Nancy Grace 9/26/08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Here are a few of the searches listed on NG I will post the next list asap.


Without seeing the times and dates on these searches, it looks to me like George has some 'splainin' to do.

Without seeing the times and dates on these searches, it looks to me like George has some 'splainin' to do.
The searches were supposedly done while Casey was logged on to the computer. :)
I agree, and don't think she actually had that kind of job, but maybe wanted to ~ like saw it as glamorous and lots of money without much work. MOO

She could of been doing some escort work....everyone seemed to agree she'd take off & nobody knew where she was at.
Becoming a hooker could be something Casey was going to do once she made her get away. She could change her name and be paid in cash. This might be yet another hint at premeditation. She'd never have made it as any form of hooker for very long though.
She could of been doing some escort work....everyone seemed to agree she'd take off & nobody knew where she was at.
Oh I'll agree she could've been doing it already, but not the high-priced kind or on a regular basis. MOO
The searches were supposedly done while Casey was logged on to the computer. :)

Do we know that?

I mean, there are 4 logins on my computer and I don't necessarily log out of one of my family member's just to log into my own to surf the web.
Do we know that?

I mean, there are 4 logins on my computer and I don't necessarily log out of one of my family member's just to log into my own to surf the web.
All I'm going by is what was said on Nancy's show tonight. :)
Oh I'll agree she could've been doing it already, but not the high-priced kind or on a regular basis. MOO

I think she was definitely doing it already. The fact that she had two phones (or said she did), I would bet her "work" phone was prepaid, so it can not easily be traced back to her, the fact that she went somewhere every day, but not to a verified job, and her promiscuity make me believe she was escorting. The searches on the computer....she was looking up competition, looking to see what other girls were charging, looking for tips, and as for looking out in California, she was seeing what she could expect out there. I don't think everything has been released entirely, so it's possible that many local Florida escort site visits are being withheld right now.
I agree that NG would have continuted to question LP, I was startled that Jane did not come back to that... I even thought NG might call in and question it... cannot wait for Monday night.

I do believe they will arrest her before November and that they are being cautious in crossing their t's and dotting their i's....

I did not get the same sense of intensity with Jane as I do with Nancy. I too agree that LE will charge her before her child neglect trial in November. from what was said from the WFTV station earlier today they are just trying to pin down a motive and also triple check the forensics.
Well she's certainly not ugly

I looked at a few of those sites and there seems to be a large demand for "young" " petite" woman

Which is how I would describe Casey

If she were an escort she'd be busy enough to earn a living

Lets face it - The people that are hiring these escorts really don't want to talk politics

I think she might have been planning to "apply" or "place an add" or whatever it is they do to get hired
but I don't think she was working because if she were she would have plenty of her own money

Depends. The REALLY top-flight agencies, at least in, say, Los Angeles, entertain a lot of rich foreign business men who also want gorgeous and articulate arm candy to take to nice places. Some company with the sex. Like expensive restaurants and diplomatic parties. Rich West Side events. Movie star parties. Best of all, to show off to their colleagues. THAT'S your $8,000 class.

And, the women spend a fortune on their hair, nails, clothes. There is a particular specialist who takes care of "other hair."

She could make a living. But, not in those circles.

She'd have to learn not to talk too much, not to rob clients, and not to cling or demand, to be a decent professional, too.
All I'm going by is what was said on Nancy's show tonight. :)

They did leave that open on the show - it was done under her profile - but with her life of lies, I'd almost expect she'd log out of her profile, maybe even toss a password on one easily accessible by the fam (ie not the laptop). LE knows all this already though - they know what computer it happened on, have already asked about who may have used the computers and seen the login habits. Computer forensics people usually won't even need to boot the machine to pull the data needed to determine this.
I think she would have liked to have that easy of a job.
But, I don't see her as being Hot enough.....After all this is FL, beautiful girls are everywhere...

Doesn't matter. Many guys prefer the girl next door look, they prefer the average girls, they are not as intimidating. Trust me, escorts come in all shapes and sizes, all looks. You'd be surprised!
I think she was definitely doing it already. The fact that she had two phones (or said she did), I would bet her "work" phone was prepaid, so it can not easily be traced back to her, the fact that she went somewhere every day, but not to a verified job, and her promiscuity make me believe she was escorting. The searches on the computer....she was looking up competition, looking to see what other girls were charging, looking for tips, and as for looking out in California, she was seeing what she could expect out there. I don't think everything has been released entirely, so it's possible that many local Florida escort site visits are being withheld right now.
I'll agree there definitely seems to be an interest on her part with the many sites she seems to have visited ~ and in different cities. That would also go to motive for getting rid of Caylee, imo.
Doesn't matter. Many guys prefer the girl next door look, they prefer the average girls, they are not as intimidating. Trust me, escorts come in all shapes and sizes, all looks. You'd be surprised!

Yeah, they do. All depends on the clientele. The rich guys demand a lot.
If the escort searches were Casey's, maybe she imagined living life like Ashley Dupré, that high priced escort involved in the Governor Spitzer scandal. Escort fees from her agency were reportedly $1k-$5k per hour, so I can imagine she racked up a lot of money from doing this. It happened fairly recently in early 2008 and was in the news everywhere. Just the first thing that popped into my head when I heard about the escort searches.
The sex sites were on the family computer if I have that right. Hmm.... Now.... If not George (or....?), could a virus, BHO or trojan do this? I don't recall cuz I luckily switched to Apple a few years ago.

The lady bodyguard (or whatever her title)..... She was hired to keep an eye on Casey. What are the chances of her being befriended like she did with Casey, further.... to the point of keeping info close (she also got an atty)..

Is Casey some type of amazingly Charismatic person that can draw people in like that when they should've been being objective and doing their job? Is Casey somehow 'special' like that? Some level/type of mastermind? She sure seems to be able to get folks to drink the kool-aid.
Wonder why Casey didn't just hook herself up with a sugar daddy?
Why was she hanging around these young middle-class college guys, that are not going to support her.
If she wanted to leave home sooo badddddd there are ways to do it, without killing your child, kiting checks, stealing from who knows who and picking jail as your new address.
If the escort searches were Casey's, maybe she imagined living life like Ashley Dupré, that high priced escort involved in the Governor Spitzer scandal. Escort fees from her agency were reportedly $1k-$5k per hour, so I can imagine she racked up a lot of money from doing this. It happened fairly recently in early 2008 and was in the news everywhere. Just the first thing that popped into my head when I heard about the escort searches.

Yeah. Then all the media ran her MySpace link.

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