Nancy Grace - Monday, 9/29/08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I think Casey was looking up missing children websites in order to come up with a plausible scenario for Caylee's abduction.

Once she decided on the kidnapping by nanny story, she had to come up with a nanny. Casey somehow learned that a woman by the name of ZG had looked at an apartment at Sawgrass Apt. She may have been at Sawgrass Apts. some time ago visiting friends there (Annie?) and was familiar with the apartments. Once she had a name, she Googled that name to come up with some background information.

The next thing Casey needed to do was to look into a method of killing. She looked into chloroform.

Three things - scenario, suspect, and method of killing. All this points to premeditation.
Your scenario sounds like this could be alot like the way KC planned it all out. Geez! She is EVIL!!!:furious:
I certainly agree that it was a premeditated act!
I could see Cindy doing that, but George? I don't think so...I just don't see him having that type of evil inside. Cindy, mos definitely.
we are talking about the same GA that threw his own father through a plate glass window 'cause he got mad - right?
I totally agree with you that this is how she came up with the name.

All it proves is that Casy had been using an imaginary Zanny for years

There is no Zanny

When something happened to Caylee she decided to say that Zanny took her

So when LE asked her what Zanny's real name was she had to come up with something

Zenaida became Zanny

It could have been a woman named Zelda or any other Z name

She searched her computer for a local woman with a Z in her name & cam up with Zenaida G

So she used that name
Hi Everyone..I'm going to play devils advocate..I listened to CA interview today. LE asked her something to the affect was there anyone she wasn't comfortable with and she said JG. I know from my own experience that my Grandsons father, if put in the same position, would behave the same way JG is and let me tell you he's a real jerk as long as no one is watching. I guess my point is nothing is as it seems sometimes. Sometimes being overly cooperative can be an attempt to overcompensate for something else. Not making any point other than I'll keep an open mind either way about JG. Also I have a question: Is there any documents currently available confirming that JG took a poly or is this hear say from a source. At this point I don't believe anything unless I see it in black and white!:waitasec:

Thank you!!!! I've had exactly the same thought. Cindy said that Jesse is hot tempered and everyone freaked out and accused her of lying. But really, what do we know? Maybe he is hot tempered, maybe that's why he had to leave the police force.

My brother is a real charmer, people that don't know him well think he's wonderful. Little do they know that three wives had to leave him and go into hiding because he's so violent. I myself haven't seen him in over a decade because I don't need that in my life. I've had people argue with me about it, accuse me of lying when I've been subject to his wrath myself, simply for putting one too many pieces of ham on his sandwich.
OK, now I am really confused. Someone just posted that on the 21 and 22 there was no activity... on kc's cell phone?? Is that what was said? Or did they mean no text or no internet activity? (

After every episode of nancy I think I get more confused about this case, I have to come to WS to validated dates etc).
IMO from the minute I heard that GA drove that death car home - with his head hung out the window - and that he admittedly KNEW that smell - yet he got in it drove it home - and that was WAY BACK at the end of July!!! Now with everything else we have found out - oh yes!!!! Anyone - ANYONE that got into a car with THAT smell and wasn't back out of it like a rocket and scrambling for the cell and shaking while you punch 911 as fast as you can is "involved" or "knows" WHY that car was like THAT!!!

IMO LE is waiting to charge because when they do charge its going to be a regular ole round-up at Casa Anthony!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Oh I certainly hope so!!!
my personal feeling is caylee was in there or there was evidence that caylee had been in there, and knowing her dad is ex-LE she was bond and determined to keep him out of there. I also believe george is kicking himself for not actually looking in there.

I believe it was the odor she didn't want him to find. Surely she wouldn't have been stupid enough to drive up to her parents' house with the dead baby in the trunk!
Ohhhhh ok...sorry! I'm not too computer saavy like that, but I was curious when I saw those dates! need to apologize to me. I was stunned when I saw the search for ZFG way back in October. I appreciate our computer experts taking the time to figure it all out for us.
I think Casey was looking up missing children websites in order to come up with a plausible scenario for Caylee's abduction.

