Nancy Grace 10/28

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I wonder if the harsh reality has hit her yet that this is one situation where her creative lying will not get her out of.

I don't think the reality will set in until she's convicted (if she's convicted). Right now she's got her family and attorneys backing her up so she's probably feeling confident that she can beat this. Actually, even after she's convicted, I don't think reality will set in because she'll be focused on winning an appeal. Until all options are exhausted, I see her in la la land with her mouth still shut.
Except for all the "fan mail" that she would receive to feed her ego, like Susan Smith does. Wouldn't she have to be in gen. population with LWOP? <praying the answer is yes>

Yes, Casey would have to live in General Population if she got LWOP. At Detention Centers and Prison's there is a thing called Classification. Casey would be in the same units or dorms with violent offenders. JMO
I don't think the reality will set in until she's convicted (if she's convicted). Right now she's got her family and attorneys backing her up so she's probably feeling confident that she can beat this. Actually, even after she's convicted, I don't think reality will set in because she'll be focused on winning an appeal. Until all options are exhausted, I see her in la la land with her mouth still shut.

I am sure you are right, unsaid, because of the BS Baez and even the Anthony's are feeding her. She can go on with appeals for years.
Sounds like the lawyer knows whatever is going to be discussed between Casey and her family will be damaging to her case and to her "story".

JB doesn't want to take the chance that these volatile, loose-lipped, unstable A's will damage his case. He's going to keep them out of there. He is afraid also that Casey will break down under duress if she sees her parents.
She must be pretty unstable right now sitting in jail, facing the DP or LWOP, or possibly even sorrow for what she did to Caylee messing with her mind.
Yes, Casey would have to live in General Population if she got LWOP. At Detention Centers and Prison's there is a thing called Classification. Casey would be in the same units or dorms with violent offenders. JMO

Did you say "violent offenders", don't they hate child killers in prison??:woohoo:
Yes, Casey would have to live in General Population if she got LWOP. At Detention Centers and Prison's there is a thing called Classification. Casey would be in the same units or dorms with violent offenders. JMO

:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: I don't think they like her kind at all!!!!!:rolleyes::clap:
Casey enjoyed spending days at Baez' office and nights on the computer. She got to sleep in her own bed and wear her own clothes and underwear.

Now Casey is sitting in a small cell wearing cotton underwear - granny panties, and granny cotton bras. No computer. She has lots and lots of time to think. I wonder if the harsh reality has hit her yet that this is one situation where her creative lying will not get her out of.

I want her to have the same dreams she had at Tony's where she would wake up sweating. If no DP, then LWOP will be great as far as I am concerned. Life as it used to be has finally ceased to exist for her.

I really like this picture LaLaw.... :)
How does the cost compare in FL do you know? here in CA the DP is far more expensive than LWOP.

There was a show on today on the wetv channel ( about women prison guards. I can't remember the name of the show. They showed a prison in Florida (one in CA too) and interviewed some of the female guards. I believe they said it cost $18,000 per year to house a woman in prison in Florida.

After seeing that show, Casey will be begging to go back to her private jail cell. It appeared that most inmates live communal style with bunk beds. The women guards said women are harder to deal with than men inmates. Women usually argue back and always ask why when they're told to do something. They have to be very stern with them and some are very violent. They also said that petty criminals are housed with the violent ones.
JB doesn't want to take the chance that these volatile, loose-lipped, unstable A's will damage his case. He's going to keep them out of there. He is afraid also that Casey will break down under duress if she sees her parents.
She must be pretty unstable right now sitting in jail, facing the DP or LWOP, or possibly even sorrow for what she did to Caylee messing with her mind.

Exactly my thought- I think JB is afraid something will come out, or if Cindy is on meds/changing meds they affect her in a way that she could snap and say something like "WHAT DID YOU DO" or "WHERE IS MY BABY" or just in general finally act the grieving nanna she seemed to be at the beginning
Did you say "violent offenders", don't they hate child killers in prison??:woohoo:

Yes, they do, but she will probably not be the only child killer in her unit/dorm. All murderers are classified as violent offenders in prison. We have a prison in Northeast Louisiana that has a wing for special inmates such as priests, ex-LE, and so forth - they are in protection from those who might hate them and want to harm them. There is also what is the equivalent of a mental wing.

Casey would be housed with female inmates who have committed a crime such as she has. And yes, most murderers are violent offenders.

Remember Dahlmer? (sp) He was so hated in the prison population that he was killed. Casey would be high profile because I can't imagine many people who have not heard what she has done - supposing she is found guilty. Prison will be a scary place for her, IMO.
Yes, they do, but she will probably not be the only child killer in her unit/dorm. All murderers are classified as violent offenders in prison. We have a prison in Northeast Louisiana that has a wing for special inmates such as priests, ex-LE, and so forth - they are in protection from those who might hate them and want to harm them. There is also what is the equivalent of a mental wing.
Casey would be housed with female inmates who have committed a crime such as she has. And yes, most murderers are violent offenders.

