Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #20

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Ol' BC might be a permanent resident of NC if he is tried and that trial results in conviction.

Since I don't even play a lawyer on TV, please advise me: he'd be imprisoned in NC if found guilty, even though he's a Canadian citizen, correct? Suddenly I feel dumb. Very dumb.

If tried and convicted he would be imprisoned in NC.
And, Tharrington Smith was involved in that one, too.

Who was the school teacher strangled by her husband/boyfriend? Weren't they Canadian, too?

Found it: Heather Domenie/Ian Campbell

Oh, Yes! I recall hearing about that happening now. I had forgotten about that one. The names jogged the memories.

I did not follow that case, in fact this Cooper case is the closest that I have followed a local case. I am not sure what about this one piques my interest, other than it was mentioned that she went running in Regency, and I live very close to Regency.

Now, I know that Canada is not the same as Mexico, but.... it's possible that he is restricted from traveling there and that's why he's visiting with the girls via webcam and visits when they are brought to NC.

I don't think that they can restrict his travel unless he is named as a POI/suspect. At that point, LE would have him surrender his passport. He may be receiving advice from his lawyers or LE that it's in his best interest NOT to travel to Canada but I don't think they can stop him.

Canada does have some bleeding heart agencies that would work to keep him from being extradited to a death penalty state if it came to that. Should he be charged, found guilty and sentenced to the death penalty, these agencies will also work hard to try and get him OUT of a death penalty state and back to Canada or have his sentence commuted to life. They have not been terribly successful in a recent case though.
Ol' BC might be a permanent resident of NC if he is tried and that trial results in conviction.

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: NCNATIVE,

You might have discovered a shortcut to permanant resident status! Cuts through all the red tape that the government has.

I don't think that they can restrict his travel unless he is named as a POI/suspect. At that point, LE would have him surrender his passport. He may be receiving advice from his lawyers or LE that it's in his best interest NOT to travel to Canada but I don't think they can stop him.

Canada does have some bleeding heart agencies that would work to keep him from being extradited to a death penalty state if it came to that. Should he be charged, found guilty and sentenced to the death penalty, these agencies will also work hard to try and get him OUT of a death penalty state and back to Canada or have his sentence commuted to life. They have not been terribly successful in a recent case though.

Interesting info RKAB, I can't help but wonder why in the world Canada would WANT a murdering citizen back in their country. Why not let him rot on death row in the States like Entwistle???
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: NCNATIVE,

You might have discovered a shortcut to permanant resident status! Cuts through all the red tape that the government has.


Interesting info RKAB, I can't help but wonder why in the world Canada would WANT a murdering citizen back in their country. Why not let him rot on death row in the States like Entwistle???

*I* wouldn't want him back but there's always someone who thinks the death penalty is cruel punishment. :boohoo:

I, personally, am pro-death penalty. I also think that if you commit a crime in another country, you should be subject to their laws and your home country keep out of it.
Is there a concern about him going to Canada since he's a Canadian citizen? remember aren't we still awaiting extradition of Caesar Laurean who fled to Mexico after (allegedly) killing his his pregnant girlfriend? Didn't he specifically go there because a) he had family there and b) they won't extradite unless they have a guarantee of no death penalty? Hasn't it been said they can tie up the extradition for YEARS?

Now, I know that Canada is not the same as Mexico, but.... it's possible that he is restricted from traveling there and that's why he's visiting with the girls via webcam and visits when they are brought to NC.

Jeepers, I hope this case breaks soon.

An infamous serial killer, Charles Ng, citizen of Hong Hong, but resident of the U.S., fled to Canada after he and his accomplice's crimes were uncovered. While his accomplice committed suicide shortly after being arrested, Ng had been arrested in Canada for another crime. After serving 4 years or so for his crimes in Canada, it took another 6 years for the U.S. to finally extradict him for trial.

After the costliest trial in U.S. history, Ng was sentenced to death row and presently awaits execution in San Quentin.

So, yes, he can be deported to the U.S. IF he were to run to Canada, but I'm not sure IF because he's a Canadian citizen, they would allow the DP to be imposed. I would imagine it could possibly be part of an extradition agreement, NO dp IF found guilty.

*I* wouldn't want him back but there's always someone who thinks the death penalty is cruel punishment. :boohoo:

I, personally, am pro-death penalty. I also think that if you commit a crime in another country, you should be subject to their laws and your home country keep out of it.

Oh, we have those here too, people who think the dp is cruel and unusual punishment.:boohoo:

What I don't get is, the crime itself is cruel and unusual to the victim and their family, so why not repay them in kind?:bang:

I believe it's called KARMA! and it's a bit**.:rolleyes:

(Bolding Above is Mine)

Scott did NOT bleach his hair. Don't you remember, he just fell into a pool at a friend's house and the chlorine in the pool bleached it! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Yep, that sure must have been a CLEAN pool... sounds like they filled it with Ty-D-Bowl.


Yeah, I remember him saying that.:crazy: As a hair stylist myself I can say with 100% confidence that he did indeed bleach his hair. That was bleach with at least 30 vol. developer which is why it was completely brassy in tone, the volume was too strong and it "pulled" too fast, leaving it that bright electric orange color. No pool water can do that to "virgin" hair or otherwise in my book.

I've always wondered what Laci's sister thought about that remark since she too is a hairstylist. Totally ridiculous.
If tried and convicted he would be imprisoned in NC.

This could be interesting - if this goes on like the Young case and he goes on with his life and becomes a US citizen - if and when he's subsequently charged, he'd be facing the DP. Bit of a dilemma for him, I would think.
Interesting info RKAB, I can't help but wonder why in the world Canada would WANT a murdering citizen back in their country. Why not let him rot on death row in the States like Entwistle???

