Nancy Grace America's Missing 2011-03-01

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Actually, Tommy also admits to seeing Haleigh, but it was in more dire circumstances. LE doesn't seem to be going with his story, so that brings it back to AS being either the the last outsider to see Haleigh or at the least, the last uninvolved. And I really don't think AS was involved. But I do think she may be hiding something. If she is hiding something, would it help solve this case? Who knows...I'm too the point of thinking nothing will help. Tommy practically confessed & that solved nothing. MOO
Actually, Tommy also admits to seeing Haleigh, but it was in more dire circumstances. LE doesn't seem to be going with his story, so that brings it back to AS being either the the last outsider to see Haleigh or at the least, the last uninvolved. And I really don't think AS was involved. But I do think she may be hiding something. If she is hiding something, would it help solve this case? Who knows...I'm too the point of thinking nothing will help. Tommy practically confessed & that solved nothing. MOO

I don't know about what involvement she may have had, but I don't buy, for a moment, any of GGM's "dropping off some laundry" stories.

GGM said "we" dropped off some laundry and Misty identified the "we" as Aunt Lisa. Donald and Elisa Squires lived at 420 Beecher Springs Rd. Crescent City, FL according to the DNR arrest report on the illegal hunting bust with Ronald.

It seems illogical enough that GGM would supposedly leave her home in Welaka at 7:00 at night for a 15 mile round trip just to deliver some laundry, but it stretches the logic even further to believe she first went several miles out of her way to pick up "Aunt Lisa".


Bottom line for me is simply this question: Why did GGM Annette Sykes really leave her home on a cold winter's night and drive so many miles to get to the trailer.......WITH A NURSE?

And to tie it to this thread, Why didn't Nancy Grace ask her?
I've always wondered why GGM has never offered who "we" was in any of the versions of her trailer visit story. Wouldn't "we" offer verification and validation to her story?

Maybe we have that reason.

When Ronald, Donald, and Elisa were busted by DNR on the illegal hunting charges, each of the three had to give a signed, written statement. Ronald went on and on about "I'm sorry", "trying to feed my family", "thought I'd missed", and so on. Donald's statement was similiar in content.

Take a look at Elisa Squires' entire TWO word statement:


Straight and to the point.

She might just be the one straight shooter in this outfit that they can't afford to have in front of a microphone.
I really doubt that. I mean what did Ron and Misty do? Call a bunch of people over to the mobile home, like a party, and let them witness the disposal of a body?I think what is most reasonable is there are family members on both sides who have lied to protect Ron and Misty. Ron's family will lie for him, and Misty's family will lie for her. But that doesn't mean they participated in the crime or know where the body is.
It makes sense that Ron would tell Annette to lie and say she came to the home... Makes sense that Teresa may know something illegal happened, did Ron and Misty call Teresa and say "Something bad happened, get it here quick, we're about to call the cops" and then Teresa went into defensive mode defending Ron and Misty???

It makes sense that Misty/Tommy would tell their family members (Chelsea/Timmy) to cook up a story regarding Overstreet...

Both sides have obstructed justice and are guilty of hindering an investigation, etc. But doesn't mean they know the location of the body.

I think when the truth is revealed, Misty and Ron know exactly what happened. Tommy was called in for help after the fact -- and he may have been so messed up he doesn't recall exactly where he helped dispose of the body, and he doesn't know how or why Haleigh died... Then the family members on BOTH the Croslin/Cummings side went into cover up/defensive mode.

First off, Levi what MH are you referring to? For the record, I do not believe the incident even occurred at the MH located at 202 Green Lane. Last I heard Sherrif Hardy stated there was a good possibility the incident occurred in the Shell Harbor area and IF I am not mistaken Hank Sr. and Lisa lived on Magnolia in the Shell Harbor area at that time....

You asked IF I believed Misty and Ron called up a bunch of people over to the MH, like a party, to let them witness the disposal of a body? NO, I do not, I serioulsy doubt anyone was doing any partying that night, however I do believe we are dealing with a situation where some family members in Ron C's family who are involved certainly know more than what some members of the Croslin family know..

