Nancy Garrido - thread #2

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if there is background like the things you just suggested im sure the defense will bring it up, at sentecing at the least.
its very possible she's just as sick and twisted as garrido. Michelle Michard was noo shrinking violet in the face of her boyfriends crimes for example.

:waitasec: This answers none of my questions and is an example of what people have been trying to say to you.

Why is there such a minimal amount of information available about NG? It's very peculiar. We know SO little about her.

I'm sorry for rambling, but I was just sitting here thinking about it and realized how bizarre it really is.

You're not rambling these are good questions. I know one of the attorney's said something like she's never even had a parking ticket. So perhaps that is her demeanor, sit in the background, you know the wallflower type. The question about her relationship with her uncle is interesting. Did he raise her? What was he in for? Is he still around? Those are interesting questions. Was she perhaps molested as a child? We may never know these answers, but it is thought provoking.
In regard to Nancy's incarcerated uncle. I checked what I could on line at Leavenworth and there is a Ramon Bocanegra that was incarcerated there sometime between 1895 and 1931. I guess if you want the case file, you have to write to them.

You have to write them to find the name of anyone who was between 1932 and 1952, because they have to pull the work manually. ( Perhaps they're still working on computerizing the archives and started from 1895.? ) And then they list 1982 to present at the current list. There is no Bocanegra in the current list. The one who is listed in the early archives has a larger inmate number "13952". So, age wise I think it could be the uncle she was visiting. Although it could have been an uncle from her mother's side. It would be interesting to know what the guy was in there for. Federal prisons generally only hold criminals who committed federal crimes, so doesn't that mean it had to be like robbing a bank or doing something across state lines?
Like kidnapping, Billy?....

I just can't believe we don't know more about NG and the guy that apparently introduced Nancy to PG. It seems like something the media would want to look into and report on. I wonder why they haven't?
They probably haven't because it is basically boring stuff. In other words she did not have a colorful past to comment on. I think one of the uk sites tells a bit about NG. She met PG in jail. I believe she moved to be closer to where he was. Married him right out of jail . . . aside here

If you look at her picture with PG she is a very slight thing. Probably one of the reasons PG would give her the time of day. Even today she is very thin. . . end of aside

There is mention of her being a nurse. There are two sites on that with different information. One says she quit 10 years ago to take care of PG's mom, the other site says she quit 5 years ago to take care of PG's mom. I am thinking 10 years and that the real reason for quitting was to help with the new born baby in order for Jaycee to become a work slave for the printing business IMO.

One site said she grew up as a Jehovah's Witness and sort of implied that was the reason for her being naive and easily controlled by PG. Ok obviously that religious affiliation did not stick because they would never put up with child snatching. I think maybe fear of slander stop them (the media) from further reference on her past religious affiliation.

So basically there is not much to be said about her past. However, I do thing the UK sites mention where she is from. If I run across it again I will put the site here for anyone who is interested.
They probably haven't because it is basically boring stuff. In other words she did not have a colorful past to comment on. I think one of the uk sites tells a bit about NG. She met PG in jail. I believe she moved to be closer to where he was. Married him right out of jail . . . aside here

If you look at her picture with PG she is a very slight thing. Probably one of the reasons PG would give her the time of day. Even today she is very thin. . . end of aside

There is mention of her being a nurse. There are two sites on that with different information. One says she quit 10 years ago to take care of PG's mom, the other site says she quit 5 years ago to take care of PG's mom. I am thinking 10 years and that the real reason for quitting was to help with the new born baby in order for Jaycee to become a work slave for the printing business IMO.

One site said she grew up as a Jehovah's Witness and sort of implied that was the reason for her being naive and easily controlled by PG. Ok obviously that religious affiliation did not stick because they would never put up with child snatching. I think maybe fear of slander stop them (the media) from further reference on her past religious affiliation.

