NANCY GRACE - Monday, 12/29/08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I don't know if one works 'for' the other, but apparently they work together.

Thank you! I was beyond confused!:blowkiss:

Didn't LP say that "H" showed him the minute and a half video? Why would a PI working for the As show LP a video? Doesn't make sense, does it?
Maybe the baby sitter killed Caylee. If they found Caylee, then Casey would be let out of jail - since the baby sitter did it.
Possible thinking on the Anthony's part?
But the problem is ~ when would the nanny have had access to Casey's car back in late June? :confused:
re: KC & LA "code taliking"...... be nice to know what the dead hampster's NAME was.

Maybe he was a black hamster named jack. That could be the missing black jack. How you like my way of thinking?:crazy::crazy::crazy:
This really has changed my mind about him because it isn't even logical. MOO
Uh, yes. I feel like I've been punched in the stomach by LP's theories tonight! What the heck is going on? I don't get it!
What I can't understand is if LA is involved in moving Caylee's body, why wouldn't he put it further into the woods where it wouldn't be found? The bag was only about 20 ft. from the road ~ surely he could've carried it further than Casey could. That's why I think she's the one who put it there. I don't see RK involved at all. Poor guy! MOO

It's a ridiculous theory. If Lee moved the body, why wouldn't he do a better job of hiding it? Why would he leave items with the bag that led directly to the Anthony home? At this late date, with the remains being skeletal, he could have tossed the whole thing into a dumpster and no one would have ever known.
I swear, if it turns out that ANYONE other than Casey knew where this child's body was, and let her lay there and rot to nothing, I will blow up the Rant and Rave thread with one long post that will take up so much server space!!!!!:furious:
If Lee is involved with moving the body or trying to cover something up I think he did it on his own.

I don't think The Meter Reader is involved -

I think he's just somebody who was obsessed with the case ( Just like all of us here at WS)

He worked in the area & he spotted a bag back in August

LE screwed up by never searching the area & he went back to check after the water went down

sounds good to me..........

after the LE saw CAYLEE's bag......could LE see lime or foot prints that match LA? fingerprints on something? even outside the bag?
All of a sudden the focus is going to LA????
i came in late--what's been said about oj and LA? i don't care for this lady, she can't get any of the names right.
With all due respect to you, jandkmom, I think this is another instance of Spoon --uh, I mean LP -- stirring the pot. :mad:

I know...he just spouts off all sorts of stuff, but for some reason he is likable.

I just keep wanting LA to step up and be a voice for Caylee. I thought he was going to be until the "high five", and I was hoping maybe he was not wanting her body to go undiscovered and for this to be over.
Maybe the baby sitter killed Caylee. If they found Caylee, then Casey would be let out of jail - since the baby sitter did it.
Possible thinking on the Anthony's part?

There is no Babysitter though & the Anthony's were swearing up & down that Caylee was spotted in Atlanta or where ever it was.

That was their best bet for an acquittal ....."Caylee's Alive"
Thank you! I was beyond confused!:blowkiss:

Didn't LP say that "H" showed him the minute and a half video? Why would a PI working for the As show LP a video? Doesn't make sense, does it?

I don't know, but I now get the feeling that I know who it is that WFTV so frequently quotes as their "source".
Well by this time I'd think it would be a little late ~ he's had months to get rid of anything possibly connected with Caylee. :mad: MOO

Well, the one redeeming factor is, imo, we ain't dealin' with the sharpest knives in the drawer. KWIM?

In addition, perhaps LE has been watching his every move much more than he (or we) ever thought. Sure hope so.

Their driveways definitely do not go all the way to the house! The A's (all of 'em) and their r@ping of the English Language screams ..... pure dumbness!

They are waay in over their head. THIS time, they have been handed a mountain they cannot climb! 'Bout time, imo.
I don't think anyone moved the body. If LA knew where the body was I just think he wanted it found to stop his parents from going on with their charade OR LA may not have want it found at all. I can't wait to hear the whole story from the meter reader.
playing lee's audio interview with le---i just listened to this today.
Dr Perper just said he has no doubt the duct tape was put on the childs mouth while she was alive- that would prove aggravated child abuse right there no doubt shes going down- this bull about her maybe walking cannot come true
Walking? As in Casey going free? Not going to happen!:shakehead: Wow that really is bull!

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