As I see it, Ron and Misty were the ones on the scene when the incident occurred, so yes, they do know what happened..
No doubt in my mind Ron C called either his momma or his grandma or both and was told to get his rear end in to work too in order for him to have an alibi.. Now whether he hightailed it out of there before or after he called them I don't know but I suspect whatever the situation, he left Misty high and dry with a deceased child in order to cover his own rear..
Since GGMS is the one who has come forward and claimed she saw Haleigh alive and well sometime between 7:30 pm and 8:00 pm I'm going with Ron C's family being informed of what had happened and quite possibly becoming involved in a coverup before anyone in the Croslin family became involved ..JMHO

Also, I find it highly unlikely Haleigh was alive and well at 8:00 pm as GGMS claims she was that night, yet we have Chelsey claiming the BIG fight over the phone between Ron C and Misty was over what to do with Haleigh's remains...Then we have a call placed around 9:00 pm to Hank Sr. and Lisa residence for Tommy from Ron C..

IMO I suspect both families are involved in the coverup and deceiving LE however bottom line for me is the Croslins do not have a clue as to how and where Haleigh's remains were disposed of eventhough they may have allowed themselves to become involved in a coverup.
It is my opinion we have Ron C and the Cummings/Neves/Sykes clan setting up the Croslins w/o them even realizing what was happening..
Ron C, Misty or anyone in the Croslin family couldn't have gotten away with this w/o Ron C's family being involved and vowing to never ever let the right hand know what the left hand was doing...

I maintain my stance Teresa Neves, and her brother, Donald Squires know where and how Haleigh's remains were disposed of and I highly suspect Katrina Belcher knew also, and unfortunately took that secret with her when she passed away..JMHO

Let me add, I have never stated everyone involved in the coverup participated or was present and on the scene when the incident happened and I have never claimed I thought all persons involved in the coverup know how and where Haleigh's remains were disposed of either.. IMO..The Cummings/Neves/Sykes Clan would never allow Misty or anyone in the Croslin family to have that information..As I see it that information would/could lead to Ron C being the one implicated for what happened to Haleigh..JMHO

ETA..Like Papa, I'm wondering WHY NG never bothered to ask TN WHY she sent family members over to the MH that night and who exactly were those family members she didn't bother to name. JMHO
I don't know about what involvement she may have had, but I don't buy, for a moment, any of GGM's "dropping off some laundry" stories.

GGM said "we" dropped off some laundry and Misty identified the "we" as Aunt Lisa. Donald and Elisa Squires lived at 420 Beecher Springs Rd. Crescent City, FL according to the DNR arrest report on the illegal hunting bust with Ronald.

It seems illogical enough that GGM would supposedly leave her home in Welaka at 7:00 at night for a 15 mile round trip just to deliver some laundry, but it stretches the logic even further to believe she first went several miles out of her way to pick up "Aunt Lisa".


Bottom line for me is simply this question: Why did GGM Annette Sykes really leave her home on a cold winter's night and drive so many miles to get to the trailer.......WITH A NURSE?

And to tie it to this thread, Why didn't Nancy Grace ask her?

ITA !!!! Does TN live South of Elisa? Maybe it was TN who got the "call" and called Elisa...Elisa and TN drove to AS and all "three" ---i see three people---went to green lane to assist on whatever was going on that night..JMO
Bottom line for me is simply this question: Why did GGM Annette Sykes really leave her home on a cold winter's night and drive so many miles to get to the trailer.......WITH A NURSE?

And to tie it to this thread, Why didn't Nancy Grace ask her?[/QUOTE]


That is the $64,000 question!

From the beginning, NG pampered the Cummings and painted Misty and Crystal as demons. NG beat Crystal into the ground verbally, questioning every aspect of her parenting skills and making it look like Crystal had never cared about her kids. NG slammed Misty repeatedly because of her changing stories and because she didn't know what Haleigh was wearing. Yet, AS claims to have brought laundry over and at one point claimed to have put a shirt on Haleigh, another time said she saw Misty put a shirt on Haleigh, and still another time said she watched Haleigh put her own shirt on. And not one time did NG question AS for a description of the shirt! Nor did she ask AS who went to the MH with her, or question why one time AS claimed it was 7:30 and another time claimed it was 8:00, etc...