So basically there is not much to be said about her past. However, I do thing the UK sites mention where she is from. If I run across it again I will put the site here for anyone who is interested.
Just to clarify, she wasn't a nurse- she was a Certified Nursing Assistant- think changing bedpans. Major difference!
They probably haven't because it is basically boring stuff. In other words she did not have a colorful past to comment on. I think one of the uk sites tells a bit about NG. She met PG in jail. I believe she moved to be closer to where he was. Married him right out of jail . . . aside here

If you look at her picture with PG she is a very slight thing. Probably one of the reasons PG would give her the time of day. Even today she is very thin. . . end of aside

There is mention of her being a nurse. There are two sites on that with different information. One says she quit 10 years ago to take care of PG's mom, the other site says she quit 5 years ago to take care of PG's mom. I am thinking 10 years and that the real reason for quitting was to help with the new born baby in order for Jaycee to become a work slave for the printing business IMO.

So basically there is not much to be said about her past. However, I do thing the UK sites mention where she is from. If I run across it again I will put the site here for anyone who is interested.

I, respectfully, disagree and don't understand why you would assume such a thing? Everyone has a past, even if it isn't a "colorful" one. I already know all of what you posted, including things you didn't, like where she is from...born in Texas in July 1955 and that she married PG while he was IN prison and not upon his release. She moved around a couple of times from Texas, IIRC, living in Colorado and somewhere on the East Coast, before moving closer to PG in Kansas and later, Antioch. This is a past.

Why did she move around the country before landing with PG? Was she living with someone or married? Was she, perhaps, being "traded"? We know why PG relocated from Brentwood to Reno. Why don't we know the details of her relocations, as well? What is her education? Elementary, Secondary, High School, College? We know where PG went to school, Liberty Union High in Brentwood. Why do we have no details of her education before she obtained her certification to become a CNA? The things I've mentioned have nothing to do with a "colorful" or boring past. We only know when she was born, skip about 25 years to 1980 and this is when her past seems to "begin". Where are the 25 years in between? I don't care if her past is "colorful", I just want to know what it is.

What I am saying is, we already know all of this stuff. Everything you posted is since she met PG and has been covered in this thread and the first. PG's parents and brother have given interviews, other relatives have been quoted. We know about people in PG's past and have heard from some of them. We have heard ONE interview from NG's alleged brothers. Other than that, not a word from anyone that knew her before 1980. WHO IS SHE and who is her "uncle"? What is her past? Boring, colorful or otherwise? There has to be SOMETHING. Anything.

One site said she grew up as a Jehovah's Witness and sort of implied that was the reason for her being naive and easily controlled by PG. Ok obviously that religious affiliation did not stick because they would never put up with child snatching. I think maybe fear of slander stop them (the media) from further reference on her past religious affiliation.

I think you might be surprised what JW's will and won't "put up with" if you were to look into the religion, further. Links regarding their practices have been posted throughout JC's forum. Alot of them are here.. [ame=""][/ame] From what I have read, their way of reporting certain crimes does not always start with notifying LE that the crime has occured. Just something to think about.
snipped From Tizzle's post 410

She moved around a couple of times from Texas, IIRC, living in Colorado and somewhere on the East Coast, before moving closer to PG in Kansas and later, Antioch. This is a past.

Hey Tizz, I missed the east coast location. Can you tell me where to find that post or where it was on the east coast? By the way, I am sooooo not into abbreviations, (but I'm learning!) what the heck does BBM mean and what does IIRC mean? Thank you. :)
snipped From Tizzle's post 410

She moved around a couple of times from Texas, IIRC, living in Colorado and somewhere on the East Coast, before moving closer to PG in Kansas and later, Antioch. This is a past.

Hey Tizz, I missed the east coast location. Can you tell me where to find that post or where it was on the east coast? By the way, I am sooooo not into abbreviations, (but I'm learning!) what the heck does BBM mean and what does IIRC mean? Thank you. :)

BBM = Bold By Me
IIRC = If I Recall/Remember Correctly
I would like to know what "FWIW" means. Anyone?

Little is known about Nancy Garrido's early years.
Public records show she was born in Texas in 1955, and that she lived in New York City and Denver before moving to Kansas. It was there she met the man of her dreams -- serving time for kidnapping and repeatedly raping a 25-year-old Harrah's card dealer.
For What It's Worth.

