Nancy Grace Special 11/27/08 Thursday "Inside The First 24 Hours".

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I am crying too. I cant take her anymore.I think back,my daughter lies in a grave.She was stillborn For years I actually wanted to take a shovel and dig her up to hold her in my arms just once~years ago it wasn't allowed.Now here is this Bit*h who killed that beautiful child! I wish I could give her the needle!! There are many moms on here that would say the same.How dare she murder her!!! I can only pray the jury will stick it to he.I want her to die if not by needle let the other prison moms have her, even they have morales.May God burn her..IMO
P.S. One thing I caught, KC said Caylee said hi mom in the one phone call.Please tell me how many children at age 2 1/2 call their mom mom? The ones I know all called her mommy at that age.Little Sunshine Girl you are loved xox

The transcript of the tape does say "mommy" though, I'm pretty sure... maybe you couldn't hear it very well, but it's there on the screen as you listen to it.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I always wanted a little girl, and only had boys. I know it must be terrible to lose a child. I remember my grandmother telling me that no other loss is as bad as that of losing your child... not your sister or brother or parent or spouse. Losing a child is like losing part of yourself. I cannot imagine a mother wanting to kill her child... it's just incomprehensible to me. She might not feel it now... but years from now it will come home to her, when she is never able to have another child and she will feel the pain.
I still believe there is something funky about the dates. The camera date could have been changed, and the sign in book at assisted living (or nursing) homes sit in the front where a person could just turn through the book and sign any day they wanted. No one signs you in.

True, but employees at the retirement home also verified that Cindy and Caylee were there on Father's Day. I think they all just got confused on the date, not remembering that Father's Day is the third Sun. in June, not the second Sun. Many people can't pinpoint a date when it comes to a holiday.
I'm unsure about George's account, but didn't Casey's friend (Kristina?) see Caylee for sure that weekend? She was the one at the Anthony home the day KC first got arrested. She was *positive* she had seen Caylee after the 9th (for a walk?)

I would be much more willing to believe an independent eyewitness than a family member in this case.
Yeah, I think it was the 12th or 13th.
Just had to agree 100% with you here - and I say this as an adoptive mom. To think of how beautiful little Caylee was just tossed aside makes me so angry! Casey had better pray that there are no mothers on that jury. Her actions and words which are captured on tape for us all to see are utterly indefensible. And no matter how many times Cindy calls Casey the "Mother of the Year", those tapes don't lie. She is just awful. Every time I think this case is getting complicated, I just need to go back to basics and listen to those tapes of her at the very beginning, and especially the ones from the jail. It all becomes crystal clear. I have a feeling it will be the same for the jury members.

Glad we agree TallyHo :). With each document dump, we can't believe what we are reading or hearing at times.:eek: So much information that blows our minds and the science confirming that Caylee is dead.

BUT, nothing is as damning in my eyes than the perp's interview with LE, her answering the questions of the 911 operator and her jailhouse calls to home. Easy as pie for me, she is guilty.
Nancy did a good job on the special.. imo.
The end where little Angel Caylee is singing "sunshine" and asks if papa is tired.. just set me off bawling like a baby... and the way the show ended with little Caylee's photo.. it was a haunting look in her eyes for me.. Whatever that monster KC did to little Caylee, I pray to GOD that innocent baby didnt suffer.. Crud.. Im bawling again here.. just thinking about it. The person in her life that was SUPPOSED to love her the most.. and protect her always... betrayed her in life and now even in death. I dont know how the cops have kept from beating the truth out of KC..

A very sensitive post MvD. Thanks for adding it. I'm tearing up just reading it. You are so right on about the duties of a mother.
I am crying too. I cant take her anymore.I think back,my daughter lies in a grave.She was stillborn For years I actually wanted to take a shovel and dig her up to hold her in my arms just once~years ago it wasn't allowed.Now here is this Bit*h who killed that beautiful child! I wish I could give her the needle!! There are many moms on here that would say the same.How dare she murder her!!! I can only pray the jury will stick it to he.I want her to die if not by needle let the other prison moms have her, even they have morales.May God burn her..IMO
P.S. One thing I caught, KC said Caylee said hi mom in the one phone call.Please tell me how many children at age 2 1/2 call their mom mom? The ones I know all called her mommy at that age.Little Sunshine Girl you are loved xox

