Nancy Grace - 9/03/2008 8:00 PM EST

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Bond has been posted already for the new charges from Friday's arrest through McDonald's Bail Bond.

BH Padilla will re-post bond for Casey under ONE condition, and that is "Casey must tell LE where Caylee's body is located".

didn't LP say on NG he wasn't bailing her out again? on the clerk website it has status bond pending, I hope it is for the new charges. IDK read the page, just odd.{AD575B0E-5FA8-447E-B8CE-432A446BF855}&BookNumber=08042346&ID=8802850132367
You'd be able to tell by the way their look if they were doing a lot of meth

I dunno I have a little sis that has been a heavy user of meth for almost 8 years now, :sick: and you wouldn't be able to tell from looking at her. Honestly to put us side by side people would think that I was the speed freek as I am only 115 pounds and she is more like 275, so appearences don't mean anything really. Still not sure how she does it.
Does the can you have have say Methyl Chlorofoam? I was looking up ingredients in cleaning solvents and up pops Metyl Chlorofoam.

George's saying there was "cleaning fluid" in the back of the trunk of Casey's car. I always wondered why Casey had cleaning fluid in the back of her car. Most of us mught haee some "windshield washer fluid" in the trunk, but not cleaning fluid!

Isn't it chloroFORM?
OK, so now we have CA spinning the Texas/Mexico/PR theory. Wasn't it KC herself in the jail interview that said "She's Close, she's close". DUH. So much for that CA.
Okay, I'm not saying this to get in a fight here, but I feel the need to voice my opinion too. When NG accused three innocent young men from Duke U of raping a known liar, stripper and prostitute, and made scathing remarks about their guilt, and continued to make sarcastic remarks about their guilt even AFTER the facts and DNA was presented, I lost all respect for her. The only thing that SHUT HER UP was when NC Attorney General Roy Cooper dismissed all BOGUS charges and deemed them INNOCENT. So yes, I can see why someone would think Nancy is a disgrace (and a whole lot more if you know what I mean). Just ask the parents of these three young men what they think of NG after she crucified their children month after month on national TV... And if I get banned for posting this, so be it…

On the “Durham in Wonderland” blog, she’s known as “Graceless.” For more detailed information on how Nancy mocked due process in the Duke Lacrosse case, click here:

~ Tate ~

She was labeled DisGrace long before the Duke/Durham case came about. She is rude and cuts people off, answering herself instead of letting them answer her questions. Heaven forbid if one of her guests has a different opinion than she does. She just dismisses them. I don't know if it is an act or what... but it is NOT appealing to most people. Sorry, this is just MO. It is unfortunate that hers is the only show covering this case right now, due to the conventions. Her treatment of Tim the other night was disrespectful and rude, as well as totally unnecessary.
I don't want to "defend" Casey, but some of my posts may come across that way. In my opinion, Casey is also a victim, a guilty one perhaps, but I don't believe she had any more chance than Caylee did, for whatever reasons.

A victim of what/who?

How did she not have any more of a "chance" than Caylee?

I'm not understanding this at all.
I didnt read this whole thread, but does anyone find it weird that her boyfriend says he picked her up late morning at the broken down car, with the bag of groceries. Yet Padilla says the car was at the store at 7 am when a worker came in that day. Whos wrong? Is her bfriend lying now?

Couldn't both the boyfriend and the store employee be telling the truth? It is Casey that is lying.
I always keep one thing in mind when watching Nancy Grace,

Yes, she can be abrasive, sarcastic and rude.

HOWEVER if the victim she is fighting for was OUR loved one we would be just that upset and be cheering her on and deeply appreciative of her. We would not be so mindful of her manners. She wold not seem extreme.

She is just willing to do for ALL victims what most of us would only do for our own.
I always keep one thing in mind when watching Nancy Grace,

Yes, she can be abrasive, sarcastic and rude.

HOWEVER if the victim she is fighting for was OUR loved one we would be just that upset and be cheering her on and deeply appreciative of her. We would not be so mindful of her manners. She wold not seem extreme.

She is just willing to do for ALL victims what most of us would only do for our own.

AMEN! If you don't like NG, then turn the channel!
I know what everyone means about Nancy Grace. I appreciate the fact that she's a serious victim's advocate and all, but geez, does she have to be so abrasive? It just irks me to no end when she cuts somebody off that I'm listening to. Alot of times I find myself yelling at the television, "would you let them talk"! LOL!
<snipped> Alot of times I find myself yelling at the television, "would you let them talk"! LOL!

Agreed, my dh hates her. But her abrasiveness is what i like about her, keeps me entertained.
Couldn't both the boyfriend and the store employee be telling the truth? It is Casey that is lying.

If I am repeating, I apologize I haven't had the time to read through this entire thread.....But when LP questioned the boyfriend picking up Casey in front of the Amscot with a bag of groceries in her arm, mid-morning and the Amscot employee saying the car had been there since 7AM...I thought, she dumped the car (and Caylee)? the night before and then re-appeared later with her groceries and "damsel in distress" mode.

Of course this theory might mean that someone else assisted her with transportation...:banghead:
I would have a lot more respect for NG if she would trash talk Cindy Anthony like she did Melinda Duckett
If I am repeating, I apologize I haven't had the time to read through this entire thread.....But when LP questioned the boyfriend picking up Casey in front of the Amscot with a bag of groceries in her arm, mid-morning and the Amscot employee saying the car had been there since 7AM...I thought, she dumped the car (and Caylee)? the night before and then re-appeared later with her groceries and "damsel in distress" mode.

Of course this theory might mean that someone else assisted her with transportation...:banghead:

Sorry... all I meant was TonE said he picked her up late morning. Amscot employee said the car was there at 7:00. Where Casey was prior to calling TonE - who knows? She could have been with someone else... could have walked there... could have had the groceries in the car from earlier. Maybe she put the car there during the night and slept in it until an appropiate time to call TonE?
I always keep one thing in mind when watching Nancy Grace,

Yes, she can be abrasive, sarcastic and rude.

HOWEVER if the victim she is fighting for was OUR loved one we would be just that upset and be cheering her on and deeply appreciative of her. We would not be so mindful of her manners. She wold not seem extreme.

She is just willing to do for ALL victims what most of us would only do for our own.

I totally agree. She should be fighting for victims, and I used to love her for that. But in the Duke Lacrosse case, the three young men she slandered night after night on her program were the victims. She was arrogant, relentless, cruel, and remorseless with her attacks. In this case, she was not pro victim, she was pro-alleged victim. Screw the facts, NG was going to assume their guilt and maintain a hard stance against them!

The day the DA dropped all charges; she gave way to a guest host and hid under her desk for a couple of weeks. If she had just apologized for being wrong, she would have won my respect. But that&#8217;s not Nancy&#8217;s style&#8230;
I dunno I have a little sis that has been a heavy user of meth for almost 8 years now, :sick: and you wouldn't be able to tell from looking at her. Honestly to put us side by side people would think that I was the speed freek as I am only 115 pounds and she is more like 275, so appearences don't mean anything really. Still not sure how she does it.

This is a common problem, your Sis has apparently confused smoking crystal meth with eating meth cream pie.
This is a common problem, your Sis has apparently confused smoking crystal meth with eating meth cream pie.

The ironic thing is she gets onto me, telling me all the time that she is worried about me cause I am so thin

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