Nancy Garrido

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I would say that the UK Guardian is one of the more sensible and measured of the UK press. Not a Red Top Tabloid at all:)

Yesterday someone pointed out that a link I used was from the UK's Guardian, a site that "doesn't always get things right" or embellishes.

My opinion of the NE and the Globe are that they are among the lowest of low tabloids. Of course, that is from years ago.

Has their reporting changed? Are they a more reliable source these days?

Just wondering before I put a lot of stock into those stories.

A certain "tony bennett" (I cannot even dignify him by capitalizing his name) who used to be a member here, is currently posting on another board that Jaycee's stepfather had involvement in her disappearance.
There are some sick, sad people about:mad:

I am not sure where i should have posted this but here goes............this morning i was checking out groups on a certain very popular see if there had been any groups created concerning this am appalled at what i found...........bashing a victim............who was kidnapped at 11 years old by a sicko and his real sick wife..........seems to me..........the creator and supporters should be in jail too!!!!!
About the NE and Globe...I have seen alot of things from them...
since I started posting years ago about the Jonbenet case....
they no longer post two-headed alien stories...they have been right on
with the John Edwards story... they found a picture of OJ wearing "those
ugly *advertiser censored* shoes"...Domminck Dunne swore by the tabloids...I read them..
I just saw the articles on Jaycee and put them up, as I get them early on

Years ago, I had another hat and put the tabloid stories up word for word in the Peterson case(can't do that now).. and last but not least..Don G., who writes for the NE and others... were members of the forum community
during the Ramsey Case..don't know about now though.

I was suprised by the story that Jaycee may have returned to the hell
hole already, next week I'll make sure I sit on my hands!:crazy:
Jaycee Lee Dugard abductor Phillip Garrido 'wanted cute blond girl'
By Philip Sherwell in Antioch
Published: 8:26PM BST 12 Sep 2009

"...Her impressive collection of nursing references dated back to 1981 - the same year that she married Garrido in a prison ceremony, well aware that her new husband was serving a then 50-year sentence for rape and kidnapping.

She was born Nancy Bocanegra in Bexar County, Texas, in 1955, the oldest of several children in a Mexican-American family that moved to Denver, Colorado, in 1972. Some time after Garrido's 1977 incarceration at Leavenworth federal penitentiary in Kansas, she met him while she was visiting an uncle who was a fellow inmate.

She was reportedly an impressionable Jehovah's Witness who fell for the handsome young prisoner - who was already claiming that he had found God and put the drug-fuelled sex and violence of his youth behind him.

They married when she was 26 and he was 30.

Mrs Garrido moved from Denver to Leavenworth in the mid-1980s to be nearer her husband, renting cheap one-bedroom apartments in converted townhouses. And she was already supporting herself by working as a nurse, judging from the CV she later presented. After Garrido's release, the couple moved in with his mother and step-father on Walnut Avenue, in a scruffy working-class neighbourhood of Antioch.

For the next 10 years, Mrs Garrido worked with disabled patients as a nursing and physical therapy aide in the area - even as Jaycee and later her girls were forced to live in a squalid network of tents and shacks in a compound hidden from neighbours by trees and high fences.

For 38 days in 1993, she was Jaycee's sole jailer after Garrido was locked up for breaking his parole by smoking marijuana. Yet even then, she made no effort to alert the authorities - seen as crucial evidence by the prosecution that while she may have had a domineering husband, she was actively complicit in the whole operation.

This double life has amazed her former colleagues at the ARC nursing agency which took her on in 1994 after she passed a state background check. "The people who received services through her, they liked her very much. She was a good employee and she was well-liked by the people she worked with," Barbara Maizie, the agency's executive director, told a local newspaper. "They cannot believe that this is possible. They're totally shocked."

Her family in Denver - her divorced parents and at least four brothers still live there - were just as stunned when her role emerged 10 days ago. In the first comments by a relative, her brother David blamed Garrido for his sister's plight as he recalled a young woman who would go fishing and canoeing.

"I've got nothing bad to say about my sister," he said. "He [Garrido] turned her into that. She was normal until she hooked up with that guy."

The 46-year-old looked bleary-eyed and exhausted when he opened his front door in a Denver suburb. "My mother looks even worse," he said.

