Nancy Grace Headline News 29 Oct 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
When I heard LP say that Lee was emailing mass amounts of people, asking them not to donate to TES, and trashing TES, I decided I'd had enough.

I've just finished typing up a letter that I will be FedEx'ing to HARPO productions in the morning, addressed to Oprah and her personal assistant (who knows, she might read it and it can't hurt to try), challenging Oprah and all of her Hollywood friends to each donate at least $1,000. to TES, in honor and memory of all the missing, lost and murdered children in our country. That amount would be peanuts to them.

You guys may think that I've "cracked", and maybe I have, but I can't just sit by and let LA get away with this without doing anything. Being that I live in the "Golf Capital" of our country, I'm also going to send the same letter to the Arnold Palmer Foundation tomorrow, and challenge that he and all of his pro-golfer friends throughout Florida, donate to TES as well.

And I'm not stopping there. Anyone else of power and wealth that I think I can get through to, I'm going to write them a letter and challenge them to donate as well.

So LA, if you are reading here, you've done ticked off the wrong person.

You Go Guy/Girl!!! Great idea!
I honestly think they are going to try and play off of a story that casey witnessed a murder, they put the victim in her trunk and the murderer took off with caylee. I think that's why george said it wasn't his granddaughter in the trunk. i think they are resigned to the fact that there was a dead body, but I think Casey and JB have convinced them that it's someone else. I just feel like they are not going to deny a body being there, rather that it wasn't caylee to try and establish reasonable doubt. that's why it's so important to NOT find caylee and I think that's why they were trying to cast so much doubt on her ex-fiance, JG.

I think this is how the defense will play it at trial too.
I agree completely. They should be so busy and occupied with finding her and worrying about her that they don't bother attacking and discrediting others. But you know that has always bothered me - The A's never talk about missing her and they don't seem to be bothered much with not seeing her in so many weeks. As a grandmother, a weekend can be too long to be away. Especially if you are worried sick about them ... I don't get this feeling from any of them. jmo

Exactly, even Susan Smith went on the air and begged that her boys be returned. Not once have I seen any of the family make an appeal that whoever has Caylee to return her. Or, did I miss that video?
I honestly think they are going to try and play off of a story that casey witnessed a murder, they put the victim in her trunk and the murderer took off with caylee. I think that's why george said it wasn't his granddaughter in the trunk. i think they are resigned to the fact that there was a dead body, but I think Casey and JB have convinced them that it's someone else. I just feel like they are not going to deny a body being there, rather that it wasn't caylee to try and establish reasonable doubt. that's why it's so important to NOT find caylee and I think that's why they were trying to cast so much doubt on her ex-fiance, JG.

I am not so sure. While I could see them wanting to concoct something of the ilk, to do so they would have to provide evidence, names, etc. I can not see how they would be able to support this without putting Casey on the stand.. it will be a cold day in hell when that happens.
When I heard LP say that Lee was emailing mass amounts of people, asking them not to donate to TES, and trashing TES, I decided I'd had enough.

I've just finished typing up a letter that I will be FedEx'ing to HARPO productions in the morning, addressed to Oprah and her personal assistant (who knows, she might read it and it can't hurt to try), challenging Oprah and all of her Hollywood friends to each donate at least $1,000. to TES, in honor and memory of all the missing, lost and murdered children in our country. That amount would be peanuts to them.

You guys may think that I've "cracked", and maybe I have, but I can't just sit by and let LA get away with this without doing anything. Being that I live in the "Golf Capital" of our country, I'm also going to send the same letter to the Arnold Palmer Foundation tomorrow, and challenge that he and all of his pro-golfer friends throughout Florida, donate to TES as well.

And I'm not stopping there. Anyone else of power and wealth that I think I can get through to, I'm going to write them a letter and challenge them to donate as well.

So LA, if you are reading here, you've done ticked off the wrong person.

