Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C - Media links only *NO DISCUSSION*

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Documents uncover conflicting accounts of Cooper marriage

Cary, N.C. — Attorneys for Brad Cooper filed a motion Wednesday for the release of autopsy findings in the death of his slain wife, Nancy Cooper.

Attorneys Howard Kurtz and Seth Blum assert that the custody motion implies their client was involved in his wife's death. They want the opportunity to "challenge the plaintiff's unfounded insinuation," according to the motion.


Nancy Cooper's family's attorney, Alice Stubbs, also filed numerous affidavits late Wednesday afternoon from friends and neighbors who testified to the tension between the couple and claimed Nancy Cooper was trapped in the marriage.

<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>
Cooper family history has 2 sides

The custody fight over Nancy Cooper’s young daughters is unearthing vastly different images of their parents’ troubled marriage.
In Bradley Cooper’s telling, Nancy Cooper was a shopaholic who strained the family’s budget with an obsession for fashion, art and jewelry. Her friends, however, say Bradley Cooper was a neglectful husband who trapped, terrified and practically starved her.


Bradley Cooper admitted that his marriage was in peril. He said he had an affair with one of his wife’s best friends...........


Bradley Cooper said he and his wife were buried in debt. Their credit card bills topped $45,000 — an amount he blamed in the affidavit on Nancy Cooper’s love of “$8,000 paintings, designer clothing, Tiffany jewelry.”


Nancy Cooper’s friends say that Bradley Cooper was so tight with his money that she began selling her clothes at garage sales and painting friends’ homes for money to help with groceries.

<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>
Cooper mourned at Edmonton service

Nancy Cooper's two little girls danced, smiled and waved from the front of the Grace Lutheran Church in downtown Edmonton Wednesday afternoon as more than 350 mourners gathered to remember their mom as a wonderful friend and loving mother.

Bella, 4, and Katie, who turns two on Wednesday, later each placed a single white rose beside the urn containing their mother's ashes.

<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>
Hundreds attend services for Cooper

EDMONTON, CANADA (WTVD) -- Funeral services were held in Canada if the Nancy Cooper, the Cary woman found murdered last week.
Cooper, 34, was found dead last Monday after a three-day search throughout Cary. Police say her husband, Brad Cooper last saw Nancy when she left for a jog in the early morning hours of July 12.
Hundreds of people attended the funeral services at Grace Lutheran Church in Edmonton, Canada - Nancy's hometown, and where her parents still live.


The couple's children are expected to attend Wednesday's funeral. The Rentz family is expected to bring the children back to Cary on Thursday. Another custody hearing is expected Friday to decide a long-term custody arrangement for the two girls.

<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>
Cooper's friends and family defend him

Friends and family members of Nancy and Bradley Cooper continued to square off in a custody battle set to play out in a Wake County courtroom Friday.
Bradley Cooper&#8217;s parents and friends swore that Cooper is emotionally stable and never threatened to kill himself. Bradley Cooper&#8217;s friends say Nancy Cooper exaggerated, and that her stories of receiving an insufficient allowance from her husband were blown out of proportion.

&#8220;Nancy often exaggerated the details of a story for dramatic effect,&#8221; said Scott Heider, a friend of Bradley Cooper. &#8220;She liked to tell people stories and liked the attention.&#8221;

Late this afternoon, Bradley Cooper's attorneys filed another affidavit for him in which he refutes all the claims his wife's friends made about his treatment of her. He insists he rarely traveled out of the country and never fell out of contact with her when he did. He also said he gave her plenty of money, including a weekly $300 and often filled up her car with gas. As part of his affidavit, he copied the pages of his passport and included pictures of him cuddling and playing with his daughters.

<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>
Coopers' filings lay bare a bitter union

July 24, 2008

Mandy Locke, Staff Writer
Comment on this story

The custody fight over Nancy Cooper's young daughters is unearthing vastly different images of their parents' troubled marriage.
In Bradley Cooper's telling, Nancy Cooper was a shopaholic who strained the family's budget with an obsession for fashion, art and jewelry. Her friends, however, say Bradley Cooper was a neglectful husband who trapped, terrified and practically starved her.

<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>
Custody hearing of Cooper children set for Friday

Posted: Today at 3:49 p.m.
Updated: 11 minutes ago

Raleigh, N.C. &#8212; The family of slain Cary mom Nancy Cooper arrived late Thursday at Raleigh-Durham International Airport for Friday's custody hearing.

Nancy Cooper's parents, Garry and Donna Rentz, and twin sister, Krista Lister, filed for custody of the children last week and were awarded temporary custody until Friday.