Why has NG never delved into Crystal's petition to the court for the safety of her kids? Why the third degree of Misty but not of AS when her stories changed? And why not even a raised eyebrow from NG when Ronald Cummings appeared on her show and stated, in response to NG's question about what Misty had told him happened that night, "We've never really talked about that night, Mizz Nancy..."

Nancy Grace has an almost-perfect venue to help victims like Haleigh, and I have seen her help many times over in other cases. I have seen Nancy come down hard on mothers who leave their kids with known drug addicts, sex offenders, or persons who have tendency toward physical violence, etc., and I applauded her every time she did it! Yet, in Haleigh's case, Nancy chose to coddle the father of the missing child, the very person who chose to leave his kids with a known drug abuser who was only a child herself?

Nancy Grace is better than this, I know she is! I have seen Nancy Grace in fine form in many cases, but how she handled interviews in Haleigh's case defies all reason!
ITA !!!! Does TN live South of Elisa? Maybe it was TN who got the "call" and called Elisa...Elisa and TN drove to AS and all "three" ---i see three people---went to green lane to assist on whatever was going on that night..JMO

Does anyone know where on this map Tn's house was? I know we're not sure which house she was living in, and wasn't there suspected she had one house she lived in, but another someone in the family owned? My memory bank is too full for all this...LOL
lil momma, you may be right that Elisa and TN drove together, but do you think maybe they met As at the MH? just speculating. I just don't understand why NG, or at least one of the reporters didn't ask follow-up questions like '"we who...", or ask TN why she sent GGS???
Does anyone know where on this map Tn's house was? I know we're not sure which house she was living in, and wasn't there suspected she had one house she lived in, but another someone in the family owned? My memory bank is too full for all this...LOL
lil momma, you may be right that Elisa and TN drove together, but do you think maybe they met As at the MH? just speculating. I just don't understand why NG, or at least one of the reporters didn't ask follow-up questions like '"we who...", or ask TN why she sent GGS???

Bottom line for me is simply this question: Why did GGM Annette Sykes really leave her home on a cold winter's night and drive so many miles to get to the trailer.......WITH A NURSE?

And to tie it to this thread, Why didn't Nancy Grace ask her?[/QUOTE]


That is the $64,000 question!

From the beginning, NG pampered the Cummings and painted Misty and Crystal as demons. NG beat Crystal into the ground verbally, questioning every aspect of her parenting skills and making it look like Crystal had never cared about her kids. NG slammed Misty repeatedly because of her changing stories and because she didn't know what Haleigh was wearing. Yet, AS claims to have brought laundry over and at one point claimed to have put a shirt on Haleigh, another time said she saw Misty put a shirt on Haleigh, and still another time said she watched Haleigh put her own shirt on. And not one time did NG question AS for a description of the shirt! Nor did she ask AS who went to the MH with her, or question why one time AS claimed it was 7:30 and another time claimed it was 8:00, etc...

Why has NG never delved into Crystal's petition to the court for the safety of her kids? Why the third degree of Misty but not of AS when her stories changed? And why not even a raised eyebrow from NG when Ronald Cummings appeared on her show and stated, in response to NG's question about what Misty had told him happened that night, "We've never really talked about that night, Mizz Nancy..."

Nancy Grace has an almost-perfect venue to help victims like Haleigh, and I have seen her help many times over in other cases. I have seen Nancy come down hard on mothers who leave their kids with known drug addicts, sex offenders, or persons who have tendency toward physical violence, etc., and I applauded her every time she did it! Yet, in Haleigh's case, Nancy chose to coddle the father of the missing child, the very person who chose to leave his kids with a known drug abuser who was only a child herself?

Nancy Grace is better than this, I know she is! I have seen Nancy Grace in fine form in many cases, but how she handled interviews in Haleigh's case defies all reason!