Let me guess, you're a redhead, huh. Bless you for your actions.
Not to mention the contradictory actions on their part participating in a gathering with 12 other families of missing persons in Tallahassee the other day with Governor Crist of Florida. All those people are victims too! Their loved ones are "missing". They don't know whether they are deceased or alive, yet the A's KNOW that Caylee is alive?! So, why were they there?

or, the A's KNOW that Caylee is dead! So, why were they there?
I never believed George saw them on the 16th either. I think he was just trying to play that up so they could stick to their story that there was no fight on the night of the 15th (when I think that Casey ran off mad w/ Caylee in tow). Also describing her dressed up in a sense was his way of trying to support that she had a job to go to. Where, I have no idea!!!!

I agree. Also, Cindy never heard them in the bedroom on the morning of the 16th. All lies. They were trying to put out there that there was no fight that night, everything was just hunky-dory with the "loving" A Family. They also did not want to cast suspicion on KC that she left the house in a rage on the night of the 15th and probably killed Caylee soon after to spite Cindy.
When I heard LP say that Lee was emailing mass amounts of people, asking them not to donate to TES, and trashing TES, I decided I'd had enough.

<respectfully snipped>

So LA, if you are reading here, you've done ticked off the wrong person.

Thank you for doing this! You could try the Steinbrenners (in Tampa) - the owners of the NY Yankees. I know they donate to certain charities and to the hurricane relief funds.

I thought Hancock was a movie she went to at Waterford Lakes?

Hancock was the Will Smith movie that came out this year. She also saw Hellboy II on July 13th (released on July 11th accdg to Google) according to LA's list of receipts. She sure was busy watching movies while Caylee was "missing". Must have been searching in movies that were inappropriate for 2-year old. :rolleyes:

Poor little Caylee, my heart breaks for you. :cry:
Hmm. I never knew this bit of information. Perhaps they felt they had a good reason to toss the animals and toys. Maybe they knew then that Caylee wasn't coming home. jmo

George threw out garbage bags of donated stuffed animals and toys in full view of the media. When asked about it, I believe it was Lee who said they smelled from smoke and the A Family had a non-smoking household. It was then that I started to dislike this family immensely. If in fact they smelled of smoke, those stuffed animals/toys could have been cleaned up and given to children's hospitals, orphanages, etc. I thought at that time what a selfish, mean-spirited bunch of ingrates. My opinion of them has not changed and has gotten worse.
These half *advertiser censored**ed "clues" are driving me nuts. So LP is suggesting that on the 27th she bought 2 crosses at JCP? And that one of these two is "missing"?

I'm really curious about these two crosses. If Casey did, in fact, purchase two crosses, one for herself and one for Caylee, and she did put one on Caylee prior to disposing of her, could a medal detector be used find the cross/Caylee?
George threw out garbage bags of donated stuffed animals and toys in full view of the media. When asked about it, I believe it was Lee who said they smelled from smoke and the A Family had a non-smoking household. It was then that I started to dislike this family immensely. If in fact they smelled of smoke, those stuffed animals/toys could have been cleaned up and given to children's hospitals, orphanages, etc. I thought at that time what a selfish, mean-spirited bunch of ingrates. My opinion of them has not changed and has gotten worse.

Only smokers sent toys?

Remember, they only wash clothes that stink like a dead body, not toys that stink of smoke. There are rules.
Only smokers sent toys?

Remember, they only wash clothes that stink like a dead body, not toys that stink of smoke. There are rules.

LOL. And also wash a knife that has God knows what on it and put it back in the cutlery drawer with the rest of their utensils. Looks like the rules only apply when they are disposing of evidence.
I wonder if she would've been stupid enough to have done that? I really can't imagine her killing Caylee then doing the kind act of putting a cross necklace on her for burial. It seems beyond bizarre, imo.

Isn't everything associated with the Anthony's and Casey just bizarre?
When I heard LP say that Lee was emailing mass amounts of people, asking them not to donate to TES, and trashing TES, I decided I'd had enough.