Remember Dahlmer? (sp) He was so hated in the prison population that he was killed. Casey would be high profile because I can't imagine many people who have not heard what she has done - supposing she is found guilty. Prison will be a scary place for her, IMO.
Trust me, those women have seen her on TV strutting her stuff...they hate her more than the general public does on the outside.
There was a show on today on the wetv channel ( about women prison guards. I can't remember the name of the show. They showed a prison in Florida (one in CA too) and interviewed some of the female guards. I believe they said it cost $18,000 per year to house a woman in prison in Florida.

After seeing that show, Casey will be begging to go back to her private jail cell. It appeared that most inmates live communal style with bunk beds. The women guards said women are harder to deal with than men inmates. Women usually argue back and always ask why when they're told to do something. They have to be very stern with them and some are very violent. They also said that petty criminals are housed with the violent ones.

And female inmates get PMS!

But I disagree with saying that petty criminals are housed with violent ones. They are classified according to their crimes.

I have been there and done that as they say. I have worked with inmates and transported them back and forth to court and also worked booking. It is a hard job. Everyone starting out with the S. O. here has to start out at the jail.
Trust me, those women have seen her on TV strutting her stuff...they hate her more than the general public does on the outside.

Yes, they do. They probably also have complained to each other that Casey had gotten special treatment by being allowed to spend 6 hours a day with her lawyer while on House Arrest.

Casey will go in acting like a Diva, and the female inmates will set her straight, IMO.
Caller asking about the witness who saw Casey coming out of woods with shovel.........would there be evidence of chloroform. If the body is a skeleton, no.

Wrong.............the larvae (maggots) from the trunk will show what drugs were in the body they were feeding on. Hmmmmmmmm Which makes me think the time line might be a little off - If when they are feeding if a narcotic or any drug which slows down the system in in the body, it will also throw off the time line because it slows their feeding and maturing.

I really like this picture LaLaw.... :)

I myself, wouldn't mind seeing a picture of crispy french fry with her head on it!!

Where is Karate Dad with his photo-shop when you need him!
Yes, they do, but she will probably not be the only child killer in her unit/dorm. All murderers are classified as violent offenders in prison. We have a prison in Northeast Louisiana that has a wing for special inmates such as priests, ex-LE, and so forth - they are in protection from those who might hate them and want to harm them. There is also what is the equivalent of a mental wing.

Casey would be housed with female inmates who have committed a crime such as she has. And yes, most murderers are violent offenders.

Remember Dahlmer? (sp) He was so hated in the prison population that he was killed. Casey would be high profile because I can't imagine many people who have not heard what she has done - supposing she is found guilty. Prison will be a scary place for her, IMO.

I remember Dahmer, he was beaten to death by an inmate with a broom. The inmate stated that God told him to do it. For some reason I can't help but believe him in this one particular case.
Turbothink - is this a fact, or an opinion that drugs in the body slow down the development stage of the insects? I am getting dizzy.

I think that the family is not being asked to visit and is not requesting visits because of the media event that occurs afterwards. No matter what they would say while visiting, it will be construed as coded clue language. Then there will be all the dodging questions from the reporters screaming horrible things to them. It is best they stay away for now.

I am surprised with the trial date. January 5 is only 70 days away. It seems mighty quick. When did the clock start ticking? Baez is still getting document dumps! This is a capital case, the defense gets time to investigate the evidence before trial and he only has 70 days to do it. I think the trial will be continued to allow to avoid an appeal on "adequate assistance of counsel". I do not believe that the court would deny such a request. Adequate assistance means that the lawyer has all of the evidence against his client within suffficient time to prepare a defense. 70 days seems too quick.

This is pressure. They are putting the heat on, literally. They are convinced that they can prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt. I know Baez is telling KC the truth about the State's case, he wouldn't tell her that the DA has no case. Part of JB's job is to assist her to UNDERSTAND the charges and evidence against her.

Remember the beast who killed the little van Dam girl? He was making a deal to tell LE where the body was when she was found. He hadn't made the deal yet, he waited too long. KC don't do the same. You could get 20 years, reduced for good behavior and time served and have a new life while you are still young enough to enjoy it.

LE isn't your mom, they don't let things slide. Use the brain. This isn't a fantasy.
JB doesn't want to take the chance that these volatile, loose-lipped, unstable A's will damage his case. He's going to keep them out of there. He is afraid also that Casey will break down under duress if she sees her parents.
She must be pretty unstable right now sitting in jail, facing the DP or LWOP, or possibly even sorrow for what she did to Caylee messing with her mind.

This is what I think too. JB deems CA and GA unstable and he doesn't want them saying something that might incriminate her or them. I would say this is a smart move on his part.
respectfully snipped

You could get 20 years, reduced for good behavior and time served and have a new life while you are still young enough to enjoy it.

LE isn't your mom, they don't let things slide. Use the brain. This isn't a fantasy.

I wish NG had gotten this hot under the collar with some of CA statements.

We all KNOW this man could not have done this crime...he has 2 girl friends to alibi him and he did get his GED in prison. Impressive. :boohoo:

I know, somebody pass me a bucket:rolleyes: She actually did more harm than good. JMO

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