Nore, Your post has touched me. I am sorry for your loss. Bless you and your daughter.
I still believe there is something funky about the dates. The camera date could have been changed, and the sign in book at assisted living (or nursing) homes sit in the front where a person could just turn through the book and sign any day they wanted. No one signs you in.
Good points, TURBO. What I find strange is that they all had the wrong date. I can imagine one of them might make that mistake. But how can Cindy forget the day she took her granddaughter to see her aging father at a specific location? To me, it would be a day I remembered. Wasn't it something special being Father's Day and all? How quickly that day was forgotten.
Or, was it important to change the date Cindy last spent time with Caylee. Why would they be avoiding the 15th?
Seems like Casey had the day about right when she told the police dispatcher in the original call in the middle of July that it had been 31 days. She was emphatic. Then Cindy started in with the 9th and Casey picked up on that, probably because it suited her better, obscured the actual date, who knows. She was just as emphatic about the 9th later when relating details of the 'kidnapping' to YM and JA. She KNOWS what day whatever happened happened. She's definitely lying, one way or another, either that or so personality disordered that the day she lost or killed her daughter actually doesn't stand out to her.

Cindy most probably doesn't know. If Cindy is innocent of anything to do with Caylee's demise and has just found out her grandchild is gone, especially given the smell of the car, she might be a little fuzzy, quite a bit rattled and discombobulated. I remember saying things when my mother died that weren't right, just saying stuff that didn't make any sense, realizing it later and not even knowing why I'd said it. Cindy could have been like that when the hard, cold reality hit that something bad was going on. If we assume that Cindy was nervous about what Casey would do after the fight but had been talking to her during the following month, being strung along-reassured, it's conceivable that no dates really stuck out, even after the fight, and she realistically could have made an honest mistake.

However, the mom of the year, she KNOWS. She lies. The 9th was better for her. If we could figure out why, maybe there's some clue in that. On the other hand, perhaps Caylee wasn't even important enough to her that she'd remember.
In CA's long and rambling (non)explanation about the hairbrush fiasco, I found it interesting that she says she didn't know the right date was the 15th until the day before the bond hearing. Says LE brought the video to her the day before the hearing and that's when she realized the error. Was the bond hearing on the 22nd? If I have the dates right that means they all had five full days to rethink and examine their recollections -- and still didn't discover the date was wrong. Am I working with the right dates?
Listening to the last 911 call, Cindy said she last saw Caylee on the 7th, not the 9th or 15th, the 7th.
I've always had a funny feeling about the whole Father's Day date. Even SP thought it was the week before, at first. However ... LE spotted the camera date, the guest book was signed 15th, SP's email to her friend noted 15th, and the nursing home staff verified it. So, sounds like it was the 15th.
i watched the special twice and i plan to do the same with the one tonight. i thought - although it was stuff that we already know - it was laid out very well and it was good to hear/read the interviews at the same time - and have pictures to go with the words (i.e. AH and TL etc)

this may be a little OT - and probably discussed but - something that i still can't wrap my finger around...even though its all a lie. how long do you think YOU would actually wait to call the cops if your nanny wasn’t where she was supposed to be and you couldn’t reach her on the phone?

personally - i am lucky that my grandmother has cared for my son since i went back to work after he was born. BUT - i really have a hard time coming up with an answer...i would DEFINITELY to be able to trust the person enough to think it was an oversight or there was an emergency and MAYBE just MAYBE they couldn’t reach me on the phone (that's glued to me at all times) i don’t know that i would be suspicious after 5 minutes like KC says. (even though her story is complete BS) every second counts when your child is missing. i know i wouldn't wait 31 days. or even a day at that. maybe an hour? perhaps 2?

any insight? or perhaps someone can point me to a thread where this has been discussed?
i watched the special twice and i plan to do the same with the one tonight. i thought - although it was stuff that we already know - it was laid out very well and it was good to hear/read the interviews at the same time - and have pictures to go with the words (i.e. AH and TL etc)

this may be a little OT - and probably discussed but - something that i still can't wrap my finger around...even though its all a lie. how long do you think YOU would actually wait to call the cops if your nanny wasn’t where she was supposed to be and you couldn’t reach her on the phone?