You rock, thanks! I will be using that in the future. I'm usually pretty good at figuring these things out on my own, but this one had me absolutely stumped.
I looked at that area you suggested Tizzel and for the first time am a bit disappointed with the forum who I thought prided themselves on facts. So I think maybe I will keep my thoughts to myself.
Thank you, the link was very enlightening on many levels.

Yes thanks, I found it pretty interesting and it brought up things I'd not considered.

One thing it made me think about was that PG must have known he would be paroled sooner than later or I don't think Nancy would have married him. It also made me realize that the marriage idea was probably all PG's, in an attempt to, in fact, shorten his jail time. I did not realize that the parole board might consider a man who had gotten married in prison and had a wife waiting at home for him now to be a changed man and or would become a changed man because he was now married. Geeze, I mean he was married when he raped Katie! I wonder if that really could make a difference to the parole board, it wouldn't to me, but then, I don't think sex offenders can be cured, well, maybe they can be altered. ;) I do believe the person on that post who recommended that prisoners not be able to marry in jail is right on the mark! Lots of other interesting thoughts on that site involving the minds of psychopaths, their families and friends.
I looked at that area you suggested Tizzel and for the first time am a bit disappointed with the forum who I thought prided themselves on facts. So I think maybe I will keep my thoughts to myself.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this. What facts are you questioning?

Don't shoot the messenger, Jaz. That was the first time I've ever posted anything in regards to religion. I never even posted in the thread I linked for you. I did, however, read it awhile back. I've always been very careful not say one or another when religion is involved because I didn't want this kind of misunderstanding to happen. I still haven't said what I believe either way, I simply provided a link to a thread with some surprising (to me)information in it.
Yes thanks, I found it pretty interesting and it brought up things I'd not considered.

One thing it made me think about was that PG must have known he would be paroled sooner than later or I don't think Nancy would have married him. It also made me realize that the marriage idea was probably all PG's, in an attempt to, in fact, shorten his jail time. I did not realize that the parole board might consider a man who had gotten married in prison and had a wife waiting at home for him now to be a changed man and or would become a changed man because he was now married. Geeze, I mean he was married when he raped Katie! I wonder if that really could make a difference to the parole board, it wouldn't to me, but then, I don't think sex offenders can be cured, well, maybe they can be altered. ;) I do believe the person on that post who recommended that prisoners not be able to marry in jail is right on the mark! Lots of other interesting thoughts on that site involving the minds of psychopaths, their families and friends.

I really believe that ng and pg together hatched the plan to get him released from prison as soon as possible. This was a mastermind of a plan and was well orchestrated. There was a quote by Katie Calloway that I read one times, that stated she felt pg had led the parole board to believe that her kidnapping and rape were not that at all, but a consensual date "gone wrong."

Regardless, I found this article very interesting. It is quite long, but VERY interesting.

The snip is the last paragraph of the article:

The truth is that Nancy Garrido's behavior likely reflects the sequelae of horrific childhood sexual abuse, undiscovered and untreated.

This would possibly help explain the moves, the visiting of her Uncle as well as her Uncle introducing her to a known rapist. Some loving family member, wouldn't you say?
I really believe that ng and pg together hatched the plan to get him released from prison as soon as possible. This was a mastermind of a plan and was well orchestrated. There was a quote by Katie Calloway that I read one times, that stated she felt pg had led the parole board to believe that her kidnapping and rape were not that at all, but a consensual date "gone wrong." I read that too, (dont know where a link would be by now...)

Regardless, I found this article very interesting. It is quite long, but VERY interesting.

The snip is the last paragraph of the article:

The truth is that Nancy Garrido's behavior likely reflects the sequelae of horrific childhood sexual abuse, undiscovered and untreated.

This would possibly help explain the moves, the visiting of her Uncle as well as her Uncle introducing her to a known rapist. Some loving family member, wouldn't you say?[/B]

How true......How Sad :(
Hi SRN :)

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