Nancy Grace 10-14

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We could settle this real quick..who wants to call OCSO and ask? j/k (maybe)

LE has already made the statement that they knew nothing about this, contrary to JB, who is saying he informed them yesterday via fax.
Baez surely made no friends with the WFTV TV crew after tossing them out of his office. Did anyone see that the reporters on that channel were all refering to him as a "rookie" attorney? They also had a segment about his other cases..did anyone get to see it?
LE may not have been aware of what was happening or they may have decided it was their responsibility to take Casey into their custody ASAP. I really think people are trying to turn this into more than it really was. One way or another, Casey was going to be arrested, this just happened to be the way it went down.

I could agree with you, but if it wasn't the way it went down and there was an attempt to flee, however dumb and unsuccessful, then CA and the driver/occupants of the grey SUV could also be subject to criminal charges.
ITA. Clearly they had no idea who was driving the grey vehicle.

I was simply responding to Blink34, who'd indicated as follows

"But the bondsman did not take her into custody, also, there is a "serving" of that warrant.. I do not believe for a second the bondsman would take a chance like that given these circumstances. Remember- the warrant was SEALED... "
go here:

My only point was that LE did not, at that precise moment when they intervened and took her from the grey vehicle, have to take Casey into custody and serve her. I simply meant that if it was the bail bondsman driving that vehicle, and had LE known they were bringing Casey in, she could have been served and taken into custody upon her arrival at OSCO.

We agree, just do not think LE was allowing based on security or the sealed status of the warrant, which I thought "stips" unsealed following arrest. Does that make sense or should I pack it in today ?:blowkiss:
It was reported that JB left his office about half an hour before KC left with CA. And KC had then phoned to ask for an extension to 5:30pm, which was granted. She then left with CA around 3:30pm and the the great switch followed.
In light of the fact that she was asking for an extension of her meeting time with a lawyer who wasn't even in his office, the request to stay away from her home monitor for an extra 90 minutes raises questions.

Reminds me of Andrew Luster, who was also granted several hours of court-approved "out" time each day, enabling him to flee hours before his ankle monitor registered his absence.

The difference is that Luster wasn't under surveillance. I saw the previous post about LE coming out and saying they tracked Casey's movement. Did Cindy not believe LE would be watching her daughter's every move, on this of all days?
I could agree with you, but if it wasn't the way it went down and there was an attempt to flee, however dumb and unsuccessful, then CA and the driver/occupants of the grey SUV could also be subject to criminal charges.

If LE believed that it was an attempt to flee they would have taken Cindy and the bondsman into custody and searched Cindy's car as well as the SUV right on the spot like they did the Bronco Blanco in the OJ case.
I think all of this was pre planned w/bail bondsman and LE. When the grey SUV left did Cindy follow it? How far did it go after the switch before it was stopped? I ask because I wonder if Cindy didn't want to be the one to hand her daughter over so the bondsman did it for her. They also didn't want it filmed and it wasn't.
Well, we kinda saw the car switching going I'm not sure what was planned that prevented anything. I for one would like to hear LE say (and they kinda did in that Sentinel article) that they weren't aware of what was going on so they pulled the gang over and took "possession" of Casey.
My question would be, if this was an attempt to flee.... was JB aware that an the attempt would be made prior to it happening? Today he holds a special news conference and announces that he has requested LE to allow KC to turn herself in if there was an indictment. Then he leaves the office about the time the indictment was due to come in? And before KC leaves? Why? And where did he go?

I know some have wondered why KC got into the bondsman's car. I don't believe they would be a party to her escape- they had a lot of money riding on her not escaping. They could easily have established a "tail" on her for the purpose of monitoring her movements especially today. And if so, they probably caught on as soon as CA passed her turn. They may not have been aware that LE was also tailing her, or they could have been the ones who contacted LE. So when they got the opportunity to nab KC, they grabbed KC and LE showed up soon after.
I'm sorry but i just do not feel GA is a hero...he should have stepped up to the plate 120 days ago. Then he would have been a hero. He was ordered to go to the GJ today.

I agree with you. He had no choice but to appear before the GJ today, he was subpoened. Throughout the past 3 months, he has also done his share of covering up and lying. At this point in time, I see him as "a day late and a dollar short". We also don't know what he testified to today, or if he was in fact truthful. To call him a hero is a stretch of the imagination.
If LE believed that it was an attempt to flee they would have taken Cindy and the bondsman into custody and searched Cindy's car as well as the SUV right on the spot like they did the Bronco Blanco in the OJ case.

Could have, but they didn't. Doesn't logically mean they didn't believe it was an attempt to flee. Could be they just decided this case has too many tentacles to bother since KC didn't get away anyway. IMHO it still has thwarted-attempt-to-flee written all over it.
And let us not forget that they were near the airport, a location identified as a likely dumping place for Caylee's body.
LE has already made the statement that they knew nothing about this, contrary to JB, who is saying he informed them yesterday via fax.

well, I can *cough* shed some light on that. It's often that an attorney will send something over, requesting such-and-such, so he can say he "informed" the recipient, but the recipient, having never agreed and whose agreement is likely necessary, denies knowing anything about any such agreement - and with good reason, 'cause it never was perfected. :) (It's annoying as he!!, but some attorneys do engage in this.)
I can't help but feel sympathy for GA today. He didn't have a choice but to testify at the GJ and he probably knew KC would be indicted. Knowing that his testimony helped put her behind bars is probably the unthinkable. Like it or not, that has got to be a horrible situation for a parent to be in.

Does anyone know did GA have to testify today? Yes I do feel sorry for him and Cindy too. What a horrible feeling they must have tonight, If George did not have to testify today I bet CA will never forgive him for what she will see as turning against Casey.
Was it? The 'no bond' is in connection with the charges on which she was indicted today.

Does this mean an automatic revocation of the bond on the prior charges?

I was curious about that as well. did the two BB lose thier money too ~ just like LP?
LE has already made the statement that they knew nothing about this, contrary to JB, who is saying he informed them yesterday via fax.
Ok...what did he specifically say in his fax? I know he said he would be willing to turn her in, but wouldn't that have meant he needed to be there? From what I gather from reading, he left the office. So what did he say?
My point is that IF it were the bondsman driving the grey vehicle, as some here speculate, and had LE known it was the bondsman driving the grey vehicle, I believe LE would have allowed the bondsman to drive her in. I cannot imagine that LE would be worried that the bondsman would allow her to flee. Wouldn't make sense, would it? Frankly, I think LE would have been relieved to not have had to deal with it, and why on earth would the bondsman have allowed her to flee while in their custody. See what I mean? No risk.

But would the bondsman want the responsibility to drive her in, if she had already attempted to flee? I think that they saw the attempt and stopped and got her to prevent her from getting away. But I also think they called LE to come get her.
We agree, just do not think LE was allowing based on security or the sealed status of the warrant, which I thought "stips" unsealed following arrest. Does that make sense or should I pack it in today ?:blowkiss:

We are in agreement. :blowkiss:

I agree - I don't think LE "was allowing" a thing today, since I don't think they knew who was driving the grey vehicle.

Only thing I disagree with is the contention that LE wouldn't have allowedthe bail bondsman to being her in. Would have saved them the trouble and wouldn't have been any risk, IMHO, as the BB had so much to lose if she fled.

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