Thank you krkrjx for this post. There are so many puzzling things in this case. But the questions you have asked here are the biggest puzzles of all for me. I too have seen NG go above and beyond to help find lost children and women. I just don't get it in Haleigh's case. NG is a great investigative journalist, a previous DA, and a JD. Everyone loves her show and what she has done for so many lost people. The facts about RC's actions in this case are unbelievably suspicious, as we have named and discussed here for 2 yrs. I just wish someone who knows NG would explain her treatment and attitude of RC to us. She may have a good reason to defend and seemingly protect him as she does. After all we don't have all the facts here. I just can't for the life of me understand it. :banghead:
If I was orchastrating this "meeting" at the MH, it would be better time/distance wise for Elisa to go to GGMS's house and TN to meet them both at the MH. Again though, we're not sure what happened to Haleigh happened at this MH. I have't thougt of this before, but if TN was in fact babysiting, maybe at her house, could whatever happened have happened at her house? just speculating again.
Thank you krkrjx for this post. There are so many puzzling things in this case. But the questions you have asked here are the biggest puzzles of all for me. I too have seen NG go above and beyond to help find lost children and women. I just don't get it in Haleigh's case. NG is a great investigative journalist, a previous DA, and a JD. Everyone loves her show and what she has done for so many lost people. The facts about RC's actions in this case are unbelievably suspicious, as we have named and discussed here for 2 yrs. I just wish someone who knows NG would explain her treatment and attitude of RC to us. She may have a good reason to defend and seemingly protect him as she does. After all we don't have all the facts here. I just can't for the life of me understand it. :banghead:

Maybe NG had a strategy, but was never able to implement it. Maybe she coddled the Cummings family initially so she would have access to them for interviews, but soon came to understand that she would have to walk on eggs around them at all times, in order to have continued access.

IDK, but I think maybe NG knew that if she even looked at one of them cross-eyed they would bolt and never return for another interview. At one point NG did say, "Don't you lie to me!" to Ron. And it seems to me we never saw him appear on her show again. But...she still championed him, vowing to wrestle angels for him even after that particular show. Was that to keep TN and AS coming back? Perhaps it was.

Question is, how does walking on eggs around the players help Haleigh? When LE was saying the timeline was crucial, that they needed an accurate TIMELINE for that night, it seems both LE and NG would have seriously questioned anyone who made any statement that mentioned a time...and later changed it.

All JMO.
If I was orchastrating this "meeting" at the MH, it would be better time/distance wise for Elisa to go to GGMS's house and TN to meet them both at the MH. Again though, we're not sure what happened to Haleigh happened at this MH. I have't thougt of this before, but if TN was in fact babysiting, maybe at her house, could whatever happened have happened at her house? just speculating again.

I agree Nonni! TN seems to live pretty far to the east of both GGS and Elisa. IDK, i was just throwing it out there. I had many time thought maybe something happened on TNs watch but there are so many ways this could go on any and all senerios.

I actually had to stop watching NG b/c of how she was treating Crystal. It upset me, and i thought it wasn't very professional of her. If she had treated every guest who is involved in the mess the same, i may have continued to watch her.

Maybe NG had a strategy, but was never able to implement it. Maybe she coddled the Cummings family initially so she would have access to them for interviews, but soon came to understand that she would have to walk on eggs around them at all times, in order to have continued access.

IDK, but I think maybe NG knew that if she even looked at one of them cross-eyed they would bolt and never return for another interview. At one point NG did say, "Don't you lie to me!" to Ron. And it seems to me we never saw him appear on her show again. But...she still championed him, vowing to wrestle angels for him even after that particular show. Was that to keep TN and AS coming back? Perhaps it was.

Question is, how does walking on eggs around the players help Haleigh? When LE was saying the timeline was crucial, that they needed an accurate TIMELINE for that night, it seems both LE and NG would have seriously questioned anyone who made any statement that mentioned a time...and later changed it.

All JMO.

You've made some great points K. But even the NG show when Pat Brown was on and pointed out RC's suspicious behavior, they cut to commercial or asked another guest something (there goes my bad memory again), instead of continuing with Pat's statement. It's obvious RC won't be on the show anymore, and probably not the gm's. NG's show still seems to be hedging around anything negative about RC's obviously suspicious behavior.
I too thought at one time that NG was trying to not scare RC off from her show, but that boat has sailed now... I don't know.:waitasec:
I agree Nonni! TN seems to live pretty far to the east of both GGS and Elisa. IDK, i was just throwing it out there. I had many time thought maybe something happened on TNs watch but there are so many ways this could go on any and all senerios.

I actually had to stop watching NG b/c of how she was treating Crystal. It upset me, and i thought it wasn't very professional of her. If she had treated every guest who is involved in the mess the same, i may have continued to watch her.


