Nancy Grace 9-2-08 #2

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Supposedly in every state of the union?

I feel for her in a way. So many people must be calling and telling her all kinds of stories. Can she honestly believe all this?

I have tried so hard to feel bad for this family. They just won't let me, because every time one of them opens their mouth it makes me sick. I don't think any of them know what honest is.
All of the uhms and you knows in this quote make it sound like Cindy is lying. It is very disturbing.
I still believe it makes it sound as if they had discussed this back in June and July 15th was not the first time Cindy heard this story. is JUST MY OPINION.
They might have signed a confidentiality agreement.

Confidentiality agreements are pretty worthless in a criminal investigation. If she isn't married to Casey, Casey's doctor, Casey's Lawyer or Casey's priest, she is a third party who can be compelled to testify to anything she has heard.
I'm not sure Casey would be able to use the drink/drug defense if she wanted to.

How would Jose introduce it without putting her on the stand?

That's their problem. You are correct.

I wasn't suggesting this as a viable defense for Team Casey. On today's Nancy Disgrace Show, NG wrongly insisted that alcohol or drug impairment can never be used as a defense to any type of murder charge. The post you addressed came up in that context.
It's absolutely ridiculous that an unemployed 22 year old is referring to a make believe person as a nanny. Was she that desperate to be someone she's not?

First off she had to be pretty messed up in the head to even think anyone would believe she 'had' a nanny. And her friends probably laughed at her whenever she said 'nanny'.
Good question.

Why IS Cindy still pretending the nanny would even exist when it's been proven Casey had nothing to do all day.

That brings me back to an old question......what the heck did she do all day while she pretended to be working? You can only shop for so long or sit at a cafe for so long. How do you kill 8-10 hours everyday?
OR, was she working, perhaps at something other than a normal job?
I hope everyone else will write myspace girl and ask her to follow up with Mr. Padilla. :)
Supposedly in every state of the union?

I feel for her in a way. So many people must be calling and telling her all kinds of stories. Can she honestly believe all this?

We need to be looking at shopping malls, restaurants, schools, police stations, amusement parks, tatoo parlors, pizza delivery vehicles, Rennaisance Festivals, cruise ships, The Leaning Tower of Pizza, caves, mountain passes, passing autos, Tiajuana, bars, cat houses, movie theatres--anywhere but the swamps and garbage dumps of FL. THAT is not allowed.
The fact that the exhausted grandmother of a missing child would even be answering Nancy Grace's questions is so awful, I feel so bad for her. Cindy, Tim, and all others should refuse Nancy's calls. But of course the family want to keep the case in the public eye so the fickle public doesn't lose interest in five minutes and stop looking. That's the only reason they continue to speak to the media. I would probably do the same.

No I must disagree CA and JB speak to the media for 2 reasons:
1. To be rude and insulting to all of those that are trying so hard to help and contribute when the family & JB have contributed nothing!
2. They get paid to speak, they get free limos and other perks.

I am sorry not one of them have CAYLEE and her interest at heart.
That brings me back to an old question......what the heck did she do all day while she pretended to be working? You can only shop for so long or sit at a cafe for so long. How do you kill 8-10 hours everyday?
OR, was she working, perhaps at something other than a normal job?

This was florida. She was probably at the beach all day till her father left for work then went home and lounged by the pool.
I think the laws for recorded phone conversations may vary from state to state (in some states, I believe you don't have to disclose that you're recording so long as you, yourself, are one of the two parties to the phone call). But, yeah...she's young and may not have thought to look into it. I'm sure there are some Anthony supporters who would be all too willing to try to turn her in. It'd be very kind of you to give her a heads-up!

Going to do that now..thank you sweetie !:blowkiss:
I have not made it through all the posts yet (still on the first thread), but I must say: Cindy might not want/need or appreciate Tim's search. However, I'm certain Caylee does and she is who matters. I hope and pray he will continue the search.

Tim lost his son as well
Tim lost his daughter, didn't he? They had just moved into the area and his daughter went to use a pay phone and disappeared, right? Then was found much later year? (forget how long) in a field not far from where she went missing. That's what I recall anyhow. Will look for a link...refresh myself of the facts.

17 months missing, found less than 2 miles from home.
Cindy called NG, not the other way around. IF NG had called Cindy, she has the option to say no.

I just said, clearly the only reason the poor grandparents continue to speak to the media at all is to keep their granddaughter's picture and case in the public eye.
Excellent point, nor did she have the MEANS to pay for a stinkin' nanny for crissakes!

Well, she sure STOLE enough money so I guess she could have paid a make-believe nanny.

The real question is why would Cindy still use the nanny excuse.... it makes NO SENSE....

unless she knows for a fact that Casey WAS busy with some type of 'job' (that wasn't acceptable) during the days then it looks real stupid to keep pretending Casey needed someone to watch her baby.
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