Nancy Grace 11/13/08

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yeah, and to hold the meeting at a nightclub, how tacky is that? i first thought Nejame was the only 'normal' decent person in this entire fiasco, now, not so much.

Yep - that is SUPER tacky. Maybe a library, a school cafeteria, a restaurant for goodness sakes!
Wow....hey, guess what....a child is missing!!!!!
Another good question would be...What kind of kidnapper takes the child you kidnapped to a McDonald's in the next town over?

You know - I think the Anthonys think Caylee is on a vacation. Her nanny/kidnapper is taking her all over this great country. She's evidently feeding her well because Caylee has been seen at lots of restaurants/fast food places. So she must be doing ok, no?
JMO but knowing Who Tim is just doesn't seem as important to me as knowing what his qualifications are. If this dive team is expert, then it is legitimate to state that things might have been missed based on someone's level of expertise.

If I get the location correctly, then it is a slow moving river that was under at least 2 feet more of muddy water during the time Caylee went missing. Beyond that, the bottom is silt and there is animal activity. How does someone say for sure that they cleared the river with sonar, even after 3.5 hours, if they never sent a diver in to get a feel for the bottom and what might be there.

I am not defending LP because I cannot wrap my head around these last few hours....but I heard the live stream of the media that was there-some of the reporters saw what almost looked like chicken bones. They stated it flat out. Not rocks-SMALL BONES. Which were then carried away on a stretcher.

It boggles the mind to listen to OSCO spin it as nonsense and that it was not significant-they took ROCKS away on a stretcher? I think not...even if it was not Caylee, the whole thing was BIZARRE.

There it is the absolute end of any shred of normalcy, decency. Taking some rocks away on a stretcher, why on earth would anyone think that is even remotely ordinary.

The descent into maddness has punched it's way from beyond the anthony's, baez, negame, time miller and lp and has reached into every crack and crevice in orlando. I hate to say this but I think a part of me hopes they never Caylee. Maybe her peace is not in being found but in not being found.
On the thread "Dennis M (Kid Finders Network) stole all of the memorial flowers for Caylee!" there is a post that says Dennis M is a felon. Does anyone know how he got this honor? (cough, cough)

Just searching under civil (judgements) in Palm Beach, there are 72, not sure if there is more then one of him there.

Oh-oh just found the criminal, 20 cases atleast one felony.
Here is a link describing "Side Scan Sonar"

"Finer sediments like clay and silt, on the other hand, do not reflect sound well (low backscatter). " The sonar wouldn't see so well under silt.

Angry little man that TM. Glad he won't ever get another donation from us.
I had to contain myself. Using Side Scan Sonar on a bed of silt is like driving with black plastic over your headlights.

Thanks, that is what I had been trying to tell these people in my own simplistic way who believe sonar can find anything.

As with any acoustic sonar, side scan sonars only show echoes of objects that reflect sound back to the side scan sonar transducer, such that hard shiny surfaces are sometimes only seen when they are at right angles to the side scan sonar and rough seabed textures can blot out smaller targets completely. Some types of material, such as metals, boulders, gravel or recently extruded volcanic rock, are very efficient at reflecting acoustic pulses (high backscatter). Finer sediments like clay and silt, on the other hand, do not reflect sound well (low backscatter). Strong reflectors create strong echoes, while weak reflectors create weaker echoes. Knowing these characteristics, you can use the strength of acoustic returns from the side scan sonar to examine the composition of the sea floor.
I don't understand why Tim is injecting himself in this anyway. It is not his search, it is not his business. He was on TV all day today saying he had throughly checked that river and she was not there, and this was just for publicity. He was on almost every local station there.

If he had to get to NC so quickly as he said that he called off the TES search 36 hours after it started WHY is he still in Orlando?

As for his sonar search.............

It is my understanding sonar can read if there is METAL below the silt, but not bones only.

I just checked with a blackwater(which is not a company but a type of diver) search diver who has been doing this for years and he said sonar is nothing but radar which bounces off the surface of the bottom of a lake - some better than others, but bones or bone fragments will not show. He also said that there is no way in h*ll that TES did that entire river in a day like they claim. He said it is just not possible as it is slow with very experienced people much less volunteers.

that's why i wanted to hear what the diver on nancy grace had to say about the sonar, nancy cut him off, grrrr
IIRC Tim said not long ago he would NEVER be on NG again!!!
Or am I really losing my mind?
It seems to be "growing" each time it is told. To be honest, I just don't believe what he said. Watch his body language and his eyes looking down - I believe he just made that up. LP looked almost like he was going to break into laughter.

I know it had to hurt LP that Tim would do that. Tim should be attacking the family who is hiding the baby and not the searchers.

I tend to take this personally, as there were some remarks made about other independent searchers which I was not going to bring up, but a statement attributed to Tim about a very experienced search team from KY really hacked me off Sunday. He did not like it when they would not agree to be part of TES and made a remark.

Tim needs to KNOW that all searches don't revolve or originate with TES and there are more experienced searchers than he provided for Caylee.

Do you have a link that has TM's telling this story before it began to "grow"?
I would like verification that the man was one of Tim's people please.

He interviewed with the media at the park and he told them he was with TES, took care of the horses, He yelled that all over, was wearing a cowboy hat. I have no idea where a vid is.
ummm...Takes money to run a non-profit.

I agree and could care less TM got a big check, actually I'm glad he did, may help another family but what chaps my *advertiser censored** is he has the gawl to go on TV and bash LP, implying LP planted evidence for money. TM never came forward and said NLH gave us a big ol Honkin' check in the amount of 12,500.00 and oh by the way I'll be leavin' as soon as possible after I hug and kiss CA.
Orlando-based missing-children's organization Never Lose Hope Foundation hired NeJame to help the couple.
NeJame said he is representing George and Cindy Anthony and not their daughter,

The check was presented by Never Lose Hope Foundation, not Nejame. (I was there and stayed for entire meeting)

The foundation is Nejame's boss in this and the check was a gesture that things were worked out between the A's and Tim. How is that a conflict of interest?

Here's a link to their site, btw:

From what I understand..... it's been like this a LONG time too. lol
Nejame represented or use to represent KFN, which is how he was introduced to and came to represent the Anthony's. A tight group they are.

Doesn't MN also represent never lose hope foundation? I thought I read that somewhere - will try to find out...unless someone else knows.
Thanks, that is what I had been trying to tell these people in my own simplistic way who believe sonar can find anything.

As with any acoustic sonar, side scan sonars only show echoes of objects that reflect sound back to the side scan sonar transducer, such that hard shiny surfaces are sometimes only seen when they are at right angles to the side scan sonar and rough seabed textures can blot out smaller targets completely. Some types of material, such as metals, boulders, gravel or recently extruded volcanic rock, are very efficient at reflecting acoustic pulses (high backscatter). Finer sediments like clay and silt, on the other hand, do not reflect sound well (low backscatter). Strong reflectors create strong echoes, while weak reflectors create weaker echoes. Knowing these characteristics, you can use the strength of acoustic returns from the side scan sonar to examine the composition of the sea floor.

Interesting. Good find!
Here is a link describing "Side Scan Sonar"

"Finer sediments like clay and silt, on the other hand, do not reflect sound well (low backscatter). " The sonar wouldn't see so well under silt.

Angry little man that TM. Glad he won't ever get another donation from us.
I had to contain myself. Using Side Scan Sonar on a bed of silt is like driving with black plastic over your headlights.

I don't believe sonar is infallible. It is a tool.
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