it is public info. So is it ok to release personal info on suspected killers and witnesses to crimes, just not them? Again not trying to start anything, just curious why its ok for some and not others
Oh gosh, that's awful :(

You sound surprised at the news. It was announced a long time ago that their names would be released. Or am i reading your post incorrectly?
I totally agree with what HHBP said about the media in this article.
He condemned the media saying the broadcast of Anthony trial, "devolved into cheap, soap-opera like entertainment." Also saying Florida Public record laws have, "become simply a tool to sell a story."

As for the jurors names being released, I am hoping the cooling down period was long enough for the kooks (as SC a jury consultant in this article called them) to have found something else to be kooky about. For the majority of people who have followed the case, and have been unhappy with the verdict, I doubt there is anything that can be said by these jurors that will appease the majority.

I think most, if not all the jurors will talk, at least briefly to the media, since their names are now out there. They have had three months to figure out how they will defend the verdict, and I think they will defend the verdict. I think they will all claim the prosecution did not present the evidence necessary to come to a verdict of guilty. They will claim there was a lot of circumstantial evidence, however, the prosecution failed to tie this evidence together in a way that eliminated reasonable doubt.

Regardless of what they say, the majority will always believe that KC is guilty, and that these 12 arrived at the wrong verdict. The media used the Sunshine Law as a tool to sell the public a story, and the story they sold to the public was that KC is guilty. It will be interesting to see what type of picture the media will try to paint about these jurors.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.

BBM - Words from a judge who handed out media packets to the jury. Pot meet kettle JBP.

You sound surprised at the news. It was announced a long time ago that their names would be released. Or am i reading your post incorrectly?

yes I know it was announced, I just had hoped it wouldn't happen for a very long time
Just curious why they can not be sleuthed..It no different than anyone elses personel info gets sleuthed and put on here.. I wanna know more about them and their personel lives it might make it clearer why they came to their decision. I mean it is public info. So is it ok to release personal info on suspected killers and witnesses to crimes, just not them? Again not trying to start anything, just curious why its ok for some and not others

I believe it is because they are jurors and not involved in any way with the crime. They were just doing their civic duty. We may not like what they decided but it was their job and now they are finished. jmo
I hope they all are allowed to remain quiet if they desire and are left alone. Having watched the trial in it's entirety, I understand why they came to the verdict they did. Having been privy to the rest of the information that the jury didn't hear, I understand the public majority's outrage. They don't owe anyone an explanation for anything. Their identities should have remained secret.
You may be right there. They have created a bit of a nightmare. In a way, they'd have been better off getting this whole part of it over and done with.

I'm not sure - there were some crazies at the time of the verdict. Those kooks have probably moved on at this point one would hope (my guess is to the Lisa Irwin case). From a safety standpoint, I think it was good to let things die down a bit.
I hope they all are allowed to remain quiet if they desire and are left alone. Having watched the trial in it's entirety, I understand why they came to the verdict they did. Having been privy to the rest of the information that the jury didn't hear, I understand the public majority's outrage. They don't owe anyone an explanation for anything. Their identities should have remained secret.

Juror names are never supposed to remain secret.
It is no wonder that people are not interested in jury duty. These folk will be hounded by the media in an effort to get an interview which will justify the verdict that they arrived at. I hope that they will remain quiet because nothing they say will change the fact that in my opinion a guilty party was set free.
Oh well...
They did what they, for some reason, thought was the right thing to do. Never mind that they should have taken the time and energy to review the mountains of evidence.
The perception is that they just wanted it over and done with. Caylee is over and done with and deserved a bit more attention.
Oh hell...
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