Names of Jurors just Released

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Whenever this thread is revived I am terrified that an ignorant mob of angry villagers with flaming pitchforks has attacked the poor, hardworking, benighted jury but instead I find a group of people who vehemently disagree with their verdict calmly and peacefully discussing it.
Whenever this thread is revived I am terrified that an ignorant mob of angry villagers with flaming pitchforks has attacked the poor, hardworking, benighted jury but instead I find a group of people who vehemently disagree with their verdict calmly and peacefully discussing it.

It appears those ugly pitchforks and ignorant mob of angry villagers are in JB's mind. Perhaps he is confusing them with his own "villagers" who belong to the Bar Association. They are just names to us, nothing more. The people who come in contact with these people probably already knew they were on the jury. Hasn't Mr. Foreman come forward and said his life is back on track. Much ado about nothing, Mr. JB. jmo
Whenever this thread is revived I am terrified that an ignorant mob of angry villagers with flaming pitchforks has attacked the poor, hardworking, benighted jury but instead I find a group of people who vehemently disagree with their verdict calmly and peacefully discussing it.

When JB makes these claims to other lawyers- the lawyers believe him, regardless of the facts or common sense. Yet another illustration of the disgusting "club" we allow attorneys to operate in. Why oh why do we allow this?
It still bothers me that JBP rushed to get this jury seated cuz he had a vacation to tend to. I'm not saying it mattered here nor there, as I can't say if there would have been a different outcome. However, when you have a death penalty case to try vs. a vacation, the case should have been placed at a higher priority :(



Don't forget, HHJP also emphatically promised one juror the trial would be over in time for his planned cruise. Juror's sail date? July 7th. Promise kept.

How did that happen once the jury began deliberating over the testimonies and evidence, over 350 pieces of evidence that took six weeks to present? How miraculous was it the jury was able to "deliberate" and "examine" all that evidence up close and personal in less than 10 measly hours?????

Miraculous? Or lazy? Or jury tampering? Or eagerness to "blow this joint"? We know they didn't look at one piece of evidence or request playback of one witness testimony. Heck no, there was a cruise in the future for one guy...

Frankly, I have no need to hear any more from the jury. I've heard and read enough in their early interviews. What they said only convinced me they made up their minds the minute JB said Caylee drowned on June 16th and GA molested poor wittle Casey. They knew they could use that to claim "doubt" and to make sure that juror was at the dock on time.

I plan to shun the jurors permanently. That goes for everyone named Anthony and JB, too.

Okay, I have to say the one and only thing I love about GR is that he opens his mouth long enough to change feet. He refers to KC as the "aquitted killer mom".

I thought LE was reporting that none of the jurors have complained about being harassed nor have we heard about them going underground. jmo

I believe his exact words were "the 25-year-old acquitted child-killing-mother". (I eliminated his "uh uh" part.)

For that, ya' gotta love Heraldo. :crazy:

Love your comment about the feet in mouth. I'm picturing it. :floorlaugh:
except of course Geraldo is the Jester - Baez isn't trying to return to "normalcy" he's been trying to get his face on anything anywhere and to become a Big Wheel. I think Baez would be a big curiosity to them more than anything..

IMO, they want "hispanics" everywhere to revere them and consider them leaders.

Maybe they expect a giant temple should be erected to their honor.
I, unlike the majority, believe that the jurors were largely unsophisticated in their education. There's a wannabe nurse among others, a retired nurse, a child care worker low on the totem pole and a couple of Verizon peons, a chef with an aim towards media glory, a schizoid game player and the creme de la creme, a physical ed high school instructor, which doesn't necessarily mean much in terms of critical thinking. I can see where most could be easily led or derailed, by a couple of boasting, hi falutin' aggressive wannabes. IMO.
I, unlike the majority, believe that the jurors were largely unsophisticated in their education. There's a wannabe nurse among others, a retired nurse, a child care worker low on the totem pole and a couple of Verizon peons, a chef with an aim towards media glory, a schizoid game player and the creme de la creme, a physical ed high school instructor, which doesn't necessarily mean much in terms of critical thinking. I can see where most could be easily led or derailed, by a couple of boasting, hi falutin' aggressive wannabes. IMO.

Excellent description.
It was sad that those jurors couldn't slap at least 1 charge on OCA, was hoping for at least Child Endangerment myself IF the words against her daddy were true. Would stand to reason it would be endangerment if OCA was messed with her in her youth, why on earth would she leave Caylee with pappa Joe? It's beyond anything now.

I will never understand this new way of thinking either. I know there are a lot of people madder than a hornet over the jurors decision, but it cannot compared to what OCA has done. I now ask the question WHY was it so important to place the jurors names to the public and disregard their well being, but this same court will defend OCA on her little taped deposition and not release anything on her? What makes her so special? Life is life, but come on now, is her life worth more than the jurors? They did their job-right or wrong, they shouldn't be punished anymore, but what about OCA? She should be run out of town on a rail far as I'm concerned and take her parents with her.
It was sad that those jurors couldn't slap at least 1 charge on OCA, was hoping for at least Child Endangerment myself IF the words against her daddy were true. Would stand to reason it would be endangerment if OCA was messed with her in her youth, why on earth would she leave Caylee with pappa Joe? It's beyond anything now.

