Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C - Media links only *NO DISCUSSION*

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Cooper's lawyer says he's innocent

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Brad Cooper did not kill his wife and wants to mourn her death in private, his attorneys said today at a brief news conference.
Lawyer Seth Blum said he and lawyer Howard Kurtz called the gathering because of wild speculation about the slaying of Nancy Cooper, whose body was found Monday in a subdivision under development in Cary.

"The bizarre and unsupported theories floating around television and the Internet have made it impossible for us to sit quietly and to say nothing," Blum said. He did not discuss the theories, saying that could jeopardize the investigation.

<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>

Parents have harsh words for Cooper's killer

CARY -- Nancy Cooper's parents spoke out for a second time Friday about the circumstances surrounding their daughter's death, and they had harsh words for her killer.

"I would like to know why," Cooper's mom, Donna Rentz, said.
Unable to finish her sentence, Rentz tried to find the words the family hopes will reach the ears of the person responsible for Cooper's death.

<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>

Memorial Service For Cooper Set For Today

CARY, N.C. -
A memorial service will be held this afternoon for Nancy Cooper at Koka Booth Amphitheatre in Cary.

A Private memorial service was held Friday night for Nancy Cooper at the preschool her daughter Bella attended.

Candles were lit, memories were recalled and songs were sung for Nancy. Among the songs shared, the hymn, "Let It Shine."

As those attending the service sang, the sun broke out from behind a bank of storm clouds which had drenched the area minutes before.

It was as if the heavens themselves were crying over the Lochmere neighborhood where Nancy lived.

Then, moments before the service began, a rainbow spread across the sky. For some attending, it was an touching moment.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>

Aired July 18, 2008 - 20:00:00 ET


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: (INAUDIBLE) for a North Carolina mother found dead near her home. No suspects have been named in Nancy Cooper`s death but her parents are asking the killer to speak up if the person has, quote, "any shred of decency."

Cooper`s husband told police his wife went jogging Saturday and never came back. But her body was found Monday at a construction site less than three miles from her home in a Raleigh suburb.

And Cooper`s family has been granted temporary custody of her two young daughters. Cooper`s parents claim their son-in-law is emotionally unstable, was having an affair, and poses a danger to the children.

Now her husband Bradley Cooper`s attorneys say he is distraught by his wife`s death and will continue to assist police.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`m Jane Velez-Mitchell in for Nancy Grace.

Tonight a tragic mystery deepens. A mother of two, who was also an avid runner, found murdered at a construction site a few miles from her North Carolina home.

Nancy Cooper`s husband told cops she went out for a jog Saturday morning at 7:00 a.m. and simply never came home. But he did not call the cops. It was a worried friend who dialed 911.

Now police are calling it murder. They have no suspects and no person of interest, but the dead woman`s family is claiming her husband had cheated on her and was verbally and emotionally abusive. They also say she was planning on leaving him. Explosive new developments tonight.

Let`s go straight out to Gurnal Scott, a reporter at WPTF radio, who`s been tracking this story from the start.

Gurnal, what is the very latest is?

GURNAL SCOTT, REPORTER, WPTF RADIO: The very latest is, as you`ve said, the family has been very skeptical about what Brad Cooper has been saying. They have said in the custody complaint that they never thought that she did go jogging, that he has been abusive, that he has kept money from her, that he has been abusive to her verbally in front of the children. And she wanted to leave.

He hid passports so she couldn`t take the children with them. They have made several complaints that have allowed them to go to a court and get custody of these children and they are proceeding on from there, hoping that police can catch the person who is behind this killing.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And there were duel news conferences today, the attorney for Brad Cooper speaking out, saying their client is innocent, wants to grieve in private, is cooperating with investigators. And then the family of Nancy Cooper also speaking out.

Gurnal, exactly what was said by either party? What are the headlines?

SCOTT: Well, the headlines, as far as the family is concerned, once again, Garry Rentz, the father of Nancy Cooper, urged, as you said, the person who is responsible, if they have a shred of decency, come forward, admit what you`ve done.