The hearing will come a day after Nancy Cooper's family attorney filed a motion to compel her husband, Brad Cooper, to submit to a psychiatric evaluation and psychological testing.

The motion claims Brad Cooper engaged in a "bizarre pattern of behavior in the months prior to his wife's murder through the present date" and says he is not fit to care for the couple's two young daughters.


Another court filing Thursday afternoon was a certificate of service of a subpoena served upon Interact, a nonprofit group that provides support to victims of domestic violence. Representatives of Interact of Wake County declined to comment Thursday.

<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Family of slain Alta. woman wants psych exam of husband

Linda Nguyen , Canwest News Service
Published: Thursday, July 24, 2008


In affidavits -- containing unproved allegations -- filed with the court in North Carolina in support of the bid by Nancy Cooper's family for emergency custody of her children, her friends testified about the couple's martial strife.

"He cut Nancy off financially and would do things like follow her to the gas station to fill her car with gas so she was unable to get cash back, as he did not want her to have any money," wrote Damia Michelle Tabachow.

"Last Christmas, while Nancy, Brad, and the girls were visiting Nancy's family in Canada, Brad became depressed and talked of wanting to commit suicide," wrote Jessica Adam.

"At the end of December 2007, I recall Brad yelling at Nancy. He told her that he hated her in front of their children. Bella began to cry and said ‘Why does Daddy hate you?'" wrote Michelle Simmons.

"I remember Nancy saying that she actually feared for herself and the kids and did not trust Brad. She would sleep with the girls in her room with the car keys in her pants pocket and the bedroom door locked from Brad," wrote Theresa Hackeling.

<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>
Custody battle over Edmonton woman's children begins Friday in U.S. court


Family makes allegations to get girls

In their successful petition to get the girls, the family alleged Brad Cooper had been having an affair, and yelling at and belittling his wife in front of the children in the months leading up to her disappearance.

They also alleged he withheld money from Nancy, a stay-at-home mother with no other source of income, forcing her to borrow money from her family to buy groceries for the children.

In a 13-page affidavit, Brad Cooper denied those allegations, and attacks his late wife and her family. He admitted his marriage was in trouble, and that his wife had separation papers drawn up in April.

But, he alleges in the affidavit, his wife was prepared to give him joint custody of their daughters.

Brad Cooper said he loved his wife and still wanted to make the marriage work, but her credit card spending was out of control. He also claimed that Nancy Cooper was going out with her friends almost every night, not coming home sometimes until 2 a.m.

<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>
N.C. judge to hear testimony from Nancy Cooper' s friends and family

RALEIGH, N.C. - Friends and family of a slain jogger Nancy Cooper and her husband Bradley Cooper are headed to court in North Carolina to try to resolve a custody arrangement for the couple's two children.

<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>
Nancy Cooper's family keeps children until October

Raleigh, N.C. — Brad Cooper and the family of his slain wife have reached an agreement regarding temporary custody of their two children.

The two sides met in the judge's chamber for about 75 minutes before reaching the decision, which keeps the children in the care of their grandparents and aunt in Canada for 75 days. The hearing was continued until Oct. 13.

<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>
Custody order for Nancy Cooper's children extended

Wake District Court Judge Debra Sasser heard testimony from friends and relatives of both parents on Friday as part of the hearing.

CTV's Janet Dirks in North Carolina told CTV Newsnet said the hearing was emotionally charged and said it was "extraordinary" that the children would go to the grandparents when their father has not been named a suspect.

"He agreed to a temporary order," Dirks added. "The legal argument is that he is now a single dad, with a stressful job, who is still grieving his wife -- perhaps he would want his in laws to look after the little girls while he sorts things out in his own life."

Maria Battaglia, a family lawyer in Montreal, told CTV Newsnet Friday she was not surprised by the decision out of North Carolina.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>
Children of slain Edmonton woman will stay with grandparents


The father and the grandparents reached an agreement outside the court on Friday that they say is in the best interests of the children.

The girls will return to Canada and stay with the Rentzes until October, when a judge will review the custody agreement. The girls will have supervised visits with their father for two weekends during that time.

In his 13-page affidavit, Cooper denied allegations by his wife's parents that he was having an affair and had been yelling at his wife and belittling her in front of the children in the months leading up to her disappearance.

<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Children of slain Edmonton woman will stay with grandparents


In the affidavit, he admitted that his marriage was in trouble, and that his wife had separation papers drawn up in April. He states that his wife was prepared to give him joint custody of their daughters.

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