His sister left the ARC agency in 1998 to look after her elderly bed-ridden mother-in-law - a role she carried out with diligence and care, according to next-door neighbour Helen Boyer. "Nancy was great with Pat [Garrido's mother]," she said. "She devoted herself to that woman."..." >More


It's hard to believe that Jaycee had 2 babies at the property when PG's mother was living there and she didn't know anything about it!?
Sure. I believe it. Her family had no clue that something was wrong with Nancy. Can I yell WTHE77? I don't believe it for a second! Watch, soon we'll find out that they were all estranged...that they would only hear from one another occassionaly, that there is all kinds of chit below the surface of this woman's life. Without a doubt. Her family's backround is about to surface and I am willing to bet that it ain't so sweet and normal!

There was a Report Group link on the lower left hand corner of the page. You have to pick a reason from the drop-down menu. I picked excessive violence of content.

In addition to selecting a REASON (I also chose "excessive gore or violent content" per Linask's suggestion), you are required to add ADDITIONAL COMMENTS, then choose an ABUSE LOCATION from another dropdown menu. I chose "Basic Info" for the abuse location but covered it in my reason. Feel free to copy, edit and post the text as you see fit:

This group makes fun of a kidnapped rape victim. The Group is called " Jaycee Lee Dugard - she had it coming ! "

It's Description claims the Garridos are the victims in this "scandal."

This group is putting the blame on an eleven year old child for the atrocities she had to endure over the past 18 years.

You ask for "Abuse location" to accompany this report but allow only one drop-down item to be selected.

Every area of this group is offensive, from the title and basic info to the wallposts and other entries from these individuals.

PLEASE REMOVE THIS GROUP for promoting rape, kidnapping and violent crimes against women.

Thank you.​
i agree, they sure as heck broke the John Edwards cheatin and new baby scandal! sometimes they are dead on and sometimes they talk about deffo have to look for the goods...

Actually, the NE doesn't report about aliens, that would be the Weekly World News. The WWN reports crazy stuff that is totally fake. There are other tabloids that report on weird stuff but the NE is not one of them.

I have been reading the NE for 20 years and only once have they retracted a story and been sued. I don't remember but it was maybe about Barbra Streisand. A lot of what is reported in the NE is also reported in mainstream media, too. It's just that they focus on people stories (gossip), as opposed to the New York Times that focuses on news.

If you ever read the NE, you will see many human interest stories and celebrity news.

Sure. I believe it. Her family had no clue that something was wrong with Nancy. Can I yell WTHE77? I don't believe it for a second! Watch, soon we'll find out that they were all estranged...that they would only hear from one another occassionaly, that there is all kinds of chit below the surface of this woman's life. Without a doubt. Her family's backround is about to surface and I am willing to bet that it ain't so sweet and normal!


This thread has been too long to keep track. Earler in the thread some hacked
E-mails showed that Nancy had been out of contact with her Denver kin
since about the time she married Phillip until recently when she announced
"I'm very married" (hard to rationalize the superlative).:devil:
Also i'd be nervous about disparaging the Bocanegra's.

This thread has been too long to keep track. Earler in the thread some hacked
E-mails showed that Nancy had been out of contact with her Denver kin
since about the time she married Phillip until recently when she announced
"I'm very married" (hard to rationalize the superlative).:devil:

I'm not in the least bit surprised.
This doesn't really belong in this thread, but I don't want to start a new thread for it and since it's here that the disgusting Facebook group was mentioned, I'll add this insensitive comment

This person:
posted this on Twitter today:
"I would trade a hundred Jaycee Dugards just to get DJ AM back"
about 8 hours ago from TwitterFon​

I replied to him making it clear I thought his comment was out of line.

I just wanted to share with you.
Well, if she truly had all of these people fooled, then maybe she really is sort of the greater evil in this situation. By most accounts, everyone who knew Phillip seemed to think he was a nut to a certain extent and his criminal history speaks for itself. Yet, Nancy had not only her own family fooled but also employers, co-workers and clients at fairly respectable, safety conscious organizations? Was this whole thing some type of sexual fetish (kidnapping, asssault, imprisoning people for her "man")? Naturally, her family members and work contacts wouldn't know about that sort of thing, since that's not exactly something that would come up at the dinner table or in the break room.
Actually, the NE doesn't report about aliens, that would be the Weekly World News. The WWN reports crazy stuff that is totally fake. There are other tabloids that report on weird stuff but the NE is not one of them.

I have been reading the NE for 20 years and only once have they retracted a story and been sued. I don't remember but it was maybe about Barbra Streisand. A lot of what is reported in the NE is also reported in mainstream media, too. It's just that they focus on people stories (gossip), as opposed to the New York Times that focuses on news.