But in the dueling news conferences, as you just said, the attorney for Brad Cooper, Seth Blum, is saying that Mr. Cooper is a private man, this is why you haven`t seen him at these press briefings that have been held by the Cary Police Department. He wants to grieve in private. And he doesn`t want to mourn, as he said, in front of the hot glare of media -- of the media spotlight. He wants to be left alone so he can mourn his wife.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I want to go to Nicole Partin, investigative journalist, and ask you about this other woman. What do we know about this claim, which certainly has not been confirmed in any way, shape or form by Brad Cooper? He has admitted they had marital problems but that`s as far as he went.

What do we know about this possible other woman that Nancy Cooper`s family is claiming he had an affair with?

NICOLE PARTIN, INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER: Good evening, Jane. What we know is that in the allegations presented by Nancy`s family yesterday in a court order, the family claims that Brad was having an affair. Those claims were also backed up with his apparent verbal abuse and battering verbally to Nancy.

We don`t know anything about this woman and the affair other than that the father and other family members of Nancy are alleging that, indeed, Brad was having an affair.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I want to bring in the attorneys, Holly Hughes, former prosecutor, and Alan Ripka, defense attorney.

Let`s start with you, Alan. This man deserves the presumption of innocence. He is not considered a suspect or a person of interest. He says he is innocent but skeptics would point out that this case, at least theoretically, has the hallmarks of a classic estrangement homicide.

It`s the, you know, the wife seeking divorce and she turns up dead. How would you defend Brad Cooper in that scenario?

ALAN RIPKA, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, Jane, there are plenty of people in this country who is seeking divorce and having marital problems and they don`t go around killing people.

In this particular case there`s not one shred of evidence that he did anything of the sort. No witnesses, no forensic evidence, never threatened to kill her in the past. No domestic violence. No police coming to the house. So I don`t see why -- that`s why he`s not being charged and that`s why he`s not a person of interest.

And in this particular case, he`s cooperating with the police. He doesn`t have a lawyer. And I figure he`s going to be fine in this one.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I think he actually does have a lawyer because they held a news conference today. So I don`t think they were just volunteers.

Holly Hughes, what are your thoughts given the claims that we`re hearing from Nancy`s family about an affair, about the belittling, the withholding money, taking the passports?

HOLLY HUGHES, PROSECUTOR: Well, I got to tell you. In response to my esteemed colleague, Mr. Ripka, let me just say this, Mark Hacking, Scott Peterson, Drew Peterson, I could go on and on. I mean, come on, Jane, this is the same scenario we see all the time.

Scott Peterson didn`t have any history of abusing Laci but one day something snaps and these men are killing their wives. As far as saying there`s no evidence, no forensics evidence, we don`t know that. There was a search warrant executed. They hauled six bags of evidence out of that house.

First of all they did a consensual search and after that consensual search they went back and got a search warrant because they thought there was more in there and they certainly had to have probable cause to support that warrant, Jane.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And, Holly Hughes, you bring up the Scott Peterson case.

In that case, his mistress who had no idea that he was married, thought she was just having a regular relationship, ended up being the smoking gun because she tape recorded her conversations with Scott Peterson and that`s partially why he was convicted.

HUGHES: That`s exactly right, Jane, and I wouldn`t be surprised if we don`t have another star witness come forward once she realities the gravity of the situation just like Amber Frey. She didn`t know she was going out with a murderer. And when these women finally realized what these men are like they`re going to start singing, as they should, and get some justice for Nancy Cooper.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. We have to leave it right there but we want to stress again that this husband is not a suspect, not even a person of interest, and he does deserve the presumption of innocence in this case.
Thank you dear fran for all your work. (((hugs)))
CARY, North Carolina -- The family of a former Edmonton woman found slain near her North Carolina home plans to return to Canada this weekend with her children.
Nancy Cooper's family persuaded a court to grant them emergency custody of the couple's two young daughters after expressing concern about her husband.
Yesterday, they asked the culprit to speak up if the person has "a shred of decency."


Nancy Cooper's mom Donna Rentz, left, and her twin sister Khrista Lister, mix crying with laughter as they reminisce about Nancy during a press conference in Cary, N.C., Thursday, July 17, 2008. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS/ Shawn Rocco/The News and Observer

Nancy Cooper's parents said their family's pain would only subside if her killer came forward and confessed...