I've just finished typing up a letter that I will be FedEx'ing to HARPO productions in the morning, addressed to Oprah and her personal assistant (who knows, she might read it and it can't hurt to try), challenging Oprah and all of her Hollywood friends to each donate at least $1,000. to TES, in honor and memory of all the missing, lost and murdered children in our country. That amount would be peanuts to them.

You guys may think that I've "cracked", and maybe I have, but I can't just sit by and let LA get away with this without doing anything. Being that I live in the "Golf Capital" of our country, I'm also going to send the same letter to the Arnold Palmer Foundation tomorrow, and challenge that he and all of his pro-golfer friends throughout Florida, donate to TES as well.

And I'm not stopping there. Anyone else of power and wealth that I think I can get through to, I'm going to write them a letter and challenge them to donate as well.

So LA, if you are reading here, you've done ticked off the wrong person.

No not all cracked up...LA has though!! I will be asking all of my family (lg one too!) to help TES. I have sent it out an e-mail to everyone from my address book too!!!! :blowkiss: You'e an :angel:!
I remember during the initial conflict between Cindy and Tim, Cindy was upset because she was thinking Tim would be doing the search for a live Caylee. She did not want to work with him when she realized he was not doing that type of search.

I'm not saying the Anthony's are right. I'm just not rushing to the judgment that they are guilty of anything for not wanting Tim to search for a dead Caylee. I think Lee actually thinks he's doing the people he sent the email to a service by telling them not to waste their money on a search.

AND...when people search and do not find anything, I don't think it makes people come to the conclusion that the person is then not dead. So I can see why someone who believed Caylee was alive would not want a search for a dead Caylee to go on. To them, there is no point. Not finding her doesn't help.

With that theory Lee should also not be asking for donations to search for an alive Caylee... we all know they Anthony's have not searched for a dead or alive Caylee... yet they have taken a lot of donations to do so.
Sorry this is about money and the Anthony's greed...remember Cindy accusing Tim of stealing $300 from the Caylee search fund! GREED!
I am sure living off the generosity of the public beats the he!! out of actually going to work!
George threw out garbage bags of donated stuffed animals and toys in full view of the media. When asked about it, I believe it was Lee who said they smelled from smoke and the A Family had a non-smoking household. It was then that I started to dislike this family immensely. If in fact they smelled of smoke, those stuffed animals/toys could have been cleaned up and given to children's hospitals, orphanages, etc. I thought at that time what a selfish, mean-spirited bunch of ingrates. My opinion of them has not changed and has gotten worse.

I don't think that was the purpose at all. I think they threw out something of Caylee's which smelled like her dead body in those. CA smokes, so WHY would smoke be an issue?
I honestly think they are going to try and play off of a story that casey witnessed a murder, they put the victim in her trunk and the murderer took off with caylee. I think that's why george said it wasn't his granddaughter in the trunk. i think they are resigned to the fact that there was a dead body, but I think Casey and JB have convinced them that it's someone else. I just feel like they are not going to deny a body being there, rather that it wasn't caylee to try and establish reasonable doubt. that's why it's so important to NOT find caylee and I think that's why they were trying to cast so much doubt on her ex-fiance, JG.

I think they tried originally to tie it in to the NG case at the park, but had their applecart upset when they had their dates off and LE caught them in it.
I wonder if she would've been stupid enough to have done that? I really can't imagine her killing Caylee then doing the kind act of putting a cross necklace on her for burial. It seems beyond bizarre, imo.

I disagree, it's just the right amount of drama. Remember KC was preparing to play the part of a mother whose child had been kidnapped. She didn't know it was going to explode in her face. It also would have been quite the private little put down of LEO's to be wearing it in front of them, knowing why she really bought it and knowing she had put one on Caylee too.

KC really didn't plan this whole thing out too well, did she? I wonder how she thought it was going to play out?

Are prisoners permitted to wear religious symbols/jewelry? Or did Cindy keep the necklace?

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