Yeah, it makes me shiver to remember her harsh treatment of Crystal. Just mean. But then so kind and sympathetic to RC. Very puzzling to me. Then again, like krkrjx said above, she may have had a strategy back then, that just didn't pan out. Hope someday she will share her strange treatment of these parents with us.
I don't know about what involvement she may have had, but I don't buy, for a moment, any of GGM's "dropping off some laundry" stories.

GGM said "we" dropped off some laundry and Misty identified the "we" as Aunt Lisa. Donald and Elisa Squires lived at 420 Beecher Springs Rd. Crescent City, FL according to the DNR arrest report on the illegal hunting bust with Ronald.

It seems illogical enough that GGM would supposedly leave her home in Welaka at 7:00 at night for a 15 mile round trip just to deliver some laundry, but it stretches the logic even further to believe she first went several miles out of her way to pick up "Aunt Lisa".


Bottom line for me is simply this question: Why did GGM Annette Sykes really leave her home on a cold winter's night and drive so many miles to get to the trailer.......WITH A NURSE?

And to tie it to this thread, Why didn't Nancy Grace ask her?
I think she was probably there, but at an earlier time. Parts of her story ring true...the we drove up part, the being mad because Misty was back part, maybe even the kids eating. But parts of her story ring false...the Haleigh being in no shirt and eating on the porch at night parts. The changing time of the visit, the changing menu, and the whole clothes thing, seem to be an attempt by AS, in MOO, to alibi Ron, while keeping herself out of the position of being locked into describing key details. I mean what better way to not be forced to describe Haleigh's last outfit, then to say Haleigh didn't have on a shirt? & the thing about the green beans has me baffled. I'm guessing that LE maybe found the empty can sitting on the counter, but that still doesn't explain why it took so long to say it. AS acts like she's changing her story to fit information LE has, but at the same time, she doesn't act like she knows much about what happened. But...I really don't think, (at least not at this point), that LE is using AS's visit as a basis of the timeline. surely not. MOO.
I think she was probably there, but at an earlier time. Parts of her story ring true...the we drove up part, the being mad because Misty was back part, maybe even the kids eating. But parts of her story ring false...the Haleigh being in no shirt and eating on the porch at night parts. The changing time of the visit, the changing menu, and the whole clothes thing, seem to be an attempt by AS, in MOO, to alibi Ron, while keeping herself out of the position of being locked into describing key details. I mean what better way to not be forced to describe Haleigh's last outfit, then to say Haleigh didn't have on a shirt? & the thing about the green beans has me baffled. I'm guessing that LE maybe found the empty can sitting on the counter, but that still doesn't explain why it took so long to say it. AS acts like she's changing her story to fit information LE has, but at the same time, she doesn't act like she knows much about what happened. But...I really don't think, (at least not at this point), that LE is using AS's visit as a basis of the timeline. surely not. MOO.

BBM: I agree that AS alleged visit was an attempt to alibi Ron. I also agree that she may have changed her story to fit information LE has (or maybe to subtly refute info LE came by after she made her initial claim). I agree that LE might not at this point consider AS's alleged visit as a reliable basis for the timeline...but I do believe LE was at least in the beginning using AS visit time as the timeline.

LE said once they needed to know what happened between 7PM and 3AM...7PM being the time AS said she saw Haleigh alive, and 3AM being the time Misty said she woke up to find Haleigh missing.

At one point the time in question was changed to 8PM. For a while in between it was 7:30PM. And not too long ago it was back to 7 or 7:30PM.

I firmly believe LE used AS initially-stated visit time to establish a timeline of events. And either LE changed the timeframe when her story changed, or they changed it for some other reason and AS changed her story to coincide with LE's time.

And finally, why would AS have to alibi Ron? That would imply that he needed an alibi, which to me implies that AS knew something and IMO, it's either that Ron was involved in what happened to Haleigh or that he wasn't at work all the hours that he wants everyone to believe he was.

BBM: I agree that AS alleged visit was an attempt to alibi Ron. I also agree that she may have changed her story to fit information LE has (or maybe to subtly refute info LE came by after she made her initial claim). I agree that LE might not at this point consider AS's alleged visit as a reliable basis for the timeline...but I do believe LE was at least in the beginning using AS visit time as the timeline.

