Nancy Grace 1-8-09

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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As has been discussed here in the past, if Casey had an addiction to Benzo's she would have gone through withdrawl during her first time in jail (and we would have noticed that withdrawl in the videos from her first time in court) as she was not being medicated while there.

I think she did....remember her "hi mom, hi dad" giddiness and weirdness at first appearance? Course, she might not have taken enough to be TRULY addicted to know, weekend binger...
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but did anyone notice that the way JB says "I have this young lady`s life in my hands. I find it a grand insult that anyone would even assume that I would engage in selling the photos of a dead baby." It makes it sound like he is saying I have KC's life in my hands, why would I sell photos that would make her look guilty.

Of course, I didn't watch the show. This is how it is written in the transcript. Can anyone confirm if he did say it like that?

I believe he did & that is what it sounds like he's saying..Good catch! & welcome to WS :)
This may be forbidden but Murt was on constantly, with video, during that time, and you may wanna check that website. I'm sorry I can't help you with data, but maybe they can in the basement. I'm guessing there's lotsa good stuff on Murt's recording of BP search.

Thanks for the info..I'll relay it to the poster (Friday) who was asking for help.
I think she did....remember her "hi mom, hi dad" giddiness and weirdness at first appearance? Course, she might not have taken enough to be TRULY addicted to know, weekend binger...

yeah, withdrawl from Benzo's wouldn't show itself in that manner. But ITA, she could very well have been just a "weekend" pill popper.
That in itself must make her parents very happy ~ NOT! MOO

YA know I am not surprised as KC has not lost custody of her daughter and she is the one that has the RIGHT to bury her daughter.
She still is IN CONTROL of mommy and the whole planet now by not burying her daughter, the more attention she will get, good or bad.

This is nauseating isn't it?

I don't know why everyone was wondering why she hadn't been buried yet. The grandparents have no rights at all. IF KC can't go, no one can.
When I watched Casey today to me when Caylees remains where mentioned she looked like she took a breath and a swallow not to gag. I think she was remembering last time she saw Caylee and the smell. Only time did she seem to hold back from getting upset was when tone name was said.And why does Baez so concerned about the anthony's dna and fingerprints.................Casey is gonna throw them under the bus if she can. To give her lawyer the poa over her mom and dad is very telling to me.Whatever secrets the dna holds she plans to use and I really hope no one in her family moved Caylee or added any items to her remains cause if they did do it for casey she will blame them to try to save her own arse and JB thinks if he frees his damsel in distress he will be in charge of all that money lol if by some weird crazyness she was found not guilty she would drop him like a hot potatoe she is just stringing an old fool along.JMO Have her ears gotten bigger LOL
YA know I am not surprised as KC has not lost custody of her daughter and she is the one that has the RIGHT to bury her daughter.
She still is IN CONTROL of mommy and the whole planet now by not burying her daughter, the more attention she will get, good or bad.

This is nauseating isn't it?

I don't know why everyone was wondering why she hadn't been buried yet. The grandparents have no rights at all. IF KC can't go, no one can.

ITA You would think that if a parent is in jail accused of murdering her child that she would lose the right to the remains. It really is a shame that the real dad has not been named because he would be able to come forward and claim his child and do right by her and lay her to rest.I think CA and GA have finally realized what Casey is and what she did to Caylee. I honestly feel CA had a breakdown and just could not fathom how horrible Casey really is. This is her finale slap in the face for her parents. JB unless he is Caylees father he should not have rights over blood relatives . JMO
YA know I am not surprised as KC has not lost custody of her daughter and she is the one that has the RIGHT to bury her daughter.
She still is IN CONTROL of mommy and the whole planet now by not burying her daughter, the more attention she will get, good or bad.

This is nauseating isn't it?

I don't know why everyone was wondering why she hadn't been buried yet. The grandparents have no rights at all. IF KC can't go, no one can.

she's so sickening and heartless. something needs to be done.
It may be as simple as GA and CA could not make it to the court in time to see KC today. She was only there about 35-40 minutes. Maybe they were working in the yard and I would hate to read what would be written if they showed up sweaty and in dirty yard clothes without make-up and hair done.

Ship by me for space.
Did anyone else notice that her attorney wanted the state to provide him
with George, Cindy and Lee’s DNA and Fingerprints?

Why would he have to ask the states for those… couldn’t he just
ask George, Cindy and Lee to submit their DNA and Fingerprints to him?