Cooper memorial draws friends, family

By Kristin Butler, Staff Writer
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CARY - About 170 friends, family members and area residents gathered to remember Nancy Cooper this afternoon at one of the places she loved best: Koka Booth Amphitheatre, the site of the outdoor North Carolina Symphony concerts she frequented.
Cooper's parents, Garry and Donna Rentz, her sister and brother-in-law, Krista and Jim Lister, and her brother Jeff Rentz, attended the ceremony along with Cooper's daughters. Bella, 4, arrived in a light green dress and pink ballcap, while Katie, almost 2, wore a white-and-red jumper and sucked on a white pacifier. Both girls sat quietly with their grandparents through the ceremony.


Nancy Cooper's husband, Brad, did not attend today's memorial. His attorneys released a statement Friday saying he needed to mourn outside the public eye.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>

Family establishes memorial fund for Nancy Cooper

CARY (WTVD) -- The family of murdered Cary woman Nancy Cooper has established a memorial fund in her name.

Donations can be made to the Nancy Cooper Memorial Fund.
Send c/o RBC Bank, 101 Advent Court, Cary, N.C. 27518.

Donations can also be made at any RBC branch by referencing the Nancy Cooper Memorial Fund.

<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>;7CCommunity/story/5588/town_remembers_nancy_cooper

Town Remembers Nancy Cooper

CARY, N.C. -
It's been exactly one week since a Cary woman disappeared, only to be found murdered a few days later.

Nancy Cooper, 34, was reported missing last Saturday, after her husband said she went out for a morning run.

Cooper's body was discovered a few miles from her home Monday. Police have not made any arrests, or named a suspect.

Today, friends and family held a memorial for Cooper, and issued an open invitation for anyone else, as well.

Despite some sweltering temperatures, about 150 people turned out for a simple service designed to highlight the effect Nancy had on the people she surrounded herself with.

<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>
Police officer on other side of fence
Dealing with a homicide now personal for Const. Jeff Rentz

Elise Stolte,
Published: Friday, July 18

EDMONTON - Dealing with his sister's homicide has given Edmonton Const. Jeff Rentz a perspective he never wanted to have.

"When you do a job like policing ... you never want to be able to relate to both sides of the fence," Rentz said at news conference in North Carolina today.

In his job as a southeast division patrol officer, Rentz has had to tell families that their loved ones have been killed.
Sun, July 20, 2008
Hubby skips memorial for slain wife

RALEIGH, N.C. -- The family and friends of a former Edmonton resident slain in North Carolina held a public memorial service Saturday to mourn the 34-year-old woman whose body was found Monday near her home.

Local TV station WRAL reported that Nancy Cooper's two young daughters Bela, four, and Katie, two, carried a bouquet of roses and pictures of the girls and their mother were displayed on stage, with a large, white floral display between them.

Bradley Cooper, the victim's husband, did not attend the memorial service.

Nancy Cooper's parents said earlier this week that the family's pain would only subside if her killer came forward and confessed.
Friends of murdered Edmonton woman say goodbye

Updated: Sat Jul. 19 2008 17:31:40

Sonia Sunger,

Family and friends of an Edmonton native who was found murdered in Cary, North Carolina five days ago gathered at the church she attended to say their final goodbyes to a woman they say was taken far too soon.

Loved ones described 34-year-old Nancy Cooper as a loving woman with a passion for life.

"She just made everything shine a little brighter and we're just going to miss her so much," said friend Clea Morwick.

"When I first moved here two years ago it was a little bit lonely at first and then I met Nancy and my world changed," said Hannah Pritchard as she wiped tears out of her eyes.

The memorial was attended by Cooper's parents, siblings, two young daughters and friends.
Who killed Nancy Cooper?
Murdered woman's husband definitely a suspect

No one other than Brad Cooper is known to have come forward to say they saw Nancy after she left a Friday night neighborhood party that she attended alone, although a friend spoke to her on the phone at 10:30 p.m. that same evening.

She also appears to have broken her tradition of taking her car to a coffee house to meet her running partner. This experienced runner training for a half-marathon evidently broke her normal routing and appears not to have traveled along one of her normal running paths.

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