personally - i am lucky that my grandmother has cared for my son since i went back to work after he was born. BUT - i really have a hard time coming up with an answer...i would DEFINITELY to be able to trust the person enough to think it was an oversight or there was an emergency and MAYBE just MAYBE they couldn’t reach me on the phone (that's glued to me at all times) i don’t know that i would be suspicious after 5 minutes like KC says. (even though her story is complete BS) every second counts when your child is missing. i know i wouldn't wait 31 days. or even a day at that. maybe an hour? perhaps 2?

any insight? or perhaps someone can point me to a thread where this has been discussed?

this day and one would wait imo.....that is the kicker...
plus the "script" gave her permission to talk with "told" her what to say for "31 days"....
ExpectingUnicorns, your date for the bond hearing is right, July 22. Like cyberborg, I've said that the 9 am - 1pm "normal" drop off to the imaginanny was to give KC room to spare so that some eyewitness couldn't contradict her whereabouts. Since the Sawgrass rendez-vous was also concocted, I don't think the important factor was the fear someone would deny she was there at a given time (although the security cam put the lie to her story). I think she was afraid someone would say she was elsewhere. As in " I saw you at 11 am and there was no child with you." KC could then answer that she had already dropped Caylee off. Or, "I saw you and a child at noon." KC would then answer that she hadn't yet been to Sawgrass.

AL had a class schedule in June though and in his interview he gave that schedule as 9 am - 1 pm. To me, that is not a coincidence. KC had time everyday to while away until she could see him. He preferred she not go into the apt. when he wasn't there. She usually respected that. So she had four hours everyday to make her arrangements.
isbw, your point is well taken. Since KC did not leave non-existent work at Universal right on the tic everyday & no one can gauge traffic perfectly, how could she expect ZFG to meet her at a precise moment? Cell abuser that she was, KC would have called to say she was leaving work and known then that there was something wrong with ZFG's phone.

Of course her 1st two tales about Sawgrass were not the same. In one, ZFG wasn't home and in the second, that was only a meeting place--at the bottom of the stairs to nowhere in a closed community. Some staging area! But wait! It really all went down at Blanchard Park.

As you say, you wouldn't expect someone else to hit the mark and then panic in five minutes. None of it was ever slightly plausible anyway.
another thing that was always off with me was how everyone changed phones & moved....most of the cell phones she referred to all have major contracts and you just don't up and change them that way....
Me too. :crazy:

I loved this line last night on NG from Susan Moss:

"It's absolutely indisputable that the smell from the trunk stunk worse than a dead skunk!"

I luv Susan Moss. She is one super sharp cookie.
I still can't get over the fact that she dropped her daughter off between 9am and 1pm. If you are on your way to work and you drop your child off at the sitter, daycare, whatever, can't you get a little closer on the time? I mean this is a 4 hour window. If you know what time you were scheduled to be at work and you know what time you left your house, can't you pin the time down a little closer?
In one of the interviews with one of AL's roommates, he says that they go to school between 9:00 a and 1:00 p.

If this monumental day really occurred where the babysitter took off with her child, you would think that as she replayed the day, she would have known exactly what time she had to be at "work" and what time she left Caylee off at those stairs at the Sawgrass Apts. And you would think that her math would be better for a 22 year old . . . On 7/15/08, she told the 911 operator that she hadn't seen her daughter for 31 days. Counting back, that is not June 9th. If CA gave KC "30 days" already on 7/15/08 at the time of the 911 call, then we are probably talking about 6/15/08 as the day that Caylee went missing, which was Father's Day. What is the deal with the counting? Was CA saying to KC all along as she spoke or texted her each day "It's been X amount of days"? Also, if you count back from the MySpace or Facebook message where KC says she hasn't lived at home for 9 days . . . you have 6/15/08.

If this monumental day happened in a different way, as in a planned kidnapping or any type of mishap that ended Caylee's life, planned or accidental, wouldn't you think that KC would have had the whole scenario down to a science? I dropped Caylee of at this exact time on this exact day and she was wearing such and such exact clothes and her hair was fixed this exact way and her backpack was filled with such and such exact items and the weather was this or that . . . not to be changed to another date or location with a whole new story?

This girl might be whacked but I don't believe that she is dumb. She is obviously very conniving and shrewd. But could it be that KC did receive a call from Caylee on 7/15 and could it be that the phone records are wrong or that there is a device out there that would stop the call from showing up on records and that is why she was/is so calm?

I am back to the Caylee is alive theory myself.

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