If you ever read the NE, you will see many human interest stories and celebrity news.


i hear ya, i was just being sarcastic... :dance: but i do believe that the NE reports a lot of sensationalistic and many times fake info. as well. maybe i'm just reaching too far back into my mind from when i was a kid because those alien covers scared the you know what out of me!! :)

ETA: i just looked at the website and the lead story is "JAYCEE DUGARD TELLS ALL" in a big book deal and it goes along with a whole slew of details about her captivity....we will see how soon the book comes out!! sensationalism at it's best!!
Well, if she truly had all of these people fooled, then maybe she really is sort of the greater evil in this situation. By most accounts, everyone who knew Phillip seemed to think he was a nut to a certain extent and his criminal history speaks for itself. Yet, Nancy had not only her own family fooled but also employers, co-workers and clients at fairly respectable, safety conscious organizations? Was this whole thing some type of sexual fetish (kidnapping, asssault, imprisoning people for her "man")? Naturally, her family members and work contacts wouldn't know about that sort of thing, since that's not exactly something that would come up at the dinner table or in the break room.

i tend to lean toward that idea, that to her this is all so very exciting and deviant...she's definitely no poor woman who he just had so much control over she just couldn't do a darn thing (IMO - i know some others disagree!) she was a master at living a double life. she is just as bad and he is!
I'm thinking drug usage may have been a factor, as well as possibly control by PG. I am not sure that it was coerced, maybe controlled or influenced was a better word for it. But I also think that since she doesn't have a history of any mental illness, not even any word of mouth about her being ill that she was probably more culpable than PG. She would be more aware of the effect on the victims, more aware of the harm, more aware of the consequences.

I am wondering if she had more involvement than just picking up Jaycee. After that was she passive and just didn't stop the attacks on Jaycee/others? Or did she actively participate?
I think she would have participated in some way. Dragging a strangers child into your car is pretty far down the road in terms of commitment. If she was coerced or intimidated into being involved, she would have been driving, not be the actual snatcher.
I'm thinking drug usage may have been a factor, as well as possibly control by PG. I am not sure that it was coerced, maybe controlled or influenced was a better word for it. But I also think that since she doesn't have a history of any mental illness, not even any word of mouth about her being ill that she was probably more culpable than PG. She would be more aware of the effect on the victims, more aware of the harm, more aware of the consequences.

I am wondering if she had more involvement than just picking up Jaycee. After that was she passive and just didn't stop the attacks on Jaycee/others? Or did she actively participate?

In the complaint, Nancy Garrido is charged with several counts of Forcible Rape, and Forcible Lewd Act Upon a Child, among other things. Christ, I hate typing that.
i think she participated as well. IMO she is a violent pedophile just like him.
In the complaint, Nancy Garrido is charged with several counts of Forcible Rape, and Forcible Lewd Act Upon a Child, among other things. Christ, I hate typing that.

Right now they are saying that is because NG and PG conspired to abduct Jaycee for sexual purposes. That means that even if NG didn't participate in the sexual attack, she can still be charged for it because of the conspiracy. She would get the same charges he gets.
I'm thinking drug usage may have been a factor, as well as possibly control by PG. I am not sure that it was coerced, maybe controlled or influenced was a better word for it. But I also think that since she doesn't have a history of any mental illness, not even any word of mouth about her being ill that she was probably more culpable than PG. She would be more aware of the effect on the victims, more aware of the harm, more aware of the consequences.

I am wondering if she had more involvement than just picking up Jaycee. After that was she passive and just didn't stop the attacks on Jaycee/others? Or did she actively participate?

:waitasec: I still agree with some others that NG became involved with
the abduction originally because she was infertile; and we're lucky that
NG's motive spared some like-victim(s) the fate of an abduction by PG
alone. I don't feel more than slightly better because the outcome was
less bad than it could have been, however; and feel that the victim of
this tragedy most hurt is Terry.
It will be interesting to see public reaction to NG. Already, there are undertones suggesting that she was abused and entrapped by her psycho husband. I am a woman and I sincerely believe that she deserves the strictest penalty the law provides given that she knowingly secreted another human being and allowed her to be subjected to violence, rape and horrific manipulations. I think she should get the highest penalties afforded and I hope she rots in hell afterwards.

It's a strong opinion but after all, it's just my opinion. : )
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