Nancy Grace - Monday, 9/29/08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
my personal feeling is caylee was in there or there was evidence that caylee had been in there, and knowing her dad is ex-LE she was bond and determined to keep him out of there. I also believe george is kicking himself for not actually looking in there.

I too have a feeling Caylee was there at that time.
Timeline of Caylee going missing would've been a week by that date, June 24 it is certainly possible she was there. Nancy's new FP (don't remember his name...guess Dr. Kobi is persona non grata now?) said tonight that a body would be odiferous in a trunk to the point where it would be noticed from outside by about 36 hours...definitely very noticable by 10 days.

No wonder she ran past her father in the driveway swearing and swore again as she shoved the gas cans at him. Too close of a call for her.
wouldn't they have to find KC searching info on ZG before July 16. I understand Jesse heard about Zanny way back in 2006. I can't remember how long CA says she had heard of her, but I think it's a while back. So, JG and CA both heard of ZG before July 16th. If she didn't know the ZG of sawgrass on June 17th, and she researched her, her pc would show it. she didn't just pick this name out of thin air in June/July. unless both JG and CA are also lying. jmo

Nobody heard the name Zenaida until Caylee went missing

Jessie & Cindy both heard the name "Zanny"

Casey had a "Fake Nanny " that she called "Zanny"

When something happened to Caylee Casey decides to blame Zanny - The Nanny

Obvously the police are gong to want to know more about who this Zanny is so casey has to come up with details

Such as her real name & where she lived

So that's how Zanny became Zenaida

All of this is just my opinion
Hi Everyone..I'm going to play devils advocate..I listened to CA interview today. LE asked her something to the affect was there anyone she wasn't comfortable with and she said JG. I know from my own experience that my Grandsons father, if put in the same position, would behave the same way JG is and let me tell you he's a real jerk as long as no one is watching. I guess my point is nothing is as it seems sometimes. Sometimes being overly cooperative can be an attempt to overcompensate for something else. Not making any point other than I'll keep an open mind either way about JG. Also I have a question: Is there any documents currently available confirming that JG took a poly or is this hear say from a source. At this point I don't believe anything unless I see it in black and white!:waitasec:
ITA, and IIRC RG and JG are the ones who have said he took a 6 hour poly, and passed it.
I'm under the impression that LE doesn't suspect JG at all though. Still, ITA with you. JG keeps adding to or changing his story.
I agree- I don't think he could even have fathomed KC would have killed Caylee at that time. I mean, he's still having trouble w/it and look at all the evidence we have now. I do struggle w/WHY he didn't call the cops after driving that "death mobile" home w/the windows open!? :eek: That dog don't hunt IMO. :mad: Maybe he was just not ready to admit it to himself and didn't want to FREAK OUT CA- who was evidently about to lose it. The power of self-delusion is phenomenal!
Yes - BUT any normal, "innocent". law-abiding person is NOT going to "implicate" or "involve" themself in a crime THAT heinous - albeit your child, your spouse, your parent, whoever!!! I have asked many many people in the past few months what they would have done having been summoned to retrieve that car and what actions they would have taken once they got a good whiff - and not one of them have said - "oh I would drive it home and clean it out and go right on to work like any normal day". Plus him being ex-LE he knows the law and the "protocol of evidence" right down to not touching anything!!!
Cindy says that Zanny could be a code word for either Amy or Jesse - then she goes on to say why one of these two could be responsible for Caylee's disappearance

That's not what she said. :waitasec:
Did you all notice the caller who asked something about getting a search team that was better? (I couldn't hear everything she said...) LP said that if Tim Miller told him there was a better organization he would believe him, but the fact is, there is NO ONE better at it than Tim. I was SO proud of him for saying that! Tim IS the best, and it makes me angry every time I think about how Cindy dissed him like she did.
I have started to wonder that myself drippy. I think she had seized upon the first name earlier (name from hs, etc) and upon seeing that paper some how or way at sawgrass she developed her mark. She did, after all, have 31 days to do it.:bang:

Hiya nursie. I'm waiting for the ng transcripts to come out because I thought I heard ca was googling zg in May.
I've been nothing but astounded since this last batch came out.
Freuds dream.
imo moo jmo
I believe it was the odor she didn't want him to find. Surely she wouldn't have been stupid enough to drive up to her parents' house with the dead baby in the trunk!
Why not?! The dead baby was buried in their backyard! People keep forgetting this point.
O/T (sorta) dont men realize the need for NG every night?? My boyfriend is grumpy cause hes going to bed alone again tonight.....can you even believe it?? lol I told him at 9pm I would be up there......sheesh! the nerve!
LOL! My fiancee' comes home from work every night and says, "did I make it in time for Nancy Grace?" He is every bit involved with this case as I am, 'cept he spends most of his puter time on Ebay or music sites. :Banane08:
From OCSD Computer Forensics Report first page item 2

Can anybody tell me what this is about?

Dated July 3rd, 2008

From a my space Blog "My Caylee is missing"
Nobody heard the name Zenaida until Caylee went missing

Jessie & Cindy both heard the name "Zanny"

Casey had a "Fake Nanny " that she called "Zanny"

When something happened to Caylee Casey decides to blame Zanny - The Nanny

Obvously the police are gong to want to know more about who this Zanny is so casey has to come up with details

Such as her real name & where she lived

So that's how Zanny became Zenaida

All of this is just my opinion

I tend to agree, but who would think of a nickname like Zanny? Unless that was the nickname of her schoolmate with that name.
George, maybe?

The timeline on the 27th is kooky....I find it hard to believe that she was out of gas and at amscot by 7am that morning. That would mean that she would have had to run out of gas and leave that parking lot before the employee at amscot saw the car (she did not mention seeing anyone in or around the car). And Casey normally avoided her house when she knew her parents were home...especially her mom.
Well do you still have all of your teeth? :eek:
Because my mom would have knocked all of mine right out of my head if I ever spoke to her the way that KC talked to Cindy... and I would have expected her to!

LOL- true that! You do not cuss in front of my parents either! I remember my dad once scolding an obnoxious couple in line - he just asked (w/all the authority that being 6.5 grants you) that they please watch their language- he didn't appreciate it -in front of his daughter (standing there -late 20s- and MORTIFIED :eek:)!
Yes! Thank you Chilly. The search wasn't (imo) done by was done by a family member trying to figure out what was going on....Casey had given that name and they were trying to find Caylee.

Other things to remember about the whole Zanny thing:

Casey could not identify the ZFG that saw the apartment at sawgrass in a photo line up LE gave her.

Casey told LE that ZFG did not have kids

JG has only reported hearing the name Zani from Casey in November of 2007. It was RG that first had the conversation with Casey about the new nanny in 2006...I am unclear if he heard the name Zani or Zanaida at that point.

Don't forget also KC's description of ZG in her 4 page statement on 7/16/2008 did not match the real ZG at all.
KC said she was 25 yrs old!
Does it irritate anyone else that GA felt the need to trick KC to get in the trunk. I mean WTH.... isn't he the father, he should have just went in the trunk. IMO this shows part of what went wrong with KC. Bad parenting. They let this girl run their household.

I agree. And the language she used toward him. If I ever said that to my father it would have been the last words to have come out of my mouth.
From OCSD Computer Forensics Report first page item 2

Can anybody tell me what this is about?

Dated July 3rd, 2008

From a my space Blog "My Caylee is missing"

Cindy wrote a blog on her myspace about not having seen her granddaughter in weeks and how her daughter ungrateful....the blog itself is a bit cryptic...but sounds like cindy was upset about Casey not letting her see Caylee. the blog itself is posted somewhere...I think it is in those documents too.
Nobody heard the name Zenaida until Caylee went missing

Jessie & Cindy both heard the name "Zanny"

Casey had a "Fake Nanny " that she called "Zanny"

When something happened to Caylee Casey decides to blame Zanny - The Nanny

Obvously the police are gong to want to know more about who this Zanny is so casey has to come up with details

Such as her real name & where she lived

So that's how Zanny became Zenaida

All of this is just my opinion
ok, Boston, I had forgotten that she hadn't used the name Zenaida, but then is it just chance that Zenaida is at sawgrass on the same day/s that Caylee just happens to disappear? This is troubling me.

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