I will never understand this new way of thinking either. I know there are a lot of people madder than a hornet over the jurors decision, but it cannot compared to what OCA has done. I now ask the question WHY was it so important to place the jurors names to the public and disregard their well being, but this same court will defend OCA on her little taped deposition and not release anything on her? What makes her so special? Life is life, but come on now, is her life worth more than the jurors? They did their job-right or wrong, they shouldn't be punished anymore, but what about OCA? She should be run out of town on a rail far as I'm concerned and take her parents with her.

Well the jurors/FCA never were in any danger, that was made up nonsense from the defense.

I would say that FCA is a criminal/murderer she will do what she wants to do. People may be more mad with the jurors because they should know better and be held to a higher standard. It's like - Murderers will murder, you can't expect anything better from them - but everyday people (jurors) should not allow them to get away with anything.
I would say that the jury just helped to reinforce what KC has already learned. People will make excuses for her and find fault with others instead of who is really to blame. Cindy, George and Lee have all been doing that for years with KC. Then comes along JB, DS, Mason and the rest of the defense team. They go ahead and say that whatever KC did was not her fault, it was someone elses. The jury, they buy it hook line and sinker. They then turn around and say the same thing. Not KCs fault. George did it! Someone else did it! And what does this tell KC? She can do whatever she wants, even kill her own flesh and blood, and can get away with it. So when in the position of a decision as to how to handle any problems that may arise in her future life, she can think to herself "hey, not my fault! I can take care of my problem and not be blamed for it!". This jury, along with her lawyers and her immediate family have blood on their hands and if (god forbid) KC kills again that blood will be on their hands as well.
I would say that the jury just helped to reinforce what KC has already learned. People will make excuses for her and find fault with others instead of who is really to blame. Cindy, George and Lee have all been doing that for years with KC. Then comes along JB, DS, Mason and the rest of the defense team. They go ahead and say that whatever KC did was not her fault, it was someone elses. The jury, they buy it hook line and sinker. They then turn around and say the same thing. Not KCs fault. George did it! Someone else did it! And what does this tell KC? She can do whatever she wants, even kill her own flesh and blood, and can get away with it. So when in the position of a decision as to how to handle any problems that may arise in her future life, she can think to herself "hey, not my fault! I can take care of my problem and not be blamed for it!". This jury, along with her lawyers and her immediate family have blood on their hands and if (god forbid) KC kills again that blood will be on their hands as well.

This is so true! Its as almost OCA got this free pass in life then re Caylee because she still lived w/the parents and that was the diversion to once again allow her to get out of a jam and the parents provided it again willingly, like they had always done in the past. If OCA had lived own her own and all this had happened, I'd be willing to bet she'd have herself a 6x10 space to live in for the remainder of her life.

I observed for myself the behavior pattern of this family and although I am not a prof. medical caregiver, I did come away with the very strong feeling that they are all machochists that got the short end of the stick in life so they are now fighting back, lashing out to the ones who they precieved as being the culprit to their sorry life. They are definately the type who go around with the attitude, 'I'll sue the world' or 'the world owes me'.
Well the jurors/FCA never were in any danger, that was made up nonsense from the defense.

I would say that FCA is a criminal/murderer she will do what she wants to do. People may be more mad with the jurors because they should know better and be held to a higher standard. It's like - Murderers will murder, you can't expect anything better from them - but everyday people (jurors) should not allow them to get away with anything.

I realize the only ones who'd bother anybody in the mix is the media. Real people aren't going to bother with either side, jurors or OCA-although, I can see her being yelled at/mobbed on the street. I just don't understand why the court allowed the jurors names to be made public when the public cannot see the Depo video. Jurors did their job-yes poorly, but what they do after the fact is none of anybody's concern. Let them alone. I wish there was a law to dictate that anybody serving on a jury cannot make any other monies after a trial is over-no matter what-the same would go for some of the guilty who were let loose on a whim. I know it's taking away the rights of the public, but still... It's like this Jackson case-Right or wrong, news is out the Dr. has been making a video documentary about his life with M. Jackson and what happened, while he's been sitting there in court keeping mum. He expects to get a payout of at least 1 million dollars, plus the %. Things like this should be stopped.
It's like this Jackson case-Right or wrong, news is out the Dr. has been making a video documentary about his life with M. Jackson and what happened, while he's been sitting there in court keeping mum. He expects to get a payout of at least 1 million dollars, plus the %. Things like this should be stopped.

Respecfully snipped...

Oh NO! :maddening: this is the first I've heard about a video documentary... :maddening:
I would say that the jury just helped to reinforce what KC has already learned. People will make excuses for her and find fault with others instead of who is really to blame. Cindy, George and Lee have all been doing that for years with KC. Then comes along JB, DS, Mason and the rest of the defense team. They go ahead and say that whatever KC did was not her fault, it was someone elses. The jury, they buy it hook line and sinker. They then turn around and say the same thing. Not KCs fault. George did it! Someone else did it! And what does this tell KC? She can do whatever she wants, even kill her own flesh and blood, and can get away with it. So when in the position of a decision as to how to handle any problems that may arise in her future life, she can think to herself "hey, not my fault! I can take care of my problem and not be blamed for it!". This jury, along with her lawyers and her immediate family have blood on their hands and if (god forbid) KC kills again that blood will be on their hands as well.

And that is exactly how I have thought since the first time her defense opened their mouth. It has given KC the back up she needed to think she never will be held accountable like her family has allowed her to think from day one. What a disservice the defense has done for KC and hopefully they will not be in a postiton to feel it from their prize defendant. She is what she is. A Liar and con artist.
...and the jurors are still perfectly safe. Too bad Perry won't be issuing an apology to the public for his assumptions about their inability to control themselves.
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