Once she decided on the kidnapping by nanny story, she had to come up with a nanny. Casey somehow learned that a woman by the name of ZG had looked at an apartment at Sawgrass Apt. She may have been at Sawgrass Apts. some time ago visiting friends there (Annie?) and was familiar with the apartments. Once she had a name, she Googled that name to come up with some background information.

The next thing Casey needed to do was to look into a method of killing. She looked into chloroform.

Three things - scenario, suspect, and method of killing. All this points to premeditation.

I know, its not pretty. :eek: The missing children's website searches is just about enough of a bubble burster for me - that's really creepy/sad! Not to mention the chloroform. Its ugly! :furious:
Cindy is nothing but an E N A B L E R! :twocents:
Casey is a narcissist & I believe she inherited that from her dear mommy or shall I say "Mommy Dearest?" The apple didn't fall far from that tree! :furious:
The truth will come out...I believe the whole Anthony clan knows a whole lot more than they pretend to know! What a dirty rotten shame that they're trying to put the blame on JG. Poor little Caylee, God rest her little soul.
If GA had just opened that trunk and closed. Casey'd be in jail right now charged with murder.

Only if there was a body in the trunk - George is wrapped so tightly by Cindy that I don't think he would have had the stones to turn Casey in

I don't understand it either - George acts like the tough guy but doesn't seem to follow through
Don't know alot about computers etc, but can the FBI be monitoring KC's computer a activity from afar? Can they see right now what searches she is doing etc?

Yes. They could have installed a program like Net Nanny on hers while they had it. It would go undetected by her and they will see every keystroke. Some programs even send email updates on ALL internet activity. There are several programs out there for this purpose.
IMO, we do not know, do we? I do not trust GA because of certain things he has said and things he has told 2 different ways.

If Casey convinced him it was an accident and Caylee had already been dead for several days, he may have helped Casey. That is what I think.

I have been plenty wrong in my lifetime, tho. This is just my opinion.

I've been pondering that theory as well.

What bothers me most is the 27th

The car was at amscot at 7am on the 27th & Casey does not call Tony until 11am

When Tony picked her up she had "Freeze Pops & Tyson Chicken"

Where did she get it & what was she doing for at least 4 hours?

I think she went home on the morning of the 27th after she dumped Caylees body to Shower & change her clothes & I also think she took that frozen food from her own fridge on the way out

My question is who drove her?
this was info shared by CA's brother - now as far as we know it has never been verified - however - the events that took place - GA leaving LE to work with his dad, then "the window incident" so GA opened his own used car lot (now even LA referred to Anthony Used Cars in his interview) and then that went belly up - they (CA & GA) lost everything and moved to Orlando - so I'm sure if it is needed at trial there will be plenty of verification.
I am almost 100% sure I read on WS somewhere that there were searches way before the 16th for ZG. I just can't find it.

From OCSD Computer Forensics Report: A keyword search for Zenaida Revealed web pages indicating that a user searched the internet for that name on July 16th,2008
I was once a snotty little know it all bi#@h that spoke like that to my parents all the time. Only difference is I grew out of it, and I think 'lil Ms. KC never will.
Well do you still have all of your teeth? :eek:
Because my mom would have knocked all of mine right out of my head if I ever spoke to her the way that KC talked to Cindy... and I would have expected her to!
I believe it was the odor she didn't want him to find. Surely she wouldn't have been stupid enough to drive up to her parents' house with the dead baby in the trunk!

Not stupid. But thinking she's smarter than they are, and can keep them out of her car if she wants to. Which she DID! I think she drove around for several days with Caylee in the back and just popped in at home to get some clothes. SHe didn't imagine GA would want to get into her trunk. I bet she was thinking "Thank god those gas cans were in there to give him!!" to make him think THAT was why she didn't want him in there!
I believe it was the odor she didn't want him to find. Surely she wouldn't have been stupid enough to drive up to her parents' house with the dead baby in the trunk!

but she wasnt expecting him home or anyone else to be home at that time.

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