Nancy Grace - Friday - Feb 12, 2010

DNA Solves
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Well, they have to be pointing the finger at CS, TN wouldn't put her own daughter's name out there, would she ?
Why on earth did NeJame say that he was sure Ron had nothing to do w/ Haleigh's disappearance ?

Because Misty failed her Poly/LVA miserably. :waitasec:I am not beginning to wonder if Nejame will be Ron's new attorney. Ron said he got a letter from an attorney. He didn't say who though.

And want to add...Misty has a bad potty mouth, boy she was going at it telling NG off. I am glad she did as well as her father, for my sake, but not in those words. Had to laugh when NG said the other day she had left over McDonald's chicken nuggets for dinner and today they came from Chick Fillet' (sp).

IMO, Ron, Misty and Tommy are going through some serious detox and are very very angry and are blaming the world. When this is all their own fault.
I don't buy what Ron is saying about LE having him say this or that....BS on that IMO. Why would he even say that knowing he is being recorded? Same way he called Misty in NY to tell her DB was undercover mama. Same way he stepped up to the plate when she failed her Poly/LVA he told everyone he stood by Misty and she had nothing to do with it. Early on he said it was not her fault she could not help Haleigh was taken. Something to that effect. That always struck me as odd.
I do wonder if Misty was not home,left the kids at a drug house/ lost track of the kids and really doesn't know exactly what happen.
:furious:I will stick to my feelings...If Ron would of never allowed Misty around the children this would of never happen.
:furious:If DCF would of taken the children 6 months prior to Haleigh going missing this would of never happen. If Misty was such a dope head this would of never happen!
Ron, Misty, and DCF....they all need to be charged. This was not Haleigh nor Jr.'s fault. All on Ron, Misty and DCF.:furious: my rant. Sorry.:angel:
Your entire post seems like dejavu from the DCF investigation months ago.......
maybe DCF, in a bid to save their butts, bet that SURELY, nothing else would happen . If that's the case, they sorely underestimated this bunch.
You guys are killing me, the Ron being a double agent for Ron and the Crystal Meth remarks, are just to much.
make that years ago. Did they not look @ his arrest record? did they not talk to the children's mother? drug test him? go into that house? Why didn't they interview the teen-lover-babysitter earlier? What in the world WERE they doing? not looking out for Haleigh, that's for sure.

Thats how CPS is they never do their job.Thats why so many children wind up dead esp in Fl.I say they are at least 13 months too late.
Misty sure gave Nancy a taste of her own medicine and much much more. I was surprised that Dad Hank is such a gentle soul - Lady, indeed. I enjoyed that segment of the tape thoroughly.
Do we know if she got all of the pills from a dentist ? It could have been from several dentists or doctors. I guess the others were also getting supplies from doctors/dentists. Misty said something about Ron taking her medication, in the latest jail video.
I have had more than my fair share of tooth aches in my life,,,and at no time did I ever get more than 4 or 5 pills for the pain,,,,,,at no time,,even when I had to go to 2 different dentist when I had an abcess,,,,,,,,so I would say that dentist needs to be investigated if it was just one....,
Misty has spent most of her time complaining about the jail, NG, her charges. Ron has spent his phone time (recently) talking about possible suspects in Haleigh's disappearance. IF Ron and TN really thought someone else took Haleigh, they would not be talking about it in a public phone call from jail, they would be telling LE. The reason for their recent phone call is obvious, IMO. And, to me it shows who is really nervous about what.
For the best MOM ever in the whole world as she likes to think Nancy sure feeds them a lot of fast food.Very unhealthy!
For the best MOM ever in the whole world as she likes to think Nancy sure feeds them a lot of fast food.Very unhealthy!

Ah. If MC and RC do watch the show...she probably just wants to get their mouths watering....
I bet TN was cringing when they started playing that tape of Ron and his Girlfriend, I bet TN thought she was going to play the racist stuff.
Misty has spent most of her time complaining about the jail, NG, her charges. Ron has spent his phone time (recently) talking about possible suspects in Haleigh's disappearance. IF Ron and TN really thought someone else took Haleigh, they would not be talking about it in a public phone call from jail, they would be telling LE. The reason for their recent phone call is obvious, IMO.

Exactly!!! They have paid close attention to the media and have fine tuned their discussion in jail accordngly. Very media savvy.

Meanwhile, Misty is so full of herself that she hasn't realized yet that she is just digging herself into a deeper hole and needs to quit digging.
TN called MC a witch. "You got that witch over there in a cell and noone else could". Not exact words maybe but close enough.

Sorry, I'm kinda behind with all the details, is she implying that RC intentionally got caught with drugs just to get MC arrested? I find that almost impossible to believe. Sounds like something that only a mother could believe!
Misty has spent most of her time complaining about the jail, NG, her charges. Ron has spent his phone time (recently) talking about possible suspects in Haleigh's disappearance. IF Ron and TN really thought someone else took Haleigh, they would not be talking about it in a public phone call from jail, they would be telling LE. The reason for their recent phone call is obvious, IMO. And, to me it shows who is really nervous about what.

I agree!
:waitasec:And why? Why dose TN sound so drunk or drugged? Am I the only one that is noticing that? It dose not sound like she is crying. Her words are slurred IMO.
Exactly!!! They have paid close attention to the media and have fine tuned their discussion in jail accordngly. Very media savvy.

Meanwhile, Misty is so full of herself that she hasn't realized yet that she is just digging herself into a deeper hole and needs to quit digging.

I for one am very happy she is digging her hole deeper.I believe she is responsible for whatever happened to Haleigh,so if they dont get her for Haleigh at least she will be spending a loooong time in a cell.Thats fine by me.
I bet TN was cringing when they started playing that tape of Ron and his Girlfriend, I bet TN thought she was going to play the racist stuff.

Thats a good thought! I didn't consider...but now that you say that I bet you are SO right! Everyone knows Nancy has heard of this! I still think someone else said she is keeping the Cummings close for more interviews from them. Why else would she not say anything about it?
I also thought Teresa's voice sounded a little slurred. I just can't see how Misty took the kids around any people that night, outside the trailer. Surely someone would have talked. Maybe she left them alone and asked Tommy to come by and check on them and she knows anything she says will implicate Tommy and she's not sure he did anything wrong?
Exactly!!! They have paid close attention to the media and have fine tuned their discussion in jail accordingly. Very media savvy.

Meanwhile, Misty is so full of herself that she hasn't realized yet that she is just digging herself into a deeper hole and needs to quit digging.

Lets not forget Ron has a high IQ as a criminal. This is Misty's first offense as an adult. Ron knows his way around the system and that all his calls and visits are recorded. Why do you think TN keeps bringing up Haleigh...that is when Ron talks about Haleigh. I have not heard that audio that TN said all Ron did was cry and ask about the search for Haleigh. Even when Ron did the interview with Dana, Dana brought up Haleigh and that is when Ron made a brief comment. The only one I see since day one talking and pleading for Misty to tell all she knows about Haleigh is Hank Sr. Then in other calls he family has told her and asked to to tell what she knows. Ron had a year to get Misty to talk if true that is what he was doing. But he didn't, he has not shared anything knew, he claims Misty told him the same thing she told LE and he was at "Werk".:banghead:
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