Entwistle got LWOP. I don't believe Mass has the DP.
Entwistle got LWOP. I don't believe Mass has the DP.

You're correct Jilly, Mass does not have the death penalty. I was just trying to imply that State laws applied and not English law. Dummy me picked the first case that came to mind and that state doesn't even have the death penalty. I think it's because Entwistle is the last case I kept up with start to finish. :crazy: :crazy:

ETA I love your avatar!!! What a cutie!!!
This could be interesting - if this goes on like the Young case and he goes on with his life and becomes a US citizen - if and when he's subsequently charged, he'd be facing the DP. Bit of a dilemma for him, I would think.


For some reason, maybe just wishful thinking, I do not believe this will drag on like the Young case. Perhaps it is perception but in this case it "appears" that the DA has taken a much more active roll - i.e. Colon Willoughby sitting in the judge's kitchen at 2:30 am verbally requesting a seal be placed on a warrant not yet issued. I think perhaps the DA has learned a few "how not to's" since the Young case.

Seems WCSO took the lead in the Young case and the DA just sat back waiting - that does not appear to be the case here and I base that on having watched the hearing regarding the unsealing of the warrants.

I don't see much right now to figure if this will become a DP case or not. If Brad turns out to be tried for this - one would think, being as how many think he is brilliant, he would have figured a way to make sure he wasn't the last to report seeing her. He would have figured a way to have her whereabouts confirmed after 7 am, and if you think about it, this might not have been hard to do. Given the few facts we do have - this just seems to me to be, if planned, not planned well at all, but more likely spur of the moment.

But then you know me - I don't want to think someone plotted to murder their wife. :)
I don't think that they can restrict his travel unless he is named as a POI/suspect. At that point, LE would have him surrender his passport. He may be receiving advice from his lawyers or LE that it's in his best interest NOT to travel to Canada but I don't think they can stop him.

Canada does have some bleeding heart agencies that would work to keep him from being extradited to a death penalty state if it came to that. Should he be charged, found guilty and sentenced to the death penalty, these agencies will also work hard to try and get him OUT of a death penalty state and back to Canada or have his sentence commuted to life. They have not been terribly successful in a recent case though.

Okay, I have researched the term "Person of interest". Opinion vary from LE quite a bit depending on the circumstances. I found that I am not 100% right or wrong. Back to Scott Peterson for a moment. He was named a "POI" within 3 weeks of his wife's disappearance. You can check it Fran. There was still a lot of clammoring at the time to name him a "Suspect". That did not happen until late in the game. Media was real intense here.

Back to "POI's. Brad does have every legal right to do and go whereever he wants. But because he has not been named a "POI" that could be for numerous reason, some of which have been stated by some smart sleuthers. Two of the biggest things they consider is:

1. Danger to the public
2. Media scrutiny

The police have really put themselves on the line by stating that this was not a random crime and the public is safe. That really does seem to imply that a crazy killer is not on the loose and that Brad or someone else who hated Nancy is in the crosshairs here. Another muder and LE has some serious explaining to do.

So in a nutshell, they are putting their p's and q's together. They do not want to be accused of not looking at all the possibilities and Brad(or whomever) get off due to his attorney scrutinizing LE's objectivity in its investigation. RC made a great point early on about Brad's choice of Lawyer. I expect this to be a case that was premeditated and planned well. But at the end of the day, somebody real close to Nancy will be the suspect.
Trivia report: had to ride by BCooper's home about 20 min. ago. His white BMW was in the driveway. It must be really dark inside with all the blinds closed.

Colon Willoughby should have become a proctologist.
Trivia report: had to ride by BCooper's home about 20 min. ago. His white BMW was in the driveway. It must be really dark inside with all the blinds closed.

Colon Willoughby should have become a proctologist.

I know he paid his light bill for sure. Last night he had every light on downstairs including the front porch.

Is his BMW still way back from the garage doors and not pulled right up to them? It gave me the impression last night he had been cleaning the garage out like a while back when he was in there and the BMW was about 15' back.

He has now shut the blind on his staircase. It was pulled up about 1', but not any more. It is now shut entirely also.
I know he paid his light bill for sure. Last night he had every light on downstairs including the front porch.

Is his BMW still way back from the garage doors and not pulled right up to them? It gave me the impression last night he had been cleaning the garage out like a while back when he was in there and the BMW was about 15' back.

He has now shut the blind on his staircase. It was pulled up about 1', but not any more. It is now shut entirely also.

How wide are the blinds?
You're correct Jilly, Mass does not have the death penalty. I was just trying to imply that State laws applied and not English law. Dummy me picked the first case that came to mind and that state doesn't even have the death penalty. I think it's because Entwistle is the last case I kept up with start to finish. :crazy: :crazy:

ETA I love your avatar!!! What a cutie!!!

That's one guy that should be on Death Row! Too bad you didn't join us here on the case. I think it was speculated at one point that he fled to the UK because he thought the entire US had the DP and once he discovered otherwise, he waived extradition.

Peppurr thanks you for the compliment.:crazy:Right now, he's laying on his back with all fours open wide because of our present heat wave!
That's one guy that should be on Death Row! Too bad you didn't join us here on the case. I think it was speculated at one point that he fled to the UK because he thought the entire US had the DP and once he discovered otherwise, he waived extradition.

Peppurr thanks you for the compliment.:crazy:Right now, he's laying on his back with all fours open wide because of our present heat wave!

I was glued to the live broadcasts daily in that case. I'll never forget the way that onsie looked. I wanted to kill him myself - the scum bag!!!

Are you in the states or elsewhere? I ask because you're speaking of a heat wave.
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