Nancy Grace - Monday, November 3, 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Good thought, too!
I also have known many people with the lack of need for sleep.
Four that I know of, found out later, they were on speed.
Two others were later dx'd as Bipolar.

I know for a fact that a bipolar can go with very little sleep when they are manic or cycling fast. Sleep for a bipolar in manic phase.....sometimes two hours at most in a 24 hour period. They can go for days/weeks like that. But when they crash, they really crash.
Not unusal for bipolar to sleep 12 hours straight after being manic for days or weeks.
BUT, same can be said for someone who'd been doing drugs for days straight....they can sleep like a bear hibernates.

It could have been uppers now & then add that with being manic..:eek:watch out. My sister has been bipolar for yrs. now & when she is manic she does the same as you stated. Awake for days on end then sleeps for days when not manic. She also has stolen $ from all of our family the most from my parents $**,***!!! Of course my parents didn't have the heart to charge her but now suffer financially. :furious: She lies, makes up the craziest stories & believes them herself. She reminds me of KC too. Though I have seen the same behavior with someone using uppers. Thyroid problems can also cause someone to have some of the same behaviors(hyper-thyroidism) of not needing much sleep. Just a thought here. :waitasec:
When I called to get flight arrangements I was told there were volunteers coming from all over. My sister's are coming from Montana. Caylee has become "America's child" and everyone wants to take care of her. It is very touching. I cannot imagine how emotional the day will be when she is found. I hope it is soon.

I know this was asked before but I didn't see the response, does anyone know who will have the responsibility for the funeral? Will they give her back to the Anthony's to bury?

With her "mother"in jail I should think it would be for the G.P.'s..If they should deny it is Caylee, no doubt L.A.. I'd be willing to send in money to a funeral home if others would help and we'd pay for the Baby!!! I put nothing past those people..IMO
Could it be possible that she not be sleeping due to planning/worrying (I use that term VERY loosley) what to do about Caylee...disposal, stories to family, etc?

That's what I think. I don't think any drugs or mania were keeping her up.. killing ones daughter and having to worry about getting caught would do it I would think.
Angel, I have wondered the same thing. She exhibits the same behavior of a friend's daughter who uses drugs - the stealing, the manipulation.

It's hard because those same behaviors also go with several different mental illnesses/personality disorders as well. I think the main thing we need to keep in mind as I have said before is that if she were addicted to drugs we would have seen her in withdrawl while in court after her first arrest.
I thought the Telecommunications guy meant...KC would have to text her mom CA to change Caylees diaper.....LOL....:crazy:

Naw 1st Caylee texted KC that she needed her diaper changed than KC would text CA to change her. :crazy:

Caylee the world loves you! Anyone of us would have been there for you in a heartbeat! :blowkiss:
But, she did not go into withdrawal from anything, during her incarcerations.

LOL I just said that right before I got to your post. I suppose I should read the thread backwords?! LOL
She also said the Nanny took Caylee.
That George had a stroke.
And so on and so on and so on :)


I just don't get why people are believing Casey's not sleeping story. If I was on fire and she told me I was on fire I'd still double check just to make sure!
It could have been uppers now & then add that with being manic..:eek:watch out. My sister has been bipolar for yrs. now & when she is manic she does the same as you stated. Awake for days on end then sleeps for days when not manic. She also has stolen $ from all of our family the most from my parents $**,***!!! Of course my parents didn't have the heart to charge her but now suffer financially. :furious: She lies, makes up the craziest stories & believes them herself. She reminds me of KC too. Though I have seen the same behavior with someone using uppers. Thyroid problems can also cause someone to have some of the same behaviors(hyper-thyroidism) of not needing much sleep. Just a thought here. :waitasec:

There is nothing to indicate that Casey has Bipolar disorder.. the symptoms of Bipolar are just not present.

Unbelievable. She was texting so much she was only sleeping 3 to 4 hours a night. This girl had problems. I don't understand why Cindy and George did not do something about Caylee. Why did they not take her and throw Casey out. I am sure they are feeling so much guilt they do not even know how to deal with it. They had to know some of what was going on.

"Hi, My name is KC and I'm a textaholic".

Mommass, your prior post reflects my feelings also. She decided to get rid of Caylee when she met TL. Not sure what made her think that she would have had a perfect life with him sans child but something triggered that feeling and she became hell bent on getting rid of that precious child.
If KC was sleeping a lot more after the 16th, it may be guilt sleep. I seem to recall (maybe from homicide life on the streets book) that homicide LEs sometimes watch for suspects to act sleepy or actually fall asleep while waiting to be interviewed by LE, and that almost always indicates guilt.
It's hard because those same behaviors also go with several different mental illnesses/personality disorders as well. I think the main thing we need to keep in mind as I have said before is that if she were addicted to drugs we would have seen her in withdrawl while in court after her first arrest.

Hey...coming to the party late, cleaning and house, don't have a trunk :)

I know I shouldn't post without links...but maybe you all can remember or verify? Didn't KC post to someone about "getting her body back?" Could have been speed?

The hyperactive sexuality, clubbing, etc? Some people get a new body or in great shape and go a lil overboard showing it off!

I thought odd the tele guy on NG stated that she "slept" the 12 way he could surmise the lack of sleep, yes...
PS: KC put a few pounds on during her house arrest...she is on the short side and may have to watch her weight, my guess is speed or some kind of diet drug, or short term DRUG-drug use...

Irritability a BIG old side affect there too.
PS: KC put a few pounds on during her house arrest...she is on the short side and may have to watch her weight, my guess is speed or some kind of diet drug, or short term DRUG-drug use...

Irritability a BIG old side affect there too.

That's what I was wondering. I was married to an addict for MANY years, you name it, he was addicted to it at some point. With short term use, she very likely would not have withdrawl symptoms. She may sleep for a couple days and that would be about it.
Didn't TL say KC was waking up at night sweating , perhaps that was withdrawal from drug use rather than the horror of what she'd done to Caylee.
Interesting that when finally there is some new news about the A case, (the timeline), NG spends most of the hour on Jennifer Hudson: a very, very sad story but kind of a nonstory right now.

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