Nancy Grace Headline News 29 Oct 2008

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When I heard LP say that Lee was emailing mass amounts of people, asking them not to donate to TES, and trashing TES, I decided I'd had enough.

I've just finished typing up a letter that I will be FedEx'ing to HARPO productions in the morning, addressed to Oprah and her personal assistant (who knows, she might read it and it can't hurt to try), challenging Oprah and all of her Hollywood friends to each donate at least $1,000. to TES, in honor and memory of all the missing, lost and murdered children in our country. That amount would be peanuts to them.

You guys may think that I've "cracked", and maybe I have, but I can't just sit by and let LA get away with this without doing anything. Being that I live in the "Golf Capital" of our country, I'm also going to send the same letter to the Arnold Palmer Foundation tomorrow, and challenge that he and all of his pro-golfer friends throughout Florida, donate to TES as well.

And I'm not stopping there. Anyone else of power and wealth that I think I can get through to, I'm going to write them a letter and challenge them to donate as well.

So LA, if you are reading here, you've done ticked off the wrong person.

Good for you!! :woohoo:
I've been saying this all along.

It was over a month when le got this statement from GA.

He made it all up. IMO

I think he made up a lot of scenarios that might have actually happened but not on the days he's nailing down. Plus his stories have way too many details to be believed.

the devil's in the details~

So going with this theory ... what did GA tell the GJ? He couldn't have lied to THEM, could he? Or did he?
Someone needs to make a video of the way the A fam has acted and do a side by side comparison all through it to show the way other families have responded to their missing loved ones. Then they need to show it to the A fam so they understand why people are so horrified and angered by their actions in this case.
Someone needs to make a video of the way the A fam has acted and do a side by side comparison all through it to show the way other families have responded to their missing loved ones. Then they need to show it to the A fam so they understand why people are so horrified and angered by their actions in this case.

Great idea. :)

I'm sure the Anthonys still wouldn't see anything wrong with their behavior.
Originally Posted by Thinaire
I do remember the lady that picked up one of the trash bags in front of the A's house saying there were cig butts in it...
And broken beer bottles...which were all probably from picking up after the protesters so not from the A fam.
So going with this theory ... what did GA tell the GJ? He couldn't have lied to THEM, could he? Or did he?

I don't think he lied. And if he did, he wasn't very convincing, because she ended up indicted after what, 30 minutes of deliberation? I think had she not been indicted, I would've thought maybe he lied.
Yeah, it would be STOOOPID. To put a cross purchased at JCP after your daughter allegedly goes missing, purchased on your mother's cc from JCP, and which you won't be able to account for, and which could later be found on the child's body, and which ALSO could be found by a metal detector (if she's buried). STOOOPID!

God, I wish my metal detector was working!

Maybe KC bought the cross as an afterthought after realizing she had not spent any of her other ill gotten gains on Caylee? Perhaps it was her birthday present to Caylee. "See I know she is alive that's why I bought her a necklace for her 3rd birthday" I know I am reaching, but I cannot believe she would place a necklace on a dead body, although I do think she may have placed it near the body. I wish I had a metal detector!
I don't think the Movies she rented are important - "Jumpers & Untraceable"

for all we know Tony may have picked them out -

What is important though is the DATE & TIME

Isn't she supposed to be sitting on the steps of Sawgrass waiting for ZG to come home with Caylee?

Casey said that after she got tired of waiting for ZG to show up at sawgrass with Caylee she drove around to places that ZG was known to frequent...[/QUOTE]
Nice catch! :clap:

OMG. Good point. This very possibly gives LE yet another lie of KC's to tick off in court. 'She says she was at work, or trying to pick up the baby, or waiting for the sitter, or calling these disconnected numbers. Not only didn't she make any calls, but here she is not where she said she was. Why is that!?'
That's what I thought. I think KC gave her mom one. Maybe to thank her for helping her cover her deed?! I don't think the other cross was for Caylee. When was CA's birthday? I can't recall. Perhaps this was a birthday gift? (bought on CA's own account, how low can you go?).

Cindy's birthday was June 5th.
So going with this theory ... what did GA tell the GJ? He couldn't have lied to THEM, could he? Or did he?

Is it possible that LE convinced GA they would drop charges of lying to investigators & impeding an investigation if he would testify honestly at the GJ hearings???
I didn't mean to step on your toes with my post. I know it's been mentioned before about the implausibility (sp) of GA remembering all of the details, but I couldn't remember who mentioned it.

Nah, you didn't step on anybody's toes. I was agreeing with you completely.
Every story from this family is made up (as far as I'm concerned).

KC tells them a lie and they run with it.

Now she's got JB believing her. :(
I don't think that was the purpose at all. I think they threw out something of Caylee's which smelled like her dead body in those. CA smokes, so WHY would smoke be an issue?

I didn't know CA smoked either. Say it isn't so? :rolleyes: CA also stated that the stuffed animals were discarded because they smelled of smoke and she had a non-smoking house and didn't want the smell in her home. So, take them to Goodwill or a Rescue organization - not to the landfill! :bang:

KC really didn't plan this whole thing out too well, did she? I wonder how she thought it was going to play out?

Are prisoners permitted to wear religious symbols/jewelry? Or did Cindy keep the necklace?

The cross necklace that CA wears looks large in comparison to the one that KC wore, IMO. I don't believe the prisoners are allowed jewelry, but I'm not 100% positive. As for KC's lies - someone on NG said that she is a really good liar. I disagree. She lies but she isn't very good at it; nothing she has said is believable.

I grew up in Wisconsin and my Mom uses "traipsing". It was never in a positive way. More "traipsing all over the place to find the sale item"

I grew up in the Florida Panhandle and my parents (and I do too) use traipsing and galavantin'. EX: he's traipsing through the woods...or she's off galavantin'
Personally , I think she would be stupid enough to do that. jmo though.

If she did buy two crosses and one was found with the body, that would be irrefutable evidence that links Casey to the death of Caylee.
Re: The e-mail, the Anthonys' behavior

I think these people are under a tremendous amount of stress; they are praying and hoping desperately to find Caylee alive. They are lashing out at others. I think it's normal behavior for people living under these circumstances. IMO.

I respectfully disagree. Certainly, some emotional outbursts are to be expected. I personally know I couldn't have stood having protesters outside my house and would have lost it. But, lashing out suggests an impulsive outburst driven by emotion. This wholesale campaign of trashing anyone who doesn't buy into Cindy's scenario of a live Caylee is another thing entirely. Cindy has called in to Nancy Grace, sent out press releases, and now sent mass emails to trash Tim Miller.

If nothing else, I would have expected Nejame would put an end to that sort of thing because of how it turns people off. Also, some of her statements are actionable, as Nejame certainly knows. If Tim weren't a decent human being, she would probably have already been sued for slander.
This is a little gross and I don't mean to offend, but if KC bought that cross and put it on Caylee, that would be approx 11 days after we are theorizing she died..wouldn't that be kind of yucky to be putting a cross on her at that time..Would even KC have the stomache for that?

Yes, if she literally put it around her neck. She could have just buried her with it.

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