Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #27

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Bolding is mine. Glad to see you back Calgary123! :blowkiss:
You two are the greatest! Thanks for coming online to share what information you have of Brad's earlier years. It's been so much help to us in putting together the "big picture". Hope you both had a super Canadian Thanksgiving.
Statement #33 in Brad's rebuttal affidavit quotes Desiree Jackson stating that Nancy went to HH. Brad NEVER says in any affi's that she did go there! Very interesting. I'm surprised he didn't point out in his rebuttals, either original or amended, that the women were wrong. (if they were)

Reddress - help me out here please. How long of a drive would it be to Hilton Head in terms of time ? If I recall my geography, Lake Norman would be almost due west and a tad south of Cary - maybe 3 hours drive time ?

The only reason I ask is Brad said Nancy was tired when she got home - the girls had made her stop several times and it was a long ride. Granted, three hour drive with 2 little ones could get testy I suppose.
You two are the greatest! Thanks for coming online to share what information you have of Brad's earlier years. It's been so much help to us in putting together the "big picture". Hope you both had a super Canadian Thanksgiving.

Thanks! Tomorrow is turkey night!
Wanted to clarify what I heard on one of the videos... someone had previously posted that Brad mentioned he talked to Hannah and Jessica on the "home phone" and they were questioning why he would purposely mention that... Ms. Stubbs had just asked him if he had his cell phone while he was looking for Nancy, and he said yes, and she added he had mentioned he talked to Hannah and Jessica earlier that morning, so he said, "That was on the home phone" to clarify since she was being very specific.
Reddress - help me out here please. How long of a drive would it be to Hilton Head in terms of time ? If I recall my geography, Lake Norman would be almost due west and a tad south of Cary - maybe 3 hours drive time ?

The only reason I ask is Brad said Nancy was tired when she got home - the girls had made her stop several times and it was a long ride. Granted, three hour drive with 2 little ones could get testy I suppose.


I'm not Reddress, but I have traveled the area enough to know these sites.

It is about a 5 - 6 hour drive to HH, depending upon how heavy your foot is.

I am going to the Charlotte area tomorrow, and I can make Charlotte proper in about 3.5, a bit less if I take a less circuitious route. The problem with the more direct route is that there are more small towns, hence more stoplights and slow speed zones. In the end, both routes intersect somewhat North of Salisbury and follow the Interstate the remainder of the way.


I'm not Reddress, but I have traveled the area enough to know these sites.

It is about a 5 - 6 hour drive to HH, depending upon how heavy your foot is.

I am going to the Charlotte area tomorrow, and I can make Charlotte proper in about 3.5, a bit less if I take a less circuitious route. The problem with the more direct route is that there are more small towns, hence more stoplights and slow speed zones. In the end, both routes intersect somewhat North of Salisbury and follow the Interstate the remainder of the way.


Thanks - appreciate the info. Just being curious.
I was wondering about the Lake Norman vs. Hilton Head trip with her family-
maybe she told BC Lake Norman, but her friends knew the real destination-HH. And could the old boyfriend have come along and been part of things also? And maybe BC became aware somehow during the week after she returned home? Just speculation.
I was wondering about the Lake Norman vs. Hilton Head trip with her family-
maybe she told BC Lake Norman, but her friends knew the real destination-HH. And could the old boyfriend have come along and been part of things also? And maybe BC became aware somehow during the week after she returned home? Just speculation.

Maybe the way he found out re the destination was by reading the friends' affidavits. Then not attending memorials, etc. would be a reaction to this deception (plus alot of them being suspicious that he killed her.)
Maybe Stubbs asking alot of questions about the hallway was to make it clear that BC had to be aware of NC's cell phone laying right there on the little table? (I think we already established that's where it was or have we not?)
Maybe he had hidden it so she couldn't take it with her running because she couldn't find it? Then he put it on the table after that.

I don't even know if I'm making sense! Just trying to understand why the focus on the hallway.
Maybe Stubbs asking alot of questions about the hallway was to make it clear that BC had to be aware of NC's cell phone laying right there on the little table? (I think we already established that's where it was or have we not?)
Maybe he had hidden it so she couldn't take it with her running because she couldn't find it? Then he put it on the table after that.

I don't even know if I'm making sense! Just trying to understand why the focus on the hallway.

The focus on the hallway area is interesting, isn't it? IIRC Nancy's cell phone was not on that little table in the front hall. I read the CPD affidavit and they said that only Nancy's keys were on the table by the door (no idea if this is the same table as the vase). But the cell phone was found in the house (just not in/on the front hall/table). I don't recall Brad mentioning anything about Nancy's car keys during his depo.
Reddress - help me out here please. How long of a drive would it be to Hilton Head in terms of time ? If I recall my geography, Lake Norman would be almost due west and a tad south of Cary - maybe 3 hours drive time ?

The only reason I ask is Brad said Nancy was tired when she got home - the girls had made her stop several times and it was a long ride. Granted, three hour drive with 2 little ones could get testy I suppose.
Sorry, RC, I had logged off for the night. Cyber answered for me correctly.
The focus on the hallway area is interesting, isn't it? IIRC Nancy's cell phone was not on that little table in the front hall. I read the CPD affidavit and they said that only Nancy's keys were on the table by the door (no idea if this is the same table as the vase). But the cell phone was found in the house (just not in/on the front hall/table). I don't recall Brad mentioning anything about Nancy's car keys during his depo.
I was trying to figure out the purpose of Ms. Stubb's asking about 'sticks' in the vase. I was supposing she meant large reed-type sticks that are sometimes used in tall vases for show. Brad responded yes it could be possible that the girls stuck sticks in there...along with toys & such. I thought that was SO funny. I'm sure he was thinking "what the h___ matters if there were sticks or not in the vase?"
QUOTE piedmont: Maybe Stubbs asking alot of questions about the hallway was to make it clear that BC had to be aware of NC's cell phone laying right there on the little table? ... END QUOTE

Very interesting thought... Maybe if when Stubbs was asking him if he removed anything from the table, she was referring to Nancy's cell phone...:waitasec:
Anyone see a link to her affidavit yet????

Wow! Wral doesn't have it up yet, but I can't wait to read it. Thanks for pointing this out, AM. Now we know Jennifer's real last name.

ETA: "In her affidavit, Jennifer Windsor Ball said Brad Cooper was emotionally abusive, mentally cruel and creepy.

Windsor Ball said she and Brad Cooper dated from September 1997 to December 1998."
It's up now - but I don't know how to link - if you go the article mentioned in the post above - you will see that within the article the link to the document is included.
Whoa! I'm sure she'll get painted with the 'bitter-ex with an agenda' brush by some, since that seems to be a common theme when an ex provides their perspective.
I was trying to figure out the purpose of Ms. Stubb's asking about 'sticks' in the vase. I was supposing she meant large reed-type sticks that are sometimes used in tall vases for show. Brad responded yes it could be possible that the girls stuck sticks in there...along with toys & such. I thought that was SO funny. I'm sure he was thinking "what the h___ matters if there were sticks or not in the vase?"

Just speculating but, is it possible one of those sticks (reeds) could have been used to strangle NC? It certainly would leave a mark on her as indicated. I would think it could even break the hyoid bone. Just for clarification, he could have done this from behind.
Who's to say they didn't have an argument and NC (if she did leave her phone on the key table) went to get her phone, who's to say BC didn't follow her, his anger building, and he grabbed one of the reeds and bam! - he strangled her! :eek:

Maybe way out in right field but just an idea...
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