Is it possible that they are not working with her attorney and
they no longer support her…
ITA You would think that if a parent is in jail accused of murdering her child that she would lose the right to the remains. It really is a shame that the real dad has not been named because he would be able to come forward and claim his child and do right by her and lay her to rest.I think CA and GA have finally realized what Casey is and what she did to Caylee. I honestly feel CA had a breakdown and just could not fathom how horrible Casey really is. This is her finale slap in the face for her parents. JB unless he is Caylees father he should not have rights over blood relatives . JMO

WELL thru this whole thing, I have been waiting for someone to be appointed guardian ad litum to Caylee as she has gotten soooo lost in all of this and there is NO ONE in that court room for her. NO ONE speaking for her and burying her. HOW did Anna Nicole Smiths daughter get someone to represent her that was left alone. geesh somebody protect this angel in death.
ITA You would think that if a parent is in jail accused of murdering her child that she would lose the right to the remains. It really is a shame that the real dad has not been named because he would be able to come forward and claim his child and do right by her and lay her to rest.I think CA and GA have finally realized what Casey is and what she did to Caylee. I honestly feel CA had a breakdown and just could not fathom how horrible Casey really is. This is her finale slap in the face for her parents. JB unless he is Caylees father he should not have rights over blood relatives . JMO

I totally agree, provided the real father is not Lee or George. Otherwise the great-grandparents should be given custody of the remains and skip Cindy and George. What does it take to lose custody? I mean you can't get any worse form of child abuse than killing your child!:doh::doh::doh:
JB isn't dumb - he's just in over his head - he's not a practicing murder trial lawyer

I'm sure JB understands DUI arrests and theft arrests - I"m sure he would be wonderful for Casey and her theft arrests - murder trial, not so much

Bet he has days where he wishes he never gave up being a real estate agent!!

It's sounding like Baez is the one who sold photos to ABC, at least according to what's been said on NG.

I wondered about this back when I was reading a bio on his daughter and she talked about setting up stuff for him with various news outlets like ABC
They talked about prints being lifted/obtained from the tape and the bags...she knows her goose is cooked.

On that note, this is the first confirmation that there was duct tape, IIRC.

and TWO bags.
It really bothers me when they talk about the ABC money being paid, and licensing fee's.............. people forget about the People magazine interview from the A's............. I am sure they received that money.
Temptress with thy flow of wit, now stopst thine mouth, for thou referrest to nuptials not thought of by Hera, Jupiter, nor even Hades--darkest of princes--gleaming sallowly over pork rinds, when he first gazed on Proserpina, his bride to be, his turnip, munching poptarts, coloring with pens her paper, in a dark cell. Then did he cast his eye o'er Or-lawn-do. Eureka, or words like that, I have found her, the Dark One, etc, the devourer of her own, I have here found one too like me, etc., etc.

So, you are saying JB has a contender? kidding.

Excellent! Love it. :)

No idea what is/isn't between those two!
You would think that the Anthony's would be raising holy hell about the amount of time it's taken ,,,,,I don't understand why they're not demanding that Caylee be released so they can bury her
Unfortunately, Caylee was KC's daughter and so KC has all the rights at this time when it comes to Caylee's remains and her funeral. GPs have no rights at this time unless KC gives them rights regarding Caylee. Not going to happen IMO.
I missed everything today:( had to be at the glaucoma specialist with 4y/o G-son..he was born with Glaucoma. Thanks to everyone for posting so I didn't miss out completely. Can't even watch NG...DH as control of the remote.

Awww. I hope your grandson is doing ok. I missed the show too, because my DH thought a hockey game was more important. The nerve! :)

"PADILLA: OK. Let me, let me throw something else on here. Hoover on the 8th of November was out at Texas Equusearch and in front of several people actually filed a search directive, in other words, it`s a form they fill out saying that the body was actually where it was located."

Taking this at face value, sounds like he's saying TM, Equusearch, JH, and others searching knew where the body was on Nov. 8 and they filled out a directive to make it official. Obviously, that's not what he meant.
I missed everything today:( had to be at the glaucoma specialist with 4y/o G-son..he was born with Glaucoma. Thanks to everyone for posting so I didn't miss out completely. Can't even watch NG...DH as control of the remote.

Ooh, sorry about your grandson. I have to beg, borrow and steal also to watch NG. My kids are constantly pulling on my leg, or my eldest son is screaming "mom!!!" from across the house.
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