LE said once they needed to know what happened between 7PM and 3AM...7PM being the time AS said she saw Haleigh alive, and 3AM being the time Misty said she woke up to find Haleigh missing.

At one point the time in question was changed to 8PM. For a while in between it was 7:30PM. And not too long ago it was back to 7 or 7:30PM.

I firmly believe LE used AS initially-stated visit time to establish a timeline of events. And either LE changed the timeframe when her story changed, or they changed it for some other reason and AS changed her story to coincide with LE's time.

And finally, why would AS have to alibi Ron? That would imply that he needed an alibi, which to me implies that AS knew something and IMO, it's either that Ron was involved in what happened to Haleigh or that he wasn't at work all the hours that he wants everyone to believe he was.

agreed. Awhile back, I considered what it would take to get me to false alibi my daughter and surprisingly, it wasn't much...just the belief that she was innocent. Even if she was hiding something else, I think in my mind, I could separate the two things and back her story up. This is what I think might be happening here. I may have to eat those words if AS knows more, but in moo, her story, (stories), has done nothing but muddy the waters. But IMO, regardless of what she claims now or before, her story doesn't clear Ron. Maybe she knew some particular evidence was pointing LE to a certain time, so her visit time changed to fit their timeline? IDK, how this got started, but it seemed at the time, imo, she panicked because there was gaining speculation about Ron's actual work hours and Misty being gone that night, so she tried to put a stop to it. If this is true, would her admitting it, help solve the case? Ron reportedly failed a LDT, and her account surely wouldn't override that. If she was there earlier in the day, what was Haleigh wearing? the shirt that was later found? Why can't Misty get this right? It seems that she wasn't there, but according to CS, Jr said Misty was there and asleep. as was Haleigh. & I believe this information because Jr nor CS had reason to lie. unless someone put it in his head that Misty was asleep right beside him when Haleigh was taken. I wonder how easy it would be to insert extra details into a very young child's story & then have the child 'remember' them? MOO.
agreed. Awhile back, I considered what it would take to get me to false alibi my daughter and surprisingly, it wasn't much...just the belief that she was innocent. Even if she was hiding something else, I think in my mind, I could separate the two things and back her story up. This is what I think might be happening here. I may have to eat those words if AS knows more, but in moo, her story, (stories), has done nothing but muddy the waters. But IMO, regardless of what she claims now or before, her story doesn't clear Ron. Maybe she knew some particular evidence was pointing LE to a certain time, so her visit time changed to fit their timeline? IDK, how this got started, but it seemed at the time, imo, she panicked because there was gaining speculation about Ron's actual work hours and Misty being gone that night, so she tried to put a stop to it. If this is true, would her admitting it, help solve the case? Ron reportedly failed a LDT, and her account surely wouldn't override that. If she was there earlier in the day, what was Haleigh wearing? the shirt that was later found? Why can't Misty get this right? It seems that she wasn't there, but according to CS, Jr said Misty was there and asleep. as was Haleigh. & I believe this information because Jr nor CS had reason to lie. unless someone put it in his head that Misty was asleep right beside him when Haleigh was taken. I wonder how easy it would be to insert extra details into a very young child's story & then have the child 'remember' them? MOO.

I don't think giving a child a story as to what happened would be that difficult. He/she might not get all the details right, but wasn't early reports that Junior was all over the place. Some tried to accuse Crystal of putting the "black man" or "man with black clothing" in his head, but seems like he was with the Cummings more than with Crystal.
I hope LE tries to put some pressure on Annette and get her to crack. If they can get her to admit and finally confess that she didn't go to the home that night... Then we can see some action.

If I was LE, I would be focused on Annette... Annette, Annette, Annette.

And just think, the only person who has stated that she saw Annette when she came by that night is Misty! Imagine that! As far as I know, there are no other eye witnesses willing to put themselves at the MH that night when Great Grannie came by. The mystery relative has been named by Misty but as far as we know, this relative was not questioned. And now, the Neves and the Sykes are making statements about how much Misty lies so does that mean that her story about Annette Sykes and Aunt Elisa coming by is an outright lie? Who to believe...........hummmmmmmmm :waitasec:
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